

Mode Adjustment and Mechanism Innovation: Research on Government’s Governance of Public Crisis in Internet Era

【作者】 糜皛

【导师】 金太军;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 作为信息时代的当今世界,网络已经成为各行各业不可或缺的关键性技术手段,建立一个发达的网络体系是时代发展的内在要求。社会透明度在网络高速发展之时体现得越来越明显;与此同时,此番状况又与转型社会诸多社会矛盾、冲突纠结在一起,给从传统时代延展出来的政府公共危机管理带来了深刻的挑战。本文基于政治学的学科视野,拟从风险社会理论、责任政府理论和危机管理周期理论等理论工具出发,对网络时代中我国政府的公共危机管理模式与机制进行探讨,以期为实践发展和政策优化提供理论参考。网络对于政府危机治理的场域规定性,最为核心地体现在信息传播渠道的立体化与全息态。各种电子论坛、门户网站、电子邮件、即时聊天工具、手机等移动上网工具、博客、微博和微信等新方式层出不穷,危机治理所面临的信息流、态度流以及与此相伴的行动选择等均出现了较之以往颇为不同的新趋势、新特征。正是网络时代信息传播的互动性与及时性、海量性与多元化、个体性与多媒体化,让相对静态的“问题情境—危机处置”模式似有不堪为用之虞。可以认为,网络背景对于复杂化公共危机的展演特征起到了至关重要的作用,公共危机的突发性与紧急性、不确定性与易变性、快速性与不可控性,以及危害性与破坏性等特征更为明显,对经济社会发展的可持续发展和秩序稳定产生深刻影响。显然,这与非网络时代政府危机治理的治理环境、治理结构、治理资源乃至在治理绩效认知之间存在着显著的差异,值得密切关注。其中,多元化协同治理要求的提出及复杂演化构成网络场域政府公共危机治理区别于传统时代高度同质化社会结构状态下政府危机治理的突出特征。网络时代中国政府公共危机治理模式是本研究的中心内容。从基本模式上看,“一案三制”的治理框架是我国公共危机治理的构架基础。它包括:预案体系,即对危机管理进行原则设定与纲目指引;领导体制,即中央统一领导与属地负责相结合;运行机制,主要包括监控与启动机制、处置与协调机制、运行与评价机制、监督与奖惩机制、终止与补偿机制,总体上属于长链设计与分阶展开的态势;应对法制,即以《突发事件应对法》等为主的非常态法律体系建设。从核心逻辑上讲,既有模式属于“刺激-反应”式。转型环境和网络场景是危机刺激发生的背景基础,反应则集中表现在危机决策的情境界定、危机处置的在场操控以及危机善后的科层常态三个方面,这使得该治理模式具有明显的威权性。从显著特征而论,现有危机治理模式具有秩序导向的行政修复性质。无论是从对于秩序价值的核心关注、超自主性的权威集聚,还是阶段汇流性的资源整合,抑或是便宜从权性的行动规范。中国政府现有公共危机治理模式对于紧急情境的控制具有突出的效率优势,这从国家处置南方雪灾、汶川大地震等等事件中可窥一斑。然而,不可忽视的是,在网络背景下,该模式的不足或缺陷也逐渐显露。譬如,信息捕捉的“灯下黑”、议题设置的“自决定”、管理构架的“耗散式”以及善后处置的“悬浮性”等,是该模式的主要问题。这些问题,对于国家治理和政治发展有着复杂的实践影响,大体表现为引致舆论场碎片化、诱导瑕疵机制固化、耗损社会公共信任以及阻滞现代国家建构。然而,这些问题及其影响,均有着极为深刻的种种肇因。概括起来,网络场域下信息管制能力孱弱、社会分化中的制度化整合乏力、转型期政府治理碎片化构成的约束、非常态管理的常态化建设相对滞后以及追赶型语境下绩效观念的转变遇阻等,是最为重要的因素。从政府公共危机治理模式创新取向上看,需要往整合与协同方向发展。一方面,发展整合取向,应建立整体性治理政府。针对现有公共危机治理模式中存在治理碎片化的状况,对既有模式进行改造,为了达到预定的利益目标,对于政治治理模式应该采用横向和纵向相协调的思想与行动。另一方面,发展协同取向,应建立公共服务型政府,保持权力和权利的协调性,政府与社会的合作,让所有利益相关者共同参与、共管共治,以实现公共选择和公共博弈的有效性,政府与民间的互动性,实质上就是要通过主体间资源和要素的良好匹配,达到政治国家与公民社会合作关系的最佳状态,从而实现公共危机治理过程之中主体间合作的匹配性、一致性、动态性、有序性和有效性,促进危机治理的公共利益最大化。为此,就需要从优化“一案三制”开始,构架整体、协同和效能的公共治理型政府。政府公共危机治理的模式调适,需要导入具有系统性、动态性和协同化特征的PIETINC构架,着力从强化制度、规范和观念三方面的核心要素建设。从制度建构方面看,最为重要在于着力解决好危机治理的事前决策、事中决策和事后决策所涉及到的三方面制度建设,为危机干预、危机处置和危机善后提供权威、可靠和操作性强的行动策略和政策安排。从规范建设方面看,则需要尽快建立强有力的法律法规体系,通过制定《紧急救援救助法》、《事故灾难保险法》等,明确各治理主体的职能、权限和义务。从观念更新方面看,需要从系统论和过程论的角度,将危机事件理解为一个过程、一种状态,全力发展全息态的危机公共治理。面向整合与协同取向的调适发展,需要重构与危机治理模式匹配的治理机制。为此,需要着力进行预警启动机制、组织建设机制、多元协调机制、信息传播机制、资源整合机制、社会参与机制、善后修复机制、人才培养机制、公共责任机制和管理评估机制等十方面的机制建设,目的在于实现前置性、动态化、系统化与协同性的公共危机治理,不断提高治理的效能和效益。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary society, with the development of internet technology, theworld has also become a highly connected internet. The fast development of internet hasgreatly increased the transparency of the society; in the meanwhile, that situation hasbeen combined with many social problems and conflicts in the transforming society,which has brought challenges to the government public crisis management stemmingfrom the traditional era. This paper, based on the academic vision of politics, conductedresearches on the government public crisis management pattern and mechanisms of ourcountry in the internet era from angles of risk society theory, responsibility governmenttheory and crisis management cycle theory and so on, in order to provide theoreticalreference to practical development and policy optimization.The field prescription of government crisis governance from the internet is mostlypresented in the stereoscopicness and holographic state of the information transmissionchannels. All kinds of electronic forums, web portals, emails, instant communicationtools, cell phones and mobile internet tools, blogs, microblog, wechat and other newforms are emerging continuously. The information flow, attitude flow and the