

Study on the Principle and Method of Diagnosing and Treating Fluid-related Disorders in the "Golden Chamber"

【作者】 吴梓新

【导师】 连建伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 目的通过对《金匮要略》中水液失常相关病变的研究,深化对痰饮病的理解,更进一步探讨仲景辨证论治思想与方法。方法研读《金匮要略》与水液失常相关病变的条文,讨论辨病和辨证的关系,运用以疾病为核心的角度对《痰饮病篇》及其他相关条文进行重新分析。结果①疾病与证候二者如影随形而不相离,辨证是为了认识疾病过程,若能在过程中确认患者所得的是何种具体疾病,则能更准确地了解证候在当下的意义及病机。②证候和“阶段性病机”并不是辨证的重点,更重要的是在关注动态整体的基础上,了解不同疾病发生变化的规律,推断病的发展趋势,才能为更全面准确的判断当下的治疗策略。③痰饮病以人体水液运化能力与饮邪二者的关系为发病主线,而因饮留之部位、饮结之深浅、发病的趋向等均有很大变化,故没有固定的简单规律可循。不过仲景对痰饮病的具体变化规律,作出了高度概括④“温药和之”作为痰饮病的治疗大原则,指治疗的过程总以回复人体水液正常运化为务,这是在整个治疗痰饮病的动态过程中而言,而非指某一次的治法。结论仲景书最为可贵之处,并非仅仅在于书中对疾病表现的描述和方药记载,而是透过对疾病辨证论治的具体描述,让医者掌握其辨证论治的思维和方法。《金匮要略》论述了不同疾病的复杂变化规律,更示人辨治杂病的思维和方法。

【Abstract】 Objective To find out the principle and method of diagnosing and treating fluid-related disorders used by Zhang Zhong-jing in the "Golden Chamber" and deepen the understanding towards "Fluid Retention Diseases"Methods The articles in the "Golden Chamber" which concerning fluid-related disorders and clarify the relationships between symptoms and disease during diagnosis were studied and the Chapter of Fluid Retention Disease and articles related were reviewed using "disease centered approach".Results①The concept "symptom" and "disease"could not be saperated. Symptom analyze was the only method to understand disease. If the pattern of particular disease was considered during diagnosis, disease mechanism would be revealed with higher accuracy.②Partial disease mechanism was not the main focus by Zhang Zhong-jing when diagnosing, instead, observe the disease process in dynamic way would help to increase the clarity and accuracy of deciding treatment method.③The pattern of Fluid-retention Disease was affected by the relationships between Vital energy and Evil. However, the excessive fluid could stay at any part of the body with various depth, which give out a complex pattern of change. In the Chapter of Fluid-retention Disease, Zhang Zhong-jing revealed the pattern in a highly conclusive manner.④"Harmonizing with drugs of warm in nature" was the principle of treating Fluid-retention disease. But it did not only refer to the treating method in one particular phase or moment. It was in fact the overall principle of treating Fluid-retention in the whole process.Conclusion Formulae and treatment methods were not the most valuable part in the "Golden Chamber", through studying in a right angle, the mind set of how Zhang Zhong-jing consider to diagnose and treat disease would be shown.

  • 【分类号】R222.3
  • 【下载频次】397

