

A Study on the Effectiveness of Teachers’Participation in Instructional Research Activities

【作者】 龚兴英

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学校课程与教学(专业学位), 2014, 博士

【摘要】 教研活动不等同于教学活动。教学活动通常指的是以教学班为单位的课堂教学活动;教研活动则是教师有目的、有过程、有方法地分析和解决学校课程实施、教育教学过程中,所面临的各种具体教育教学问题,以促进教师专业发展为宗旨的一种实践性、反思性的专业发展研究活动。教学活动探讨的是教师、学生及课堂环境之间形成的活动,属异质文化的活动;而教研活动探讨的是教研活动组织者(如教研组组长、教研员)、教师以及教研环境之间形成的活动,属同质文化的活动。教学活动是教研活动的研究对象,开展教研活动的目的是为了促进教师更好地优化教学活动,从而提高教师的育人质量。新中国成立以来,中小学教师教研活动经历了借鉴与初创、定型与制度化、停滞与偏离、重建与初步拓展、继承与创新、标准化与具体化的发展历程,具有系统性、群众性、经常性以及有效性特征,其直接意义在于解决教学问题,间接意义在于促进教师专业发展,本质意义在于促进学生全面发展。当前中小学教师教研活动的类型颇多,且呈现出不断增加之趋势,要穷尽它们似乎不大可能。本研究根据教师参与方式,将教研活动分为探究型教研活动、研训型教研活动、竞赛型教研活动、观察型教研活动、指导型教研活动和自修型教研活动等六种类型,并对各种类型的内涵与特征、目标与意义以及基本形式等进行了考察和分析,并从中可以总结出多年教研活动实践的成果和教研活动应有的理念。新课程改革以来,教研活动发生了很多新的变化,总体上正朝向教研主体多元、教研形式创新、教研内容更实际的方向发展。但从笔者对中小学所做的大量教研活动现场观察和教育调查显示,目前的教研活动仍存在目标不明确、内容针对性不强、过程对话不够、教师缺乏深入参与,导致教学教研两张皮的现象,中小学教师教研活动的有效性整体上还不是十分满意,主要受参与教师自身素质、教研活动组织者的教研能力、教研活动以及教研活动管理与环境等方面的影响,从而阻碍了中小学教师教研活动的质量。本研究对中小学教师教研活动提出了体系构想。通过对中小学教师教研活动的现状透视,怎样才能满足每位教师专业发展的需要,本文认为终身学习理论、教师专业发展理论、交往行为理论以及参与式发展理论等教育理论,所表现出的研究走向体现了以教师为本的整体性取向,要求确立教师在活动中的主体地位,为教师主动参与提供条件,从而激发教师谋求专业发展的内在动力,促进了教师愿景与学校发展愿景的和谐发展。这一取向为体系建构提供了参照。在理论借鉴的基础上,本文认为中小学教师教研活动有必要秉持“需要性、参与性、和谐性”的理念,坚持“三边联动统一、积极参与和有效参与相统一、群体专业发展与个性专业发展”统一的三大原则,明确提出中小学教师教研活动的“实质性目标与发展性目标”、“规范性目标与促进性目标”,并清晰分析了与之相对应的教研活动内容。随后从教研活动的准备、过程、结果与转化入手,对中小学教师教研活动的过程思路、过程流程进行了深入分析,并在此基础上提出了探究式、研培式、竞赛式、观摩式、指导式以及自修式等六种适合于中小学教师教研活动的基本方式。本文提出了中小学教师教研活动的策略建议。我们认为一方面应加强教研活动外部环境的建设,即对教师性格与教师专业发展的SWOT分析,深入了解教师参与教研活动的实际需求;为教师提供均等地教研活动参与机会;继承传统优质教研活动的同时,借鉴国外教师在职培养经验,创新教研活动方式;积极搭建教研队伍培育平台,提高教研队伍质量;建立教研活动标准,加强教研活动质量的监测与评佑。另一方面,应该激活教师参与教研活动的内在动力,即通过自省确立专业发展理想;树立终身学习理念形成教师专业自我;基于生命价值观促进教师生命质量的提升。只有当教师参与教研活动的外部环境与内在动力达到和谐状态时,教师参与教研活动的实效性才真正回归到促进教师专业发展。总之,中小学教师教研活动应该是教师能在教研活动情境中,针对教育教学实践中存在的实际问题,教师能主动、深层、实质性参与,并在参与中能促使自身原有的专业能力与水平获得改进与优化。

