

Study on the Influential Factors of Entrepreneurial Intention of Women: the View of Personal Social Network

【作者】 蒋海燕

【导师】 葛宝山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 早期以女性主义为视角探讨两性关系与父权对女性创业的影响,并在女性创业的过程中纪录她们的创业过程与生命的心路历程,从中分析她们面临的种种父权阻力、结构与制度上的障碍,以企图探察她们所具备的女性创业意识的程度,并利用之提出对国家制度与对女创业者共同有用的建议,这将是十分有意义的研究课题。在国内,近5年有关女性创业者的研究主要集中在女性创业者所创建企业经营绩效的研究方面,这些研究也提出了女性创业者人格特质与经营成功间具有显著相关性,并进一步探讨了新事业类型与经营绩效间的关联性。而研究方式也从研究单一层面向多重层面发展,从针对创业者个人与环境的简单关系描述发展到研究创业者个人与其他因素相互关联的复杂历程及人际网络与经济活动的镶嵌等关系的研究,并从女性创业者的个人能力条件与特质、创业资源、社会环境对创业的影响等多方面来研究女性创业问题,试图归纳出女性创业成功的关键因素,并分析各行业创业成功的因子。在我国,受到国际女性创业趋势的影响,加上整体创业环境日趋成熟,自2006年开始国家出台了多项鼓励与协助女性创业的计划方案,针对女性在创业过程中所可能遭遇的种种问题,包括创业准备、技能训练、经营技术以及资金融通等方面,都提供了全方位的服务,也大幅改善了国内女性的创业环境。因此,了解女性个体的创业意向并驱动女性创业将会是驱动国民经济发展的关键性且重要的方面。根据Ajzen(1991)的计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior,即TPB),任何需要规划的行为,如创业的行为,是可以从个体的行为意图来预测的。因此,本研究借鉴Ajzen(1991)的计划行为理论作为基础,进一步探讨影响国内女性创业意向的相关影响因素,并探究如前所述的个人社会网络在女性创业中所扮演的角色与积极作用。本文主要依据创业管理理论以及网络理论,在对相关文献进行研究、回顾与梳理的基础上,以创业意向为研究主线,研究潜在的女性创业者之内外部因素对创业意向的影响。本文把知觉行为控制、创业态度、自我效能、就业问题、创业教育、先验知识、主观规范、个人网络以及创业意向有机地纳入到一个研究框架体系内,在对要素内涵进行详细界定的基础上,依托前人的研究,构建了研究变量之间相互作用关系并提出了15条相关假设,并运用多元回归分析方法以及结构方程模型对来自于吉林省四市的数据进行了详细的实证研究析,并验证了本文所提出的研究假设。通过理论研究及实证研究,结合研究问题,本文主要在实证研究的基础上得出了如下研究结论:(1)个人内部因素与创业意向。具体到内部各个维度,本文得出了下面三个结论,首先,女性知觉行为控制与创业意向之间具有正相关关系。当女性在作创业选择时,会以本身所具备的条件及对创业所需资源的控制能力为主要考量因素,在个人职业生涯发展中,当个人知觉行为控制越高时,女性对创业的自信心和知觉可行性就越高,此刻创业意向的形成就会越强;其次,女性创业态度对创业意向有正向影响,即在创业态度与创业意向的关系中,自我实现因素对创业意向的产生具有重要的作用,对创业抱持着实现自己想法和梦想的态度的女性,其创业意向将会体现得十分明显,因为她们追求理想所带来的动力让她们更自信,更有勇气去面对阻碍创业的因素;最后,自我效能对女性创业意向存在正向影响。当女性相信自己可以提供符合顾客需求的产品或服务时当自己觉得自身有良好的人际沟通能力时,女性的创业意向将会十分明显。当女性在考虑创业前遇到困难与挫折时,其所拥有的坚定信念和取得创业资源的能力,则能帮助女性渡过难关,进而提高创业意图。作为影响女性创业的关键因素,自我效能所体现的潜在创业者自身所能够创建的人脉、所提供的服务、适应环境变化的能力、处理压力是的表现以及对未来的规划等均会影响其创业意向。(2)个人外部因素与创业意向。本文的研究结论之一就是就业问题与创业意向并没有显著的相关性,由于目前国内的女性已经转变了对创业的看法,更新了自身对传统观念的认识,其拥有创新点子、自主思考以及勇于表达的特质,而且她们中的一些人也不再局限于毕业后马上就业的传统观念,当面对目前的就业情势与预期不同时,她们仍摆脱不了传统“稳定观念”的桎梏,很可能不会去选择自行创业,进而去追求事业独立自主的机会,而是为了求稳而仍旧选择就业。而创业教育对女性创业意向具有显著地影响。当女性觉得自己成为创业家比成为公司的职员要好时,它便会产生创业的想法,当有其他负面外因出现,女性将会实施创业行为。女性认为创业可以增加财富收入、创业有助于提升个人的成就感、创业有助于提升个人的社会地位以及创业可以实现自己的理想等等,都会使女性产生创业有利性和可行性感知,使其萌发选择创业的念头而促其创业。再次,先验知识对女性创业意向也有显著的影响。当女性的经验累积、知识获得越高,其女性创业意图的程度也会越高。这表示,女性受教育的程度、工作经验及自我进修所获得的知识和经验愈多,对于创业的相关信息也越了解,且因此降低了创业时可能的失败率,进而增加创业意图。最后,主观规范对女性想也有显著的影响。当对自己重要的人期待自己可以成为一个创业者时,她心中的信念就会受到这股鼓舞的力量所影响,进而会去实现别人对自己的期望,因此其创业意向的形成就会越强。(3)个人网络与创业意向。研究结论之一就是女性的个人网络对其创业意向影响显著。潜在的女性创业者若能够从网络的角度来审视其自身的即将发生创业行为,那么她便会以一种积极的姿态来利用网络关系获取资源,尤其是与创业紧密相关的资讯。当女性个人网络构建的越完备,其创业所需的沟通能力便会越强,而网络资源也促其创新能力程度不断得到提高,这些将有助于女性的创业意图。这表示女性能通过良好的网络能力,从中获得资源和助力;而网络能力对于女性发掘商机也有很大的帮助。(4)个人网络的中介效应。具体研究结论有:女性的知觉行为控制会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向、女性的创业态度会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向、女性的自我效能会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向、女性的就业问题会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向、女性的创业态度会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向、女性的先验知识会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向。但是女性的主观规范会通过社会网络间接影响创业意向的假设并未通过验证。本文的创新体现在以下几点。1、基于创业管理视角和网络过程视角,构建了基于个人网络的女性创业意向内外部影响因素模型,将知觉行为控制、创业态度、自我效能、就业问题、创业教育、先验知识、主观规范、个人网络以及创业意向整合到一个综合模型中,并运用吉林省四个城市的数据进行了实证研究。本文在对各个变量维度划分的基础上,从实证的角度研究、验证了这些内外部因素维度与女性创业意向的关系,并根据来自四市的143份有效问卷对这些假设关系进行了验证,这是一次全新的尝试。这对于女性创业的发展具有重要的作用,有利于进一步探究女性内心的创业世界。2、首次将就业问题和主观规范加入其中,检验二者对女性创业意向的影响情况。以往研究只是从生存型创业的角度研究当一个人失业时是否会为了生存而被迫创业,研究的对象并未区分性别。本研究首次以女性为研究对象,关注其就业问题对创业意向的影响,而且得出了就业问题对创业意向没有显著影响的结论,具有一定的创新性。此外,作为社会认知的一个主要方面,主观规范对女性创业意向的影响也被忽略。本文依据对女性创业意向的研究,将这一概念放到潜在的女性创业者身上,检验它对创业意向的影响是一次全新的尝试,而且发现主观规范对女性创业意向有显著的影响。3、检验了个人网络的中介效应。虽然诸多学者从创业视角提出了网络在诸多变量之间具有中介效应,但是鲜有研究将个人网络作为心理变量之间的中介桥梁。本文将个人网络作为知觉行为控制、创业态度、自我效能、主观规范等心理学变量与创业意向之间的中介变量,阐述它们之间的作用机理,这也是一次大胆尝试。本研究主要以知觉行为控制、创业态度、自我效能、就业问题、创业教育、先验知识、主观规范、个人网络与创业意向的关系,对吉林省四市的女性做实证研究,因为受限于时间及人力等因素的限制,致使本研究在某些方面仍有待加强,现分述如下:1、拥有创业意向的女性分布于全国各地,因无法取得母体之所有样本,加上时间、人力及成本上的考量,故本研究无法一一判读每位女性是否具有创业意向。因此,缩小范围至吉林省的女性,就会导致无法概括全体女性的创业意向。虽然研究结论的一般性尚可,但是仍然不能代表其普适性。本文的研究结论能否扩展到全国范围内,还需要整合来自其他区域的数据做更深入的检验。此为本研究不足之一。2、本文有2条假设未通过验证,这仍需要做进一步的检验。由于本文研究的对象是女性的创业意向,而变量的测度指标源心理学的相关研究,将之用到创业领域仍需要实践的检验。本文也对未通过验证的可能原因进行了解释,但仍显不足,将来可以选择典型案例进行研究,以增强实证研究的解释力。此为本研究限制之二。3、由于多数测量题项是从个人的心理感知视角进行提问,不同填答者,在填答时所造成认知与感受上的误差也是难以控制的。此为本研究限制三。

