

Research on Malaysia Chinese Words

【作者】 黄华迎(WONG WAH YIN)

【导师】 张显成;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究是基于语言的社会功能和语言对社会的依赖性,通过对马来西亚华语词语使用的研究,探索马来西亚华语的发展变化。研究通过广泛地搜集马来西亚华语书面语语料,运用定量统计分析法,深入地研究马来西亚华语词语的使用情况。本论文共五章,内容主要包括以下几个方面:第一章,绪论,分为五个部分。主要论述选题背景、选题的理论意义与应用价值、研究范围与方法、研究语料和马来西亚华语的研究现状。第二章,马来西亚华人语言和教育研究。主要研究马来西亚华人族群、马来西亚华人语言和方言群体、马来西亚华语的定义和简单介绍马来西亚华文教育的发展变化。马来西亚属于多民族国家,即马来人、华人、印度人等三大民族以及其他少数民族和土著。马来西亚华人,又称为马来西亚华裔,简称大马华裔或大马华人,是马来西亚三大部族之一。华语在马来西亚的地位是华族母语,但不是官方语言。在华人社会中,同时存在着多个方言群体,即闽南、客家、广东、潮州、海南、广西、福州、兴化和福清,而其中以闽南、广东、客家、潮州为四大主要方言群。马来西亚华文教育从18世纪开始创办,华人经过长期的抗争,创立了从小学、初中、高中到大学的一套比较完整的华文教育办学体系,至今已有200多年的历史。第三章,马来西亚华语特有词语研究。分为三个部分,包括对马来西亚特有华语词语的定义及对前人研究的回顾、马来西亚华语特有词语的类别及面貌和马来西亚华语特有词语的特点及其产生的原因研究。以马来西亚代表性华文报纸、杂志、著作及华人口头语言为据,参照有关著作,经过整理后,举述了233例华语特有词语,择要对这些词语的意义、用法作了解释、举例。在此基础上,本章概括了马来西亚华语特有词语的几个特点:(1)反映当地社会的政治、经济、多元文化、教育体制、生活等各方面事物的名词性词语较多;(2)源于马来语、英语、闽粤方言等外来词;(3)双音节词与偏正式构词法最多。第四章,马来西亚华语和中国普通话同形异义词语研究。分为三个部分,包括对马来西亚华语与中国普通话同形异义词语的定义及对前人研究的回顾、马来西亚华语与中国普通话同形异义词语对比分析、马来西亚华语与中国普通话同形异义词语产生的原因研究。本章尝试从词形、词义、词源等方面入手,分析马来西亚华语词语与中国普通话词语存在的差异及其形成差异的原因。文章举述了134例同形异义词语,择要对这些词语的意义、用法作了解释、举例,并以词典的方式描述和分析中马同形异义词语的异同。这些词语在“词义”、“词性”和“词用”方面均有了变化,这也是马来西亚华语的一大特点。我们从三个方面来考察:(1)二者语义完全不同,相互之间没有任何关系的“同形完全异义词语”;(2)二者语义之间有联系,但或有转义、或有增加义项、或有减少义项的“意义有同有异的词语”;(3)二者词义本身差别不大,但是有褒贬义的差别的“色彩意义不同的词语”。接着,再将这些词语做数量和比例上的统计和研究,以考察中马同形异义词语的差异程度及其影响因素。第五章,马来西亚华语和中国普通话同义异形词语研究。分为三个部分,包括对马来西亚华语和中国普通话同义异形词语的定义及对前人研究的回顾、马来西亚华语与中国普通话同义异形词语对比分析以及马来西亚华语与中国普通话同义异形词语差异及其原因研究。我们搜集了前人所研究的中马同义异形词语以及尚未列入专家学者研究的词语,对这些词语进行整合和分类。首先将它们按照构词语素分类,再分析它们产生的原因并将其按照不同的原因加以细分,最后再将这些词语一一列出并与中国普通话词语进行比照。经过整理后,举述了539个马来西亚华语和中国普通话同义异形词语。我们将这些词语分成了两类:(1)构词语素完全不同的词语;(2)构词语素部分相同的词语。然后再按照词性进行细分并与普通话对比,再分析它们产生的原因并将其按不同原因进行归类。论文最后是结语。总结论文主要内容和今后继续研究的相关课题,并提出建议。

