

Product Line Design Strategies Based on Commonality

【作者】 陈纲

【导师】 华中生;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济的全面发展,顾客市场的逐步细分和顾客需求的日趋差异化勾成了新的动态竞争环境。处于这样一种新的动态环境下,企业为了赢得竞争尤势,必须提供多样化的产品来满足顾客的需求,以往那种依靠提供很少种类产品来满足绝大多数顾客需求的时代已经一去不复返。但提供更多种类产品所带来的生产复杂性的增加和生产成本的上升给企业的生产运作带来了重大的影响。企业需要采取合适的产品线策略来使顾客的差异化需求得到满足,在保证产品多样性的同时又能降低产品的生产复杂性,这样企业才能在不断变化的动态竞争环境下赢得竞争优势。本文以汽车制造业和农业机械制造业为背景,提取企业基于通用件的产品线设计策略问题进行研究。首先回顾了目前国内外关于产品线方面的研究。已有的关于产品线方面的研究,基本都是对基于模块化和通用平台的产品族的研究,而很少关注开发成本、顾客选择和环境保护等因素对产品线设计问题的影响。因此,本文从具有异质性的顾客群体出发,先根据顾客购买特征或偏好的不同将其进行分类,如根据顾客收入等因素的不同将其分为高端市场和低端市场,根据顾客对绿色质量的关注程度等因素的不同将其分为绿色市场和普通市场。然后在顾客的个人理性和激励相容约束下,研究当通用件对开发成本敏感时,企业是否要采用基于通用件的产品线设计策略。在基于通用件的产品线设计问题中若考虑顾客选择行为的影响,企业又该如何选择其产品线设计策略,在基于通用件的产品线设计的基础之上,考虑顾客对绿色质量存在差异性需求时,企业需要对是否采用绿色产品的设计策略进行决策。与此同时计算出各策略下产品的最优质量水平和最优价格水平。本文的最后部分,进一步讨论了本文的局限之处及未来可能的研究方向。本文内容共分六章,各章内容如下:第1章,首先介绍了基于通用件的产品线设计的研究背景、研究问题描述,并提出本文研究的主要内容;然后对国内外关于这些方面的研究进行了综述,并指出了当前这些研究中存在的不足之处;最后说明了本文研究的主要意义。第2章,对目前有关企业产品线策略方面的研究进行了综述,首先介绍以往研究中对产品线的定义及分类;然后对有关产品线定价、成本和竞争方面的研究进行了相关综述,最后对有关消费者感知和绿色产品设计对产品线影响方面的研究进行了回顾总结。第3章,主要研究基于开发成本敏感的通用件的产品线设计策略,本章首先假设对通用件进行开发,在顾客需求确定的情况下,面对高端、低端两种顾客细分市场,构建了是否采用通用件策略设计产品线的理论模型,分析各种情况下企业的最优产品线设计策略;然后利用Moorthy定义的市场多样性指数分析其对企业的产品线设计策略的影响;最后通过数值分析对研究结果的有效性进行验证。第4章,主要研究考虑顾客选择行为的基于通用件的产品线设计策略,本章首先假设在高低两种细分市场且需求确定的条件下,并考虑顾客选择行为对产品线设计策略的影响,借鉴Moorthy(1984)提出的产品线设计策略模型,考虑制造商是直接设计两种产品分别面向两种细分市场,或者先设计通用件,再在通用件的基础上设计两种产品分别面向两种细分市场,或者只设计一种标准产品面向两种细分市场,或者只设计一种高端产品面向高端市场;然后对上述的各产品线策略进行分析,并给出各种条件下的最优产品线设计策略;最后通过数值分析验证结论是否有效。第5章,主要研究考虑顾客环保偏好的基于通用件的产品设计策略。本章首先介绍随着环境问题越来越引起人们的关注,企业进行绿色产品设计已是-种趋势;然后构建了顾客效用约束下的绿色产品设计理论模型,给出各种条件下的最优产品设计策略;最后分析了最优的产品设计策略是否与环境保护一致,当最优产品设计策略与环境保护相冲突时,政府应该采取何种补贴策略才能达到保护环境的目的,并通过数值分析进行了验证。第6章,对本文的研究工作进行了总结,并指出本文在研究中存在的不足以及可以进行更深一步研究的问题。本文所作研究的主要创新点和研究价值总结如下:(1)考虑通用件的开发成本敏感性和市场多样性对企业基于通用件的产品线设计的影响。建立了基于通用件的产品线设计理论模型,给出通用件开发成本敏感时采用通用件策略的确切条件,并利用市场多样性指数,分析市场多样性对产品线设计策略的影响,为企业决策是否采用通用件进行产品设计提供理论支持。(2)考虑顾客选择行为和顾客环保偏好对企业严品线设计策略的影响。分别建立了考虑顾客选择行为的基于通用件的产品线设计策略模型和考虑顾客环呆偏好产品设计策略模型。考虑顾客选择行为因素影响时研究了制造商如何在多种产品线设计策略中进行权衡,来选择最优的产品线设计策略以使利润最大七。考虑顾客环保偏好的因素影响时,在基于通用件的产品线设计的基础之上,综合考虑顾客不同的偏好需求、企业产品设计策略、政府环境政策之间的旧互影响,建立顾客效用约束下的企业绿色产品设计理论模型,为企业制定新的产品设计策略和为政府制定环境政策提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Accompanied with the rapid development of global economic, enterprises are facing a dynamic competition characterized by ever-changing and segmented markets, differentiated and customized demand. In the new dynamic environment, in order to gain a competitive advantage, enterprises must provide a variety of products to meet the differentiated demands of customers. However, providing multiple products will increase the manufacturing complexity and production costs. Appropriate product line design strategy must be selected so that diverse products can be provided and at the same time the production costs and manufacturing complexity are not too high. Thus, the development of product line design strategies for enterprises is particularly important under this dynamic environment of enterprises competition.The thesis first gives a review about research on product line design. The related studies in the literature on product line design have focused on the research based on modular and commonality. Little attention has been paid to the impact of development costs, customer choices and customer’s environmental preferences on product line design problems. According to the different characteristics or preferences of customers, we classify the customer population into different groups,such as high-valuation market and low-valuation market, green market and general market. Then this thesis investigates different product line design strategies, considering the impacts of customer choices or environmental policy, and calculates the optimal level of quality and the best price level of products. In the last section of this thesis, we discuss the limitation of our research and give a preview of some possible directions of future research.The structure of this thesis