【Abstract】 Based on the perspective of feminism, thisp paper explores the relationship and thepatriarchal influence on female entrepreneurship, and in the process of femaleentrepreneurship record their entrepreneurial process and the journey of life, and to analyzetheir faces all sorts of patriarchal resistance, structural and institutional obstacles, to attemptto detect the degree of their pioneering consciousness of women, and by using the proposedsystem and to the country for female entrepreneurs common useful Suggestions, it will be avery meaningful research subject.At home, after nearly5years relevant research mainly focus on women entrepreneurswomen entrepreneurs to create business performance of the research, the research also putsforward the women entrepreneurs has a significant correlation between personality traits andbusiness success, and further discusses the correlation between the new business type andbusiness performance. And research way from the study of the single level to thedevelopment of multiple level, from a simple relationship between individual andenvironment for entrepreneurs to describe development of entrepreneur individual and otherfactors related to the research of complex process and interpersonal network and embeddedstudy of the relationship of economic activities, and condition and quality from theindividual ability of female entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship resources, social environmentfor the pioneering aspects to study the influence of women problems, try to induce femaleentrepreneurship the critical success factors, and analysis of the factors of industry businesssuccess.Countries, under the influence of the international trend of female entrepreneurship,coupled with the overall business environment has become increasingly mature, since2006the state issued a number of plans, encourage and assist the female entrepreneurship forwomen in the entrepreneurial process may encounter problems, including start-uppreparation, skill training, management technology and financing etc, provides theomni-directional service, also significantly improve the domestic women entrepreneurshipenvironment.Therefore, understanding women individual entrepreneurial intention and drive business will be driven key and important aspect of national economic development.According to Ajzen (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior (going of Planned behaviors,namely the TPB), any conduct requires planning, such as business conduct, can be from theindividual Behavior of intentions to predict. Therefore, this research reference Ajzen (1991)theory of planned behavior as a basis, further discussed influence domestic related influencefactors of female entrepreneurship intention, and to explore the personal social network asmentioned in the role of the female entrepreneurship and positive role.In this paper, based on the theories of entrepreneurial management theory and thenetwork, in the study of relevant literature, review and comb, on the basis of entrepreneurialintention to study the main line, the study of potential women entrepreneurs within theinfluence of external factors on the entrepreneurial intention. In this paper, the perceivedbehavior control, entrepreneurial attitude, self-efficacy, employment, entrepreneurshipeducation, prior knowledge, subjective norms, individual network and entrepreneurialintention