

Comparative Study on the Competitiveness of the BRIC Countries’ Information Industry

【作者】 冷昕

【导师】 张少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国经济正处在历史性转型时期,发达国家的需求活跃期在国际金融危机之后结束,我国外贸出口在数量上的扩展面临着挑战,同时还要面对新型工业化国家的激烈竞争。随着信息产业在国民经济、国家安全和人民社会生活等方面重要性的增强,已经成为我国的支柱产业和第一大出口行业。新型工业化道路为信息产业的发展提供了历史机遇。经济信息化、全球化是世界经济发展的大趋势,以信息技术为核心的高新技术在国民生产、生活的各个领域渗透。人员、资金、信息和物资在全球范围内更快的流动,国际分工与协作日益扩大,国际竞争也更为激烈。“金砖五国”以其强烈的创新需求、巨大的市场及相对稳定的政治环境越来越受到世界的瞩目。虽然与发达国家相比,“金砖”经济体的经济秩序还不够完善,但各国都在努力探索符合自身特点的信息产业发展战略,凭借各自的资源优势力图在全球信息经济竞争中占据一席之地。信息产业的发展不能盲目效仿发达国家,发达国家在知识产权方面一直占据着完全的主导性。“金砖”经济体在经济、政治方面紧密度高,是发展中国家利益的代表。我国同巴西、俄罗斯、印度和南非经贸关系日趋频繁和紧密,通过比较研究其他“金砖”经济体信息产业发展的经验和教训,有助于制定适合我国国情的信息产业政策和发展战略。本文除绪论和结论外共分为四个部分:第一部分是基本理论,包括第二章和第三章。第二章首先是对产业结构主要理论的概述。接着从逻辑归纳角度对信息产业的不同定义以及各国或地区不同的分类标准进行综述。信息产业目前尚没有统一的分类标准,文章中主要整理了美国信息产业协会、欧盟、日本科技与经济协会以及我国学者陈德言、陈禹、谢康等人的分类体系。第三章对与产业竞争力相关的理论进行梳理,包括比较优势理论、要素禀赋理论、需求相似论等。之后重点阐述了“钻石模型”理论和它的基本要素及其演进过程。很多学者对波特的“钻石模型”理论进行了修正,归纳起来主要有“多因素钻石模型”、“国际化钻石模型”、“双钻石模型”和“一般化双钻石模型”几种理论。第二部分,包括第四章和第五章。第四章从政策、技术力量和人才培养等几方面入手,分析了美国、日本、德国、韩国这四个国家信息产业发展的特点。其特点主要有:发挥政策导向作用;大力培养人才;建立科技园区发挥集群效应;开展国际科技合作等等,正是这样的发展模式使这几个国家的信息产业具备了很强的竞争实力。之后论文预测世界信息产业发展的大趋势是产业分工全球化、产品规模扩大化、主导企业国际化、产业界限模糊化、竞争核心技术化。第五章中,论文对“金砖五国“的经济发展及信息产业发展脉络逐一进行个体化概述。巴西在拉美地区的地位举足轻重,是信息化程度较高的国家。在电信产业政策上,巴西采取全面放开的政策使电信产业发展迅速。在技术和资金方面,巴西采取的是全面引进的政策,使信息工业有了快速的发展。现在巴西政府也比较重视基础设施建设和技术转化与技术创新。俄罗斯是世界上最重要的科技大国之一,科研力量雄厚,科研院所和科技人员数量众多。但以往俄罗斯的信息技术在军事、国防方面应用程度很高,而在普通民众中的推广使用度较低,近几年俄罗斯开始建立电子政务平台、多功能电子卡系统等,将信息技术逐渐渗透到日常经济活动中,信息技术使用度逐步提高。印度是人均收入低、初等教育和健康水平也较低的国家,但信息产业的快速发展却取得了令全世界瞩目的成绩,这主要得益于其软件产业的蓬勃发展。印度的软件外包、软件咨询与服务等相关业务已经参与到全球上百个国家和地区的经济活动中,世界上主要的知名企业中有相当一部分在使用印度的软件产品或相关服务。印度发展信息产业的重点十分明确,那就是着力发展软件产业,对储备人才的培养采取的是非常有效的方式,即多种途径相结合。民办培训机构有发放相关学历的资格,并且培养的人才针对性强、业务水平也较高,能有效补充信息产业对人才需求的缺口。我国近些年信息产业规模呈稳步上升趋势,电子产品制造、加工、出口业务量逐年上升,通信基础设施建设发展良好,互联网应用各项指标增长迅速。但还存在一些问题,如现有软件企业规模小,缺少核心技术,竞争力不强;产业集群结构不合理;信息产业政策不完善等。南非是五个经济体中经济规模最小的国家,通信基础设施薄弱,信息人才匮乏,优势是金融体系非常完善。近些年,南非大力加强对卫星和移动通信技术的投资,力图把信息产业打造成南非发展速度最快的产业。第三部分,即第六、七、八、九章,是论文最重要的部分。第六章构建具有针对性的“金砖国家”信息产业国际竞争力指标评价体系。本文之前论证了钻石模型用来分析某个产业国际竞争力的可行性,同时也认为钻石模型有需要改进的问题。钻石模型本身是一个综合的、很全面的、系统的分析评价体系。但它的缺陷主要是从定性的方面来考察,而且每一个要素涵盖的面都很广,导致在现实运用中有一定的难度。论文为了更好地进行信息产业的竞争力分析,将钻石模型各方面的因素细化,加入一些量化的分析因素,针对信息产业特点,加强信息产业相关因素选取的实用性和客观性,为进一步研究信息产业发展模式奠定理论基础。并在此基础上,构建了信息产业国家竞争力评价指标体系。接着在第七章中,利用该评价指标体系,从基本条件、人力资源、基础设施、资金因素、环境因素、技术因素和创新因素共七个方面28个子项目入手,分别对巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非的相关数据和资料进行详细、量化的横向比较。其中一部分子项目,论文借鉴世界经济论坛和瑞士洛桑国际管理学院创立的国际竞争力评价体系,选取了“全球竞争力报告”和“全球信息技术报告”中与信息产业密切相关的指标,力求客观反映信息产业国际竞争力的相关性和实际能力。第八章中,论文结合第七章中各项指标评价结果,对五个“金砖”经济体信息产业竞争力进行了总结、分析与评价。巴西的经济发展正在从效率驱动向创新驱动过渡,其优势在于产业政策自由;市场规模大;信息技术使用度高;商业成熟;通信设施状况良好;高技术产业发展迅速,高科技产品出口比重大;科技人员数量多等;劣势是交通设施陈旧、落后,运输成本高;公共教育支出增长缓慢;科技人员中技术人员多,研发人员少;缺乏自主创新能力,对外来技术依赖性强,外资垄断现象严重等。俄罗斯也在向创新驱动过渡,其优势主要有信息使用度高,重视信息安全,国民整体教育素质高,研发支出投入比重较高,研究人员数量多、专利数量多,科研水平高,重视国际科技合作,市场规模大等;劣势是人口增长缓慢且男女比例失调,交通设施虽有一定基础但设备陈旧,制度、创新环境不够自由,资源开采具有吸引外资的能力但信息产业融资能力不强,商业体系还不成熟等。印度还处在要素驱动阶段,除了同样具有市场规模外,在软件产业和人才培养方面有非常大的优势。但印度的发展劣势也非常明显,人口教育水平、教育资金投入、信息技术的普及、基础设施等多方面都处于落后水平。我国处于经济发展的效率驱动阶段,基础设施总体水平现在有了很大提高,信息产品制造、出口能力强,外商直接投资流入量大。但对教育和研发上的资金投入还不够,信息化程度不高,尤其缺少创新环境、创新体系、和创新人才,对核心技术的掌控匮乏,缺少核心竞争力。南非拥有非洲地区最大的信息产品消费市场,信息和通信技术支出比重较高,且拥有非常完善的金融体系,宏观环境良好。目前,南非的信息化程度还不高,技术人员、专利都很少,吸引外资的能力也不够。由于信息产业的影响因素很多,为了更准确的对信息产业竞争力进行比较分析,本文第九章中采用因子分析法对影响信息产业竞争力的变量进行了数据分析,得出了影响各国信息产业竞争力的关键影响因素并进行对比。第四部分,即第十章。结合其他四个金砖国家信息产业发展经验和我国信息产业发展中存在的不足,论文在这一章给出了在法律法规、产业结构、人才培养、资金投入、核心技术、重点发展领域等方面提高我国信息产业竞争力的九项建议。包括通过建立健全信息产业政策及相关实施细则,充分发挥政策导向作用;通过增加教育和培训投入来提高储备人才整体素质,建立多途径人才培养体系,提高民办教育机构的规模和质量,同时鼓励企业自行培训;制定有效的融资政策扶持软件企业自主研发,打造专业配套的软件出口链,培养和吸引面向国际软件市场的人才,积极推动整机出口带动嵌入式软件出口;建立高效的信息技术创新体系;加大自主研发力度,提升软件核心技术竞争力;广泛开展国际科技合作;健全知识产权管理体系;积极发展电子商务;整合资源建立优势产业集群,确立重点发展的产业区域,运用多层次结合的手段促进资本密集型信息产业集群的持续发展,充分发挥核心企业和龙头企业的带动作用,加强技术密集型产业集群的产学研结合并发展风险投资机制;细化信息产业内部格局,完善相关产业链体系,开展国际化经营并树立国际品牌形象,打造跨国公司,提升品牌竞争力;打破行业垄断,引入竞争机制;完善信息安全保障体系等。完全从信息产业竞争力的角度对“金砖”经济体进行比较的资料目前来看还是相当有限的,所以作者只能尝试在已有资料和数据的基础上把握各个“金砖”经济体的特性,结合信息产业的特点建立分析模型进行量化对比。因此第七章中选取了部分权威机构给出的评价指标作为本文的比较数据。综上所述,以国内外大市场为基础,以自主创新为动力,突破核心基础产业,发展软件和信息服务业,构建产学研结合的信息产业区域新格局,完善创新体制和风险投资机制,最终我国一定会成为信息产业强国。

