

Efficiency Orientation:the Study of College English Instruction Time Management

【作者】 王鲁男

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 大学英语,作为教育部“钦定”的一门全国普通高校公共基础课,在中国高校的课程体系中占有重要地位。自上世纪八十年代中期始,教育部先后通过全国规划教材、《大学英语教学大纲》、《大学英语课程教学要求》、全国大学英语四六级考试等杠杆对大学英语教学进行了大量的指导、督促和推动。在教育部的直接关心下,几十年来,我国大学英语已发展成为高校课程中规模最大、受众最多、影响最广的一门本科课程。说它是一门国家课程也毫不为过。教育部对大学英语的高度关注是基于国家发展战略的需要,是国家对外开放的必然选择。这种关切以及巨大投入当然期待收到应有的回报。然而相当一段时间以来,关于大学英语“费时低效”的议论一直不绝于耳,那种已通过全国大学英语四、六级考试的学生,在实际英语应用中,听不能懂、说不能畅、读不能解、写不成章的现象绝不仅仅是空穴来风。因此,对大学英语教学时间与效率的关切成为当下大学英语教学改革与发展的一个重要节点。纵观现实的大学英语教学,的确也存在种种困境:从客观条件来审视,教学时间有限,教学任务繁重,班级多,班级人数也多,学生英语基础差异大,师资水平差异也大,各校教学条件参差不齐,应试教育痕迹太重等等;从主观维度来分析,不少学校和教师对现行《大学英语课程教学要求》理解有盲点,为改革而改革的倾向不时浮现。老师们为体现“新”,囫囵吞枣,把各种“新”元素凑到一块,课堂教学演绎成“杂耍竞技”。知识呈现、技能操练、跨文化体验、交际互动、角色扮演轮番上阵,看则热闹、实则无效。教学流程不清、任务意图模糊、时间节奏跳跃,学生难以适从。这些因素都从不同维度拖累着大学英语的教学效率,也是本课题提出的现实背景。如何根据教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》提出的从一般、较高和更高三个培养层面,从发展学生英语综合应用能力、增强学生自主学习能力、提高综合文化素养三个维度,从开设综合英语、语言技能、语言应用、语言文化、专业英语和英语选修六类课型,从兼顾英语技能培养和文化素质教育两个英语课程属性,从勾连语言工具性和人文性两个教学目标等方面解析大学英语教学中存在的问题,提出减少时间耗损,提高教学效率的改革路向,是本课题的研究目标。在大学英语教学时间管理的理论研究中,研究者们多注重微观教学时间管理的分析,在课堂这个局促空间里,从学生认知特点和年龄阶段特征维度讨论学生的发展规律对教学时间管理的要求;从知识内在逻辑和教材内容结构维度讨论知识连贯性与循序渐进性对教学时间管理的影响;从教学方法选择和教学课型安排维度讨论课型与方法对教学时间管理的影响。但却忽视了作为时间分析和管理的单元,大学英语教学时间是一个超越课堂空间范畴,由上至下的概念连续统,宏观是“国本”时间,它指向国家外语政策,国家明确规定了大学英语教学时间的总量(16学分或320学时左右)和总量分配的指向;中观是“校本”时间,它关照学校的人才培养目标,学校决定大学英语的课时制度和课时细分指南;微观是“教本”时间,它实例化为教师的课堂教学任务,不同课型以及不同的教学任务决定了教师课堂中的教学环节和时间节奏。这便是本课题研究的核心框架。本课题以“效率取向”为研究旨归,明确大学英语教学时间管理的价值选择,分“国本”、“校本”、“教本”三个维度,以三维协同共管为主线,从宏观到微观,思考大学英语教学时间管理的现状如何?有何得失?我国大学英语教学时间管理要走向何处?这便构成了本课题的立论基础。问题的综合决定了方法的综合:论文运用历史文献法,全面爬梳我国大学外语政策“国本”时间的发展历程;运用问卷调查法,统计分析我国大学英语课堂教学“校本”时间管理现状;运用个案分析法,了解我国大学英语教学的“教本”时间分配情形;既而,在明确我国大学英语教学价值取向的基础上,提出提升我国大学英语教学时间管理效率的相应对策。在此思路下,论文讨论我国大学英语课堂教学的价值选择问题,并通过对时间管理内涵及其特征的考察进一步明确我国大学英语教学时间管理应有的“效率取向”问题。随之,论文以二语习得理论中的习得时间、速度、顺序、接触量等基本概念内涵为据,以基于二语习得理论的英语教学路径、策略、方法为准,提出我国大学英语教学时间管理的分析框架。从大学英语作为国家课程的特征出发,以越过课堂空间范畴的大时间管理为主线,建构三个维度的时间管理框架:即“国本”、“校本”和“教本”三位一体。这一框架也贯穿在本文的整个研究之中,在“国本”时间管理方面,论文梳理了从古代以来的外语教育“国本”时间发展历程,并将其分为古代-“国本”时间酝酿期、近现代-“国本”时间发展期、当代-“国本”时间完善期三个主要的发展阶段。在“校本”时间管理方面,论文依据不同类型高校对大学英语的不同要求,将综合性大学、行业性大学和外语类院校作为抽样对象,从全国范围内抽取了68所高校作为调查对象,以全面把握我国高校大学英语教学时间管理的基本现状,归纳各类型高校时间管理的不同特点。在“教本”时间管理方面,论文以课堂实地观察的方式,了解大学英语教师教学时间管理的得失以及与时间管理相关的系列因素。最终,基于以上三个从宏观到微观的时间管理分析讨论,论文提出提升我国大学英语教学时间管理的可能策略。提升大学英语教学时间管理的效率,包括了针对“国本”、“校本”和“教本”不同的策略,在国本方面,需要做到因势而动、与时俱进,追求国标、校标和教标的内在一致;在校本方面,需要多元视角、因地制宜,注重时间管理的制度建设和规划设计,强化时间管理的引导与激励;在教本方面,需要进一步明确教师的教学自主权,树立教师正确的时间观和时间分配策略,提高教学的自我管理能力,增强时间效能感,引导学生对时间的合理利用。本文尝试以“效率取向”这一概念为主线,贯穿“国本”、“校本”、“教本”三个教学时间管理维度,揭示我国大学英语教学时间使用中存在的问题和可能的价值选择。究其根本,是为实现教学过程中诸要素的最优化组合,追求单位时间里教学的最大有效。因此,文中的效率概念是融合了时间与质量内涵的广义效率观,运用这一效率观来运筹时间,在教学中,向时间管理要质量、要效益,这就是教学时间管理的效率取向。

