

A Study on British-Educated Late-Qing Students,Cross-Cultural Perspectives

【作者】 王晓红

【导师】 王展鹏;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 晚清时期中国面临着巨大的民族危机,留学教育被视为现代中国兴起的重要路径。本论文以晚清时期留学英国学生为研究对象,从历史层面研究晚清时期留学英国的主要群体在英国的经历及其归国后对中国社会转型做出的贡献,同时以跨文化视角剖析其对中国现代化发展影响的文化层面因素。本文首先借助历史资料对晚清时期留学情况进行了研究分析。晚清时期是近代中国寻求现代化和发展的时期,晚清留学也经历了一系列的变化。留学组织者从个人转变为政府;在对待留学的态度上,从普遍抗拒到大众一致推崇,留学行动也从零星的个人行为演变为政府致力推行的国家政策,留学的目标国也从西方的欧美诸国辐射到东方的日本。本文在晚清留学的大背景之下,着重研究留学英国情况。晚清留英生虽然在规模和数量上均不如留美和留日学生,但起步较早,而且质量也较高,其最主要的群体为同文馆学生和海军留英生。清政府先后共派出四批同文馆学生到英国留学。同文馆学生回国后主要服务于教育界及外交界,促进了中国外交、翻译和教育事业的发展。海军留英学生在甲午战争前共派遣过三期,在英国学习驾驶、制造等海军亟需人才;甲午战争后留英的海军学生所学专业更为多样化。海军留英生带着新思想和技术回到国内,冲击了当时统治集团和腐朽落后的顽固思想,对晚清时期社会的发展发挥了重要作用。同时,本论文对海军留英生中最重要的代表人物严复进行了个案研究。严复早期接受的教育是中国的传统教育。其后虽然以船政生身份在英国留学,但接触了大量的西方哲学与文化。回国后在传统官场屡遭挫折,转而致力于翻译并传播西学。严复认为中国与英国的差距,并非是技术,关键在于制度和文化的不同。中国人认识到中华民族深重危机的根源不仅在于声光电化、船坚利炮不如西方,更在于中国腐朽的政治制度,从而领悟到中国当“自强向上,奋发争存”方能摆脱危机。这与严复深入传播西学的功绩密不可分。此外,本文对晚清时期留学英国、美国、日本做了对比研究,分析赴不同国家留学人员的特点;同时通过研究清政府及日本政府留英学生的派遣的情况,分析研究为何晚清时期留英教育没有像日本留学教育一样为国家带来翻天覆地的变化。对于晚清留英教育,从历史的角度已经有了比较系统的研究,因此本论文在结论部分重点从跨文化视角分析其对中国现代化发展所作贡献的文化因素。从跨文化视角来看,本文认为无论是文化相对主义还是文化绝对主义,都不能成为中国实现民族复兴可以选择的路径。而文化交流主义,承认了不同文化之间的交流不仅必要而且可能。跨文化实际上就是跨越了不同国家、地区与民族界线的文化,是认同不同民族、国家及群体之间的文化共性与差异,是通过超越历史文化背景的人与人之间的互动和交流关系。而留学则是跨文化交流、学习极为重要的途径。晚清留英教育在一定程度上促进了中国的发展,但没有彻底改变中国。不仅是留英学生,留学其他国家的学生面临着同样的问题。同日本相比,中国几乎是同时处于一个起跑线上,同时派出留学生,但晚清留学教育未能像日本留学那样给国家带来彻底的改变。这反映了留学教育在晚清时期所面临的有利及不利的因素。晚清留学教育的发展源于当时中国内忧外患的国情,留学生肩负着救亡图存的使命,他们从国外带回来的先进的技术与思想无疑为中国的发展起到了推动作用。但由于保守势力的强大,根深蒂固的传统阻碍了跨文化交流的发展。此外,人类社会的发展本身就是文化的发展,由于文化层次的制度变迁困难而且漫长;相较于其他国家和民族,中国文化的变迁更加困难和漫长。即便那些系统接受过西方教育留学归来的严复、辜鸿铭等人仍然囿于传统文化的束缚,更不用说普通大众了。随着中国对外开放的扩大以及全球化的发展,中国人留学海外的规模和数量也达到了前所未有的程度。在这一背景下,从跨文化视角对晚清留学英国加以研究,有助于了解中西文化的差异,发挥留学教育在文化交流中的重要作用;有助于当代留学生继续承担起西学东渐及东学西渐的双重角色,在中国民族复兴的过程中发挥积极作用。

