

The ERP Study on Concealed Information among Heroin-dependent Treatment Patients

【作者】 朱千

【导师】 陈红;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 应用心理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 说谎是常见的社会现象,涉及到诸如注意、记忆、执行控制等高级认知加工功能。海洛因成瘾者历来都被认为是习惯性说谎甚至是病理性说谎的特殊群体,科学研究也证实海洛因成瘾者多具有习惯性说谎等反社会人格障碍的个性行为特征。由于长期的海洛因依赖,海洛因成瘾者的大脑皮层普遍受到损伤,致使其包括执行功能在内的高级认知功能发生异常,同时表现出大脑神经递质系统功能紊乱,导致海洛因成瘾者出现注意力缺失、延迟奖赏折扣率等高冲动性特点。为了降低海洛因成瘾对社会的危害,改善成瘾者的身心健康状况,目前我国采取了社区维持治疗的举措,对海洛因成瘾者实施以药物戒治为主的生理一心理—社会综合干预。但是,参加社区药物维持治疗后海洛因戒治者的高级认知功能是否得到改善,目前尚有争论。鉴于此,对海洛因戒治者说谎行为中所涉及的执行功能及冲动性的变化进行研究具有较为重要的现实意义和理论意义。隐藏信息测试(Concealed Information Test, CIT)是经典测谎范式,可以从无关信息中区分出与犯罪事件相关的关键信息,从而判断一个人是否“有罪”。本研究在一个更为宏观的思路指导下,使用基于事件相关电位(event-related potential, ER(P)技术的隐藏信息测试范式,首次考察海洛因戒治者说谎所涉及的执行功能及冲动性的异常变化,并提供神经生物学角度的解释。整个研究由四个系列研究共7个实验组成。研究一考察在隐藏信息测试中海洛因戒治者与正常对照人群之间的大脑皮层时程动态变化差异,包括隐藏信息测试及实施反测试措施的隐藏信息测试2个子实验。实验1A采用隐藏信息测试范式,比较海洛因戒治者与正常健康人群在隐藏信息条件下的行为及脑电差异。行为操作结果发现,与对照组相比较,海洛因戒治组被试的反应时更短、正确率更低,具有显著差异;ERP数据显示,在隐藏信息加工过程中,海洛因戒治者被试三类条件诱发的ERP波幅均显著小于对照组;对照组被试探测刺激的ERP成分P3a(300-450ms)与P3b(450-650ms)的平均波幅均大于无关刺激,而海洛因戒治组被试探测刺激的P3a波幅显著小于无关刺激,P3b则与无关刺激无显著差异;海洛因戒治组的隐藏信息测试检测率(38.9%)低于对照组(76.7%)。实验1A的结果说明,海洛因戒治者因长期的慢性海洛因暴露而出现注意朝向缺陷及决策功能障碍,因此他们更容易逃脱隐藏信息测试的侦测。依据已有研究结果,在隐藏信息测试中对无关刺激实施反测试措施会使侦测率降低,在实验1A的基础上,实验1B比较海洛因戒治者与正常健康人群在实施反测试措施的条件下的行为与脑电差异。结果发现,与未选图片相比较,两组均的已选图片均反应时更长,正确率更低。ERP结果显示,在隐藏信息的反测试加工过程中,海洛因戒治者被试三类条件诱发的ERP波幅均显著小于对照组;与对照组相反,海洛因戒治组被试探测刺激的P3a与P3b平均波幅均小于无关刺激;海洛因戒治组的隐藏信息测试检测率(20%)低于对照组(33.3%)。结果表明实施反测试手段后,海洛因戒治者的注意朝向加工能力减弱,与说谎相关的刺激差异性降低,隐藏信息测试的敏感性降低,海洛因戒治者因而更容易逃避隐藏信息测试的检测。研究二考察不同冲动性水平海洛因戒治者在隐藏信息测试中的大脑皮层动态时程变化差异,包括隐藏信息测试及反测试2个子实验。实验2A比较不同冲动性水平的两组海洛因戒治者被试在隐藏信息条件下的行为与脑电差异,结果发现,冲动性水平高的海洛因戒治组被试探测刺激的正确率更低,探测刺激的P3a与P3b波幅与无关刺激之间的差异均显著性降低,出现更为严重的注意朝向缺失和决策功能异常;高冲动组的隐藏信息测试检测率(30.8%)低于低冲动组组(50%)。实验2B比较冲动性水平不同的两组海洛因戒治者被试在隐藏信息条件下反测试的行为与脑电差异,结果发现,较冲动性水平低的戒治者而言,高冲动性戒治者探测刺激的反应时更长、正确率更低,探测刺激的P3a与P3b波幅与无关刺激之间差异消失,表明注意朝向和决策功能均受损更为严重;高冲动组的隐藏信息测试检测率(0%)低于低冲动组组(38.5%)。研究二表明,在隐藏信息测试与反测试中冲动性水平的高低对海洛因戒治者说谎相关的认知功能均有一定影响,冲动性水平越高,认知功能受损越严重越容易逃脱隐藏信息测试及反测试的检测。研究三通过考察海洛因戒治者执行功能大脑皮层时间进程的异常,以及冲动性水平对执行功能的影响来解释海洛因戒治者隐藏信息测试中诊断率低的认知加工原因,包括2个子实验。实验3A对比海洛因戒治者与正常健康人群执行控制功能,发现在经典色词Stroop任务中,海洛因戒治组的N450与SP效应消失,说明海洛因戒治者存在早期的刺激监控及晚期的冲突解决等加工异常,进一步解释了海洛因戒治者在隐藏信息测试中不易被侦测的原因。为探讨冲动性对执行控制功能的影响,在实验3A的基础上,实验3B对比冲动性水平高低不同的两组海洛因戒治者被试执行功能的脑电差异。发现冲动性水平低的海洛因戒治组被试的N450效应和SP效应均出现衰减,而相比较之下,高冲动性水平海洛因戒治组被试的这两种效应都消失。结果说明冲动性越高,海洛因戒治者的执行控制功能受损程度越严重,这进一步可以解释在研究二隐藏信息测试、反测试过程中,与低冲动海洛因戒治者相比较,高冲动海洛因戒治者的注意朝向缺失和决策功能异常的程度均比更为严重,同时表现出更低水平的测试检测率。中枢神经递质的活动是人类行为的神经生物学基础之一,神经递质功能的异常会导致个体冲动性水平的异常。研究四探讨海洛因戒治者与正常健康人群之间神经递质变化的差异,进一步解释海洛因戒治者冲动性水平高于正常人群,为研究一和研究二提供神经生物学证据。实验使用脑涨落图仪,检测了海洛因戒治组和对照组被试的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、谷氨酸(Glu)、五羟色胺(5-HT)、乙酰胆碱(ACh)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)等六种神经递质的实测功率、相对功率以及全脑总功率和脑功能指数。结果发现,与对照组相比较,海洛因戒治组被试的GABA、Glu实测功率及相对功率显著降低,5-HT、ACh、NE、DA则显著升高;全脑总功率显著低于对照组,兴奋抑制指数及相对熵显著高于对照组。结果说明海洛因戒治者兴奋性和抑制性的神经递质系统之间的平衡被打破,导致了冲动性明显增加。综上所述,本研究可以得到以下几个结论:(1)在隐藏信息测试和反测试中,海洛因戒治者存在注意朝向缺失和决策功能异常,更易逃脱隐藏信息测试与反测试的检测。(2)不同冲动性水平的海洛因戒治者在隐藏信息测试和反测试中也存在程度不同的注意朝向缺失和决策功能异常,随着冲动性水平升高,这些认知功能受损的程度更为严重,更易成功隐藏相关信息而不被检测出来。(3)在经典色词Stroop任务中,海洛因戒治者表现刺激冲突监控和冲突解决的异常,在高冲动性水平戒治者中这些执行功能受损程度更为严重。因此,冲动性水平的增强应该是海洛因戒治者的执行功能受损的原因之一。(4)来自神经递质系统的证据表明,海洛因戒治者的中枢神经递质系统功能紊乱,兴奋性神经递质和抑制性神经递质之间失去平衡,从而导致戒治者的冲动性水平升高。本研究首次揭示了海洛因戒治者在隐藏信息测试及反测试中的大脑皮层时间进程的变化特征,并探讨了冲动性对海洛因戒治者隐藏信息测试中执行功能的影响。此外,通过来自神经递质的证据证实了海洛因戒治者冲动性增强的神经生物学原因。这些结果对进一步探讨海洛因戒治者的高级认知功能具有一定的启示。

