

Research on Human Development in China in Perspective of Economic Development

【作者】 吴艳华

【导师】 张少杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 人类发展研究是经济学界、社会学界和生态学界都非常关注的问题,其研究背景以及研究视角均有很大区别。但大多数学者均从理论层面考察人类发展问题,本文主要采用实证研究的方法,鉴于近30年中国人类发展的历程,基于经济发展视角研究改革开放以后的中国人类发展。人类发展研究在世界范围内既有共同的特点,但是由于所处的地理位置、资源、文化甚至发展历史都有很大区别,不同区域在各自的人类发展历程中影响人类发展的因素以及人类发展的路径选择均有不同。因此,有必要针对具体的主体及其发展路径进行实证研究,为人类发展研究的理论研究提供有益补充。伴随着中国改革开放30年的进程,中国经济总体实力的日益增强,整个社会从重视整体国民经济发展过渡到更加注重作为更为微小的社会单元“人”的发展,或者说是更重视整个社会各个层次人群的发展状况。联合国开发计划署的评价人类发展指标——人类发展指数是基于人类社会中微观角度的“人”的寿命、知识、收入的测度指标。但微观的个体“人”也同时是生活在不同地理环境和社会环境的“社会人”。外界的经济社会环境是如何影响个体“人”的发展是必须要解决的重要问题,因此我们有必要了解经济社会环境中哪些指标是影响人类发展的重要指标,我们如何调整我们的策略来达到提高中国人类发展的目标。中国经济高速发展的30年极大地加快了中国人类发展的步伐,积累了许多宝贵的经验,如何将这些宝贵的经验传承下去,是值得我们研究的重要问题。另一方面,中国经济粗犷的发展模式也带来了许多影响中国人类发展的问题,如何解决这些问题,为中国人类发展扫清障碍,以加快中国经济社会更加健康的发展同样是值得我们深入研究的问题。回顾近30年中国人类发展的历程,中国的人类发展既有人类发展的共同特点,又具有鲜明特点。我们不能否认中国人类发展能够取得令世界瞩目的成绩得益于中国过去几十年来以经济建设为核心的发展战略,经济建设取得的丰硕果实为中国人民的教育、健康全面发展提供了坚实的物质基础。经济发展是中国人类发展的主旋律,因此,有必要以经济发展视角,考察这些彼此有着千丝万缕联系的众多因素,哪些因素能够促进或是加速人类发展,哪些因素制约或是抑制人类发展以及如何打破人类发展的桎梏和瓶颈。虽然高速的经济增长给中国带来的全面的人类发展成绩有目共睹,但是在经济高速发展的今日中国,同样存在着许多令人困扰的问题:经济增长中结构问题,多维收入分配差距及不公问题,教育、医疗及社会保障的差距问题等等。因此,我们同时应该反思高速的经济增长是否具有可持续性,经济增长的质量如何,是否是建立在良好的经济结构上的,经济增长的硕果是否被社会成员公平享有。当我们反思这些问题时,我们需要以崭新的经济发展视角考察影响中国人类发展的因素。因此,有必要运用科学的思维方式和研究方法对此问题做深入系统的分析和探讨。针对目前中国经济社会的发展阶段及发展状况,我们有必要基于经济发展视角研究中国人类发展:研究中国人类发展的现状及趋势;基于经济发展的视角研究中国人类发展与经济增长、经济结构和收入分配的关系;研究如何实现人的全面发展与社会经济发展的协调统一;研究如何清除各个社会阶层收入分配不公等阻碍中国人类发展的各种因素,最终实现在较高生活水准基础上中国人类和谐发展。本文鉴于近30年中国人类发展的历程,基于经济发展视角研究中国人类发展。主要采用理论研究和实证研究相结合方法,定量和定性研究相结合,运用主因素分析、回归分析等统计计量模型。本文共分七部分:第一部分是绪论。主要介绍了本文研究背景、研究意义、研究的主要内容以及研究的技术路线。(第一章)第二部分是文献综述。主要从中国人类发展现状及影响因素和人类发展指数的测算两个方面梳理了国内外学者的研究成果。(第二章)第三部分是基本概念界定。主要对人类发展及人类发展指数的相关概念进行界定。(第三章)第四部分是中国人类发展现状及趋势。主要分别从中国整体和省级层面进行中国人类发展现状分析和趋势分析。(第四章)第五部分是基于经济发展视角的中国人类发展因素分析。基于经济增长、经济结构、收入分配三个经济因素视角研究其现状,并且用实证研究的方法分析各因素和中国人类发展的相关性,提出了提高中国人类发展的策略。(第五章、第六章、第七章、第八章)第六部分是基于主成分分析法的中国人类公平发展指数构建。主要为了弥补人类发展指数因未涵盖收入公平正义而不能全面反映人类发展水平的欠缺,以收入差距为基础,将收入差距与收入指数相结合,再将其嵌入人类发展指数中,得到涵盖收入公平正义的新人类发展指数(FHDI)。在计算FHDI的过程中,采用主成分分析,重新设计各个指标的权重。(第九章)第七部分是结论及展望。总结了本文研究的基本成果及主要创新点,以及未来研究的方向。(第十章)本文的主要创新点(1)使用国内数据及国际数据,运用横向分析和纵向分析相结合方法,揭示近30年中国人类发展的历程及特点。(2)用理论分析与实证分析相结合的方法,揭示经济增长、经济结构与中国人类发展各项指标的关系。(3)从城乡收入差距、行业收入差距、地区收入差距三个方面揭示居民收入差距与中国人类发展的关系。(4)运用主成分分析方法构建公平人类发展指数,并结合数据分析我国基于公平人类发展指数的人类发展特点。

