

Research on the Framework of Space-time and Pedigree Structure of Archeology Culture of Neolithic Age in the Southern Area of Northeast China

【作者】 杜战伟

【导师】 赵宾福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 论文的前4章主要是中国东北南部地区诸区域新石器文化的编年序列研究。首先根据自然地理条件和文化传统,将中国东北南部地区区分为辽东南部地区、辽西地区、辽东北部地区、松辽分水岭南麓地区等4个区域;其次对各区域新石器文化的分期与年代进行讨论,进而建立了各区域诸考古学文化遗存的编年序列。第5章是中国东北南部地区新石器文化的时空框架的构建。通过4个地区考古学文化遗存年代序列的横向比较,根据诸区域考古学文化在时间上的对应关系,将中国东北南部地区新石器文化遗存划分为十个时段。之字纹是中国东北南部地区比较具有代表性的纹饰之一,而且以之字纹为代表的遗存对中国东北南部地区乃至东北亚地区史前文化的发展,曾起到过至关重要的作用。本文以之字纹为着眼点,并结合中国东北南部地区新石器文化遗存的阶段性特征,最终将十个时段整合为三个大的发展阶段——前之字纹时代、之字纹时代、后之字纹时代,并在这三个大的发展阶段内进一步区分出不同的发展时期。在以上诸区域考古学文化纵向编年和横向比较两方面研究的基础上,构建起中国东北南部地区新石器文化的时空框架体系。第6章是对中国东北南部地区新石器文化谱系格局的研究。以考古学文化的年代早晚关系和分布区域为线索,以陶器主体纹饰所反映出的亲缘关系为着眼点,将中国东北南部地区的诸考古学文化划分为四个不同的文化系统——之字纹系统、堆纹系统、刻划纹系统、绳纹系统;进而依据诸文化系统的形成方式,将其区分为原生型文化系统和次生型文化系统;接着根据不同文化系统在时间和空间上的演进趋势讨论了诸文化系统所存在的两种发展模式——“一地连续性发展模式”和“异地移动性发展模式”,可分别简称为“一地式”和“异地式”;最后结合自然环境和周边文化背景的分析,探讨了中国东北南部地区新石器时代诸文化系统的交流、融合、扩张、迁徙等相互作用关系,考察了在不同发展阶段文化系统之间的互动所造成的格局变迁。

【Abstract】 The first four chapters mainly discusses on the chronological sequence of theNeolithic culture in southern areas of Northeast China. Firstly, from the perspective ofgeographical and cultural tradition, the southern area of Northeast China will bedistinguished into4groups which are Southeastern Liaoning area, Western Liaoning,Northern Liaodong area, South of Songliao Watershed. Secondly, the stage and age ofthe Neolithic culture are discussed in the thesis, and the chronological sequence ofarchaeological cultural relics of these areas is established.In the fifth chapter, based on the corresponding relations of the archaeologicalculture, the Neolithic cultural relics in the southern area of Northeast China iseventually divided into ten periods through the crosswise comparison of age sequenceamong them. The ‘Zhi’ Pattern is one of the representative patterns of the southernarea of Northeast China and the remains with the representative of the ‘Zhi’ Pattern hasever played a vital role in the prehistoric culture development of southern northeastChina and even in the Northeast Asia. In this thesis, the ‘Zhi’ Pattern is the startingpoint, combining the features of Neolithic cultural remains of Southern northeastChina, the ten periods are grouped into three stages which are Pre-‘Zhi’ Pattern Age,‘Zhi’ Pattern Age, Post-‘Zhi’ pattern Age, and much further, different developmentperiods are divided under the framework of these three ages. Based on the research onthe longitudinal and horizontal comparison of archaeological culture, the temporalframework of Neolithic culture of southern area of Northeast China is established.The sixth chapter discusses on the research of the pedigree framework ofNeolithic culture of southern area of Northeast China. With the clue of thearchaeological cultural relations and regional distributions and with the focus ofevolution kinship reflected by the pottery decorations, the northeast area ofarchaeological culture is divided into four different cultural systems, and based on theresearch on the evolution of cultural systems, two patterns of original cultural systemand secondary cultural system are distinguished. Then, two models of consecutivedevelopment of one area and mobile development of multiple areas arediscussed.Thereafter, analyzing on the cultural background of these areas, the thesisdiscusses further on the relations among the different cultural systems’ communication, integration, expansion, migration in these areas. Eventually, from the view of adynamic way, the structure vicissitudes caused by the interactions among differentcultural systems at different development stages are explored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】K872;K871.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】431
  • 攻读期成果