organically into a research framework of system, on the connotation of theelements, on the basis of a detailed definition based on predecessors’ research, constructs theresearch variables and put forward the interaction relationship between15relatedassumptions, and using the multiple regression analysis and structural equation model to thedata from jilin city of four detailed empirical research analysis, and proves the theoreticalhypotheses proposed in this paper.Through the theoretical research and empirical research, combined with the researchquestions, this article mainly on the basis of empirical research for the following researchconclusions:(1) personal internal factors and entrepreneurship intention. Specific to the internaldimensions, this paper draws the following three conclusions, first of all, women perceivedbehavior control and has a positive correlation between entrepreneurial intention. Whenwomen in the business choice in itself have condition and control of the business resourcesrequired competence as the main regarding the factors, in the personal career development,when the higher the individual perceived behavior control, women in business confidenceand the higher the perception of feasibility, the formation of entrepreneurial intention at themoment will be stronger; Secondly, female entrepreneurial attitude has a positive effect onentrepreneurial intention, namely in the relationship between entrepreneurial attitude andentrepreneurial intention, self-actualization factor plays an important role in the formation ofentrepreneurial intention, the entrepreneurial attitude held achieve their ideas and dreams ofwomen, their entrepreneurial intention is very obvious will, because they brought by the pursuit of the ideal power makes them more confident, more courage to face the factorshindering the research on the business; Finally, self-efficacy has positive influence onentrepreneurial intention to women. When women believe they can provide products thatmeet the customer needs or service when feel themselves have good interpersonalcommunication skills, entrepreneurial intention of women will be quite obvious. When awoman when considering before starting a business meet with difficulties and setbacks, itholds a firm belief and ability to achieve business resources, it can help women survive, thusimproving entrepreneurial intention. As the key factors that affect female entrepreneurship,self-efficacy of potential entrepreneurs to create its own network, provided by the service,the ability to adapt to environmental changes, processing pressure of expression as well asplanning for the future will affect its entrepreneurial intention.(2) personal external factors and entrepreneurship intention. Research conclusion of thispaper is one of the problem of employment and entrepreneurial intention and no significantcorrelation, due to the current domestic female has changed the view of entrepreneurship,update their knowledge of traditional concepts, its innovative ideas, independent thinkingand bold expression characteristics, and some of them are no longer confined to thetraditional concept of job immediately after graduation, When faced with the currentemployment situation and forecast is not at the same time, they still could not get rid of theshackles of the traditional concept of "stability", would probably not to choose the bankbusiness, and to pursue the business chance to establish the independent alone, but stillchoose to employment for stability. The entrepreneurship education has a significantlyinfluence on female entrepreneurship intention. When women feel that they becomeentrepreneurs is better than become the company’s employees, it will produce the idea ofentrepreneurship, negative external cause, when