【Abstract】 The College English is designed as a national compulsory course for the undergraduate students of universities in China. Since1980s, the College English has become the most popular and populated course in Chinese universities which is facilitated by the Ministry of Education, especially by its policy like 《College English Curriculum》 and 《College English Curriculum Requirement》 as well as officially-planned English teaching textbooks and the National College English Tests (Band4&Band6). The College English is so influecial and highly-emphasised that it can be called a national key course.The concern that the Ministry of Education has on the College English results from the strategy of the national development and the policy of openness to the world.It is logical that the investment of the Ministry on the College English Instruction requires pay-back.However, for quite a long time, the despute on "time-consuming and low-efficiency" of College English Instruction has lingered on. It may well be the fact that the students who passed the National College English Tests (Band4or Band6) are still weak in English listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. As a result, it is necessary for us to clear up the controverce on the problem of time-utilization and the efficiency in the College English Instruction and do a careful research on it.Overviewing actual situation of the College English Instruction, one may see quite a few dilemmas such as limited instruction time, heavy teaching tasks, a big quantity of students, large classes, weak faculty and test-oriented teaching design, etc. Moreover, the misunderstanding at the reform of the College English Instruction is prevellent. Many teaching methods and techniques are frequently and blindly at trial which look ostentatious but are in low efficiency. These kinds of teaching measures confuse teaching objectives and lead chaos in teaching procedures which often make students feel uneasy and encumbers teaching efficiency, which is the real situation and bachground faced by the present research.It is postulated that the instruction of College English should be effective at nurturing students to be the talents suitable to the era of globalization. Thus, how to reform the College English instruction and promote the teaching efficiency in accordant with College English Curriculum Requirement issued by the Ministry of Eduction, especially with its criterion in quality and ablity of the talents, is the aim of the research.The present thesis is focused on "efficiency orientation"in the time management in the College English instruction so as to clarify the value of the time-management in such a situation.The analysis will be conducted with the framework in three dimentions of "State-timing, College-timing and Teacher-timing", that is, the time-management in the College English teaching is surveyed from macro-perspective of state level to micro-ones of teacher level in order to find the way to promote the more efficient and effective College English teaching.Concerning methodology of the thesis, literature review, questionnaire, statisitic analysis and case study will be applied to reveal the current situation of the time-management in the College English teaching and explore the values, attributes, connotations and at last suitable strategies of that time-management.In accordenth with the framework of the analysis for the thesis, the State-timing is surveyed with literature review, the College-timing with questionnaire and statistic analysis and Teacher-timing with classroom observations as well as interviews.For the investigation,68college-timing samples and3teacher-timing samples will be selected from three sorts of Chinese universities, which are the comprehensive universities, guild universities and foreign language universities.It is hopeful that by literature review and investigation above, the crucial problems and the problem-solving strategies will be found out which may well be very much beneficial to the time-management in the College English Instruction.The effort to improving the efficiency of the time-management in the College English Instruction includes three aspects in accordant with the theme as follows. The State-timing requires the accordance between state level, college level and teacher (as well as student) level. The College-timing explores multi-needs fitting, localization, curriculum planning and in-time guidance. The Teacher-timing pursues teacher autonomy, enlightment on time’s value, suitable time strategies and academic qualification.The present author attempts to take the time management in three dimentions as an approach to display vulberability in the College English Instruction and suggest some effective strategies to adjuct it. The value of the time-management lies in the efficiency improvement as the conlusion of the thesis, which may well be the case and needs more probe in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【下载频次】1912

