

Theoretical and Experimental Research on Active Stop-valves with Piezoelectric Wafers

【作者】 黄合成

【导师】 程光明; 曾平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 阀作为液、气压系统中的重要元件,实现对流体压力、流向和流量的控制,特别是微小型流体控制阀作为系统中不可或缺的流体控制部件,在需要精密流量输出和控制的流体系统中得到了越来越广泛的应用,比如微流体输送控制系统、微型液体燃料电池控制系统、微型喷射系统、微气体压缩系统等。与传统常规控制阀相比微小型流体控制阀结构简单、尺寸小、工作效率高、稳定性强,可以很好的提高流体系统的控制精度和动态特性。压电驱动器直接作用于流体系统即形成了流体的压电驱动与控制。压电驱动与控制技术在流体系统中的运用具有很大的应用潜力,近年来压电驱动控制类流体设备逐步得到深入研究,压电型微小流体控制阀成为了其中热门研究方向。本文结合国家自然科学基金重点课题和教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目,围绕压电晶片主动控制截止阀展开研究工作。提出采用圆形压电振子覆盖硅胶薄膜设计制作截止阀,利用电信号控制时压电振子一阶模态下的变形对振子中心位置处的阀口开度进行控制。通过理论建模、有限元仿真分析、精密加工设计、参数优化、试验测试等方法进行深入研究。1.截止阀用压电驱动器的作用机理和有限元分析分析了阀用压电晶片驱动器的作用机理和工作特性。对压电振子进行了有限元仿真分析和试验测试,仿真和试验测试结果表明:圆形压电振子在驱动电压作用下的一阶模态变形呈现轴对称分布;通过分析截止阀的工作原理和特点,得到圆形压电振子符合截止阀用驱动器的要求,圆形压电振子在一阶谐振频率内的变形时突起的端部能够密封和开启阀口。2.截止阀的优化设计和仿真研究基于缝隙流动的流量和压力损失理论对截止阀的流场进行了有限元仿真模拟,结果表明:截止阀的结构参数直接影响阀的截止性能和流量。基于多目标优化的Pareto理论,以最小的受力面积和最大的流量作为优化目标,建立了多目标优化函数模型,在进化算法基础上,增加差分算法以提高优化过程自适应性,经差分进化算法优化后得到一组Pareto最优解。3.截止阀在液体压力下的试验研究对截止阀用压电振子进行了固液耦合理论建模,理论表明截止阀用压电振子在固液耦合作用时挠曲变形的刚度系数不变,阻力系数和质量系数发生变化。经水中试验测试,截止阀用压电振子在固液耦合作用时变形特点依旧为轴对称分布,且径向截面变形呈现抛物线形。固液耦合作用时,压电振子的振幅有所减少,一阶谐振频率降低。搭建了液体压力下的截止阀的试验研究平台,对截止阀阀口位置处的振子位移直接进行测试,进而对理论流量实测流量进行分析。试验得到截止阀在液体压力下的输出特性,研究结果表明:截止阀在阀口全开下实测流量略小于阀口开度下的计算流量;截止阀随正向驱动电压的增大流量迅速增大,反向施加驱动电压时截止性能良好;截止阀的输出可以很好的跟随低频方波信号的变化。在此平台下对不同阀口半径的截止阀进行了对比试验研究,结果表明:优化结构的截止阀的工作压力区间大,流量特性和截止性能相对更好。4.截止阀在气体压力下的试验研究对压电振子在液体压力下和气体压力下以及空气中的输出特性进行了对比分析,经测试表明:在相同压力的流体系统中,对压电晶片主动控制截止阀施加一定电压幅值时,在水压下的阀口开度较小,而气压下的阀口开度基本不变。搭建了气体压力下截止阀的试验研究平台,对阀口位置处振子的位移进行了气体压力下的测量,同时采用排水法测量截止阀在气体压力下的工作流量。试验结果表明:截止阀在气体压力下流量控制性能良好。通过试验测试对比分析了不同阀口半径阀的工作特性,结果表明:优化结构的截止阀的工作压力区间大,且输出性能和控制性能更好。5.截止阀的控制系统分析和驱动电源的设计分析了截止阀的控制特性,提出了开环控制和测试方案。测试控制系统需要具有满足截止阀要求的驱动电源。在此基础上,设计了基于直流变换器原理的开关式电路,研究开发了截止阀开环控制时的便携式驱动电源,电源输出功率比传统的驱动电源高,且输出电压稳定、频率可调。本文对压电晶片主动控制截止阀深入研究表明:所设计的压电晶片主动控制截止阀工作压力范围较大,截止性能良好,在工作压力范围内几乎无泄漏;阀的流量控制精度较高,并且尺寸较小、结构简单、控制方便,能够很好地同流体系统匹配。

