

The Research on the Kindergarten Curriculum Power Operation

【作者】 田波琼

【导师】 杨晓萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学前教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 课程权力是课程管理的基础,一切课程活动都要通过课程权力的运行来实现。研究幼儿园课程权力运作既是回应世界教育的民主化运动呼唤课程权力运作主体的多元化、课程决策的民主化与科学化的要求,又是当下幼儿园课程权力运作理论缺失与实践困惑的使然。因此,优化幼儿园课程权力运作是幼儿园课程管理中不可回避的问题。本研究以Y市A、B、C三所幼儿园为个案,通过社会学、管理学和教育学等多学科视角,采用文献法、访谈法、观察法,遵循理论阐释——实践考察——对策与建议的路径,对幼儿园课程权力运作进行理论分析和实然考察,探讨幼儿园层面课程权力的运作样态,揭示其运作机制,发现幼儿园课程权力运作中存在的问题,提出优化幼儿园课程权力运作的策略,以指导幼儿园课程实践。研究得出以下结论:1.幼儿园课程权力运作应该秉承民主、公正、效率和共赢的价值诉求。2.幼儿园课程权力运作的主体有教育行政部门、幼儿园园长、幼儿教师、课程专家、家长和幼儿,运作的客体有幼儿园课程权力的目标群体、课程资源和课程事件。幼儿园课程权力运作的常见组织行为是“会议”和“文件”。通过对这两个行为的分析发现:课程话语权的大小取决于“言说者”在幼儿中的地位和影响;会场的空间秩序,话语秩序也隐含着课程权力主体间的差别;幼儿园课程权力受教育行政部门的影响很大,行政权力对专业权力干预过多。3.幼儿园课程权力运作以幼儿园课程运作的流程课程决策、设计、实施和评价为依托。幼儿园课程决策的权力运作机制为“做决策”、“不做决策”。园长课程决策权过于密集,幼儿教师课程决策权有限,专家课程决策权受行政权力影响很大,家长课程决策权“边缘化”、幼儿课程决策权“虚无化”。幼儿园课程设计的权力运作的机制是课程资源配置,幼儿园课程设计偏“科层化”。地方教育行政部门以及附属的教科院、进修学院对幼儿园课程设计有很大的影响,园长和教研组长在课程设计方面有很大的发言权,教师的课程设计权有限。幼儿园课程实施的权力运作机制是课程资源部署与课程监控。幼儿园课程实施中,师幼关系呈互倚性。幼儿园课程评价中的权力运作机制为激励,幼儿园课程评价偏功利化取向,并以外激励为主。幼儿园课程评价权力主体和形式单一。4.幼儿园课程权力运作中存在着幼儿园权力生态结构不平衡,教育行政权力居于权力场域中心,处于弱势的课程权力主体的课程权力地位边缘化三个问题。其影响因素主要有幼儿园课程权力主体的个人、幼儿园组织文化和幼儿园课程制度等。5.以公正为价值内核的权力主体边界和责任塑造,以民主自由为精神内核的组织文化营造,以协调监督为主旨的幼儿园课程制度创设可以优化幼儿园课程权力运作。本研究共分为七章:导论部分旨在提出研究背景以阐明幼儿园课程权力运作作为论文研究主题的原因和研究的价值。继而提出幼儿课程权力运作的目的、意义和研究思路与方法。第一章,幼儿园课程权力运作的理论基础。本章分析了幼儿园课程权力运作的社会学、管理学以及教育学基础。福柯的微观权力运作机制与幼儿园课程权力运作机制有异曲同工之妙;利益相关者理论为本研究提供了划分幼儿园课程权力主体的依据;泰勒课程模式及变式为分析幼儿园课程权力运作的流程提供了分析框架。第二章,幼儿园课程权力运作的价值诉求。本章提出了以民主、公正、效率和共赢的理念。民主保证了幼儿园课程利益相关者都有机会参与幼儿园课程,拓展了幼儿园课程的公共空间。公正是幼儿园课程权力运作井然有序的基石,避免了幼儿园课程活动中由于权力分配不均以及偏袒而导致的冲突和内耗。效率保证了幼儿园课程权力主体在课程运作中承担各自的责任,实现幼儿园课程权力运作效率的最大化。共赢是幼儿园课程权力运作的目的,使各课程权力主体的利益达到最大化。第三章,幼儿园课程权力运作的“宏场”审视。研究者将幼儿园作为一个宏观场域来看,从对幼儿园课程权力运作的组织(场域)、幼儿园课程权力的结构以及幼儿园课程权力运作的常见组织行为“会议”和“文件”的分析出发,以揭示幼儿园课程权力在幼儿园“宏场”的运作状况。第四章,幼儿园课程权力运作的“微场”洞悉。“微场”是相对于“宏场”而言的,“微场”是把整个“课程场域“划分为部分。研究者以幼儿园课程运作的流程为依托,考察了幼儿园课程利益相关者在幼儿园课程决策、设计、实施和评价这四个动态的环节上的权力运作实然状况。第五章,幼儿园课程权力运作的问题探源。通过对权力运作的“宏场”和“微场”的分析,发现幼儿园课程权力运作异化的问题,分析其影响因素。第六章,幼儿园课程权力运作的优化策略。研究者针对幼儿园课程权力运作中出现的问题,以课程行动者的权力管理,组织环境的优化以及课程制度为动力系统,提出幼儿园课程权力运作的优化策略。