is as follows:In Chapter1, firstly, we introduce the background of product line design problems based on commonality. We also describe the research problem and the main contents of this thesis. Then we review the literature on product line design, where the necessity and significance of this thesis is presented. In Chapter2, we give a review about the research on product line design strategies. At first, we introduce the definition and classification of the product line in previous studies. Then we review the relevant research of product line pricing, the cost of product line design, and the competition between different product lines. Finally, we summarize the previous studies about the impacts of consumer perception and green awareness on product line design.In Chapter3, we investigate the product line design strategy based on component commonality with sensitive development cost. This chapter begins with the assumption of developing the commonality. Confronting two market segments with different valuations of quality, a theoretical model is established to determine whether to use the product line based on commonality. Next we present the optimal product design strategy under different conditions. Finally we use the market diversity index defined by Moorthy to analyze its impact on the enterprise’s product line design strategies. Numerical examples are performed to illustrate the influence of some parameters to the optimal product line design strategies.In Chapter4, we investigate the product line design strategy based on component commonality considering the customer choices. This chapter begins with the assumption of confronting two market segments with various valuations of quality, one high-valuation market and one low-valuation market, and considers the impact of customer choices on product line design strategies. Then we use the product line design model proposed by Moorthy (1984) to analyze all the above product line strategies and get the optimal product design strategy under all conditions. Finally, a numerical analysis is taken to verify the conclusions.In Chapter5, the green product line design strategy based on commonality considering the customer’s environmental preferences is studied. This chapter first describes the growing emphasis on environmental protection today. Nowadays, developing green products is inevitability and urgency to enterprise. Then we present the product line design model under the constraint of environmental policy and customer’s environmental preferences. The results show that the optimal product line design strategy may not perhaps benefit the environment. At last, we introduce some subsidy polices and discuss under which policy the enterprise would prefer to develop green products.Chapter6summarizes this thesis and provides some feasible directions for further research.The contributions and innovations of this thesis are briefly described as follows:(1) Considering the impact of commonality development cost sensitivity and the market diversity on product line design strategy. We establish a theoretical model of product line design based on component commonality, and give the optimal product design strategy under different conditions. We also use the market diversity index to analyze its impact on the enterprise’s product line design strategies. As a result, recommendations can be provided to support enterprises to make decision whether to adopt the component commonality strategy for product line design.(2) Considering the impact of customer choices and customer’s environmental preferences on product line design strategies. Two stylized model of product line design are established to determine the optimal product design strategy under different conditions. The results can provide a theoretical basis for enterprises to develop a new product line design strategy under the condition of environmental conservation, and can also give some ideas for policy makers.


