

The Study of Historical Literature in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张岩

【导师】 杨寄林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 史论是史学家对历史事件、历史人物等历史内容的认识,反应的是他们对历史的主观见解。明末清初的史论是中国史学发展史上一个非常重要的阶段,在中国史学史、思想史上占有十分重要的地位。这一时期,产生了大量的史论文献,他们在著述旨趣、编纂特点、内容和思想上,都和前代甚至是明初有着明显的不同,尤其在思想上,更是深刻地反映了时代的特点和要求,有些甚至还具有一定的启蒙思想的内容。有鉴于此,本文从《四库全书存目》中摘取了明末清初的史论文献,并对其进行研究,全文共分为如下几部分。绪论:首先,阐明了本课题的研究和意义。其次,扼要地回顾了这些史论文献的研究情况,评述了其研究成就和不足。第一章:史论文献内涵的界定。本章对史论和文献的定义加以融合,最终得出史论文献的定义。第二章:明末清初史论文献的著述旨趣。本章重点结合时代背景,研究这些文献产生的原因。具体来说:首先,作者本身对史学具有浓厚的兴趣,他们或者自己伏案读史,撰写史论,或者同他人共同探讨历史问题,撰写成书,这属于论史自娱;其次,伴随着史学走向深层的趋势,一些史家为了将历史传承给后人或者平民,撰写史论著作,这属于普及历史教育的范畴;最后,一些具有忧患意识的明末史家,出于维护统治需要,从历史中汲取经验教训,将自己的心得撰写成书,这属于探讨历史兴衰的形式。第三章:明末清初史论文献的编纂特点。这些文献的编纂体例可分为两种:一是拟题申论,首先是以人物为标题,这是指通过一个特定的历史人物去评论与其相关的政治、经济、社会等多方面的历史问题;其次是以类相从。这是将性质相同或类似的人物、事件归为一类,集中进行评论;再次是以朝代为标题。史家仿照编年体的形式,分别评论历朝历代的史事;最后是以事件本末为标题。史家通过标题向读者介绍事件的本末,先使人们能够对事件有一个大概的了解,然后进行评论。二是直抒议论,使用这种体例的文献较少。第四章:明末清初史论文献的内容。笔者着重从历史人物的评价、历史事件的论说、典章制度的考索、思想学术的判定、社会风俗的剖断、历史大势的揭示六方面重点考察了明末清初史论文献的内容。第五章:明末清初史论文献的思想。明末清初是历史大变革时期,其思想是极为活跃的。主要表现为:第一、史家对天人思想进行研讨;第二、史家对皇朝正统观念提出了和前代不同的见解;第三、史家对皇朝兴亡观念做出了详尽的评析;第四、史家对历史发展规律做出究寻;第五、基于民族矛盾的突出,他们还阐释了民族夷夏、民族一统观念,在这其中尤其以民族夷夏观念作为突出,反映了史家对汉族和少数民族关系的认识。

【Abstract】 The historical review in late Ming and early Qing is a very important stage ofChinese Historiography. It Occupied a very important position in the history ofhistoriography and the history of chinese philosophy. In this period,many peopleproduced a large number of historical literature, In which writings, characteristics,contents, compiling the purport of thought, are all markedly different from previousgeneration even early Ming Dynasty. Especially in thought, which profoundlyreflected of the characteristics and requirements of the times, has the certainenlightenment factors. In view of this,I decide to select the late Ming and early QingDynasty history of literature from “Siku Quanshu cunmu from”, conducting theresearch totjem. The full text is divided into the following sections.The introduction part. Firstly: I clarify the research and the significance of thisissue. Secondly,I have a brief review of the history of literature research, recognise bothits achievements and its failures.Chapter one:The definition of the history ofliterature. The chapter definesintegratly on the history view and literature, and then defines history literature.Chapter two:The writing purport of late Ming and early Qing Dynasty historyview of literature. First,this chapter mainly focuses on the researching of the causes ofthese documents produced with combining of background. Specifically, the author has astrong interest in history。They or read history books at his desk,then write history literature;ordiscussed history problems then write history literature,we call it In the history ofmasturbation.Second, With the trend of history deepening, in order to historicalheritage to posterity or civilians, Some historians write history view,which belongs tothe universal history education category.Last, Some historian with hardshipconsciousness write history view to Learn lessons from history,for the sake ofmaintaining the rule,which belongs to the history of the rise and fall of the form.Chapter three: The characteristics of codification in late Ming and early QingDynasty history view of. These literature’s compilation style can be divided into twotypes: One is Problem posing. First, The figures for the title:through a specific historical figures to comment on political, economic, social and related aspects of theproblem. Secondly, Classificate the same or similar nature of the characters, events as acategory, then give a centralized review.Third, the dynastic title. Historians modeledthe annalistic style form, review of past dynasties history respectively.Last, the title ofins and outs event. The historians told the readers about the events, so that people canhave a general understanding of the event, and then review.The other is Straightview,but very little literature used this style.Chapter four:I mainly mainly inspected the late Ming and early Qing Dynastyhistory of literaturesfrom the historical review, historical events, laws and regulationson study, academic thought, social customs, the evaluation on historical trend.Chapter five: The thoughts of late Ming and early Qing Dynasty history ofliteratures. The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty is the period of the historicalchange, the idea is very active. First, analysis the historians’ thought of heaven andman. Second,Historians’thought of dynasty orthodox ideas are different from formergeneration. Third, historians make a detailed assessment of the historian Dynasty riseand fall of ideas. Fourth, historians analysis the law of historical development. Fifth,based on the national contradiction, they also analyzed the ethnic Yi Xia, nationalintegrate, and ethnic Yi Xia concept is the most prominent historians, which reflectsthe understanding of the Han nationality and the minority nationalities relationship.