【Abstract】 China’s economy is in a historic transition period, the developed countries demandactive period ended after the international financial crisis, China’s exports to in the quantityexpansion faces the challenge, at the same time, also faces fierce competition from the newlyindustrialized countries. With the increasing importance in the fields of national economy,national security and people’s social life, information industry has become a pillar industry inChina and the largest export industry. Economic information, globalization is the trend ofworld development, penetration of high technology with information technology as the corein every field of the national production, life. Personnel, funds, information and materials inthe global scope of faster flow, the international division of labor and cooperation isexpanding, the international competition is more intense."The BRICS" with its stronginnovation demand, a huge market, a relatively stable political environment more and moreattention in the world. Compared with developed countries, the "BRIC" economic order isstill not perfect, but countries are trying to explore with the strategic development ofinformation industry’s own characteristics, by virtue of their respective advantages inresources to occupy a space for one person in the global information economy competition.The development of the information industry should not blindly follow the example ofdeveloped countries, occupies a leading fully developed countries in the aspects ofintellectual property rights."BRIC" countries in the economic, political high compactness, isrepresentative of the interests of developing countries. China, Brazil, Russia, India and SouthAfrica economic and trade relations have become more frequent and close, through acomparative study of other "BRIC" economy of information industry developmentexperience and lessons, help to establish suitable for China’s information industry policy anddevelopment strategy.This paper is divided into four parts besides introduction and conclusion: The first partis the basic theory, including the second chapter and the third chapter. The second chapter isa summary of the industrial structure theory. Then from the logic perspective on InformationIndustry in different countries or regions defined and reviewed the different classificationcriteria. Standard for classification of information industry at present there is no unified, thearticle mainly arranges the Information Industry Association, the European Union, Japan American technology and Economic Association and Chinese scholar Chen Den, Chen Yu,Xi Kang et al. The third chapter analyzes the related theory of industrial competitiveness.After focusing on the "Diamond Model",its basic elements and evolution. Many scholarson Potter’s "Diamond Model" theory was modified summed up with a "multi factors ofdiamond model","internationalized diamond model","double diamond model" and"generalized double diamond model" theories.The second part included the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter. The fourth chapterfrom the aspects of policy, technology and personnel training to start, analyzed thecharacteristics of USA, Japan, Germany, South Korea, the four countries of the developmentof information industry. Its main features are: play a role in policy oriented; cultivatingtalents; the establishment of science and technology parks play a cluster effect; carry outinternational cooperation in science and technology and so on, is the development model thatmake these national information industry has a strong competitive