actionchoices accompanied faced by the crisis governance have all showed new tendenciesand features different from before. It is the interactivity, promptness, massiveness,diversification, individuality and forms of new-media of the information transmission inthe internet era that make the relatively static pattern of “problem situation-crisissolution” seem failed to be used. It is possibly thought that internet background plays an important role in the exhibition features of the complicated public crisis. The outburst,emergency, uncertainty, mutability, rapidity, uncontrollability, perniciousness,destructiveness and other features of public crisis are becoming more and more obvious,which have exerted profound impacts on the sustainable development and stable order of the economic society development.The governance pattern of the public crisis of Chinese government in the internetera is the core content of this research. On basic pattern,“one-plan-three-systems” is the basis of the governance framework of Chinese public crisis. It includes the followingsystems: emergency system, which is used for the setting of the principles and the guideof the outline of the crisis management; leadership system, which stands for thecombination of the unified central leadership and the responsibility of dependency;operation system, which mainly consists of monitoring and launching system, disposingand coordinating system, operating and evaluating system, supervising and rewardingand punishing system, and terminating and compensating system, enjoying a generaltrend of long-chain design and grading expansion; tacking system, a non-normal legalsystem established mainly base on the Act on Tackling Emergency Affairs. On the sideof core logic, the traditional pattern is a kind of “stimulate-react” pattern. The transforming environment and networking scenarios are the background and basis ofdangerous stimulation, and the concentrated expressions of reaction will be thesituational definition of the crisis planning, present manipulation of the crisisdisposition, and the scientific normality of the crisis aftermath, which have ensured theobvious authority of this governance pattern. In terms of the distinguishing feature, ithas the administrative recovery nature of guides of the order, whether viewing from thecore concern of the value of order, the super autonomous gathering of the authorities,the periodical converge of resource integration, or the code of actions that facilitate therights.The existing public crisis governance mode of Chines government has itsoutstanding advantages in controlling the emergency situation, which can be seen fromthe disposal of snow disaster in South and the Wenchuan earthquake. However, it can’t be neglected that the deficiency and defects are gradually revealing themselves. Forexample, the “blindness under light” during the information collecting process, the“self-determination” during the settings of agenda, the “consumption mode” of the management framework and the “suspended state”of the aftermath disposal, those are the main problems of this mode, which have a complex practical influence on the country’s national governance and political development. The main performances are the cause of the fragmentization of the public opinion, the induction of the solidificationof the defect mechanism, the loss of pubic trust and the blocking of modern countryconstruction. However, those problems and their influence have deep rooted causes. Tosum up, the weak information managing abilities under the internet environment, thelack of ability in the institutionalized integration