

Research on Hysteresis Characteirstic and Compensation Control Strategy of EBS for Commercial Vehicle

【作者】 韩正铁

【导师】 宗长富;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着汽车运输行业的飞速发展,汽车主动安全技术也越来越受到人们的重视。对于运送货物或者乘客的商用车辆,安全问题尤为重要。汽车制动系统作为保障车辆安全的重要部分,其技术的革新在提升车辆安全性与舒适性上有着极其重要的影响。随着电子电控与集成控制的不断进步,车辆主动安全系统也得到了新的发展。传统的机械系统已经无法满足现代汽车对安全性的要求,各种提高汽车安全性的电控系统已经成为汽车企业和学者的研究重点,汽车电控系统正在进入一个快速发展的时期。商用车电控制动系统(ElectronicBrakingSystem, EBS)是近年在制动防抱死系统上发展起来的,主要用于改善商用车的制动性能。它弥补了传统气压制动系统响应慢的缺点,通过实现制动线控化,提高了制动舒适性及安全性等制动系统的性能。基于线控原理的电控制动系统为商用车制动性能的提升带了巨大的空间,是未来商用车制动系统研发的方向。因此,进行商用车EBS系统开发和控制方法研究对进一步提高商用车的安全性能有重要的现实意义和广阔前景。在电控制动系统(EBS)采用了线控技术,解决了传统商用车气压制动系统气路过长而导致的响应延迟问题,但采用比例继动阀等执行机构存在的迟滞特性,也降低了EBS系统的响应时间和控制精度。本文依托国家自然科学基金项目“基于模型预测的重型半挂车动力学稳定性多目标控制研究”(编号:51075176),在前期商用车电控制动系统理论和应用研究成果基础上,以提高商用车制动稳定性及安全性为目标,开发商用车EBS系统关键部件的迟滞补偿控制策略,提高商用车电控制动系统的响应时间和控制精度,为商用车电控制动系统的自主研发提供理论支持。论文主要进行了以下研究工作:(1)在商用车气压EBS系统的迟滞特性及其产生原因综合分析的基础上,重点研究了EBS系统关键部件的迟滞特性。首先分析了迟滞特性对商用车气压制动性能的影响,然后利用AMESim建立了EBS系统关键部件--比例继动阀的数学模型,并进行迟滞特性的仿真,通过与开环测试结果对比验证了模型的准确性;利用数学模型进行了比例继动阀关键参数对其响应和迟滞特性影响的分析,为比例继动阀的进一步改进提供理论依据。(2)在确立商用车气压EBS系统总体技术方案基础上,利用AMESim商用软件,建立了包括前轴比例继动阀(前桥控制阀)、桥控阀(后桥控制阀)、ABS阀、管路等关键部件和整个商用车气压EBS系统动力学模型,并利用硬件在环试验台验证了模型的准确性。为商用车EBS系统改进设计和控制策略开发奠定基础。(3)建立了EBS系统控制架构,开发了商用车EBS系统的常规制动及紧急制动控制策略,以及比例继动阀、桥控阀、ABS电磁阀等阀体控制方法。所开发的常规制动控制方法中包含减速度控制、制动力分配控制及差动制动控制策略;紧急制动策略中包含基于迟滞补偿的ABS控制策略和制动辅助控制算法。并在对核心部件比例继动阀的滞环特性进行了分析基础上,开发了前馈补偿结合PID的控制策略,为EBS控制策略的离线及HIL实验台仿真奠定基础。(4)开发了商用车气压EBS系统动力学仿真平台。利用Simulink搭建了车辆动力学模型,并结合EBS系统AMESim模型进行联合仿真,对所开发的延迟和迟滞补偿控制策略进行离线仿真验证。仿真结果表明所开发的补偿控制策略在各种工况下均能较好工作,得到预期的控制效果,能够改善商用车制动稳定性和制动性能。(5)在已开发的商用车气压EBS系统硬件在环实验台上,考虑实际EBS系统硬件,包括比例继动阀、桥控阀、ABS阀、实际气压管路和控制器等硬件,进一步验证了所开发的基于迟滞补偿的EBS控制策略。硬件在环试验进一步证明了所开发的控制策略有效提高了商用车制动稳定性和制动性能,为下一步的实车试验奠定基础。综上所述,本文取得的创新性成果如下:(1)基于AMESim建立了商用车气压EBS系统比例继动阀的动力学模型,在对比例继动阀的动态特性进行仿真的基础上,详细分析迟滞特性及其产生原因,为比例继动阀迟滞补偿控制奠定理论基础。(2)建立基于AMESim的商用车气压EBS系统关键部件和整个系统物理模型,采用仿真方法,分析了EBS系统关键部件主要参数对EBS部件和系统压力响应特性的影响,为EBS系统关键部件的优化设计及控制打下理论基础。(3)开发了基于迟滞补偿控制的EBS系统控制方法,仿真及硬件在环试验表明,所开发的控制策略有效提高了商用车制动稳定性和制动性能,提高了商用车主动安全性。