【Abstract】 Instructional research activities are different from instructional activities. The latter refers to those classroom teaching activities conducted in classes, while the former refers to practical and reflexical research activities of teachers’ purposeful, procedural and methodological analyses and solutions of specific instructional problems from curriculum implementation and teaching to promote professional development. Instructional activities cover heterogeneous cultural activities among teachers, students and classroom environment, while instructional research activities cover homogeneous cultural activities among organizers such as subject department heads and research staff members, teachers and corresponding environment. Instructional activities are targets of instructional research activities, which aim at fostering teachers’optimizing their teaching to improve cultivation of students.Since the founding of PRC, instructional research activities in primary and secondary schools have undergone a complex development of borrowing and creation, styling and institutionalization, stagnation and deviation, reconstruction and enrichment, inheritance and innovation, standardization and specification. It is characterized with systematicness, massiveness, frequentness and effectiveness. It targets directly to solutions of instructional problems, and indirectly to teacher development, and students’ all-round development. Types of instructional research activities are amounting and are beyond of list. This study classifies instructional research activities from the perspective of teachers’participation into explorative activities, training and research activities, competitive activities, observational activities, directive and self-studying activities. Contents, characteristics, significances, objectives and basic tymes of instructional activities are being discussed, aiming at summing up experiences and ideals of years’efforts.New changes have been taking place in the field of instructional research activities since the new round of curricula reform, indicating plural objects, innovative forms, and practical contents. A great amount of on-site observations and surveys, however, reveal a disappointing result, such as undefined objectives, unclear directions, insufficiency of dialogues, lack of deep participation and separation of instruction and instructional research. Total effectiveness of instructional research activities in primary and secondary schools are not yet satisfying, influenced by teachers’literacy, organizers’ abilities, arrangement and management of activities, and environment.In this paper, we try to make out a theoretical construct for teachers’instructional research activities. How can instructional research activities meet the teachers’need of professional development? Life-long learning theories, teachers development theories, interactive theory and participatory development theory are characterized with teacher-orientation, calling for teachers’ subjective and active roles in projects, and triggers teachers’drive for professional development, to promote a harmonious development between teachers and schools. This orientation provides a reference for constructing effective teachers’participations in projects. The idea of needs, participations and harmony, the principle of combining interaction among subjects, active and effective participations, group development and individual development should be followed. Different objectives such as substantial and developmental objectives, standardized and promoting objectives are presented in this study, and corresponding activities are also listed. Starting from the preparation, procedure, result and transformation, we analyzed the design and implementation of instructional research activities, and brought forth explorative, training, competitive, observing, directive and self-studying instructional research activities.Strategic suggestions are offered in this study. The first is to strengthen the construction of external environment for instructional research activities. This covers understanding teachers’needs for participations with SWOT analyses of their characters and professional development, providing teachers equal opportunities of participations, learning lessons from overseas teacher training and innovating ways of projects while succeeding to previous quality projects, developing research groups and improving research levels, and setting up criteria of projects and strengthening supervision and evaluation. The second is to activate teachers’internal drive for participation. This includes developing professional development ideals via introspection, developing life-long learning literacy, and promoting quality of teachers’ life with life value. Only when the external environment for teachers’ participation in activities and their internal drive reach a balance can effective participations realize the value of promoting teachers’ professional development. In sum, teachers’ instructional activities should be developed from real instructional research context and directing to real problems, and can attract teachers’ active, deep and substantial participations to promote their professional development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