【Abstract】 Curriculum power is the foundation of curriculum management and all curriculum activities should be implemented through the curriculum power operation. The research on kindergarten curriculum power operation is a response to the world educational democracy campaign that calls for diversified subjects, democratic and scientific curriculum decision in curriculum power operation, and a natural result of the theoretic scarcity and puzzles in practice of the kindergarten curriculum power operation. Therefore, it’s an inevitable issue to optimize the curriculum power operation in the kindergarten curriculum management.This research, with case study of Kindergarten A, B, C in city Y from the perspectives of sociology, management science and pedagogy, adopts a combined research methodology of literature review, interview and observation. Following the routine of explaining the theory, investigating the practice, and providing solution and advice, this research conducts a theoretic analysis and a practical investigation, discusses the power operation condition, reveals its mechanism, finds out the problems in kindergarten course function, and provides strategy of optimizing curriculum power operation in order to guide the kindergarten curriculum practice.Research results can be concluded as following:1. The kindergarten curriculum power operation should abide by the value appeal of democracy, justice, efficiency and win-win.2. The educational administration, the kindergarten director, teachers, curriculum experts, parents and the children constitute the subject of the power operation, while the targeted group, curriculum resources, and curriculum events make of the object. Power operation in the kindergarten curriculum is usually organized in meetings and files. Through analyzing the two actions, we found that the discourse power was decided by the subject’s role and influence among the children. The meeting spatial order and the voice order also imply the difference among subjects. The administration plays an important role in the curriculum power and extends too much interference to the professional power.3. The kindergarten curriculum power operation relies on the course decision, design, implementation and evaluation. The operation mechanism can be classified as making the decision and not making the decision. The decision power is centralized to the kindergarten director while the teachers’power is limited. The professional’s power is influenced by the administration. Parents’power is marginalized and the children’s power is ignored. The mechanism in the curriculum designing is allocating the course resources and it exhibits a character of hierarchy. The local administration department, its affiliated educational academy, further teaching academy exert great influence on the curriculum design. Within the kindergarten, the director and the teaching leader have a great power on course design while the teachers’power is limited. The operation mechanism of curriculum implementation is resource deployment and curriculum supervision. During implementation, the relation between teachers and children is inter-relied. The operation mechanism of curriculum evaluation is incentive, but the incentive tends to associate too much with utilitarianism and mainly focuses on external incentive, in which the subject and the form of evaluation are unitary.4. There are three problems in the power operation:the biological structure is unbalance; the educational administration power seizes the central power position; and the weak subjects’power is marginalized. These major influential factors are individuals, kindergarten organizational culture and curriculum policy, etc..5. The optimization of the curriculum power function can be achieved by shaping the power subjects’boundary and responsibility with the core value of justice, creating the organizational culture with the spirit of democracy and freedom, and establishing the curriculum policy with the gist of coordination and supervision.This research consists of seven chapters:The introduction provides the background and value to interpret choosing kindergarten curriculum power operation as the research object, after which the purpose, the meaning and the research logic and methodology are showed.The first chapter theoretic foundation of kindergarten curriculum power operation analyzes the theoretic foundation of the kindergarten curriculum power function from the perspectives of sociology, management science and pedagogy. Foucault’s micro power operation mechanism ist the same as the kindergarten curriculum power operation mechanism.The stakeholder theory supports the basis for classifying the power subjects and Taylor’s curriculum model and its transformation provides the analyzing structure for the curriculum power operation process.The second chapter:value appeal of the kindergarten curriculum power operation. This chapter held democracy, justice, efficiency and win-win as the value appeal. Democracy ensures that all stakeholders have the chance into curriculum, which expands the curriculum’s public space. Justice is the cornerstone of the curriculum power to operation in order, avoiding the conflicts and internal consumption caused by unbalanced and privileged power allocation. Efficiency ensures that the power subjects take their respective responsibility, achieving the maximum power operation efficiency. Win-win is the operation purpose and maximizes the subjects’interests.The third chapter:a macro field investigation on the kindergarten curriculum power operation. This research treats the kindergarten as a macro field and from the analysis of the power operation organization (the filed), power structure and the normal power organizing behavior such as meetings and files, revealing the operation condition of curriculum power in the kindergarten as a macro field.The fourth chapter:a micro insight on the kindergarten curriculum power operation. In contract to macro field, the micro filed approach divides the curriculum field into parts. Based on the operation process of curriculum, this research investigates the practicing condition of curriculum stakeholder’s power operation in the four dynamic stages:curriculum decision, curriculum design, curriculum implementation, and curriculum evaluation.The fifth chapter:tracking down the problem of kindergarten curriculum power operation. After the analysis of macro and micro fields in the power operation, this research finds the problem of power operation alienation and then analyzes the influential factors.The sixth chapter:strategy of optimizing kindergarten power operation. Aiming at the problems in power operation, this research provides the strategy of optimizing kindergarten curriculum power operation with an engine system consisting of power management of curriculum actors, optimization of organization environment and curriculum policy.

【关键词】 幼儿园课程课程权力权力运作
【Key words】 kindergartencurriculumcurriculum powerpower operation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

