

On General Defences in British Criminal Law

【作者】 杨明芳

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 英国刑法一般辩护事由是指当行为具有刑法要求的犯罪本体要件的外在特征时为什么不负刑事责任的理由,它在英国刑法中具有极其重要的地位,是犯罪构成理论的核心,是刑事责任的中枢,是联结刑事法律的纽带。本文通过比较的、历史的、类型化的方法,以从外向内的视野中聚焦、采撷刑事实体法、程序法、证据法中与一般辩护事由相关的要素,再以从内向外的路径中探寻和提练一般辩护事由与刑事法律关联的要素等,进而理出蕴含在英国刑法一般辩护事由中内在的价值、功能、规范、承继体系。我国刑法没有一般辩护事由的概念,并且在我国刑法学研究中,系统研究英国刑法一般辩护事由的成果也不多见。本文集中搜集和阅读了相关的著作与译著,从中进行了提炼和发掘,是对英国刑法一般辩护事由功能的总结概括。本文的成果性目标是:将英国刑法一般辩护事由的功能要素进行了集结,揭示了一般辩护事由功能所蕴含的特征、价值、要素,它是英国刑法的基因和灵魂,它在协调刑事法律关系、考量犯罪构成、平衡刑事责任中发挥着重要的作用。一般辩护事由的功能反映出英国刑法的特色,其蕴含的价值理念与运行模式为我国刑事法律所欠缺,是研究、完善我国刑事法律足可借鉴的范式。一般辩护事由体现了英国刑法的基本原则和适法规则:它是法理学、法秩序、法意图的诸多价值理念的容器,是协调衡平立法、保障无辜、克制刑罚的刑事法律关系载体,是将立法意图、人文精神融入到责难犯罪与宽容行为人的司法适法实践的对立统一体,它保障英国刑法所维护的道德原则、公共利益、程序正义得到贯彻。一般辩护事由在犯罪构成中发挥着特殊的评判功能:它在犯罪构成中既处于上位层次(第二层模式),又贯穿于追诉犯罪的全程之中,它与犯罪行为、犯罪意图互为条件,既相互依赖又相互制约。一般辩护事由在犯罪构成中发挥了否定、平衡、修正的功能,引领着英国刑法在刑事诉讼程序中合理、准确地适用。一般辩护事由主导着刑事法律的整体联动关系:它将自身所蕴含的刑事实体法要素(包括其基本类型、刑事责任以及相关的免除、减轻、处置犯罪行为人的刑事处罚和其他处理方式),紧密地输入到刑事诉讼程序、刑事证据规则的运作中,使程序正义、证明责任、排除合理怀疑等司法原则同法律职业共同体的司法智慧融为一体,保障了犯罪行为人的实体权利和程序权利。一般辩护事由是在英国深厚的民族法律文化的基础上积淀的,它源于英国法律学术的传统精神、学术精品、职业精英的有机融合,源于人文传承中的理性化、人性化和社会化的紧密融合,源于秩序传承中的良法、良知与良技的结构整合。一般辩护事由作为英国刑法的“局部”,关联着英国刑事法治的“全局”,在保障英吉利民族法治建设和国家发展的过程中发挥着重要作用。英国法是源远流长的法律,从诺曼征服时起算,至今已有了九百四十八年的历史。一般辩护事由具有独特的价值特色和结构,为我国刑事法律所欠缺,是研究、完善我国刑事法律足可借鉴的价值规范。我中华法系虽有几千年经历,但建国前业已断代,当代中国刑法典自1979年问世以来刚过“而立之年”。近年来,我国刑法学界所倡导的重构犯罪构成理论、践行刑事一体化、打造法律职业共同体、建立刑事判例制度等学术主张和司法改革建议,亦与一般辩护事由所蕴含的价值观念、司法经验相契合。当中国全面进入世界各个领域包括法治视界的时候,国人必须具有全球化的思维方式,并且中国确立了依法治国的宪法原则,保障人权成为中国依法治国的重要内容和原则,在这种背景下,研究英国刑法一般辩护事由则具有积极的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 General defences in British criminal law generally refers to the circumstances whythe behavior bear no criminal responsibility when the external crime elements aresatisfied. It has an extremely important status in the British criminal law, which is thecore of the theory of crime constitution, the centre of the criminal responsibility and theconnecting link of criminal law. By using a comparative and historical method andfrom the view of criminal substantive law, procedural law and evidence law, this paperexplores the inside-out general defences and associated elements in British criminal law,and concludes its intrinsic value in the British criminal law.There is no concept of general defence in China’s criminal law, and relativeresearch is not so much in our country. Through collecting and reading the relatedbooks and translation, this paper sums up and refines the function of general defence inBritish criminal law. The target of this paper is to conclude the function of the generaldefences in British criminal law and reveal the characteristics and value of it whichreflects its legal relation in coordinating, judging and balancing the crime constitution.The general defences reflect the characteristics of the British criminal law and containsthe value of it. The final aim of this paper is to study and take reference from that of it.General defences embody the basic principle of British criminal law rules: it is amethod of jurisprudence, legal order and value concept. It coordinates the equitylegislation, ensuring the innocence, and refrain the punishment of criminal law. Itreflects the legislative intent, the humanistic spirit in the censure of crime constitutionand guarantees the moral principle of criminal law and the public interest in proceduraljustice system.General defences in crime constitution plays a special evaluative function: it is theupper level (the second mode) in crime constitution, and it adjust a crime constitution through balancing the actus reas and mens rea. It plays a negative, balanced function inin criminal procedure to assure its reasonableness and accuration.General defences dominate the different relationships in criminal law: it itselfcontains the criminal substantive law elements (including its basic types, criminalliability and related exempt, mitigated, disposal of crimes of criminal punishment),and it connects the criminal procedure, criminal evidence rules which reflects theprocedural justice such as the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Throughthese functions it safeguards the substantive rights and procedural rights of criminal law.Generally defences deeply reflects British national legal culture and the traditionand academic spirit of English law. It is the result of rationalization of the heritage ofhumanity and social integration. The locality of general defence in British law isassociated with its important role in the process of national development.Since the Norman conquest, British law has a nine hundred and forty-eight yearshistory. The unique characteristics and reasonable structures of general defences islacked in Chinese criminal law, which is needed to be studied in our country. Althoughour Chinese legal system has been developed for thousands of years, the contemporaryChinese criminal law system was builded up since1979. Now, China has beendeveloping fastly in various areas including the legislative process, we must have aglobal way of thinking to establish the constitutional principle of government to protecthuman rights in China. In this context, to reaserch on the general defences in Britishcriminal law have a positive significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

