

Study on the Relationship between Khalkha and Oirad in16-17THCentury

【作者】 巴根那

【导师】 乌云毕力格;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 喀尔喀和卫拉特是蒙古共同体的两大部族,是其重要的组成部分。卫拉特是蒙元帝国时期以来活跃在蒙古历史舞台上的一个具有悠久历史的部落。它们在成吉思汗统一战争中屡立殊功,并与蒙古皇室建立了世婚关系。在忽必烈和阿里不哥争夺蒙古汗位之争中,卫拉特人站在了阿里不哥一边。在阿里不哥失利后,继而支持称雄中亚的窝阔台后裔海都,一直与元朝对抗。北元时期,卫拉特人逐渐强盛。它们辅佐阿里不哥后裔,和忽必烈后裔大汗作对,与东蒙古争夺蒙古高原的控制权。托欢、也先父子时期卫拉特人曾一度统治过全体蒙古。此后,卫拉特人渐渐衰落,屡遭东蒙古征讨,远避西域,淡出了蒙古高原历史舞台。喀尔喀则是北元时期蒙古中央六万户之一,由达延汗两个儿子统治下的十二鄂托克组成。兀梁哈万户被瓜分后,其中七鄂托克喀尔喀人得到充足的发展空间,逐渐向西发展,始与远避西域的卫拉特毗邻。自16世纪起七鄂托克喀尔喀诸汗与卫拉特逐步延续了近一个多世纪的征战和讨伐。1636年漠南蒙古归附清朝后,面临唇亡齿寒的严峻局面的喀尔喀、卫拉特二部在格鲁派影响下摒弃宿怨,于1640年举行盛大会盟,走向联合抗清的道路。1688年准噶尔汗噶尔丹东侵喀尔喀,溃败的喀尔喀部投降了清朝的怀抱。喀尔喀、卫拉特关系至此结束。喀尔喀与卫拉特关系研究在明清史和蒙古史研究中占有很重要的地位。治民族史者往往重视国内不同民族之间的相互关系,而忽视对一个民族内部不同部族或势力之间的关系研究。本文在充分利用前人研究的基础上,深入挖掘和利用清内秘书院档、内阁蒙古堂档等满蒙文档案,对喀尔喀与卫拉特各时期关系进行了全面、系统的研究。全文由六部分组成。“导论”交代选题意义、前人研究、论文新意和研究方法等。第一章“13-16世纪的蒙古与卫拉特关系”,为了说明卫拉特与蒙古关系的历史由来,阐述了蒙元时期蒙古和卫拉特的关系。认为忽必烈和阿里不哥之争是蒙古分裂为东西两大阵营的开端,而东蒙古和卫拉特的对立关系的源头,也正在于此。第二章“漠北喀尔喀与卫拉特对立局面的形成与发展”,详细讨论了喀尔喀万户的右翼逐渐占据兀良哈万户故地,逐渐发展成为独立的北喀尔喀万户。其后,蒙古右翼万户在俺答汗的统领下几次远征卫拉特,把它们赶出坤奎、扎布汗河流域。从此以后,卫拉特与东蒙古的对立就成为卫拉特与喀尔喀的对立了。第三章“17世纪前半叶的喀尔喀与卫拉特”,本章作为论文的重点,系统讲述了1640年喀尔喀——卫拉特联盟形成的背景和经过。对喀尔喀和清朝共邀达赖喇嘛事件、格鲁派高僧们在喀尔喀——卫拉特之间的积极联络和札萨克图汗与清朝的对立等问题做了详细的考证。并提出了自己的观点。第四章“喀尔喀内讧时期的喀尔喀——卫拉特关系”,本章阐述了17世纪50年代末,札萨克图汗部发生内讧,最终蔓延为整个喀尔喀内战;1666年,准噶尔首领僧格插手喀尔喀事务。从此,喀尔喀内乱转变为喀尔喀-卫拉特的势力对比;1688年,噶尔丹举兵攻打喀尔喀左翼。1688年9月土谢图汗和哲布尊丹巴向清廷表示归顺,1691年喀尔喀正式成为清朝藩部。喀尔喀与卫拉特的关系也演变为卫拉特与清朝的关系等问题。“结语”部分,对论文进行史实归纳的同时交代了论文的进展、突破点、局限以及不足。

