

Study of Bionic Needle with both Drag Reduction and Antibacteria Based on Insect Mouthpart

【作者】 齐欣

【导师】 丛茜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 仿生科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 利用医用注射针注射给药、输液是医疗常用的诊疗方法,随着生活水平的提高,患者对注射过程的舒适性和安全性越来越重视。现有研究表明,注射穿刺疼痛主要源自于针尖刺入皮肤时对痛感神经的刺激和针杆与皮下组织摩擦导致其细胞变形甚至破裂而释放出痛感粒子,通过减小针尖穿刺阻力和针杆摩擦阻力的方法可以减轻病人的痛苦。此外,注射针在与机体组织接触过程中易造成细菌污染,严重者可导致细胞坏死及形成血栓。因此研究减小注射针注射过程的穿刺阻力和增强注射针抗菌作用,对提高无痛抑菌注射技术具有重要的科学意义和广阔的市场前景。仿生针头主要以昆虫口器为仿生对象,通过改变常规针头表面形态和表面微观结构方法来实现无痛和抑菌。本文对多种生物口器原形和其刺入方式进行了观察分析;根据生物体表润湿特性对抑菌针头进行试验研究;设计了4种仿生针头并进行了穿刺阻力试验;探讨了针尖结构和形态对其穿刺阻力的影响。包括以下四部分:(1)选择具有刺入、吸收功能的昆虫口器作为研究对象,如蚊子、蝉和水黾的刺入式口器,牛虻刮舐式口器,蜜蜂蛰针等。通过对比生物口器的异同发现,昆虫口器在口针表面均存在非光滑形态,如锯齿形、凹槽形、纵向条纹(加强肋)、三角凸包等。由于刺入对象和生存环境的差异,导致不同生物口针的同一种形态存在区别。研究了生物口器减阻机理,生物口器在刺入生物体表过程中通过减小接触面面积、产生滚动摩擦、产生微振动来减小刺入阻力。(2)进行了仿生针头抑菌性能试验研究,不锈钢针头依次与盐酸、硝酸银溶液发生反应后,可以使仿生针头银离子含量大幅度增高,实现了既增强针头抑菌效果又修饰表面微观结构的作用,并选择疏水药剂和亲水药剂改良了针头表面润湿性。以大肠杆菌作为测量对象,通过观察菌群周围抑菌圈的大小检测仿生针头的抑菌作用,发现普通针头无抑菌功能,亲水针头和疏水针头都具备抑菌功能,且疏水表面针头的抑菌功能更佳。进行了不同润湿性针头穿刺阻力对比试验,发现疏水针头穿刺阻力小于光滑针头。(3)在16号针头上设计并加工了螺旋、凹坑、条纹和锯齿形4种形态的仿生针头。按照国标对针头穿刺性能的检验方法,进行仿生针头单因素穿刺试验,试验表明仿生针头均具备减阻功能,采用试验优化设计方法,获得了各种仿生针头的最佳结构尺寸。对仿生针头减阻机理分析发现,仿生针头表面的非光滑结构使光滑部分与介质的接触面积减小,仿生针头的刺入阻力小于原光滑针头的刺入阻力,实现仿生针头的减阻作用。(4)在针头针尖部分设计了仿生非光滑结构形态,按照国标要求进行了仿生针头和传统针头的穿刺阻力试验;建立了针尖的斜面角和斜面旋转角不同时的几何模型,并对其穿刺力进行了数值模拟,探索了针尖斜面角和斜面旋转角对穿刺阻力的影响规律。

【Abstract】 Intramuscular injection and transfusion by syringe are commonly usedtechniques in clinical application. With the improvement of living standards,considerable attention has been paid on the safety and comfort of the injection bythe patients. According to the researches, pain of injection is mainly caused bypuncture resistance, which made of rupturing of the skin tissue during the initialstage of the injection and friction between needle and subcutaneous tissue duringthe process of injection. In addition, the infection occurs at the interface betweenthe syringe and surrounding tissues from the adhesion of bacterial. So the painlessantibacterial injection technique has significant scientific and market values.Mimicking the structure of the needling mouthpart of the insect, the study ofbionic needle is used to realize drag reduction and antibacterial injection techniquethrough modifying the configuration and the microstructure of the needle surface.Based on the existing research results, mouthparts structure and its biologicalmechanism has been analysed;the method of enhancement antibacterial effect ofbionic needle has been studied from the angle of biomaterials;to get the optimalsurface structure parameters of bionic needle, experimental optimization methodhas been adopted here;the pinpoint shape relation with puncture effect has beendiscussed. Mainly include four parts as following:(1) More insect mouthparts with the piercing and sucking function have beenstudied in this paper. Such as the piercing-sucking mouthparts of mosquito, cicadaand water skipper, scratching mouthparts of gadfly, and sting needles of bee etc. Bycomparing the mouthparts found, the biological needle surfaces have a variety ofnon-smooth structures, such as serrated, groovy, stripe, and triangular convex hulletc. Study on mechanism of bionic mouthpart drag reduction indicates that thebionic mouthpart could reduce the resistance by decreasing the contact area, changesliding friction into rolling friction and producing micro-vibration during theprocess of the needle piercing the muscle soft tissue.(2) Experiment results show that the best modification effect on the needlesurface obtained when reaction of the treated stainless steel needle with HCL、 AgNO3solutions. Then the wettability of the needle surfaces was modified usinghydrophile reagent and hydrophobic reagent respectively. For the antibacterialactivity test, Escherichia coli (E. coli) were used as test organism. The antibacterialactivity of the bionic needle was assessed by calculating the surface area of theinhibition zone against E. coli formed on agar medium. From the experiment resultwe can see that the original stainless steel needles doesn’t exhibit any antibacterialactivity, on the otherwise the bionic needles with hydrophile or hydrophobicsurfaces show antibacterial activity. And the antibacterial property ofsuper-hydrophobic surface is better than that of hydrophile one. According tosilicon membrane puncture test, the bionic needles with hydrophobic surfaces showdrag reduction effects.(3) Different bionic needles with spiral,concave,undee and serrated shapeshave been designed on No.16bionic needle and processed into that with the bionicnon-smooth surface by the laser technology. According to the national standardmethod for needle piercing property measurement, carry out silicon membranesingle factor puncture test of bionic needle and calculate the drag reduction rates ofthe bionic needles mentioned above to find the optimal structure size for thedifferent needles respectively. As a result, all the needles were found to have dragreduction effects. Through drag reduction mechanism analysis, it is found that thenon-smooth structure on the bionic needle surface made the contact area betweensmooth part and medium decreased. Therefore the drag reduction could be realized.(4) According to the national standard and the structure of the needlingmouthpart of the insect, different pinpoints with non-smooth structures have beendesigned. By means of silicon membrane puncture contrast test of needle tip forbase, the pierce drag of the bionic pinpoint is less than that of the original pinpoint.The relationship between the pinpoint inclined plane and puncture effect wasdiscussed by geometry finite element method, found the optimal structure size forthe pinpoint inclined planes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