【Abstract】 Research on human development is concerned by scholars from manyfields, such as, economics, sociology, and bionomics. The researchbackground and research perspective vary very much. However, manyscholars study human development from theoretical perspective. In this essay,empirical approach is mainly adopted. The human development in China isstudied in view of the course of its human development, and in perspective ofeconomic development. The research on human development has commoncharacteristics worldwide. Because of the difference in geographical position,resources, culture, and developing history among different regions, in humandevelopment course, different regions have different factors which affect theirhuman development and choose different path in human development.Therefore, it is necessary to study the specific subject and its developmentpath and provide beneficial supplement for theoretical research.Since the30-year reform and opening to the outside world, the overallstrength of Chinese economy is growing day by day. The society valuedoverall economic conditions previously, but nowadays, the development of“man”, which is a tiny social unit, is valued more. In other words, thedevelopment of people at all levels in this society is valued more. Humandevelopment index in United Nations Development Program is based on thelife span, knowledge, and income of “man”, the microcosmic unit in humansociety. But this “man” is also “social man” who live in differentgeographical conditions and social environment. How economic and socialenvironment in outside world affects individual “man”is an important issuethat most be solved. It’s necessary for us to know what indexes in economicand social environment are the important indexes which affect humandevelopment, and how to adjust our strategies to improve the human development in China. The human development in China has been quickenedup during the30years in which Chinese economy developed at top speed.Most valuable experience has been gained. How the valuable experience isinherited is also an important issue that deserves our research. On the otherhand, the rough development pattern in Chinese economy has brought manyproblems which affect human development in China. How to solve theseproblems and clear away the obstacles in human development in order toquicken the sound development in Chinese economic society is also worth ourfurther research.Looking back human development course in China, it has both thecommon characteristics in human development and its own salient features.We cannot deny that the remarkable achievement of human development inChina profit from focusing on the central task of economic construction whichwas the development strategy in the past decades in China. The tremendousachievements gained from economic construction provide solid materialfoundation for people’s education, heath, etc. Economic development is thetheme of human development in China. Therefore, it’s necessary to inspectthe factors which have many connections each other in perspective ofeconomic development. What factors can improve and quicken humandevelopment, what factors can restrict and inhibit human development andhow to break the shackles and bottleneck must be inspected. In spite of thefact that rapid economic growth has brought comprehensive humandevelopment is obvious to all. But in China today, in spite of high-speedeconomic development, many vexed problems are existed, such as,ill-structured problem in economic growth, distribution gap and unfairness inmultidimensional income, education, medical treatment and the gap in socialsecurity, etc. Therefore, we should reflect on whether high-speed economicgrowth is sustainable, what about the quality of economic growth, whether itis established on good economic structure, and whether the achievements ofeconomic growth are shared by all the citizens. When we meditate these problems, we need inspect the factors which affect human development inChina from brand new economic development perspective. Hence, it isnecessary to analyze and investigate the problem deeply and systematicallythrough scientific mode of thinking and research methodology. Based on thestage and conditions of economic and social development in China, it’snecessary for us to study human development in perspective of economicdevelopment: to study the current situation and trend of human development;to study the relationship between human development and economic growth,economic structure and allocation of income in perspective of economicdevelopment; to study how to realize integrated development of people andharmonious development of society and economy; to study how to clear awaythe unfairness in allocation at different social classes which block the humandevelopment in China. The harmonious human development in China whichis based on high living standards can finally be achieved.The thesis studies human development in China in perspective ofeconomic development and in view of human development course in China.Theoretical approach and empirical approach are both adopted. Quantitativestudy and qualitative research are combined. Statistical metering model, suchas, principal factor method, regressing analysis, etc, is applied. The essay isdivided into seven parts:Part One is introduction. It’s mainly about the research background, theresearch significance, the main contents and technology pathway.(ChapterOne)Part Two is literature review. It’s mainly about the introduction ofresearch findings by the scholars at home and abroad. The introduction ismainly on the current situation and influencing factor analysis of humandevelopment in China and measurement and calculation of humandevelopment index.(Chapter Two)Part Three is definition of basic concepts. It’s mainly about the definitionof concepts related with human development and human development index. (Chapter Three)Part Four is the current situation and trend of human development inChina. It analyzes the current situation and trend of human development fromthe country as a whole and from provincial level.(Chapter Four)Part Five is factor analysis of human development in China inperspective of economic development. It’s mainly about current situationanalysis in perspective of three economic factors, economic growth, economicstructure, and income allocation. Analyze the correlation between the factorsand human development in China by empirical approach. Put forward thestrategies on how to improve human development in China.(Chapter Five,Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, and Chapter Eight)Part Six is the construction of equitable human development index inChina based on principal component analysis. Human development indexcannot reflect human development level over all because it doesn’t coverincome equality. Based on income gap, combine income gap and incomeindex, and let it in human development index. We can get brand new humandevelopment index which covers income equality. In calculating EHDI,principal component analysis is adopted, and the weight of different indexes isredesigned.(Chapter Nine)Part Seven is conclusion and outlook. It summarizes the basic findingsand the main innovation of the study, and research directions in future.(Chapter Ten)The main innovations in this study(1) Make use of the data at home and abroad. Combine horizontalanalysis and vertical analysis to study the course and features of humandevelopment in China.(2) Combine theoretical analysis and empirical approach to study therelationship between economic growth and economic structure and differentindexes in human development. (3) Study the relationship between residents’ income gap and humandevelopment in China from three aspects: income gap between urban andrural, income gap in different professions, and income gap in differentdistricts.(4) Establish equitable human development index by principalcomponent analysis. Analyze human development features based on equitablehuman development index combined with data.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F124;C912.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】375
  • 攻读期成果

