

【作者】 胡月文

【导师】 吴昊;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 以甘肃丝绸之路段——河西走廊生态地域文化为典型,将地域建筑文化与生态环境相对应,依据中国生态现代化的生态理论,研究河西走廊地域建筑文化走向;探索西部地域建筑传统文化意匠与传承的现实意义,旨在分析当代世界建筑美学普世化的影响下,当下河西地域建筑所具有的时代哲学特征、美学观念和艺术表现手法,以及未来的发展趋势。反映与延展乡土性、本原性、生态性文化在设计领域里的可行性运用。本文旨将河西走廊地域建筑放入丝绸之路宏观的生态体系中,溯源河西地域建筑庄堡建筑文化特征的缘起,确立河西走廊地域建筑的生态类型特征,研究该符号建筑精髓在现代建筑中的延续显现;同时通过村堡——军堡——城关建筑的细部比对和年代考证,论证地域建筑形式的出处,目的在于推论确立河西庄堡地域民居形式,以及在丝绸之路文化传播流变中的走向问题。论证甘肃丝绸之路段——河西走廊地域建筑“走向”的地域空间关系,发现河西生态地域庄堡建筑形式,与西域民居形式有更多相似之处,并且该建筑形态向关中地段渐于消退,同时具有关中建筑文化回授的史实及特征,管窥到丝绸之路河西走廊段,地域建筑形成由西域向河西转变至关中的主流发展特点,存在丝绸之路地域建筑形式由点串成线的地域建筑隐形带,最终通过大量的实地考察与资料论证,得出当代河西地域建筑的发展走向,不再是历史上由西向东渐进,抑或由东向西的回授,完全处于建筑有机的、新生的、向上的自身生态发展模式。通过认知生态观念、历史条件、地理环境、生活习俗、技术体系等诸多源流,强调地域建筑生态文化继承的可持续性,专注继续运用这一形态的发展脉络,寻找其规律和针对地域建筑再创造的可能性,目的在于确立丝绸之路文化交融中地域建筑审美观的建立,关注生态环境下地域主义建筑的文化内涵,放眼于时代批判与创造精神。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes the Silk Road of Gansu-ecological and geographical culture of HexiCorridor as one typical example, it uses regional and architectural culture to correspondto the ecological environment, it studies the orientation of regional and architecturalculture of Hexi Corridor on the basis of ecological theory of Chinese ecology modernization,in addition, it explores the reality meanings of Artisan and inheritance of traditionalculture of regional architecture in the west, aims at analyzing characteristics of timesphilosophy, esthetics concept, artistic expression as well as future development trend thatregional architecture of Hexi Corridor has under the influence of world architectureartistic at the present age. It reflects the feasibility and application local natureextension, originality and ecological culture in the field of design.This thesis aims at integrating regional architecture of Hexi Corridor into the macroecological system of the Silk Road, tracing the source of cultural characteristics of fortarchitecture in Hexi regions, establishing the ecological characteristics of regionalarchitecture and studying the extension and indication of this symbol architecture essencein modern architecture. At the same time, through the comparison of detailed parts and agesdemonstration of village fort, military fort, city architecture, it demonstrates patternroot of regional architecture as well as region and space relations of regionalarchitecture orientation of Hexi Corridor. It finds that there are many similarities betweenpattern of ecological and regional fort architecture of Hexi and dwelling pattern in theWestern Regions, the historical reality and characteristic gradually disappears towardsthe central Shaanxi plain region, have a restricted view of Hexi Corridor section of theSilk Road, the regional architecture changes from the Western Regions to Hexi and the hiddenarea in the central Shaanxi plain area, from this we can deduce that the orientation andtemporary development trend of dwelling pattern of Hexi fort regions in the culturaltransmission of the Silk Road. We know many origins such as ecological concept, historicalcondition, geographical condition, life habit, technological system, in addition, we usethe development context of this pattern to seek its rule and possibility of recreation,it aims at stressing establishment of regional architecture aesthetic standard in theculture of the Silk Road, paying attention to the cultural connotation of regionalismarchitecture, taking a broad view of times criticism and creative spirit.


