

Study of the problems of rural teachers Arrangement in Poverty-Stricken Areas

【作者】 刘小强

【导师】 王德清;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 领导教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 国家近年来加大了对农村教育的投入,城乡在硬件设施方面的差距逐渐缩小但教师问题已成为制约农村教育发展的瓶颈。随着城镇化进程的加快,这一问题似乎变得更加复杂和严峻。农村教师问题进而会成为影响我国提高教育质量和促进教育公平的一个关键因素。这已经引起了国家高度关注,《国家中长期教育改革和发展纲要》提出:“今后要以农村教师为重点,提高中小学教师队伍整体素质,实现教师均衡配置”。农村教师问题主要由农村教师配置问题所导致,影响农村教师配置问题的因素比较复杂,但主要是其所涉及的关键利益主体导致的问题。由此,论文提出农村教师配置问题研究这一论题,以一个国家扶贫开发重点县——H县为考察区域,运用田野考察的方法,采用参与观察、深度访谈、文本资料分析、实地调查等方式,对农村教师配置涉及的主要利益主体——政府、学校和教师等因素形成的农村教师配置问题进行了较为深入的考察。通过考察,发现农村教师配置主要有如下几个方面的问题。从县级政府来看,首先,县级政府官员在教师配置观念上存在比较明显的城市倾向;其次,政府愿意把农村优质教师挖到县城以在县城形成教育亮点,从而在短期内提升政绩;再次,相对于农村松散的利益主体而言,县城利益群体则是比较强的,县级政府在教师配置中会对利益关联中处于强势一方进行倾斜;此外,由于教师质量难以测度,不能测量的目标由于缺少激励而不容易得到政府的重视,县级政府能够关注农村教师配置的数量,而较少关注农村教师配置的质量。由于政府农村教师配置行为失范,形成政府权力偏向运行,使得农村教师市场受到一种“双重拉力”。这种“双重拉力”一方面来自市场的作用,即在市场机制作用下,农村教师市场受到一种城市教师市场的拉力。另一方面,由于县级政府教师配置权力运行的方向偏差,不仅没有减小市场的拉力,以寻求一种平衡,反而形成了另外一种拉力,使得农村优质教师大量流进城市,农村教师市场成为城市教师市场的一个“蓄水池”。与此同时,政府教师配置权力偏向会使学校管理处于一种尴尬的境地,即管理良好的学校可能教师流动性更大。因为县级政府会通过行政方式把农村学校教学成绩良好的教师选拔进入城市学校,而管理较好的学校其教师个人教学成绩会更好,获得荣誉也更多,这样就增加了教师流动进入城市的可能。农村学校校长在教师配置中存在明显的权力冲突和利益冲突。所谓权力冲突主要表现为:首先,如果教师配置管理权下放,校长配置高质量教师激励增强,但容易产生寻租等权力失范现象,不利于教师配置;如果管理权上收,校长又缺乏配置教师的积极性,也不利于教师配置;其次,由于教师配置涉及部门比较多,校长和政府各级各类部门管理者之间也经常产生权力冲突。就利益冲突来看,校长作为公共利益的代表,在教师配置中应体现公共利益,但校长有时会为了个人利益而忽视教师配置这种公共利益,从而导致农村教师配置问题。农村教师在农村从教有其自身的预期效用,如果不能满足这种效用,那么他们会选择离开农村。而从当前情况来看,尽管农村教师待遇一直都在提高,但农村目前的富裕阶层收入远超过教师,通过比较农村教师待遇满足感反而下降了。其次,在中国传统文化影响下,教师会追求农村到城市的上向流动,从而获得成就感和尊重。而且事实上,农村教育质量不高,在很大程度上影响了农村教师成就感。此外,为了追求子女教育成就,他们也会选择离开农村。正是由于以上这些农村教师配置问题,使得贫困地区近年新增农村教师专业性不强,而农村教师流出却表现出一种“旋转门”现象,不断有新手进入,同时成熟教师又不断流出,呈现一种优质教师长期紧缺的状态。总体看来,由于强制性的约束制度取消以后,诱致性的激励制度尚不完善,农村教师配置存在“进”和“出”的双重难题。要治理这些问题,首要的是要以规范治理政府的失范行为,采用“兜底”的思路根据不同县情况落实农村教师最低质量标准以及施行强制性的质量标准,同时,推行“目标责任制”真正落实县级政府农村教师配置的责任。其次,适度下放教师配置权力,让校长拥有一定的教师配置权力,并明确界定校长教师配置的权力边界,减少利益冲突。最后,满足教师合理的预期效用,但这不是无节制的,形塑教师超越功利的教育精神,鼓励他们安心在农村从教也是必要的。

