

Research on Cooperation and Competition between Heterogeneous Service Providers

【作者】 徐亮

【导师】 徐晓燕; 何平;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 工商管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着生产型经济的高度成熟以及信息技术的飞速发展,全球产业结构明显表现出加速向后工业化服务经济转型的趋势,这已成为21世纪全球经济的典型特征。人类社会的经济形态已逐步从工业化、信息化进入“服务化”,形成了“服务经济”或“后工业化社会”,服务业成为现代经济中最具发展潜力的领域,可以说人类已经进入服务经济时代。服务是以协同创造、获取价值为目标的、服务提供商与顾客之间的交互行为。随着现代信息技术的发展和互联网的普及,现代服务业除了传统服务的无形性、不可存储性和顾客参与性特征之外,还具有鲜明的网络化特征。服务网络及服务提供者组织网络正变的越来越复杂化,人们获取服务的方式和途径也变得越来越多样化。比如,随着互联网用户的爆发式增长,以互联网为基础的第三方在线旅游网站不断涌现,在现代酒店服务业中,传统的线下客房预定渠道和第三方在线客房预定渠道已成为酒店客房预定服务的常态,旅客可根据自己的偏好及使用便捷性选择通过某种客房预定途径完成对目标酒店客房的预定。在公共服务领域由于不断增长的顾客需求与公共财政投入的矛盾,各国政府开始允许私人企业进入公共服务领域,比如,当前许多国家的国民医疗服务是由公立医院和私立医院构成的医疗服务系统所提供,患者可依据自身经济状况及对医疗条件的倾向来选择到某类医院进行治疗。这种具有不同运作手段和运营目标的服务提供者,称之为异质服务提供者。在现代服务业中,由两类或者多类异质服务提供者向顾客提供同类型服务的现象已经非常普遍。这种由异质服务提供者向顾客提供同类型服务的服务系统,称之为异质服务系统。在异质服务系统中,由于不同服务提供者的运作手段和运营目标的差异,导致了不同的服务体验和服务效率,顾客也对不同的服务渠道有着特殊的倾向或者选择。在异质服务系统中一些有趣的和对实践有重要作用的问题值得展开深入的研究。比如酒店管理者的当务之急是需要重新审视他们的客房预定渠道结构,着眼于如何与第三方在线旅游公司合作来吸引顾客提高客房入住率以最大化酒店收益。在异质医疗服务系统中,政府会要求公立医院服务更多的顾客以提高社会福利和公共医疗设施的利用率,而私立医院则是为了赚取更多的利润,所以公立医院和私立医院会通过竞争来服务患者从而实现自己的目标。本文以酒店服务业和医疗服务业为例来研究具有不同运作目标和决策手段的异质服务提供者在顾客市场中的合作与竞争问题。本文总共有五章研究内容,各章的重点如下:第1章在信息技术飞速发展和服务业日趋重要的背景下,介绍本文的研究意义;其次分析现代服务业及异质服务系统的新特征,并总结服务运作管理研究及异质服务系统的研究现状,并指出本文研究内容与现有研究的不同之处;最后给出本文的主要研究内容和各内容之间的逻辑关系。第2章研究异质客房预定系统下的酒店房量管理问题,将酒店客房预订服务视为一种特殊的“排队服务系统”,应用排队论建模的方法研究酒店在与第三方在线旅游网站合作时以收益最大化为目标的保留房量决策问题,通过边际分析法确定酒店的最优保留房量策略,并分析不同因素对酒店最优保留房量决策的影响。同时通过与共享客房资源的合作形式作比较,讨论酒店采取最优保留房策略与网站合作时的效果。第3章研究酒店在异质客房预定服务系统中如何通过一种新的合作模式(设置保留房模式)与第三方旅游网站合作的问题。通过构建和分析一个动态规划模型,帮助酒店在与第三方旅游网站合作时做出两项决策:设置最优的保留房量,确定对来自网站客房请求的一个最优接受策略。同时提出一种易于实际操作的启发式接受策略,通过数值仿真实验分析该启发式接受策略的性能。并在最优接受策略的基础上,研究酒店以期望收益最大化为目标的最优保留房量决策。最后比较设置保留房模式与目前广泛使用的先到先服务模式,从而说明本文所提出的新合作模式的效果。第4章研究公立医院和私立医院在存在两类顾客市场的异质医疗服务系统中的竞争问题。公立医院在政府预算的约束下建设自己最优的服务能力水平为顾客提供免费的医疗服务,其目标是服务尽可能多的顾客。私立医院则没有预算的限制,其通过制定一个适当的服务价格和合适的服务能力水平向顾客提供收费医疗服务以最大化其利润。用排队论的方法分别构建公立医院和私立医院排队服务系统,首先探讨两个单轨医疗服务系统的均衡,即只存在公立医院的医疗系统和只存在私立医院的医疗系统,然后研究公立医院和私立医院在异质医疗服务系统中的竞争并分析它们的均衡策略及其影响因素。最后探讨什么样的市场条件更适合异质医疗服务系统。第5章对本文进行总结,概括本文的主要结论和主要创新点;并指出本文存在的局限和不足,在此基础上展望未来可能进一步研究的问题和方向。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)在异质客房预订系统下,为酒店管理者提出确定最优保留房量的方法。通过理论分析和数值实验发现:最优保留房量随着线下客房价格的增加而降低,随着线上客房价格是升高而增加;最优保留房量随着酒店支付给第三方旅游网站的佣金的增加而降低;最优保留房量会随着线下顾客到达率的增加而降低,随着线上顾客到达率的增加而增加;最优保留房量会随着顾客在酒店的平均停留时间的增加而降低。当线上客房预定价格较低,或酒店支付的佣金较高,或线上和线下顾客到达率较大,或顾客平均停留时间较长时,酒店应该采取设置保留房的模式与第三方旅游网站合作。(2)酒店采用设置保留房模式与第三方旅游网站合作时,首先给出了酒店保留房量设置的最优值或最优范围,这取决于保留房所能带给酒店的单位收益与网站额外请求客房所带来的单位收益之间的关系。其次,当酒店提供给第三方网站的保留房都被预定完后,给出了酒店的最优接受策略;并进一步提出了更易在实际操作的启发式接受策略,其与最优策略有非常接近的性能。最后,与广泛使用的先到先服务模式相比,研究发现本文所提出的设置保留房合作模式能帮住酒店实现更高的期望收益。(3)在公立医院垄断的单轨服务系统中,随着政府预算水平的增加穷人会先于富人得到服务,如果预算不足首先得不到服务的将是富人;而在私立医院垄断下的单轨服务系统所有类型的顾客都可以得到服务。在异质医疗服务系统中的公立医院和私立医院双寡头竞争下,四种不同的均衡结果将依次出现,研究结果表明,所有穷人和富人的服务需求都会在异质医疗服务系统中得到满足,但在均衡状态下两类顾客不会分别同时进入公立医院和私立医院。通过比较单轨服务系统和异质服务系统的均衡结果,发现在异质医疗服务系统中,私立医院会制定一个较低的服务价格。本文还发现当医院单位能力建设成本处于一个中间值或顾客初始效用较大时的市场条件会更利于异质医疗服务系统的存在,而较小的能力建设成本会导致公立医院垄断。本文的主要创新点如下:(1)分析了异质服务系统的新特征,在酒店服务业和医疗服务业中系统的和研究了异质服务系统中服务提供者的合作与竞争问题,该问题是信息网络时代中服务业管理者所面临的一类新问题。(2)在异质客房预订系统中,研究了酒店在引入第三方网站作为一种线上客房预订渠道时的房量管理问题,首次在理论研究中提出“保留房”的概念,为酒店与第三方网站合作提出一种新的合作模式——设置保留房模式,对酒店而言这种新模式比目前所广泛使用的“先到先服务”模式更能增加其收益。本文研究工作在一定程度上丰富了现有酒店收益管理研究文献,为酒店管理者在电子商务时代找到提高利润的一种新途径。(3)首次在异质服务系统中研究了异质服务提供者在两个异质顾客市场中的竞争问题。在异质医疗服务系统中考虑了两个顾客市场:穷人和富人,这两类顾客分别对服务价格和延误都有不同的敏感度;同时考虑了两类具有不同运作目标和决策手段的异质服务提供者:公立医院和私立医院。建立了双方竞争决策的双寡头竞争模型,给出了不同市场条件下的竞争策略,分析了更利于异质服务系统存在的市场条件。(4)刻画了本文所提出模型的最优策略及各最优策略适用的确切条件,并分析模型中各参数对决策的影响。为服务型企业在互联网信息时代的大环境下制定新的运作策略提供了理论依据;同时,也为政府制定有效的社会服务政策提供了目标和思路。

