

Study on the Features of Implicit Social Cognition in College Students’ Interpersonal Trust

【作者】 罗书伟

【导师】 陈旭;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 人际信任是影响个体人际关系的重要因素,也是个体社会适应的重要标志。已有研究从社会学、经济学和心理学等学科视角对人际信任的概念、结构、功能、影响因素及形成与发展机制等方面已进行了广泛的探讨。但是,人际信任从其本质上来说是一个涉及多维度、多层次的复杂的综合社会心理现象,因此研究者对它的思考与研究显得纷繁复杂,不同的学科取向、研究视角、研究层次以及研究者各种不同的解释均导致人际信任研究较难取得一致的结果。受到内隐记忆研究的推动和启发,Greenwald和Banaji (1995)根据社会信息加工的意识和无意识,提出了内隐社会认知(implicit social cognition)的概念及其研究的体系和范式,明确地指出个体的社会行为具有内隐性和自动化的特征。人际信任产生于人际互动的过程当中,是个体对与人际交往有关的社会信息进行判断、评估和认知加工的结果。那么,人际信任是否也存在内隐加工成分,且这种内隐成分指导个体对人际互动过程中的社会信息进行内隐加工?现有内隐社会认知的研究方法和范式是否也适用于人际互动过程中的信任研究?本研究在对国内外有关人际信任研究进行详细梳理和总结的基础上,从内隐社会认知的视角对大学生人际信任的内隐特征、大学生对不同人际情境中人际信任相关信息的内隐社会加工阶段、各加工阶段的特点及其可改变性进行了研究,旨在更好地理解大学生人际信任的现状及其发展变化,对改善大学生的人际关系,促进其社会适应具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本研究采用内隐社会认知研究方法,对内隐人际信任进行了系统探讨。本研究分为3个部分,由5个实验构成,依次涉及大学生内隐人际信任的特征、不同人际信任水平大学生在内隐社会认知的三个阶段的特点及大学生内隐人际信任的可变性等问题。根据以上研究的结果及分析讨论,得出如下结论:1.内隐态度上,人们更倾向于用表示信任的词汇来形容他人,从而表现出对他人信任的倾向。2.内隐人际信任存在于高外显信任水平的被试群体中,而不存在于低外显信任水平的被试群体中。3.大学生内隐人际信任与外显人际信任之间存在低相关,是两个相对独立的结构。4.词的情绪属性导致不同信任水平的被试均出现内隐人际知觉易化现象,词的积极情绪属性(积极信任词汇)加快了高人际信任水平被试对信任词的知觉速度,而词的消极情绪属性(消极不信任词汇)加快了低人际信任水平被试对不信任词汇的知觉速度。5.高人际信任水平被试在人际信任社会认知印象形成过程中出现了显著的启动效应,而低人际信任水平被试则未曾出现启动效应。但是,对于不同评价对象,高信任水平大学生出现了不同类型的启动效应。高人际信任水平被试对亲人进行评价时,不延迟时最近激活的概念或结构有优势,但在长延迟时频繁启动的概念或结构将占优势,这支持了突触模式。高人际信任水平被试对熟悉人进行评价时,刺激类型及是否延迟主效应均显著,具体表现为不延迟时有优势的概念或结构(近因即最近激活的刺激)在长延迟时也有优势,支持了电传递模式。高人际信任水平被试对陌生人进行评价时,启动刺激类型主效应显著,深入分析发现,为不延迟时有优势的概念或结构(近因即最近激活的刺激)在长延迟时也有优势,支持了电传递模式。关于人际信任的内隐社会认知图式具有条件性和对象性。6.在不同交往对象启动条件下,被试对信任词和不信任词汇在反应速度方面表现出一定的偏好。具体表现为在亲人词启动条件下,被试对信任词汇反应更快;在熟悉人词启动条件下,被试对不信任词汇反应更快;而对于陌生人则无差异。7.内隐人际信任具有一定的稳定性,本研究中阈下评价性条件反射技术未能改变大学生内隐人际信任。综上所述,本研究在以下方面有所创新:第一,探索并证实了大学生内隐人际信任的存在性,并初步分析了大学生内隐人际信任的特征;第二,提出并验证了内隐人际信任的三阶段模型,即内隐人际知觉、内隐人际印象和内隐人际判断;第三,考察了大学生内隐人际信任的稳定性和可变性;第四,从内隐社会认知角度,对大学生人际信任的内隐特征、大学生对不同人际情境中社会信息的内隐加工特点及其可改变性进行了研究,为人际信任研究提供了新思路。

