

On Marx’s Thought of Free Time

【作者】 黄杰

【导师】 孙利天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 关于马克思的自由时间思想,本文分为两个大问题来说明。首先是关于马克思时间观的本质问题。自由时间作为从必然王国通向自由王国的现实道路,是以马克思的社会时间观革命为前提的。马克思的社会时间观则是建立在对哲学史上以往时间观的扬弃的基础上。就马克思以前的哲学史上的时间观来说主要有古希腊亚里士多德为代表的物理学时间观,它以均匀流逝的自然时间为特征,是非人的时间;以奥古斯丁为代表的主观时间,把时间作为人的记忆、作为人的心灵的延伸,是属人的时间;以及康德先天感性直观形式的时间观,把时间作为人的认识的感性直观形式,时间成为综合认识材料的形式,这种先验的时间形式也是归属于人的;以及黑格尔的绝对精神外化的基础之上形成的主客观统一的时间观,因为精神的外化是通过自然与历史表现出来的,所以黑格尔的时间观分为自然时间观与历史时间观,自然时间观是空间化的时间,是物质运动的尺度;历史时间观则是逻辑的时间观,是人的历史逻辑化的时间观,二者统一于精神的绝对运动中。马克思的社会时间观是马克思哲学是历史唯物主义的间接表达,是马克思的实践思维方式变革的必然结果,是辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义对立的最后突破。它与黑格尔时间观的不同之处在于扬弃了黑格尔时间观的抽象的精神实体,把时间归属于人,时间是属于人的社会时间。因此本文在时间观上的创新之处就表现在,在以往把马克思时间观看作是社会时间观的基础之上,继续深入马克思的社会时间观的实质就是时间的自然维度与历史维度在劳动二重性基础之上的统一的时间观,时间是劳动实践的尺度,是人的积极存在。这种统一的社会时间观解决了以往时间观中的主要矛盾:如果时间属于人,那么在资本主义社会资本家如何夺取本来就属于人的时间?而如果时间不属于人,那么资本家如何夺取本来就不属于人、与人无关的时间呢?本文的第二个问题就是在马克思二重性的社会时间基础上,在劳动时间溢出的基础上说明自由时间。本文在自由时间的创新之处就是在自由王国建立的两个前提——自由人与超越物质必然性的基础上,说明了在物质必然性与非自由人条件下的阶级社会中人不具有自由时间,在非物质必然性与非自由人条件下的阶级社会中人具有消极的自由时间,在物质必然性与自由人的条件下的非阶级社会中人既具有消极的自由时间也具有积极的自由时间,最后在非物质必然性与自由人的自由王国中人具有完全自由的时间,这种自由时间是人的自由劳动的时间,是美的时间。最后,自由时间的本质是通过自由时间与闲暇时间、自由时间与劳动时间之间的关系来说明的,并且在此基础之上说明了资本主义社会时间就是社会必要劳动时间,这种时间是把人作为物再生产出来的时间;共产主义社会时间就是自由时间,这种时间是把人作为人再生产出来的时间,以及二者的关系。本文正是通过马克思的社会时间观最终说明了马克思的自由时间思想。

【Abstract】 On the thought of Marx’s free time, this paper is divided into two big problems toillustrate. The first is about the essence of Marx’s time theory. The free time as thereality of the road from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom is on thepremise of Marx’s concept of social time revolution. Marx’s concept of social time isbased on the sublation of the concept of time in the philosophy history. Before Marxon the concept of time is mainly the physics time of ancient Greece and Aristotle asthe representative of the concept, its natural time even passage as the characteristic,does not belong to the people. The subjective time is represented by Augustini, takethe time as the human memory, as an extension of the human mind, is the personaltime. And Kant’s innate perceptual forms of the concept of time, take the time as thehuman understanding of the emotional visual form, time become a comprehensiveunderstanding of material form, the transcendental form of time is vested in the people.And based on the Absolute Spirit externalization Hegel got the unity of subject andobject in view of the time. Because the spirit of externalization is manifested throughnature and history, Hagel’s concept of time is divided into natural time view and theview of historical time. Natural time concept is time converted into space, is the scaleof physical movement. Historical time concept is a logical concept of time and logicalhuman history concept of time, the two are united in the spirit of absolute motion.Marx’s social concept of time is an indirect expression that the Marx philosophy ishistorical materialism, is the inevitable result of the practice thinking modetransformation of Marx, is the last breakthrough of dialectical materialism andhistorical materialism opposite. It is different with the Hegelian concept of time thatabandoning the abstract spiritual entity of Hegelian concept of time, and the timeattributed to the person, time is the time belongs to human society. Therefore, thisarticle on innovation on the performance of the concept of time, on the basis that theMarxist concept of time is regarded as the social concept of time in the past, natural dimension and the historical dimension of substantial further Marx’s social conceptionof time is the time based on the labor duality unified concept of time,time is the scaleof the practice labor and human existence positive. This unified concept of social timeresolves the main contradiction of the concept of time in the past: If the time belongsto the people, then in the capitalist society and capitalist how to win the time thatalways belongs to the people? If time does not belong to the people, so the capitalistshow to seize the time that do not belong to and has nothing to do with the person.The second problem of this paper is in the social time based on the duality ofMarx, free time is illustrated through labor time overflow. The two premise in the freetime of the innovation of this paper is the establishment in the realm of freedom: freeman and beyond the physical necessity explains the necessity and non substance freeconditions. In class society man does not have free time,and in the nonphysicalinevitability and non free conditions in class society has free time negative,and nonclass society in the material of necessity and freedom under the conditions hasnegative free time and also has free time actively, finally in the nonphysical necessityand freedom to the free kingdom who has free time, this kind of free time is a freedomlabor time, is the aesthetic time.Finally, the essence of free time is the relationship between the free time andleisure time, free time and labor time to explain, and on this basis that the capitalistsociety is the social necessary labor time, this time is the man as reproduction out oftime; the Communist social time is free time, this time is treat people as people out ofproduction time, relation between the two.In this paper, it is through Marx’s social concept of time finally explained the freetime thought of Marx.

【关键词】 劳动自由时间
【Key words】 LaborFreeTime
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