strength. After theforecast trend of development of world information industry is the globalization of theindustrial division, the product scale expanding, leading enterprise internationalization,industry boundaries blurred, the competition core technology. The fifth chapter is about theBRICS countries economic development and information industry development one by oneindividual overview. Play a decisive role in Brazil’s position in the Latin American region, isthe high level of the information state. In the telecommunications industry policy, Braziltakes the full liberalization of the telecommunications industry development policy. Intechnology and fund, Brazil adopted a comprehensive introduction of the policy; theinformation industry has made rapid development. Now Brazil’s government is payingattention to infrastructure construction and technological transformation and technologicalinnovation. Russia is one of the world’s most important countries of science and technology,scientific research strength, research institutes and scientific and technical personnel number.But in the past, Russia’s information technology is very high in the military, defenseapplications, and the general public to promote the use of degree is low, in recent years,Russia began to build e-government platform, multi functional electronic card system,information technology has penetrated into the daily economic activities, the use ofinformation technology has greatly enhanced. India is the low per capita income, primaryeducation and health level is low, but the rapid development of information industry hasmade remarkable achievements, thanks to the vigorous development of software industry.India software outsourcing, software, consulting and services and other related business has been involved in the global hundreds of countries and regions in the world economicactivities, mainly well-known enterprises have a considerable part in the use of India’ssoftware products or services. Focus on the development of information industry in India isvery clear, that is focus on the development of the software industry, take the cultivation ofreserve talents is a very effective way, various ways of combining. Private traininginstitutions have issued relevant academic qualifications, and the cultivation of talents withstrong, professional level is higher, can the gap effective supplement information industrydemand for talent. A steady upward trend in recent years the scale of information industry inChina, the electronic products manufacturing, processing, export volume increased year byyear, communication infrastructure development is good, the rapid growth of Internetapplication index. But there are still some problems, such as the existing software enterprisessmall in scale, lack of core technology, competitiveness is not strong; structure of industrialcluster is not reasonable; the information industry policy not perfect etc.. South Africa is thesize of the national economy a minimum of five economies, communication infrastructure isweak, lack of information talent. In recent years, South Africa to strengthen the satellite andmobile communications technology investment, to the information industry becomes thefastest growing industry in South Africa.The third part, including the sixth chapter, the seventh chapter and the eighth chapter, isthe most important part of the thesis. The sixth chapter constructs the "BRIC countries"information industry international competitiveness evaluation index system. This paperdemonstrates the diamond model used before the feasibility analysis of an industry’sinternational competitiveness, but also that the diamond model are the problems which needto be improved. Diamond model itself is system analysis and evaluation of a comprehensive,very comprehensive, system, but