

The Study of the Several Groups of Commonly Used Verb in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 梁浩

【导师】 武振玉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 古汉语常用词从上世纪90年代渐被学界重视,常用词研究成果也逐渐增多。唐代是汉语词汇系统发展极其活跃的时代,唐代常用词研究对中古、近代汉语词汇研究都具有重要意义。由于唐代诗文作品盛行等原因,关于唐代词语的研究从古至今多有著述,但对唐代常用动词研究的成果仍较少。因此,考察唐代几组常用动词的发展演变过程,无疑可以窥得汉语词汇史演变规律一斑,并有助于解决唐代在汉语词汇史上的分期问题。如“栉”与“梳”。“栉”见于先秦时期,东汉以前始终是常用词。魏晋南北朝时期,“栉”用例虽然增多,但出现词语语素化现象。唐代“栉”基本不见于口语语料,但在书面语料中仍应用广泛。由于唐代语料丰富,“栉”的使用频率并不低,但已退化为构词语素。“梳”在西汉时期已经出现。魏晋南北朝时期“梳”已经成为口语中的常用词。相对于“栉”,“梳”在唐代严肃文学与正式公文等语料中使用频率不高,但在普通书面语料及口语语料中已取得绝对优势。“拭”、“揩”、“抹”与“擦”。“拭”从两汉至隋代都是常用词。“拭”在唐代虽仍是常用词,但已经出现语素化趋势。盛唐时期“拭”作为常用词发展到顶峰,中晚唐时期逐渐语素化。“揩”的出现不晚于汉初,但直至魏晋南北朝时期“揩”仍只是北方方言词语。唐代“揩”从使用频率上并不能与“拭”抗衡,只能说是部分语料中的常用词,在词义上是对逐渐僵化的“拭”的补充。“抹”出现于中唐时期,且在唐代用例并不丰富。但作为新兴词,见于各类语料,活力较强。“擦”在晚唐五代时期只表“贴近”义,而无“擦拭”义。宋代“擦”作为新兴词继续发展,至元代成为“擦拭”义的最常用词,并一直延续到现代汉语阶段。“摇”、“掉”与“摆”。“摇”从先秦至今始终是“摇动”义的最常用词,属核心词。“掉”由方言发展而来,战国时期已是常用词,魏晋南北朝时期在中土文献中逐渐语素化,但在唐代随佛经翻译的流行重新活跃并发展。“摆”出现于汉末。魏晋南北朝时期“摆”仍属新兴词。中唐时期“摆”用例增多,并主要应用在口语语料中,搭配对象已与近代汉语典型阶段十分接近。“疑”、“想”与“认”。比喻动词“疑”在南北朝时期已是常用词。从分布范围上看,“疑”主要见于诗歌。唐代“疑”使用频率高,较少组成双音词使用,主要见于诗歌,其他语料中也有少量用例。“想”在魏晋南北朝时期产生了“像,似”之义,但这一时期用例极少。初唐时期使用频率提高,中唐时期最高,晚唐五代时期开始降低。“想”用法灵活,只见于诗歌、韵文。“认”作为中唐时期的新兴词,在唐代用例尚不多,也仅见于唐诗韵文。“发”、“开”、“坼(拆)”与“放”。“发”在魏晋南北朝时期已是常用词。盛唐时期“发”达到鼎盛,晚唐五代时期虽使用频率仍高,但已呈现僵化趋势。“开”在魏晋至隋代主要见于口语语料,用例数量不多。唐代得到迅猛发展,中唐时期使用频率已远超过“发”,成为“(花朵)开放”义最常用词。“坼(拆)”属口语词,出现于盛唐时期,发展于中唐时期,稳定于晚唐五代时期,主要见于诗歌、变文等语料。“放”最早见于中唐时期,晚唐五代时期用例渐增。作为新兴词,用法与现代汉语阶段有较大差别。“拊(抚)”与“拍”。先秦时期“拊(抚)”已是常用词,这种情况一直延续至初盛唐时期。中唐时期之前“拊(抚)”用例仍多,主要见于口语语料和中间性语料,但已出现向书面词语发展的趋势。从构词角度看,“拊(抚)”在初唐至中唐时期构成的双音词逐渐固定,晚唐五代时期“拊(抚)”已经语素化。“拍”产生于先秦,但魏晋南北朝时期以前案例均不多。初唐时期用例仍较少,盛中唐时期用例数量逐渐增多。晚唐五代时期“拍”在口语语料中的案例数量已经远超过“拊(抚)”,发展为主要应用于口语语料的常用词。