【Abstract】 Interpersonal trust is important factor affecting the interpersonal relationships of individuals, and significant symbol of individual social adaptation. Studies have conducted extensive discussion from sociological, economical and psychological point of view on the aspects of concept, structure, function, influencing factors, formation, and development mechanism of interpersonal trust. Nevertheless, given interpersonal trust is a complex social psychological phenomenon with multiple layers of psychology, culture, society and system. Therefore, considerations and studies upon it by researchers are complex. Different discipline orientation, study perspective, study levels, and a variety of explanations, have made the study of interpersonal trust be difficult to reach agreement.Promoted and enlightened by the studies on implicit memory, Greenwald and Banaji (1995), with basis on consciousness and unconsciousness of social information processing, proposed the concept of implicit social cognition and its study system and model, and clearly pointed out that individual social behavior possesses implication and features of automation. Interpersonal trust comes from the process of interpersonal interaction, and it is resulted from individuals’judging, assessing and processing about the social informations in human communication. So whether the composition of implicit process is also existed in interpersonal trust, and directs individuals’implicit processing about social information of interpersonal communication? Whether the method and paradigm of research of social cognition is suitable to the research of interpersonal trust. Confrom the angle of implicit social cognition, the study carried out exploration on implicit features of college students interpersonal trust, implicit features of how college students process social information in different interpersonal context, and its convertibility, to better comprehend the status quo and development and change of college students interpersonal trust, which is of significant theoretical value and practice meaning to improve college students interpersonal relationship and facilitate their social adaptation.This study adopted the research method of implicit social cognition, and systematically discussed implicit interpersonal trust. The study is divided into3parts, consisted of5experiments, and by turn touches upon issues of existence of college students’ implicit interpersonal trust, features of college students of different interpersonal trust levels in the three phases of implicit cognition, and the convertibility of college students’ implicit interpersonal trust.Based on study results, analysis and discussion, conclusions are drawn as below:1. In implicit attitude, people are more prone to use words that represent trust to describe others, so as to show their trust.2. Implicit interpersonal trust exists intestees with high external trust level, and does not exist in testees with low external trust level.3. There is low correlation between implicit interpersonal trust and explicit interpersonal trust among college students. Explicit interpersonal trust and implicit interpersonal trust are relatively independent from each other.4. For high trust level testees, response time for trust words is evidently less than for distrust words. Priming effects are apparent. For high trust level testees, response time for trust words under the condition of describing contact objects is notly lower than that under the condition of judgment. For low trust level testees, response time for distrust words under the condition of describing contact objects is notly lower than that under the condition of judgment. This indicates that property of emotion of words accelerates the testee’s speed of perception, and possesses facilitatory effects for search of social information property.5. High trust level testees presented evident priming effects in the process of interpersonal trust social cognition impression formation, while low trust level testees did not show priming effects. However, for different evaluation objects, college students with high trust level turned up different types of priming effects. When evaluating family, high trust level testees had advantages in non-delay most recent activation concept or structure, and long-delay frequent priming concept or structure. This supported synaptic mode. When evaluating acquaintance, high trust level testees showed significant main effects in stimuli type and delay or non-delay. Namely, concept or structure with advantage in non-delay (recently activated stimuli) also possessed advantage in long-delay. This supported electric transfer mode. When evaluating strangers, high trust level testees showed significant main effects in type of priming stimuli. In-depth analysis found that concept or structure with advantage in non-delay (recently activated stimuli) also possessed advantage in long-delay. This backed up electric transfer mode. These results demonstrated that social cognition schematism relevant to interpersonal trust has conditionity and objectivity.6. Under the condition of different priming of contact objects, testees displayed certain preferences towards trust wording and distrust wording in response speed. Under the condition of words of relatives, testees responded fast on trust words; under the condition of words of priming of acquaintance, testees responded fast on distrust words; while there was no differences observed for strangers.7. Implicit interpersonal trust possesses certain stability, the technology of conditioned reflex of subliminal evaluative can hardly change implicit interpersonal trust among college students.To sum up, the study possesses innovation in aspects below:First, it explored and proved the existence of implicit interpersonal trust among college students, and conducted preliminary analysis on the features of college students’implicit interpersonal trust. Second, it proposed and verified the three-phases model of implicit interpersonal trust, namely, implicit social cognition, implicit social impression, and implicit social thinking. Third, it investigated the stability and convertibility of college students’ implicit interpersonal trust. Fourth, from the angle of implicit social cognition, it carried out exploration on the implicit features of college students’interpersonal trust, features of how college students process implication of social information in different interpersonal context(s), and its convertibility, and offered new train of thought for study on interpersonal trust.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1092