【Abstract】 With the highly mature of the production-oriented economy and the rapid development of information technology, global industrial structure significantly exhibits a trend that accelerate the transition to a postindustrial service economy, which has become a typical feature of global economy in the21st century. The service industry become one of the most potential areas in modern economy, it can be said that mankind has entered service economic times. Serve is the the interactions between service providers and customers with the goals of co-creativity, value acquisition. With the development of modern information technology and the popularity of the Internet, the characteristics of the modern services include not only intangible, cannot be stored and customer participation, but also distinct networking. Service networks and service provider organization networks are becoming increasingly complex, and the ways for people to obtain services are also becoming increasingly diverse. In modern service industry, the phenomenon that two or more heterogeneous service providers offer the same type of services to customers is very common.Heterogeneous service system is a system where the customers are able to acquire the same type of services from heterogeneous service providers. The experiences and the efficiency of the services may be different, because of the operational strategies and objectives difference among heterogeneous service providers. The customers aslo have different choices and preferences between the service providers. In the heterogeneous service system, several problems of managerial interest are worthy of study. For instance, in the modern hotel industry, there are usually two reservation methods, the traditional off-line room reservation channel and the third-party online reservation channel. The imperative is for the hotel managers to reexamine their reservation channel structure, and focus on how to cooperate with the third-party online travel companies in the aim to attract more customers and, in turn, to maximize the profit. In the modern heterogeneous healthcare service, the public hospitals are required by the government to serve more customers so as to increase the social welfare and the utilization of the sanitation. However, the private hospitals desire to earn more rather than serve more. Therefore, the competition among the public hospitals and the private hospitals arises in serving the customers. In this thesis, the cooperation and the competition between two heterogeneous service providers with different operational strategies and objectives in two heterogeneous markets are studied through the examples of the hotel service industry and the healthcare service industry.The organization of this thesis is as follows:In Chapter1, we first introduce the background of this thesis, and review the researches on service operations management, as well as the literatures about heterogeneous service system. Through analyzing the problem of current research, we propose the content and significance of this thesis. At the end of this chapter, research method and organization structure