

People’s Republic of China the Secondary-occupational Education Curriculum Policies Research

【作者】 王坤

【导师】 谢长法;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《礼记·礼运》言,“大道之行也,天下为公。”长期以来,在课程政策的研究中,学术界普遍关注的是基础教育领域,从政策的视角对职业教育课程进行研究的成果十分匮乏。论文以新中国中等职业教育课程政策为研究对象,从政策的视野探索我国中等职业教育课程发展变迁的内在规律。在综合利用各种方法的基础上,全面研究了我国中等职业教育课程政策的历史轨迹、价值取向、过程和动力,尝试探寻中等职业教育课程政策发展的内在规律,论文主要开展了以下研究:一、全面梳理了新中国成立以来我国中央部门颁布的与中等职业教育课程有关的政策文件。从政策文本的数量、主体、主题等方面进行了统计分析,通过研究发现,在改革开放之前,我国中等职业教育课程政策,表现出更多的个体精英决策模式;改革开放之后,课程政策决策的团体协调模式明显;在中等职业教育课程政策的主题分布中,思想政治课程具有突出地位。通过中等职业教育课程政策的变迁路径可以看出,课程政策环境由封闭性向开放性转变,课程政策制定主体、课程目标由单一性向多样性转变,课程模式由简单转性向复杂性转变,课程实施由急进性向渐进性转变。课程政策的领导权在集中和分散之间呈现出一种特殊的钟摆式运动,这表明中等职业教育课程改革的道路不是一帆风顺的,而是曲折性与复杂性并存。二、探究政治、经济、文化和科技等方面对课程政策产生的影响。在计划经济体制下,我国中等职业教育课程政策呈现出“大一统”的特征,着重培养学生的集体服从意识和大局意识,淡化和忽视学生个体身心发展需求;在市场经济条件下,中等职业教育课程的目标、结构、内容等方面表现出了不同的特点,尤其是随着知识经济的来临和经济全球化的进一步加剧,促使中职课程改革朝纵深发展,要求培养的人才能跟得上经济转型和产业升级的步伐。在改革开放之前,我们全面借鉴苏联的社会主义文化成果,包括文学、艺术、教育等方面,我国中等职业教育受苏联模式的影响非常深远,文化呈现出单一性特征,而文化的单一性直接影响到中等职业教育课程政策的单一性,主要表现为借鉴苏联的“三段式”课程模式。在改革开放以后,我国文化总体上得到了多元化的发展,对课程教学组织方式的多元化、教材编写的多元化、课程改革借鉴对象的多元化产生了深远影响。根据科技发展的需求,我国中等职业教育课程政策从课程目标、模式、内容等方面作出了相应调整。三、反思了我国中等职业教育课程政策的价值取向。任何一项与政策有关的研究,都避不开价值取向的问题,价值取向关系到政策制定者所要达到的目标和计划。公平与效率是我国中等职业教育课程改革中无法回避的问题,在中等职业教育的发展过程中,仅以“效率”或“公平”概括一个时代中等职业教育课程的价值取向还是有失偏颇,尤其是新中国成立30年的这段时期,由于国内外政治经济发展的复杂性,与课程有关的政策中,公平与效率以一种复杂混合的方式出现,不能对其进行单一的价值判断。中等职业教育课程政策的“学科本位”和“社会本位”价值取向表面上呈现出一种对立的关系,但在我国中等职业教育的发展过程中,这两者达到一种非正常的融合,即一方面实行“三段式”课程模式,开展一种“学科本位”的课程教学活动,另一方面又强调生产实践课的重要性,强调课程教学活动的“社会本位”取向。在改革开放以前,中等职业教育课程政策呈现出“唯国家化”取向,即加强对社会和个人的控制是课程政策的重要目的,课程政策的制定、实施和评价仅属于国家活动的范畴;改革开放以后,中等职业教育课程政策的“唯国家化”取向有所减弱,但课程改革的根本权力,还是控制在政府手里。我国中等职业教育课程政策的发展过程中,其价值取向呈现出一定的路径依赖,不同的路径依赖具有不同的效应,有些路径依赖的效应是正面的,有些路径依赖的效应是负面的。路径依赖产生的原因主要有两方面,一是受到渐进决策模式和精英决策模式的约束,二是受到课程政策参与主体利益博弈的影响。四、探寻了中职课程政策的动态运行规律。任何一项政策,都离不开制定、实施与评价的过程,中等职业教育课程政策也不例外。中等职业教育课程政策的参与主体,包括体制内主体和体制外主体,体制内主体主要包括立法机关、行政机关、执政党;体制外主体主要包括利益集团、公民个体、新闻媒介。在1949—1977年之间,中等职业教育课程政策呈现出个体精英和完全理性的决策模式;从1978年至今,中等职业教育课程政策呈现出渐进、有限、团体和系统的决策模式。在课程政策的具体实施过程中,还存在许多问题亟待解决,主要有象征性的政策执行、断章取义的政策执行、观望式的政策执行、照搬照抄式的政策执行。在课程的评价中也存在许多问题,主要有评价方法单一、评价目标的模糊性与易变性、评价主体的单一性、评价结论未必能受到政府部门的重视,其本质是课程政策参与主体之间的利益博弈。五、开展了案例实证研究。选取了一所国家级中职示范学校,在对政策背景、地区背景和学校背景进行全面了解后,深入课程教学一线进行了调查研究,全面了解该示范校课程政策的执行情况。该校成立了专门的领导小组,由校长担任组长,各个专业分别开展具体课程改革。机电系调整完善了课程结构、积极开发校本课程、实施工学交替;汽车维修系基于工作进行核心课和精品课建设,进行校厂一体项目课程教学质量监控与保障体系建设;数控专业进行了课程体系改革,校本教材开发,开展了工学结合,进行课程教学质量监督;计算机专业校企合作建立CPPI课程体系,开发项目化专业课程教材,实施理实一体教学模式,建立适应工学交替的评价体系;会计专业构建了应用型的课程体系,创新了课程实施的模式,利用校企合作做好专业核心课建设。许多老师表示,决策者应该深入基层一线进行广泛调研,减少课程政策与实际需求的脱节,教师的工资待遇及其他相关利益也应当在课程改革中得到保护和提高,只有这样才能以减少教师对课程改革的抵触情绪,使相应的课程政策得到切实有效的贯彻执行。六、针对我国中等职业教育课程政策制定、实施和评价中存在的问题,论文从生态主义的视角,提出了解决问题的措施和手段,对机制进行了创新。生态主义的产生与发展,一直与民主政治理念的发展变化是紧密相连的,这是本文能够从生态主义的视角对中等职业教育课程政策进行研究的内在基点。生态主义的整体、联系、发展、和谐、协调等理念,与中等职业教育课程政策具有内在的统一性与一致性。从生态主义的立场来看,在中等职业教育课程政策的制定—实施—评价过程中,应当综合考虑政治、经济和文化等方面对课程政策的影响,中等职业教育课程政策价值取向应由单一转向多维,更多的呈现出一种综合化的取向。中等职业教育课程政策的制定应当吸收理性、渐进、精英、政治系统和团体等决策形式的优点,全面综合利用;课程政策的执行应充分考虑政策执行的适用性、范围的有限性、实施的动态性、影响的广泛性等特点;课程政策的评估应秉持全面、发展、联系和协调的理念,对中等职业教育课程政策进行科学客观的评价。

【Abstract】 As a famous saying in Book of Riles says,"A public spirit will rule all under the sky when the Great Way prevails". For a long time, due to widespread bias against occupational education, academic attention focuses on the elementary education field in the study of curriculum policies. Therefore, researches on the occupation education from the policy perspective are fruitless. This dissertation chooses curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education as the research object. From the perspective of education policies, it explores the inherent law of the development and reform of the secondary-occupational education in China. Based on various research methods, this thesis has a comprehensive study of the history, value orientation, process and the development power of the secondary-occupational education in China. In addition, it attempts to explore its inherent law of the development and reformation. This paper carries out the following researches mainly from the following aspects:Firstly, a comprehensive analysis on the curriculum policies and documents related with the secondary-occupational education issued by the central government departments will be made in this paper. Statistical analysis will be made from the number, main body and theme of the policies and documents. It is discovered that, before the reform and opening-up, curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education in our country, tend to be individual elite decision mode. After the reform and opening up, it is more likely to be a group coordination mode. In its theme distribution, the ideological and political course has a prominent position. Through the reform of curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education, it can be seen that the curriculum policy environment transformed from the closed to open. The curriculum policy-making subject and objective transformed from