

The Study of China Food Safety and Supervision Institution Resarch

【作者】 李莹

【导师】 潘石;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 制度经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 民以食为天,食以安为先。食安天下安,食安需多方综合治理,但政府要加倍严管。严管要靠体制机制,更要靠制度。当今世界食品安全形势十分严峻,中国的食品安全问题日益严重。研究中国食品安全及其监管制度,具有重大的理论价值与实际意义。本文的研究内容主要有两大部分:一是对中国食品安全问题进行经济学的理论与实证分析;二是研究中国食品安全监管制度的构建与完善问题。全文共设以下7章:第1章导论。主要分析国际国内食品安全形势与历史背景,论证论文选题的必要性及理论价值和实际意义;对国内外研究食品安全及其监管制度的文献资料进行综合述评,指明研究的进展状况及待突破的难点问题,确定本文的研究方向及重点问题。第2章中国食品安全及其监管制度的相关范畴与主要理论基础。1.食品、食品安全、食品安全监管、食品安全监管成本、食品安全监管制度等相关范畴内涵界定。2.马克思主义经典作家关于食品安全及其监管的理论基础。主要包括:(1)农业是人类生存与发展基础的理论;(2)人口与劳动力再生产理论;(3)消费经济学理论。3.西方经济学关于食品安全及其监管的主要理论基础。主要包括:(1)“经纪人”假设理论;(2)信息不对称理论;(3)政府规划理论;(4)制度经济学理论。第3章中国食品安全监管现状、成因及艰巨性分析。1.当今中国食品安全监管现状与问题。主要表现及特点:(1)运动式监管;(2)分段式监管;(3)部门式监管;(4)多头交叉监管;(5)以罚代管。2.中国食品安全监管失控与无效的原因分析。主要包括:(1)食品生产者方面的原因分析;(2)食品流通方面的原因分析;(3)食品消费方面的原因分析。3.中国食品安全监管的艰巨性与复杂性的经济学分析。主要包括:(1)食品生产与消费的信息不对称性;(2)食品生产与流通的过度分散性;(3)食品添加剂的模糊性;(4)食品生产经营者消费者与食品监管者之间的多维博弈。第4章主要发达国家食品安全监管制度述评及启示与借鉴。主要有:1.发达国家(美、英、法、德)食品安全监管制度述评;2.主要发达国家食品安全监管制度经验借鉴。第5章中国食品安全监管机制合理化。主要包括:1.中国食品安全监管机制有效运行必须建立在科学评价机制之上;2.中国食品安全监管体制沿革与创新;3.中国食品监管组织机构优化与创新。第6章“经济人”自利本性与中国食品安全法制化。主要包括:1.“经济人”理论对中国社会主义市场经济的适用性;2.中国食品“经济人”的本性分析;3.食品“经济人”自利本性的法律规制;4.将食品安全全程法制化。第7章健全与完善中国食品安全监管制度的若干对策建议。这主要包括:1.制度监管食品安全的功能与作用;2.强化中国公共的食品安全主体的责任制度;3.加强政府对食品安全监管的各种制度建设。具体建议为:(1)健全组织领导,明确各级政府监管责任;(2)完善政府监管协调及应急处置制度;(3)建立食品安全信息平台及“红”、“黑”名单制度;(4)加强社会舆论监督与有奖举报制度;(5)实现中国食品安全监管制度网络化。

【Abstract】 Food is of paramount importance to people, and safety is of the fundamentalrequirement for food. The world will be secure when its food is secure and safe. Foodsafety requires comprehensive multi-party management, but the government mustredouble its strict control, which relies on systems as well as institutionalmechanisms.The world’s food safety situation is very grim, and China’s food safety problemsare becoming increasingly serious. It is of great theoretical value and practicalsignificance to study China’s food safety and its regulatory systems.The contents of this paper are divided into two main parts: Part I containseconomic theories on and empirical analyses of China’s food safety problems, andPart II deals with the building and improvement of China’s food safety regulatoryregime.The paper is composed of the following seven chapters:Chapter One, Introduction. It mainly analyzes international and domestic foodsafety situations and historical backgrounds, deliberates the necessity of the topic andits theoretical and practical significances. It makes comprehensive literature reviewsof the world as well as China on food safety regulatory regimes, points out theresearch progress and pending breakthroughs out of the bottlenecks, and identifies theresearch directions and key issues identified in this paper.Chapter Two, Pertinent Scope of and Main Theoretical Basis for China’s FoodSafety Regulatory Regime.1. Definitions of the connotations in the pertinent scopesof food, food safety, food safety regulations, food safety regulation costs, food safetyregulatory regimes, etc.2. Classical writers of Marxism on food safety and itsregulatory theories, including (1) Theories on agriculture being the foundation ofhuman existence and development;(2) Theories on population and labor reproduction;(3) Theories on consumer economics.3. Main theories of western economics on foodsafety and its regulation, including (1) The "broker" hypothesis;(2) Theories oninformation asymmetry;(3) Theories on government planning;(4) Theories oninstitutional economics.Chapter Three, Analyses of the Status Quo of China’s Food Safety RegulatoryRegime, Causes of Its Formation and Difficulties.1. Status quo and problems ofcontemporary China’s food safety regulations, and their main performances and features:(1) Sports-style regulation;(2) Segmented regulation;(3) Sector-basedregulation;(4) Multiple cross-regulations;(5) Penalty-oriented regulation.2.Analyses of the reasons for the runaway regulations of China’s food safety, including(1) Analyses of the reasons on the part of food producers;(2) Analyses of the reasonson the part of food distribution;(3) Analyses of the reasons on the part of foodconsumption.3. Analyses of the difficulties and complexities of China’s food safetyregulation from the economic perspective, including (1) Information asymmetrybetween food production and food consumption;(2) Excessive dispersion of foodproduction and food circulation;(3) Ambiguity of food additive applications;(4)Multidimensional games among food producers and traders, food regulators and foodconsumers.Chapter Four, Review, Inspiration and Reference of Food Safety RegulatoryRegimes of Major Developed Countries.1. Review of food safety regulatory regimesof developed countries (the United States, Britain, France and Germany);2.Reference to the experience of food safety regulatory regimes of major developedcountries.Chapter Five, Rationalization of China’s Food Safety Regulatory Mechanisms. Itincludes1. Effective operations of China’s food safety regulatory mechanisms mustbe based on scientific evaluation mechanisms;2. Evolution and innovation of China’sfood safety regulatory systems;3. Organizational optimization and innovation ofChina’s food safety regulation.Chapter Six, Self-interest Nature of the "Economic Man" and Legalization ofChina’s Food Safety, including:1. Applicability of the "economic man" theory toChina’s socialist market economy;2. Analyses of the nature of the Chinese food"economic man";3. Legal regulations on the self-interest nature of the "economicman";4. Whole-process legalization of food safety.Chapter Seven, Suggestions about Improving China’s Food Safety RegulatorySystems, including1. Functions and roles of systematic regulation of food safety;2.Intensification of the responsibility system of China’s public organizations for foodsafety;3. Strengthening the building of various systems of governmental food safetyregulation. Specific recommendations are as follows:(1) Improving organizationalleadership and clarifying regulatory responsibilities of the governments at all levels;(2) Improving coordination of governmental regulations and emergency responsesystems;(3) Establishing food safety information platforms and adopting the "redlist" and "black list" systems;(4) Strengthening the social supervision by publicopinions and incentive reporting system;(5) Realizing webified systems of China’sfood safety regulation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F203;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】4902
  • 攻读期成果