【Abstract】 As investment increased in rural education rencent years, the gap of facilities between urban and rural areas has become narrowed, but the issue of faculties has become a bottleneck restricting rural education development. With acceleration of urbanization, the problems will be more serious and complicated. Furthermore, it will become a key factor which influences the educational quality and fairness. And it has attracted extensive attention of central government, so the "National education reform and development of long-term planning programs" announces that our country will take the rural faculties as a central task to enhance rural teachers’quality and boost balance arrangement of teachers.However, the problems of rural teachers are mainly caused by the problems of teachers arrangement. And the factors influencing urral teachers arrangement are complicated, but most problems are rooted in the stakeholders of teachers arrangement. Therefore, The thesis puts forward the study of the problems of rural teachers arrangement. It selects H county as the research field, which is one of the key counties of national poverty alleviation and development. Then the thesis makes use of the method of field work, and takes the ways of participant observation, deeply interview, document data analysis and field investigation. It deeply investigates the problems caused by the three key related stakeholders of teachers arrangement-government, schools and teachers.Based on the field work, the thesis points out the following problems of rural teachers arrangement. For the county-level government, the main problems presents the the following characteristics:1.In views of officials from county-level government, they imply to take urban teachers arrangement first;2.Officials are willing to induce highly qualified rural teachers to cities, so as to improve urban schools and manifest their work performance;3.The urban interests group is powerful contrasted with their rural counterparts. And county-level government often attaches importance to the powerful groups;4.County-level government will not focus on the goals which can not been measured, because this kind of goals lack incentives. While it is difficult to measure the teachers’quality, so county-level government can focus on the quantity of teachers but not quality. All above indicate that county-level government will not focus on the quality of rural teachers.Because of the behavioral anomie of the county-level government, it causes the power deviation of the government. Under this condition, the rural teachers are pulled by two forces. One comes from the market, the other from the government. Generally speaking, to make up for the deficiency of the market, government should minish the force of the market, so as to achieve a relatively balance and can farily provide public goods. Because of the power deviation, the county-level government does not make up for the deficiency of market but forms another force to pull teachers from rural regions to the urban areas. As the result, the rural teachers market becomes an "impounding reservoir" for urban market. At the same time, the power deviation of government will put the management of schools in an embarrassing situation, because well managed schools will encounter more serious talent brain. The reson for which is the county-level government will select highly qualified teachers to the urban areas, and the teachers from well managed schools often present better teaching performance, so it increases the possibility of rural teachers’turnover.There are obvious conflict of power and conflict of interests for the principals in rural areas. The conflict of power is in the following situations:1.If the principals have more power to choose teachers, it can stimulate them to try their best to choose highly qualified teachers, but it will increase the possibility of rent-seeking. If the principals have less power to choose teachers, they will not concern the quality of teachers;2.Because the power of teachers arrangement is shared by different departments, the conflict between principals and officials from other departments of government is common. And the conflict of interests is that on behalf of public interests, the behavior of the principals should represent public interests, but as rational individuals, they often take their own interests first and neglect public interests. Thus the problems of teachers arrangement are inevitable.The rural teachers have their own utilities. If their utilities can not been satisfied, they may choose to leave rural aeras. Currently, the pay for the teachers increases, but compared with the income of some affluent classes in rural areas, the satisfaction of teachers dropped down. Secondly, under the influence of Chinese traditional culture, teachers implied to chase achievements and esteem by working in cities, because most people believe it is upward social mobility from countryside to cities. And in fact, because the rural education quality is not high enough, teaching in rural areas can not satisfy the sense of achievement of teachers. In addition, most teachers leave rural areas are to choose high level education for their children.Because of the problems mentioned above, we can find a "revolving door" phenomenon in rural areas, which is green hands enter rural teaching market, while mature teachers flow out unceasingly, the highly qualified teachers are always in shortage in these regions. Overall, we do not found effective incentive mechanism to induce teachers to rural regions after the mandatory mechanism cancelled, so rural teachers arrangement is in a dilemma of "entering" and "leaving".Finally, the thesis puts forward some strategies to solve the problems.1.To manage the action of anomie of the government, it is necessary to set up some norms and standas. Including setting up some mandatary quality standards of teachers and fitting them into the evaluation, of the government performance, setting up the basic quality standads of teachers to grantee the basic quality of the teachers, carrying out system of reponsibility by objectives, so as to ensure the government to shoulder its resibonsibility.2.To stimulate the rural principals to attract highly qualified teachers and reduce brain drain, it is necessary to delegate power to the principals to some extent, and define the boundary of teachers arrangement power to decrease the conflict of interests.3.To encourage teachers working in rural areas, it is necessary to mould teachers spirits beyond utilitarian and satisfy their utility to some extent, so as to encourange teachers woring in rural regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