oneness to diversity, and the curriculum mode shifted from simplicity to complexity, curriculum implementation transmited from the radical change to the gradual one. The leadership of curriculum policies presents a special pendulum movement between the centralized and the decentralized, which suggests that the curriculum reform of the secondary-occupational education is troublesome and complex rather than smooth.Secondly, the impacts of the economy, policies and culture on the curriculum policies will be explored. Under the planned economy system, curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education in China showed the characteristics of "unification", which focused on developing students’collective consciousness and overall consciousness while weakening and ignoring the individual needs of students physical and psychological development. Under the market-oriented economy system, the curricular objectives, structure and content of the secondary-occupational education show different characteristics. With the coming of the knowledge-based economy and the further intensification of economic globalization, the curriculum reform has a in-depth development and personnel quality are required to keep up with the pace of economic restructuring and industrial upgrading. Before the reform and opening up, we imitated Soviet Union’s socialist culture, including literature, art, education, etc. Soviet mode had a profound influence on the secondary-occupational education in China. Culture shows the characteristics of oneness, which directly affected the oneness of the secondary-occupational education curriculum policies, such as the copy of the "three-step" curriculum mode of the Soviet Union. After the reform and opening up, our culture, on the whole, has a diversified development, which impacts profoundly the diversification of teaching organization, textbook compilation and the models of curriculum reform. According to the demand of the development of science and technology, China’s curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education has made a corresponding adjustment from the aspects of curricular objectives, mode, content and so on.Thirdly, the value orientation of curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education in China will be introspected. Any research related with policy can not avoid the problem of value orientation, which concerns the target and plan of the policy makers. Fairness and efficiency are the unavoidable issues in the curriculum reform of the secondary-occupational education in our country. In the process of the development of secondary-occupational education, it is biased that value orientation is only summarized with "efficiency" or "fairness" in a certain era, especially in the30years after the establishment of People’s Republic of China. In this period, because of the complexity of domestic and foreign political and economic development, fairness and efficiency appeared in a mixed way in the curriculum-related policies. Therefore, a single value judgment should not be put on it. The "discipline-based" and "society-standard" value orientations of the curriculum-related policies show an antagonistic relationship on the surface. However, in the development of secondary-occupational education in our country, these two value orientations reached an abnormal fusion. On the one hand, the "three-step" curriculum mode is implemented and the "discipline-based" teaching activities are carried out. On the other hand, the importance of production-practice course is emphasized and the "society-standard" value orientation is stressed in the teaching activities. Before the reform and opening up, the curriculum policies on secondary-occupational education showed the orientation of "only nationalization". In other words, to strengthen the control of society and individual is the most important target. And the policy making, implementation and evaluation are in the sphere of national decision. After the reform and opening up, this phenomenon is weakened, but the fundamental power of curriculum reform is still controlled by the government. In the development of the curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education, the value orientation is path-relied. Different path dependence has different effects:some are positive while others are negative. The reasons for path dependence have two aspects:one is the restraint of the gradual decision-making mode and the elite decision mode; the other is the influence of the interest game among the participants of curriculum reform.Fourthly, the dynamic operation rules of the curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education will be explored. Any policy has a process of making, implementation and evaluation, and the curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education are no exception. the participants of curriculum