

Observations of the Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Emissions and O/N2Inversion Methods

【作者】 张永超

【导师】 陈波; 张效信;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 电离层远紫外日辉辐射是由光电子与高层大气碰撞激发而产生的,而且提供了电离层中主要的中性成分(N2,O,O2)的光学辐射信号,从空间对远紫外日辉辐射进行遥感观测,可以获得主要中性成分的密度及空间分布等信息,对其研究具有重要的科学价值和应用价值。本文主要围绕电离层中140-180nm波段的LBH(Lyman-Birge-Hopfield)日辉辐射及氧原子的135.6nm辐射(OI135.6nm)的辐射特性和O/N2的反演方法进行了研究,为风云三号气象卫星载荷仪器观测数据的模拟技术与反演技术的研制奠定了基础。1、首先介绍了远紫外日辉的辐射传输理论,光电子的传输理论,以及极光电子的传输理论。重点分析了电离层中远紫外日辉辐射的激发过程、吸收过程以及散射过程,从而为研究电离层中140-180nm波段的LBH及OI135.6nm日辉的辐射特性打下基础。2、分析了LBH辐射的谱带特征,采用电子碰撞直接激发理论和球几何大气模型,针对大视场观测模式,给出了一种改进的LBH日辉柱辐射率计算方法RAURIC(Revised Algorithm of AURIC)。RAURIC针对AURIC辐射算法的局限性做两点改进:一是增加了观测方位角;二是考虑了沿观测视线LOS方向上太阳天顶角的变化。使用RAURIC计算了140-180nm波段的LBH日辉辐射,并与AURIC进行了比较,结果表明:在天底方向上,二者具有非常好的一致性;在其他观测方向上,尤其在大视场观测模式下,则需要使用RAURIC进行计算。3、对风云三号气象卫星载荷仪器的观测结果进行数据处理,利用风云三号广角极光成像仪观测到的140-180nm波段的LBH日辉辐射与电离层光度计观测到的OI135.6nm日辉辐射进行了O/N2反演技术的研究。通过对两个远紫外日辉辐射特性的研究,结果表明二者的柱辐射率之比135.6/LBH与太阳活动相关;然后检验了太阳活动对O/N2反演曲线的影响,结果表明:太阳活动的变化会造成O/N2反演曲线之间存在比较大的偏差,因此在O/N2的反演方法中必须考虑消除太阳活动的影响。

【Abstract】 Far Ultraviolet (FUV) dayglow emissions in the ionosphere, are produced byphotoelectrons impact on the particles of the upper atmosphere, and provide theoptical signals for remote sensing of chief neutral particles (N2, O, O2) of theionosphere. Observations of the FUV dayglow emissions from space can be apowerful method to derive the useful information on the densities and thedistributions of the chief neutral particles. Therefore, research on the FUV dayglowemissions has important scientific and application values. In this dissertation, wemainly study the LBH dayglow emissions in the range of140-180nm and the OI135.6nm dayglow emissions, which are the observation signals of the Wide-fieldAuroral Imager (WAI) and the Ionospheric Photometer respectively, and these twoinstruments will be carried on satellite FY-3D. So, this dissertation provides a solidbasis for simulating the image of ionospheric LBH dayglow emissions and the O/N2inversion technique.1. Firstly, the radiative transfer theory of the FUV dayglow emissions, the transfertheory of the photoelectrons, and the theory of auroral electrons have beenintroduced. Furthermore, we mainly analyse the excitation process, the absorptionprocess, and the scattering process of the FUV dayglow emissions in the ionosphere, so this work provides basis for studying the emission characteristics of the LBHdayglow emissions in the range of140-180nm and the OI135.6nm dayglowemissions.2. According to direct excitation theory and spherical geometry, the spectralcharacteristics of the LBH emission are analyzed and a revised method (RAURIC) tocalculate the column emission rate of the LBH dayglow emissions for large field ofview is given. Two main limitations of AURIC, that are the definition of theobservation azimuth angle and the treating of the solar zenith angle as a constantalong a line of sight, are improved in RAURIC. The column emission rates of theLBH bands in the range of140-180nm are calculated with the method. Comparisonswith results from AURIC show great agreement in nadir, while RAURIC should beused in other lines of light, especially for large field of view.3. We aim at the LBH band in the range of140-180nm and the OI135.6nmdayglow emissions, the observation signals of payloads on the meteorologicalsatellite FY-3, and do initial research on the O/N2retrieval technique for the firsttime. In our work an important finding is that135.6/LBH is correlated with solaractivity. Then we check the effects of the solar activity on the O/N2retrieval curves.And the results show that there are large deviations between the retrieval curves withdifferent solar activities, so the solar activity effect must be considered to beremoved in the O/N2retrieval method.