【Abstract】 China in late-Qing Dynasty was faced with huge national crisis, and overseas education was regarded as a necessary way for the rise of China. This thesis probes into late-Qing British-educated students. It examines the main groups studying in the United Kingdom and their contributions to China from historical point of view. Moreover, it analyzes the cultural factors behind the experiences and contributions ofthe British-educated graduates from cross-cultural perspectives.This thesis firstly studies the overseas education in late Qing by means of historical archives. Chinese history in late Qing period is a history of seeking a path to modernization and development, and its overseas education underwent changes in various aspects as well. It changed from individual behavior to national policy to organize studying abroad. Studying abroad as something new was firstly rejected but later highly admired by common populace. The target countries of overseas education spread from western European countries and the United States to the eastern country of Japan.This thesis focuses on a cross-cultural study of late-Qing British education. Although the number of less late-Qing students studying in the UK was smaller than that in the US and Japan, studying in the UK started earlier and the quality of students was much better. The two main groups studying in the UK were students from Tongwen Guan and the naval students. The Qing Imperial dispatched four groups of Tongwen Guan students to study in the UK. After they returned, these students mainly served in the educational and diplomatic departments and promoted the development in translation, diplomacy and education. As for the naval students, three groups were sent to the UK before the Sino-Japanese war, studying ship-driving and manufacturing that were urgently needed in the Chinese navy. After the Sino-Japanese war, the naval students in the UK studied a wider range of disciplines. The British-educated naval graduates came back with new thought and technology, greatly influencing the ruling class at that time and their stubborn ideology. Besides, this thesis does individual case study into Yen Fu, the most outstanding character of the naval students. Yen Fu received traditional Chinese education in his early childhood. During his stay in the UK, although he was a naval student, he read a lot of works on Western philosophy and culture. After he came back, he was frustrated by the repeated failures in the traditional officialdom. Therefore he turned to the translation and introduction of Western Culture. He realized that the gap between China and the UK lay not in technology, but in system and culture. It was because of Yen Fu’s introduction of Western learning into China that Chinese realized that Chinese national crisis came from the rotten political system instead of the backwardness in science and military. Thus it was deeply rooted in the Chinese people’s mind that China should independently strive in order to be strong and get rid of the national crisis. In addition, this thesis views late-Qing overseas education from comparative perspectives. It makes an all-round comparison between Chinese students in the UK, Japan and the United States during the late Qing dynasty, to highlight the distinctive features of those who studied in the UK. It also makes a comparison of overseas education between Modern Japan and China and explores the different results of overseas education in the two countries.Since there have been systematic studies on late-Qing overseas education in the UK in the discipline of historical studies, this thesis will employ cross-cultural perspectives to analyze the cultural factors in the movement of late Qing overseas studies.From cross-cultural perspectives, this thesis points out that neither the Cultural Relativism nor the Cultural Absolutism can be the possible path for China to realize National Rejuvenation. The Cultural Communicationism recognizes the necessity and possibility of cultural communication. In a broader sense, cross-culture communication is also the process of crossing the boundaries of different countries, regions and peoples. It shows both their cultural convergence and divergence and helps overcome the obstacles for effective communications. Studying abroad provides a chance for people to have cross-cultural interactions and communications that can help the development of their own countries.Late-Qing overseas education in the UK promoted the development in China in a certain degree, but it failed to fulfil the goal of modernizing China. It was true to the overseas education in all the target countries. Besides, China started to dispatch students to study abroad almost at the same time as Japan, but it didn’t bring the same change to the nation as that in Japan. This is a reflection of the favorable and unfavorable conditions of the cross-cultural communications. Late-Qing overseas education was initiated by the difficult social situations when China was facing national crisis. The students were undertaking the responsibility of saving the nation when they studied abroad. The advanced technology and ideas that they brought back were greatly needed. However, the strong conservative forces hindered the culture communications. Moreover, the culture development is in fact the human development, but the evolution of institution on the level of culture is difficult and long. Compared with other countries, the cultural changes in China can be even more difficult and longer. Even those people like Yen Fu and Ku Hweng-Ming who had received Western education were still under the constraint of traditional Chinese culture, let alone common populace.When China keeps on opening to the world in this globalized era, the number of Chinese people studying abroad is increasing unprecedentedly. Under this circumstance, a study on the British-educated late-Qing students from cross-cultural perspectives can help people understand the divergence in Chinese and Western cultures, enhance the significance of overseas education in cultural communications. More importantly, it will help contemporary Western-educated Chinese students to better undertake their responsibilities in the National Rejuvenation.

  • 【分类号】G648.9;K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】260