during the social differentiation, therestraint formed by the fragmentization of the government beliefs during the transitionalprocess, the hysteresis of the normalization construction of those non-normalizationmanagement and the blocking from the transition of performance concept, those reasonsmentioned above are the most important ones.From the innovative orientation of the government’s pubic crisis governance model, the direction of the development is integration and corporation. On the one hand, aboutthe integrated orientation development mode, an integrated governance governmentshould be built. On account of the existing governance fragmentation phenomenon inthe existing crisis dealing mode, we should transform the existing mode and achieve theexpected profits government dealing mode through the coordination of thoughts andactions. On the other hand, about the coordinated orientation developing mode, a publicservice mode government should be built, the coordination of rights and benefits shouldbe kept, the corporation between government and society should be continued; all thestakeholders should be involved in the governance process so that the effectiveness ofthe pubic choice and public gambling, the interaction between government and citizenscan be achieved. The fact is to achieve the best state between the corporation of politicalcountry and civic society through the favorable matching between resources and factorsof the main body. In this way, the compatibility, consistency, dynamics, ordering andeffectiveness of the corporation of the main body during the public relations crisisdealing process can be achieved, the maximization of the pubic profits can be promoted.Therefore, the integrated, corporative and effective ideal government in pubicgovernance can be built from the beginning of “one case, three systems”.The adjustment of the government public crisis disposal mode needs theintroduction of systematic, dynamic and cooperative PIETINC frame, the stress should be put on the strengthen of system construction, norms and concept. From theconstruction of system, the most important thing is the emphasis on the constructions ofpre-event decision, mid-event decision and after-event decision and to provideauthoritative, reliable and feasible strategy and arrangements for the crisis intervention,crisis disposal and crisis aftermath disposal. From the norm construction perspective, astrong legal system should be built, the functions, rights and obligations of the mainbody should be specified through the establishment of Emergency Law and DisasterInsurance Law. From the concept innovation perspective, the crisis event should beviewed as a process and a state from the systematic discussion and process view, the fulldevelopment of holographic state of public dealing should be developed.In face of the adjustment development of the integrated and corporative orientation,the corresponding dealing mode of the crisis governance mode should be rebuild.Therefore, the stress should be put upon the conducting of early warning mechanism,the organization mechanism, multiple coordination mechanism, informationcommunication mechanism, resource integration mechanism, social participationmechanism, aftermath repairing system, talents training mechanism, publicresponsibility mechanism and management evaluation construction, the purpose is therealization dynamic, systematic and cooperative public relations crisis governance andthe improvement of governance efficiency and profits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】D63;G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2200