【Abstract】 There is more and more attention to the vehicle active safety with the fast evolution oftransportation industry in recent years. The safety problem especially for commercial vehicles used totransport goods and passengers,is very great significance, and the performance of braking systemserves as an important index for evaluating the safety capability. Since the braking system acts as animportant part for vehicle safety, its technical innovation possesses a significant impact on theimprovement of safety and comfort for vehicle. Along with unceasing progress of electronic controland integrated algorithm, the active safety system for vehicle has witnessed new development.However, the traditional mechanical system has not fully resolved the safety requirements formodern vehicle, and multiform electronic systems for vehicle safety have already become theresearch focus for the automotive enterprises and the scholar, with a stage of rapid development.Electronic braking system (EBS) for commercial vehicle are mainly developed to improvethe braking performance on the basis of anti-lock braking system in recent years. In additional, itcompensates for the disadvantages of conventional pneumatic braking system greatly, and improvesthe performance of braking system such as braking comfort and safety with braking-by-wire. Theelectronic-controlled braking system based on X-by-wire has become a powerful appliance to evenfurther improve the performance of braking system for commercial vehicle, and it will be the mainresearch and development direction for the following commercial vehicle braking system.But now, because the commercial vehicle adopts the pneumatic braking system with inherentproperty of pneumatic transmission in general, the delay and hysteresis characteristic of pneumaticEBS became the bottle neck for enhancing its performance. Meanwhile, controlling pneumatic delayand hysteresis will be the focus of attention both for the modern pneumatic EBS technology and the future technology of pneumatic braking system, which is of great significance in progress ofpneumatic braking system technology.This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research onmulti-targets control for heavy-duty semitrailer dynamic stability based on modelprediction”(identifier:51075176). On the basis of the research achievements and application ofelectronic braking system theory for commercial vehicle from domestic to abroad, a hysteresiscompensation control strategy of EBS critical components are developed, which can improve theresponse time and the control accuracy and offer the theoretical support for independent development,aimed at improving the braking stability and safety.The main research works of this paper are summarized as followed:(1) On the basis of the comprehensive analysis on the hysteresis characteristic of pneumaticEBS for commercial vehicle, the hysteresis characteristic of EBS key components is researched. First,the influence of hysteresis characteristics on the braking performance for commercial vehicle isanalyzed. And then a mathematic model of proportional relay valve acted as the key component ofEBS is built by AMESim with simulation of hysteresis characteristic, and the model accuracy isverified by open-loop test. Finally, the impact of parameters of proportional relay valve on theresponse and the hysteresis characteristic is analyzed via this mathematical model, which offers thetheoretical substratum for further improvement of proportional relay valve.(2) Based on an total technical scheme for commercial vehicle EBS,a dynamic model ofpneumatic EBS for commercial vehicle is developed by AMESim, including proportional relay valve,axle modulator, ABS solenoid valve, pipeline and other key components, etc. And then the modelaccuracy is verified by hardware-in-the-loop test bench, which provides the foundation fordeveloping the control strategy and mending the pneumatic EBS for commercial vehicle.(3) The control framework of EBS system is established, and the control strategies of normalbraking and emergency braking for commercial vehicle EBS are developed, with the development ofsome valve control methods such as proportional relay valve, axle modulator, ABS solenoid valveand etc. The developed control methods of normal braking involve deceleration control, brakingforce distribution and differential brake, etc. The emergency braking control strategies relates to ABScontrol strategy and braking assist control algorithm based on hysteresis compensation. Combined with the analysis on the hysteresis characteristic of proportional relay valve, the PID control strategyintegrated feed-forward compensation is presented, which offers a good basis on the off-line and HILtest bench simulation for EBS control strategy.(4) The off-line dynamics simulation platform of EBS for commercial vehicle is built, and theoff-line co-simulation of the developed compensation strategy for delay and hysteresis is conductedon vehicle dynamic model built by Simulink, combined with the AMESim model of EBS system.The results indicate that the developed compensation strategy can work well under variousconditions, and get the expected control effectiveness, which is able to improve the braking stabilityand braking performance for commercial vehicle.(5) The pneumatic EBS control strategy based on hysteresis compensation is experimentallyverified on the developed HIL test bench for commercial vehicle EBS,in consideration of thehardware of EBS system. And the HIL test has further proven the developed control strategies, and itcan effectively improve the braking stability and the braking performance for commercial vehicle,which offers the basis for the vehicle test.In summary, this dissertation has made innovative achievements as followed:(1) A dynamic model of proportional relay valve of pneumatic EBS for commercial vehicle isestablished, and the hysteresis characteristic and its sources is detailed analyzed on the basis of thesimulation on the dynamic characteristic of proportional relay valve, which lays the foundation oftheoretical basis for hysteresis compensation control.(2) The physical models of the key components and the whole system for pneumatic EBS areestablished by AMESim, the influence of main parameters of components and system on pressureresponse characteristics of EBS components and system is analyzed by simulation, which lays thetheoretical foundation for designing and controlling the key components of EBS system.(3) The control method of EBS system based on the hysteresis compensation control isdeveloped, and the results of the simulation and HIL tests indicate that the developed controlstrategies effectively improve the braking stability, the braking performance and active safety ofcommercial vehicle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