of this thesis are presented.In Chapter2, by considering the hotel reservation service system as a special queue service system (loss queueing model), the decision problem of setting online-exclusive-rooms (OERs) for a hotel when cooperates with a third-party website is investigated. Through the marginal analysis method, the optimal OERs quantity strategy is analyzed. The performance of the optimal strategy is compared to the room resources sharing form. Factors affecting the optimal strategy and performance are also investigated.In Chapter3, the problem of a hotel on how to cooperate with a third-party website on room booking service by a new form named "setting online-exclusive-rooms" or "setting OERs" is studied. By building and solving a dynamic programming model, we help the hotel make these two decisions:to set an appropriate quantity of OERs and to determine an optimal acceptance policy for the request from the website. To be easier to use, a heuristic acceptance policy is proposed and the performance of this heuristic policy is analyzed by numerical experiment. Based on the optimal acceptance policy, the optimal OERs quantity decision of the hotel with the objective of maximizing the expected revenue is analyzed. The performance of the new setting OERs form is compared to the current widely used "first come first serve"(FCFS) form.In Chapter4, the competition between a public hospital and a private hospital in a heterogeneous healthcare service system with two customer markets:a poor market and a rich market is studied. The public hospital chooses a capacity to maximize its customers’ arrival rate under the government budget, and the private hospital chooses a price and capacity to maximize its net profit. For the convenience of comparison, we firstly investigate the equilibriums for two one-tier healthcare systems, and then show the equilibriums for the heterogeneous healthcare system and characterize the equilibrium competition strategies. We also discuss the market conditions that are more suitable for heterogeneous healthcare system.Chapter5concludes this thesis and gives some feasible directions for further investigation.The main results of this thesis are as follows:(1) Under the heterogeneous room booking system, the expected revenue of the hotel is proved to be a concave function of the quantity of OERs. Analytical and numerical studies show that:the optimal quantity of OERs decreases in the booking price at the front desk of the hotel, and increases in the booking price at the online platform; the optimal OERs decreases in the proportion of booking price as commission; the optimal OERs decreases in the customer arrival rate at the front desk, and increases in the customer arrival rate at the online platform; the optimal OERs decreases in the expected customer stay time. Compared with the room resources sharing form, it is better to set OERs when the online booking price is too low, or the commission part is too high, or both online and offline customer arrival rates are large, or the expected customer stay time is long.