【Abstract】 Deception is a common social phenomenon, involving advanced cognitive processing functions such as attention, memory, execution control, and so on. Heroin addicts have always been considered a habit of lying even special pathological liar group, scientific researches have also confirmed that the heroin addicts have antisocial personality disorder behavior characteristics, including the habit of lying. Due to long-term heroin dependence, the brain functions of heroin addicts are mostly damaged, leading to their abnormal advanced cognitive functions including executive function. At the same time, heroin addicts show the dysfunctional neurotransmitter system in the brain, leading to their highly impulsive characteristics such as attention deficit, high delayed reward discount rate, and so on. In order to reduce the harm to society, improve physical and mental health for heroin addicts, at present our country take measures that are given priority to with drug treatment of comprehensive physical-psychological-social intervention on heroin addicts. However, at present there have been some debates whether the advanced cognitive processing functions can be improved after those heroin addicts participate in the community maintain treatment treatment. In view of this, there are important practical and theoretical significance to study executive function and the influence of impulsive in deception behaviors among the heroin-dependent treatment patients (HTP). Concealed information test(CIT) is a classic deception-detection paradigm, and it can distinguish the crucial crime-ralated information from the irrelevant ones, thereby to judge whether one is "guilty". Under the guidance of a more macroscopical thinking frame, this study inspected executive dysfunction during their deception process using event related potential technology. The whole research consists of four series studies, a total of seven experiments.Study1investigated the differences of dynamic changes of brain time process between the HTPs and the healthy normal people in control group, which consists of two experiments in concealed information test and taking countermeasures to the concealed information test. Experiment1compared behavioral and ERP differences under the condition of concealed information between the HTPs and the healthy normal people in control group. The behavioral results showed that HTP significantly had slower reaction time and lower accurate rate comparing with the control group; ERP data showed that the ERP average amplitudes evoked by the three types of stimuli were significantly lower in HTP group than in the control group; the probe P3a(300-450ms) and P3b(450-650ms) average amplitudes were bigger than these of irrelevant stimuli in the controls, while the probe P3a was smaller than irrelevant and there was no difference for P3b in the HTP group. In addition, the detection rate in HTP group(38.9%) was also significantly lower than in the control group(76.7%). The results in Experiment1A suggested that the long-term chronic heroin exposure can lead HTPs to the deficiency of attention orientation and the disorder of decision-making function, so that they were hard to be detected correctly in the concealed information test. According to the previous research results that performing countermeasures in response to irrelevant stimuli could decrease the detection rate in the concealed information test, on the basis of Experiment1A, Experiment1B compared behavioral and ERP differences between the HTPs and the healthy normal people in control group under the condition of countermeasures