【Abstract】 Khalkha and Oirad, the two big tribes, are the important component part of the Mongolian community. Oirad who has a long history had been active in Mongolian history since Yuan dynasty established by Mongolians. Oirad made a huge contribution in the unification war of Genghis Khan and built a generation marriage with Mongolian Royalty. In the struggle for Mongolian king between Khobilai and Aribuhe, Oirad supported Aribuhe. After defeated, in order to fight against Yuan dynasty, Oirad supported Haidu, the descendant of Ugedai, who controlled central Asia. In the period of Northern Yuan Dynasty, Oirad became powerful and prosperous and they help the descendant of Aribuhe fight against the descendant of Khoblai Khan for the control of Mongolian highland. Tohon and his son Esen once controlled the whole Mongolia. Later Oirad declined and defeated by Eastern Mongolia, then moved to Western Regions and gradually disappeared from Mongolian history. Khalkha is one of the Mongolian six Tu men of Northern Yuan Dynasty. It consists of twelve Otogs controlled by two sons of Dayan Khan. After Uriyanghai Tumen was divided up, seven Otogs of Khalkha gained a adequate space for development and gradually moved westward and began to border on Oirad of Western Regions. There was a war for a century between seven Otogs of Khalkha and Oirad since16th century. After Govin Emun Mongolia submitted to Qing Dynasty, both Khalkha and Oirad encountered the severe situation due to the threat from Qing Dynasty. Under the influence of Gelugpa, Khalkha and Oirad hold a ceremony in1640to make an alliance to resist Qing Dynasty. In1688defeated by Galdan, the leader of Jungar, Khalkha surrendered to Qing Dynasty. That means the Khalkha-Oirad alliance terminated. The study on the relationship between Khalkha and Oirad is critical to the studies on the history of Ming and Qing Dynasty as well as the history of Mongolia. Historians of nationality usually attach more importance to the relationship among deferent nationalities and ignore the relationship among the deferent parts of a nationality. Based on Manchu and Mongolian archives In inner Secretary Institute of Qing Dynasty(qing nei mi shu yuan dang) and Mongolian House in Inner Office of Qing Dynasty(qing nei ge meng wen dang an), This thesis studies the relationship between Khalkha and Oirad systematically and comprehensively, through taking advantage of the former studies.The thesis consists of five parts,"introduction " introduces the value of the subject, former studies, innovation of the paper and research methods etc. in order to clarify the history of the relationship between Khalkha and Oirad, Chapter1"relationship between Khalkha and Oirad in13-16th century" introduces the relationship between Khalkha and Oirad in the period of Yuan Dynasty. The thesis considers that the struggle between Khobilai and Aribuhe is not only the beginning of the disruption of Mongolia but also the origin of the conflict between Eastern Mongolia and Oirad. Chapter2"formation and development of the opposite situation between Khalkha and Oirad " discusses the process of the West Wing of the Khalkha Ttimen occupying the land of Uriyanghai Tumen and become an independent Khalkha Ttimen. Later the West Wing of the Khalkha Tumen led by Anda Khan attacked Oirad for several times. In the result, Oirad was driven away from the territory of Kuikun and Zavhan River. After that the conflict between Oirad and Eastern Mongolia became the conflict between Oirad and Khalkha. Chapter3"Oirad and Khalkha in the first half of the17th century", the main part of the paper, presents systematically the background and process of the establishment of the alliance of Oirad and Khalkha and testifies such events in detail as:Khalkha and Qing Dynasty invited the Dalai Lama together, Gelugpa’s activities between Oirad and Khalkha and Jasagt Khan’s resistance against Qing Dynasty. Chapter4"the relationship between Oirad and Khalkha in the period of internal conflict of Khalkha" talks about the internal conflict of Jasagt khan tribe occurred in late1850s, which finally led to the civil war of Khalkha. In1666Senge the Oirad leader interfered the Khalkha affair, therefore the internal conflict became the war of Oirad and Khalka. In1688Galdan’s troops attacked the East Wing of Khalka. On September1688Tushiad Khan and Jibzundamba surrendered to Qing Dynasty. In1691, Khalkha became vassal part of Qing Dynasty officially. Therefore the relationship between Oirad and Khalkha became the relationship between Oirad and Qing Dynasty."Final Note" concludes the thesis and introduces the progress, innovations and weakpoints of the thesis.

【关键词】 喀尔喀卫拉特联盟东西蒙古
【Key words】 KhalkhaOiradallianceEastern and Western Mongolia
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】K311
  • 【下载频次】175