【Abstract】 The research is based on the social function of language and the dependence between language to the society and through the research on Malaysia Chinese word application to explore the development of Malaysian Chinese language. The research is based on the Malaysia Chinese language corpus and applies on quantitative statistical analysis to analysis the usage of the Malaysia Chinese word.There are5chapters for the thesis, mainly topic to be discussing as per following:Chapter1, Introduction. It has divided into five parts. Mainly discusses on the background, theoretical significance and application value of the topics, idea and the scope of research, the sources of the corpus and the current research on the Malaysia Chinese language.Chapter2, Study on Malaysia Chinese language and the Chinese education. The Research is mainly focus on Malaysia Chinese ethnic, Malaysia Chinese language and the groups of dialect, the definitions of Malaysia Chinese language and briefly introduce on the Malaysia Chinese language education system development. Malaysia are multinational; Malays, Chinese, Indians are the three larger national and other ethnic minorities and indigenous. Malaysia Chinese is one of the three tribes. Chinese language is the mother tongues of Malaysia Chinese but it not the official language of Malaysia. And there are quite a lot of groups of dialect at Malaysia Chinese society, for example:Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Teochew, Hainanese, Guangxi, Fuzhou, Xinghua and Fuqing. And Hokkien, Hakka, Cantonese, Teochew was the four major of the groups of dialect. Malaysia Chinese Education was founder in the18th century, after a long struggle by Malaysian Chinese with Malaysia government; the Malaysia Chinese language education system is relatively complete from elementary, middle, high school to colleges which have200years of history.Chapter3, Study on the peculiar word for Malaysia Chinese language. It has divided into three parts which included the definition of Malaysian Chinese peculiar words and re-examine the research by previous scholar, the category and the features of the Malaysian Chinese peculiar words and the research on the characteristics and the cause of Malaysian Chinese peculiar words. The research will refer to relevant articles and sort out from Malaysia Chinese newspapers, magazines, books and Chinese spoken language. Cited above Malaysia Chinese language peculiar words with233cases and choose on the meaning, explained on the usage and example for those peculiar words. This chapter summarizes several features of Malaysian Chinese peculiar words:(1) reflect more on noun words of Malaysia political, economic, cultural, education system, living and others:(2) Loanwords from Malay, English, Hokkien, Teochew and others dialect;(3) two-syllable words and partial official word formation is the most.Chapter4, Study on the homograph words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. It has divided into three parts which included the definition on the homograph words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language and re-examine the research by previous scholar, comparative analysis on the homograph words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language and the study on the cause of the homograph words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. This chapter will study on the word form, meaning and etymology:(1) two completely different semantics, there is no relationship between-the words of shaped entirely but different meaning;(2) two semantic is links but it might difference or expanded-the meaning of the words might link or not;(3) The meaning of two semantic itself is not very different, but there is a difference of appraise righteousness-"the meaning of the words is a difference of appraise righteousness" to analyze the differences and the cause of Malaysian Chinese words and China Chinese words. Article has cited above the differences of homograph words between China&Malaysia Chinese language with134cases and choose on the meaning, explained on the usage, example and based on dictionary way to describe and analyze.Chapter5, Study on alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. It has divided into three parts which included the definition of alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language and re-examine the research by previous scholar, comparative analysis on the alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language and the study on the cause of the alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. We have gathered the study of alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language done by the previous scholar and integration classification the words that have not included by scholars. We will classify the words according to morpheme first, after that analyzes the causes and based on the difference causes and subdivided. Finally we will list these words and contrast between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. We has cited above the alien synonymous words between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language with539cases after sort out. These words will be divided into two categories:(1) completely different words of morpheme;(2) Partly same words of morpheme. After that will according to the speech to subdivided and compared between Malaysia Chinese language and China Chinese language. And re-analyze the causes and based on the different issues to classify.The final part is conclusion, summarizes the content and the further study to the related issues and makes recommendations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