in concealed information test. The results found that there were the trends of shorter reaction time and lower accuracy for probe than irrelevant stimuli in the pariticipants of both groups; in the HTP group, the P300average amplitudes evoked by the three types of stimuli reduced significantly, and the probe P3a and P3b average amplitudes were both smaller than these of the irrelevant contrary to the control group. In addition, the detection rate in HTP group(20%) was also lower than in the control group(33.3%). This suggested that the process capability of ateentional orientation is weaken, the difference of the deception-related stimuli is reduced, and HTPs can eacape the concealed information test more easily compared with the controls after performing the countermeasures to the irrelevant stimuli.Study2investigated the dynamic time-course change differences of brain cortex from different levels of impulsivity during HTPs were in process of deception. It consisted of two serial experiments. Experiment2A compared the differences of the behavioral and ERP data between two groups of HTPs whose impulsivity were at different levels under the condition of information concealed in concealed information test. The results showed that high impulsive HTPs had more lower accuracy compared with the low impulsivity group, and the Pa3differences between the probe and irrelevant stimuli reduced significantly as well as P3b; the detection rate of high impulsive HTP group(30.8%) was lower than which of the low group(50%). It suggested that there were more serious attention orientation deficit and abnormal decision-making in the high impulsive HTPs than in low impulsive HTPs. Experiment2B compared the differences of the behavioral and ERP data between two groups of HTPs whose impulsivity were at different levels under the condition of countermeasures in concealed information test. The results showed that the slower reaction time and lower accuracy for probe than irrelevant stimuli in the high impulsive HTP group compared the low impulsive group, and the difference of P3a amplitude disappeared between probe and irrelevant stimuli as well as P3b; the detection rate of high impulsive HTP group(0%) was lower than which of the low group(38.5%). It suggested that there are more seriously impaired attention orientation and decision-making function for the high impulsive HTPs than the low impulsive ones. It implies that impulsivity has influence on the cognitive functions in the concealed information test as well as in countermeasure test, and the more higher impulsivity is, the more seriously impaired the cognitive functions are, the more easily the deception can eacape from the concealed information and its countermeasure test.Study3included two serial experiments to explain habitual deception and low deception diagnostic rate among HTPs by means of inspecting their abnormal brain time-course processing and the influence of impulsivity on their excutive function. Experiment3A compared the excutive function of the HTP group with the control group, and found that the N450and SP effects were all disappeared for the participants in the HTP group in the classic color-word Stroop task. This suggested that HTPs exsit anomaly during early stimulus monitoring and late conflict sovling, and explained why the HTPs are hard to be detect successfully in the concealed information test. Based on Experiment3A, Experiment3B compared the differences of behavioral and ERP data between two