【Abstract】 Ancient Chinese vocabulary gradually taken seriously by academic circles sincethe1990s, common research also gradually increasing. The tang dynasty——the ageof Chinese vocabulary system development——is extremely active. Research on thecommon word in the tang dynasty of medieval, modern Chinese vocabulary researchhas important significance. Due to reasons such as works of poetry in the tang dynastyin vogue, the study of the tang dynasty words since there are many writings. Butspecifically to date commonly used verbs in tang dynasty research is still less.Therefore, synonymous groups of evolution of commonly used in the tangdynasty, there is no doubt that you can glimpse some law of history of Chinesevocabulary, and help to solve the problem of language in tang dynasty in Chinesehistory stages.“栉”and“梳”."栉" appeared in the pre-qin period, wei-jin southern andnorthern dynasties is always before use. Wei-jin southern and northern dynastiesperiod,"栉" cases, although increased, but the word is apparent in the fossilization. Inthe tang dynasty,"栉" disappear from the spoken language, but in the written languageis not completely replaced by "梳". Because corpus in the tang dynasty is rich, the useof "栉" is not low, but have degenerated to word formation morpheme."梳" in thewestern han dynasty has emerged. Wei-jin southern and northern dynasties period "梳"has become a buzzword in spoken language. To the tang dynasty, relative to the "梳","梳" in formal written language use frequency is not high, but in general the corpus ofspoken and written language has the absolute advantage.“拭”“揩”“抹”and“擦”."拭" in the tang dynasty is still a common word,but has become the trend of the word formation morpheme. Tang period as a commonword has reached the peak, from hardship-chanting genre began gradually to rigid. Theemergence of "揩" no later presents, han wei-jin southern and northern dynastiesperiod is still the north spoken words. The tang dynasty from the use frequency and cannot compete with "拭", can only say that part of the common parts of the corpus."抹" began to emerge from the tang dynasty, in the tang dynasty the use case is not rich,but as a new word its vitality is stronger, in all kinds of corpora are useful."擦"originated from the five dynasties late tang dynasty to yuan dynasty become a commonword, and continues to the modern Chinese stage.“摇”“掉”and“摆”.Since the pre-qin is always use "摇"."掉" developed bythe dialect, the spring and autumn period and the warring states period is a commonword. After the development of two han period to acme in middle-earth literaturegradually morpheme. But with the translation of buddhist scriptures is popular in thetang dynasty and develop active again."摆" in the han, wei-jin northern and southerndynasties is still emerging, mainly appear in the southern literature. Starting from themid tang dynasty,"摆" use case, and is mainly used in the corpus of oral sex strong,tie-in object has and modern Chinese stage after the close.“疑”“想”and“认”."疑" metaphor has become a common word in the northernand southern dynasties."疑" the use of high frequency in the tang dynasty, distributedmainly in poetry, also useful in other types of corpora, always give priority to withused alone. The tang dynasty "想" the use of frequency, and the usage is very flexible."认" as a new word in the middle tang dynasty, in the tang dynasty cases are few, andonly used in tang poetry rhyme.“发”“开”“坼(拆)”and”“放”."发" is already common in wei-jin period.To the five dynasties late tang dynasty "发" is use frequency is high, but has begun toshow the tendency of the rigid."开" in the wei-jin dynasty to sui mainly in spokenEnglish corpus, and the small number. To get rapid development in tang dynasty."坼(拆)”belongs to the spoken word, appeared in tang dynasty, the development of YuZhongtang, stability in the five dynasties late tang dynasty."放" as early as in the tangperiod, and the five dynasties late tang dynasty cases. As a new word, phase with themodern Chinese have bigger difference.“拊(抚)”and“拍”."拊(抚)" is the buzzword in the pre-qin period. Thiskind of situation has been developing in the wei-jin southern and northern dynastiesperiod. In the tang era "拊(抚)" use cases are still more, has become to the five dynasties late tang dynasty period retain in fixed term morpheme words, out ofcommon words."拍" produced in pre-qin period, but the real development is in wei jinsouthern and northern dynasties period. Period of the tang dynasty a small amount ofuse, stable development, sheng in the tang dynasty to the five dynasties late tangdynasty developed into a common word is mainly used in spoken language corpora.The tang dynasty is an important period in the history of Chinese language, butabout its stage in the history of Chinese vocabulary scholars still there is no unifiedopinion on the issue. According to the investigation of the characteristics of the variousperiods in the tang dynasty corpus, and the analysis of several groups use verbsevolution, in the period of the tang dynasty should belong to, namely with the wei jinsouthern and northern dynasties and sui belong to middle ancient Chinese stage. Thetang dynasty period of middle Chinese to modern Chinese cohesion is the transitionperiod two stages is short. Should subordinate in the tang dynasty, that is, and the fivedynasties late tang dynasty belong to modern Chinese stage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】H141
  • 【下载频次】252