there are other women will be theimplementation of entrepreneurship. Women think entrepreneurship can increase the wealthand income, the pioneering helps to improve personal accomplishment, help to improve thesocial status of individuals and business to achieve their ideal, etc., will create a businessadvantage and feasibility that women perceive, make its germination choose the idea ofentrepreneurship and to promote its business. Again, a priori knowledge is have a significanteffect on female entrepreneurial intention. When a woman experiences accumulated, thehigher the knowledge acquisition, the women also, the higher the degree of entrepreneurialintentions. It said that women affected by the degree of education, work experience and selfstudy, the more knowledge and experience acquired for business related information aremore understanding, and thus decreases the startup possible failure rate, which further increases the entrepreneurial intention. Finally, subjective norms for women want to have asignificant impact. Is important to us when people are looking forward to you can become anentrepreneur, she is the power of the faith of the heart will be inspired by this, and will go torealize others for their expectations, so the formation of entrepreneurial intention will be thestronger.(3) the individual network and entrepreneurship intention. Research conclusion is oneof the female’s personal network had significant effects on the entrepreneurial intention. Ifthe potential of women entrepreneurs to look from the perspective of the network of its ownimpending entrepreneurial behavior, then she will be with a positive attitude to takeadvantage of network access to resources, especially closely related to business information.When women personal network to build the more complete, the more the communicationskills will be needed, and network resources to promote the innovation ability ofcontinuously improved, these will help women’s entrepreneurial intentions. It said womencan pass good network capacity, obtaining resources and power; Ability to exploreopportunities for women and network also has a lot of help。(4) the individual the intermediary effect of the network. Specific research conclusionsare: the perceived behavior control of the female can indirectly affect entrepreneurialintention, through the social network of women entrepreneurial attitude will affectentrepreneurial intention indirectly through social networks, self-efficacy of the female canindirectly affect entrepreneurial intention, through the social network of women employmentproblem will affect entrepreneurial intention indirectly through social networks, women’sentrepreneurial attitude will affect entrepreneurial intention indirectly through social network,a priori knowledge of the female can indirectly affect entrepreneurial intention through thesocial network. But women’s subjective norms will affect entrepreneurial intention indirectlythrough social network hypothesis is not verified.Innovation of this article lies in the following points.1. based on business management and network perspective, constructed based onpersonal network female entrepreneurship intention of internal and external factors affectingthe model, the perceived behavior control, entrepreneurial attitude, self-efficacy,employment, entrepreneurship education, prior knowledge, subjective norms, individualnetwork integration into a comprehensive and entrepreneurial intention model, and using thedata of four cities of jilin province has carried on the empirical research. Based on thevariable dimensions, on the basis of research, from the perspective of empirical verify thedimension and female entrepreneurship intention, the relationship between internal and external factors and according to