

Study on the Water Quality Assessment Methods of Water Function Zones under Special Conditions

【作者】 刘劲夫

【导师】 董德明; 王宪恩;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 为解决我国日益复杂的水环境问题,实现水资源高效利用和水环境有效保护,2011年中央1号文件明确提出实施“最严格的水资源管理制度”,划定用水总量控制红线、用水效率控制红线和水功能区限制纳污红线“三条红线”。2012年《国务院关于实行最严格水资源管理制度的意见》中确定水功能区限制纳污红线以水功能区水质达标率作为考核指标,并提出2030年水功能区水质达标率提高到95%。由此水功能区水质达标评价准确性、合理性成为水功能区限制纳污制度实施的基础保障。现阶段,我国《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)、《地表水资源质量评价技术规程》(SL395-2007)及《全国重要江河湖泊水功能区水质达标评价技术方案》(2012)等技术标准和规程中对水功能区水质达标评价作出了具体的规定,但受经济发展水平、技术水平及自然地理位置等因素的制约,我国水功能区水质达标评价实践中遇到了上游来水超标、监测频次少、左右岸省界缓冲区水质不达标等特殊情景条件下水功能区水质不达标情景分析以及水功能区水质评价方法缺失等现实困境,这给我国水功能区水质达标评价带来了阻力,亦成为我国最严格水资源管理制度的实施障碍。基于此,本文在相关理论的基础上,分析我国现行水功能区水质标价存在的问题,研究界定我国水功能区水质评价实践中存在的上游来水超标、监测频次少、左右岸省界缓冲区水质不达标等情景下水质评价困境,并对上游来水超标、监测频次少以及左右岸省界缓冲区水质达标评价方法进行研究,以有效填补相关技术方法的空白,同时为我国水功能区限制纳污红线制度的实施提供技术支撑。研究显示,(1)上游来水超标情景下目标水功能区水质评结果显失公平,根据物料平衡原理,构建小尺度通量核算模型,根据不同水功能区的类型计算排入水功能区的污染物通量,模拟上游来水水质变化,从目标断面实测污染物的通量中扣除超出部分的通量,建立水质模拟-通量扣除法和限制排污总量-污染物入河量评估法两种评价方法,经实例验证,方法切实可行,可以解决水功能区水质评价实践中存在的上游来水超标问题。(2)监测频次少情景下水功能区达标评价过程中存在资金、技术水平以及气候变化等问题导致的频次不足问题,导致评价结果不准确或无法评价,综合考虑数据获取困境、水功能区区位、资金技术水平等因素,建立“定性评估——邻功能区评估法”与“定量核算——同水期数据法、邻近断面推导法、限制排污总量-污染物入河总量评估法”相结合的水质评价方法,以解决当前水功能区水质评价困境,实例验证显示,评价结果均与实际情况一致,方法切实可行。(3)左右岸省界缓冲区水质不达标情景下,现有水功能区水质达标评价主要通过考核断面的水质监测数据进行评价,无法核算左岸、右岸省份污染贡献率,因各省相邻关系而导致各省水质达标情况无法判断,分析省界缓冲区各省位置关系以及各省污染物排放特征,研究建立各省调整浓度核算法、代表断面判断法以及限制排污总量-污染物入河量评估法对各省在该水功能区水质达标情况进行评价,实例验证结果显示,方法可行。综上所述,上游来水超标问题、左右岸省界缓冲区水质达标评价问题以及客观因素导致监测频次不足问题是现有技术方法的盲区,需要研究确定相关评价方法,将此类特殊情景的评价模式方法入相关技术标准中,从而解决上游来水超标、监测频次少、左右岸省界缓冲区水质评价的现实困境。

【Abstract】 In order to solve the increasingly complex problem of the water environment andachieve highly efficient utilization of water resources and effective protection of thewater environment in our country, in2011, the Central Document No.1proposed toimplement The strictest management system of water resources and delimit “three redlines”, including one for total water supply control, the second one for waterutilization efficiency control and the third one for limiting pollutant capacity in waterfunction zones. In2012, The views of the State Council on implementing the moststringent management system of water resources ascertained that water qualificationrates would be taken as the assessment indicators for the determination of red line forlimiting pollutant capacity in water function zones and proposed that water qualitycompliance rates of water function zones should be raised to95%in2030. Therefore,the veracity and rationality of water function zones’ water quality assessment becomethe foundations of the implementation of the limiting pollutant capacity system.At present, Technical specifications of surface water quality assessment(SL395-2007) and Water quality assessment technical plan of the national importantrivers and lakes water function zones (2012) have regulated the water qualityassessment of the water function zone explicitly. However, restricted by factors suchas economic development, technology, natural geographical location and so on, thewater assessment practices have been facing difficulties: the exceeding of upstreamrunoff, the lacking of monitoring frequency, the substandard scenario analysis onwater quality in water function zones under the situation of the left and right banks’provincial boundary buffer, and the deficiency of water quality evaluation method ofwater function zones. These difficulties are considered to be a challenge for the waterquality compliance evaluation of water function zones and have become thebottleneck for implementing the most stringent management system of waterresources in China. This paper analyze problems of our country’s the current water pricing system inwater functional regions and the substandard circumstances, such as the exceeding ofupstream runoff, insufficient monitoring frequency, the left and right banks’ provincialboundary buffer and so on. This paper studied the evaluation methodologies for theexceeding of upstream runoff, the lacking of monitoring frequency and thedetermination of water quality standard of the left and right banks’ provincialboundary buffer, effectively fill up the blank of the technical specification of surfacewater quality assessment (SL395-2007) for water functional regions’ water qualityevaluation under special conditions, and provide technical support for theimplementation of the red-line of pollution limiting capacity system of water functionzones in China.Studies have shown that:(1) the water quality assessment results of downstreamwater function zones under a condition that water quality of upstream water isexceeding the standard are not justified. Whereas the assessment procedures of theexisting surface water resources quality do not incorporate specific disposal methodsto cope with the condition. According to relevant terms in Explanations of theassessment indicators for the implementation of water pollution preventionspecialized planning in key river basins, by deducting the exceeded flux from theactual measured pollutant flux of the objective fracture surface (??), this paperproposed two evaluation methods: establishing water quality simulation-fluxdeduction method and restricting total pollution emission-pollutant discharged in river.These two methods have been proved to be feasible in several examples.(2) Theinaccurate water quality assessment caused by the insufficient frequency due touncertaintiesand inadequate technology under insufficient monitoring scenario, asshown in this paper, can be evaluated through the identical water season dataalternative method, adjacent fracture surface derivation method, adjacent functionzones evaluating method and evaluation method of limiting total pollution emission-total pollutant discharged in river. The example verifications indicate that theevaluation results consistently match the practical situations, suggesting thesemethods are feasible.(3) The situation under which the water quality of the left and right provincial boundary buffering zones cannot be estimated because of the adjacentrelations of provinces could be accessed through provinces’ adjusting concentrationaccounting method, representative fracture surface judging method and evaluationmethod of limiting total pollution emission-total pollutant discharged in river toevaluate the reaching standard situation of water quality in water functional area. Theexample verification results display that these methods are practical.To summerize, the exceeding of upstream runoff, insufficient monitoringfrequency, the left and right banks’ provincial boundary buffer are the blind spots ofthe existing technical method. We should make the relevant evaluation methods andtechnical standards, so as to solve the difficulties of the exceeding of upstream runoff,insufficient monitoring frequency, the left and right banks’ provincial boundary buffer.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