(2) When a hotel collaborates with a third-party website on room booking service by the new form "setting OERs", we first show that there is indeed an optimal value or a range of optimal values of the OERs quantity, depending on the relationship between the hotel’s unit revenues from selling an OER and from selling a requested room to an online customer. Second, we investigate the optimal acceptance policy for the hotel when all OERs are sold out, which is found to be a one-dimensional threshold policy. We further propose a heuristic policy, which is shown to have close performance to the optimal one, but much easier to implement. Third, we find that under the proposed setting OERs form, the hotel can always achieve larger or equal expected revenue than that under the current widely used FCFS form, which implies that hotel managers should consider this new form in cooperating with third-party websites.(3) In the one-tier healthcare system of public hospital monopoly, poor customers will first get service with the government budget increases; All the poor and rich customers can be served under the monopoly of private hospital. We find that as the budget increases, four different equilibriums sequentially exist for the competition strategies of the public hospital and the private hospital. Under the duopoly, our results demonstrate that all customers are willing to join the heterogeneous healthcare system, but the two types of customers would not simultaneously go to the two hospitals in equilibrium state. We also find that the duopoly competition can result in lower price in the private hospital than in the monopoly. When the capacity cost for the hospitals is medium then the market favors the heterogeneous healthcare system. Too small capacity cost results in the monopoly of the public hospital.Innovations and contributions of this thesis are briefly summarized as follows:(1) Analyze the new characteristics of modern service industry, systematically investigate the cooperation and competition problems of hospitality service and healthcare service in the heterogeneous service system.(2) In the heterogeneous room booking service system, quantitatively investigate the operational decisions of a hotel when it introduces a third-party tourism website as an online channel for its room booking. A new cooperating form for the hotel to collaborate with a third-party website is proposed, which will be shown to be more profitable for the hotel than the current widely used "FCFS" form. Theoretically, this research enriches the existing revenue management literature, and finds a new way of improving profit for hotels in the e-commerce age.(3) The competition problems between two heterogeneous service providers in a heterogeneous service system with two heterogeneous customer markets are firstly studied in this thesis. The two types of customers (poor and rich) have different sensitivities over service price and delay. The two service providers have different operational strategies and objectives:the public hospital chooses a service capacity to maximize its customers’arrival rate, and the private hospital chooses price and capacity to maximize its net profit.(4) Characterize the optimal strategies of the models proposed in this thesis and the exact conditions applicable to each of the optimal strategies, and analyze the influence of various parameters on the decision-making. These results can provide a theoretical basis for service firms to develop new operational strategies in the information age, which also can give some insights for government policy making.