policies include the ones in system and the ones outside system—participants in system include legislative body, administrative organization and the ruling party; participants outside system contain the interest groups, individual citizens, news media. From1949to1977, the curriculum policies of the secondary-occupational education presented individual elite and totally rational decision-making modes. Since1978, the curriculum policies show the progressive, finite, organized and systematic decision-making modes. In the concrete implementation of curriculum policies, there still exist many problems, such as the symbolic implementation of policy, the interpret-out-of-context implementation, the wait-and-see implementation and copy-type implementation. Still, there are a lot of problems in the curriculum evaluation, such as the singularity of the method, the ambiguity and variability of the goal, the singularity of the subjective and the ignorance of the results by the government. In essence, it is the interest game among the participants of the curriculum policies.Fifthly, an empirical study on the case will be carried out in this thesis. A national demonstration secondary-vocational school is selected. After a comprehensive understanding of policy background, region background and school background, investigations are made in the course teaching and the implementation of curriculum policies in this school is learned comprehensively. A special leading group is formed in this school, headed by the president and the professional curriculum reform carried out in concrete. Department of mechanical and electrical engineering adjusts and improves curriculum structure, actively develop school-based curriculum and implements the alternation between engineering and study. Based on the core and excellent course construction, department of vehicle maintenance and repair project integrates school and factory and has the curriculum teaching quality monitoring and security system construction. Numerical control major has a curriculum system reform, develops school-based teaching materials, combines working and learning and implements course teaching quality supervision. Computer specialty conducts the school-enterprise cooperation, establishes CPPI course system, develops projectized specialized course teaching materials, carries out the theory-practice-integrated teaching mode and establishes evaluation system to adapt to the alternation of working and learning. Accounting profession builds the practical curriculum system, makes an innovation of curriculum implementation mode and completes the construction of professional core courses by the university-enterprise cooperation. Many teachers state that decision makers should make wide investigation and survey in the grass-roots line, reduce the disconnect between curriculum policy and the actual demand, teachers’ salary and other related interests shall receive protection and improvement in the curriculum reform. Only in this way can teachers’resistance on the part of the curriculum reform be reduced and the policy of the relevant courses be carried out practically and effectively.Sixthly, as for the problems existing in the policy making, implementation and evaluation of the secondary-occupational education, this paper puts forward measures and methods from the ecological point of view to solve the problem and make an innovation on mechanism. The production and development of ecologism has been closely linked to the development of democratic political ideology, which is the inner foundation this thesis from the perspective of ecologism. Ecologist concepts such as entirety, contact, development, harmony and coordination have intrinsic uniformity and consistency with the curriculum policies on the secondary-occupational education. From the perspective of ecologism, in the process of the curriculum policy making—implementation—evaluation, the influence of politics, economy and culture on the curriculum policies should be considered comprehensively. The secondary-occupational education should be multidimensional rather than single and present a more comprehensive orientation. The curriculum policy making should absorb the advantages and make a comprehensive use of the rational, progressive, elite, political system and group decision modes. The implementation of curriculum policies should fully consider the applicability of the policy implementation, the finiteness of the scope, the dynamic nature of implementation and the wideness of the influence. The evaluation of curriculum policies should adhere to the concepts of comprehension, progression and connection so that a scientific and objective evaluation should be made on the curriculum policies of the secondary-occupational education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】G712.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2627