group from different levels of impulsivity, and found that N450and SP effects were all attenuation in the low level group, while all disappeared in the high level group. The results showed that the more higher the impulsivity level was, the more seriously the excutive function was damaged, and explained further why the attention orientation deficiency and decision-making function were more abnormal and detection rate were more lower in the concealed information test and the countermeasure test in the higher impulsivity lvevl HTPs compared with the lower impulsivity level ones in Study2.The central neuretransmitter activity is one of the neurobiological bases for human behaviors, and the dynfunctional neurotransmitters can result in the abnormal impulvisity for the individuals. Study4discussed the differences of neurotransmitters between the HTPs and the normal healthy people, explained further why the impulsivity level of HTPs was higher than the nomals, and provided the neurobiological evidence for Study1and2. The experiment employed encephalofluctuograph (EFG) to detect the measure power, the relative power, the whole brain total power and the index of brain function from six kinds of neurotransmitters, such as y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid (Glu), serotonin (5-HT), acetyl choline (ACh), norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and so on. The results showed that compared the control group, the measure power and relative power of GABA and Glu, and the whole brain total power reduced remarkably in HTP group, but5-HT, Ach, NE, DA, the excitatory-inhibitory index and the relative entropy all rised significantly. The results illustrated that the balance between the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems was destroyed, and it caused impulsivity to rise markedly in HTPs.In sum, the present research can get following conclusions.(1) In the classical deception detection and countermeasure detection, HTPs exsit abnormal attention orientation and decision-making function, which results in their escape eaily from these tests.(2) To varying degrees, the different levels of impulsive HTPs have abnormal attention orientation and decision-making function, and these cognitive functions are damaged more seriously with the impulsivity level rising in the classical deception detection and countermeasure detection, and deception can escape successfully from these tests.(3) In the classical color-word Stroop task, the HTPs showed abnormal stimulus conflict monitoring and conflict solving, and these excutive functions are impaired more seriously. Therefore, the rising impulsivity is one of reasons why the excutive functions of HTPs are impaired.(4) The neurobiological evidences suggest that the central neurotransmitter system is dysfunction, and the balance between the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems is destroyed, resulting in the impulsive level rising markedly in HTPs.The present reseatch reveals the features of dynamic change of the brain time-course in the concealed information test and the countermeasure test among the HTPs, and discusses the influence of impulsivity on the excutive function while the HTPs are deceiving. Furthermore, the evidences from nuerontransmitter system comfirm the neurobiological reason of enhanced impulsivity for the HTPs. These results inspire to discuss the advanced cognitive functions further among the HTPs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