【Abstract】 It is important for the valves to control the pressures,the flow rates and thedirections in fluidic systems. Especially for micro-fluidic, valve is indispensable ascomponents of fluidic systems, requires precision control of the output.This type ofvalves has been more and more widely used in such as micro fluidic delivery controlsystems, micro liquid fuel cell control systems, micro-injection systems andmicro-gas compression systems.Micro fluidic valve has the advantage of simplystructure, small size, high efficiency and stability. In this point, it is different fromthe conventional fluidic controlling valves. It is a well way to improve the controlprecision and dynamic characteristics of fluidic systems.Piezoelectric driving modelhas great potential in the fields of fluidic systems.When the fluidic system is actuated by the piezoelectric actuator, thepiezoelectric actuating and control is set up. The technology of piezoelectricactuating and control has great potential in fluidic system and attracts manyresearchers to join in thin area. This topic is based on the National ScienceFoundation and the key projects of the ministry of education of higher school onscience and technology innovation and mainly research on the piezoelectric waferactive control stop-valves. A novel valve made by a sort of circle piezoelectricvibrator covering silicon thin film is proposed in this paper. The vibrator worksunder the first mode to control the opening of the valve which is actuated by electricsignal. Theoretical mode, finite element analysis (FEA), precision machining,optimal design and experimental test are conducted to research the proposed valve.1.The working principle and the FEA of the actuator in stop-valveThe driving principle and the working characteristic of the valve is analyzed.The FEA and the experimental test were conducted and the results show that the firstmode of the valve is axial symmetry and the deformation of the circle piezoelectricvibrator which can match the working process of opening and sealing.2.The optimal design and simulation of the valveThe flow field of the valve was anlyzed by the FEA, basing on the flow of thegap and the loss of the pressure. The results show that the performance and the flowof the valve were mainly decided by the parameter of the structure. Based on the model of the multi-objective optimization, a group of the Pareto best solution wasobtained by the Differential Evolution Algorithm.3Experimental test of the stop-valves under the liquid pressureSolid-liquid coupling analysis model of the valve was built and the theoreticalresults show that the stiffness coefficient of the flexural deflection is constant andthe resistance coefficient and the quality coefficient are change when thepiezoelectric vabrator work under the effect of the solid-liquid coupling. Thedeformation of the circle vabrator is still axial symmetry under the liqud pressure,and the deformation of the radial section is parabola. The deformation of thevabrator and the frequency of the first mode are reduced under the effect of thesolid-liquid coupling. The experimental system is built to test the valve under theliquid pressure. The displacement of the vabrator on the valve port is tested tocompare with the testing flow. The output charateristic character of the valve showsthat the testing flow is lower than the theoretical flow; the flow of the valveincreases with the increase of the driving voltage and well cut-off performance canobtained when a reverse voltage is supplied; the output of the valve can follow thechange of the square signal. Experimental test of the valve with different valve portradius is conducted. The result show that the optimized stop-valves can achievelarge working pressure range, well flow and cut off charateristic.4Experimental researches of the stop-valves under the gas pressureThe output performances of the valve under gas and liquid are compared byexperimental test. The results show that the displacement of the valve under the gasis higher than that under the liquid. The experimental system is built to test thedisplacement of the valve under the air pressure and the vacuum dewatering methodis used to test the working flow of the valve. The experimental results show that thevalve can achieve wll flow control under the air pressure. The performance ofdifferent valve port radius of the valve is tested and the results show that theoptimized stop-valves can achieve large working pressure range, better outputperformace and easier control.5Analysis and design of the control systems and drive power of the stop-valvesBasd on the control characteristic, open-loop control strategy is proposed. Adriving power supply is needed to match the stop-valves. Considering this reason, aswitch circuit based on the principle of DC Transform is designed and a portabledriving power supply for the open-loop control is researched. The output power is better than the traditional type and the output voltage of the power supply is stabilizeand the frequency is controllable.The results show that the proposed active stop-valves with piezoelectric wafershave a wide work frequency range, well closing performance and almost have noleaks in working pressure range. The valve has high precision in flow control,simple and smart structure, easy control strategy. It can be well matched to thefluidic systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