the143valid questionnaires from four city relationshipbetween these assumptions are verified, this is a new attempt. For the femaleentrepreneurship plays an important role in the development, is conducive to further explorewomen’s inner world entrepreneurship.2. the first to the employment problem and subjective norms to join, inspection bothimpact on women’s entrepreneurial intention. Past research is studied from the Angle ofnecessity entrepreneurship will when a people out of work in order to survive and are forcedto entrepreneurship, research object does not distinguish between gender. For the first timewith women as the research object, this study focused on the problem of employment impacton entrepreneurial intention, and it is concluded that the problem of employment nosignificant influence on entrepreneurial intention, have certain innovation. In addition, as oneof the main aspects of social cognition, the influence of subjective norm of femaleentrepreneurship intention also be ignored. In this paper, based on the study of femaleentrepreneurship intention, put the concept in the potential of women entrepreneurs, verifyits effect on entrepreneurial intention is a new attempt, but found that subjective norms offemale entrepreneurship intention to have a significant impact.3. check the intermediary effect of personal network. Although many scholars putforward from the perspective of entrepreneurial network with intermediary effect betweenthe many variables, but few studies the individual network as a bridge between the mediationof psychological variables. In this paper, the personal network as perceived behavior controland entrepreneurial attitude, self-efficacy, subjective norms psychology and entrepreneurialintention between the intermediary variables, and expounds the mechanism of actionbetween them, and this is also a bold attempt.This study mainly perceived behavior control, entrepreneurial attitude, self-efficacy,employment, entrepreneurship education, prior knowledge, subjective norms, individualnetwork and the relationship between entrepreneurial intention, to do the empirical researchin jilin city of four women, because of limited time and human factors such as limit, causesthis research remains to be strengthen in certain aspects, now the points mentioned below:1. the distribution of women with entrepreneurial intention, because of the population ofall sample cannot be obtained, plus time, manpower and cost considerations, this researchcan’t interpretation whether every female entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, narrowing thescope to women of jilin province, will lead to can’t generalize all women’s entrepreneurialintentions. Although the research conclusion of general fair, but still can’t represent itsuniversality. Research conclusion of this paper can be extended to the nationwide, also need to integrate data from other regions to do further inspection. This is less than one of thisstudy.2. this paper has two assumptions not verified, that still need to do a further test. Due tothe object of this study is a woman’s entrepreneurial intention, and variable measure indexsource psychology research, will the use of entrepreneurship is still need the test of practice.This paper also does not pass the verification may be the reasons explained, but stillobviously insufficient, can choose typical case study in the future, to enhance theexplanatory power of empirical research. The second limit for this study.3. because most measurement item from personal psychological perception perspectiveof asking questions, different orientation, when completed by cognitive and feelings on theerror is also difficult to control. The limit of three for this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