its defect is mainly studied from qualitative aspect, but alsocovers every element of the surface is very wide, leading to a certain degree of difficulty inpractical use. In order to better the information industry competitive analysis, the detailedfactors diamond model to analysis factors, some quantitative information, according toindustry characteristics, practicality and objectivity and strengthen the relevant factors ofinformation industry selection, which lays a theoretical foundation for the further study ofinformation industry development model. On this basis, puts forward the nationalinformation industry competitiveness index evaluation system. Then in the seventh chapter,the evaluation index system, from the basic conditions, human resources, infrastructure,financial factors, environmental factors, technical factors and innovation in seven aspects of 28sub projects, respectively in Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa Chinese and relevant dataand information in detail, the quantization of the transverse comparison. One of themolecular project, based on the evaluation system of international competitiveness of theworld economic forum and the Swiss Lausanne International Management Institute isfounded, select "industry and information indexes closely related to the globalcompetitiveness report" and "the global information technology report", and strive toobjectively reflect the relationship between actual ability and international competitivenessof information industry. The eighth chapter, the paper according to the results of evaluationindexes in the seventh chapter, the five "BRIC" economic information industrycompetitiveness are summarized, analysis and evaluation. Brazil’s economic development isfrom the drive efficiency of transition to innovation driven, its advantage lies in theindustrial policy of free; the size of the market; the use of information technology degree ishigh; the commercial maturity; communication facilities in good condition; high technologyindustry has developed rapidly, exports of high-tech products than the major; science andtechnology personnel quantity; the disadvantage is traffic facilities, backward, the high costof transportation; public education expenditure growth is slow; in the technical personnel oftechnical personnel, R&D personnel less; lack of capability of independent innovation, toforeign technology dependence, foreign monopoly phenomenon is serious. Russia is intransition to innovation driven, the main advantage of using a high degree of information,pay attention to information security, education quality of the national overall high, R&Dexpenditure proportion are higher, the researchers number, patent number, scientific researchlevel is high, pay attention to the international cooperation in science and technology, thesize of the market; the disadvantage is slow population growth and the proportion of menand women disorder, traffic facilities are basic but obsolete equipment, system, innovationenvironment is not free, the exploitation of resources has the ability to attract foreigninvestment and financing ability of information industry is not strong, the commercialsystem is not mature. India was a factor driven stage, but also has the size of the market,develop in the software industry and talent has very big advantage. But the development ofweakness of India is very obvious, educational level of the population, education funding,the popularization of information technology, infrastructure and other aspects in thebackward level. Our country is in economic developing efficiency drive stage, the overalllevel of IT infrastructure has been greatly improved, and information product manufacturing,export capacity, large amount of FDI inflow. But on education and R&D investment is not enough, informatization level is not high, especially the lack of innovation environment,innovation system, and innovative talents, lack of core technology of control, lack of corecompetitiveness. South Africa has the largest area of Africa information products consumermarket information and communication technology, the higher proportion of expenditure,and has a perfect financial system, a good macro environment. At present, the degree ofinformation in South Africa is not high, and technical personnel, patent, listing Corporationare rarely, lack of ability to attract foreign investment also.The fourth part is the ninth chapter. Combined with the problems of four other BRICcountries, the development of information industry experience and our country in thedevelopment of information industry, the paper in this chapter puts forward the in laws andregulations, industrial structure, capital investment, personnel training, core technology, keydevelopment fields to improve China’s information industry competitiveness of the ninerecommendations. Including through the establishment of a sound information industrypolicy and implementation rules, give full play to the role of policy oriented; to improve theoverall quality of reserve talent through increased education and training investment,establish training system multi way of talent, improve the scale and quality of privateeducation institutions, encourage enterprises to self training; establish effective financingpolicies to support independent research and development of software enterprises, createprofessional software supporting the export chain, cultivate and attract international softwaremarket of talent, and actively promote the export driven embedded software export; theestablishment of information technology innovation system efficiency; increase theindependent research and development efforts, improve the competitiveness of the coretechnologies of software; carry out extensive international cooperation in science andtechnology; improve the intellectual property management system; actively developelectronic commerce; the integration of resources to build the advantage of industrial clusters,the establishment of regional industry focus on the development of the multi-level binding,promoting the sustainable development of capital intensive information industry cluster, givefull play to the leading role of the core enterprise and leading enterprises, strengthen researchand technology intensive industry cluster node risk investment mechanism and development;internal structure refinement of information industry, perfect Chain system and the relatedindustry, carry out international management and establish an international brand image,create the Multi-National Corporation, enhance the competitiveness of the brand; to breakthe monopoly, introduce competition mechanism; perfect the information system security. From the Information Industry Competitiveness Perspective on the "BRIC" economiesof comparative data currently is still quite limited, so the author can only try to grasp thecharacteristics of each "BRIC" economy based on existing information and data on thecharacteristics of information industry, the establishment of quantitative comparison analysismodel. So the seventh chapter selects indicators are part of authority as the comparative data.To sum up, with the domestic and foreign markets as the foundation, take independentinnovation as a driving force, break through the core infrastructure industries, thedevelopment of software and information service industry, build a new pattern of regionalinformation industry combination, perfect the innovation system and the mechanism of riskinvestment, eventually China will become the information industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

