

Let the Other Speak: Self and the Other in Iris Murdoch’s Writing

【作者】 蒋婉竹

【导师】 马海良;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 艾丽斯·默多克(Iris Jean Murdoch,1919-1999)是英国当代极富盛名的小说家,研究她的学者遍布世界各地。本论文着力于研究默多克以小说为主要载体所展示的对“自我”与“他者”关系的思考。默多克对我他关系的关注体现在她小说主题的思考上,也贯穿于她叙事技巧的运用中。笔者认为,打击“唯我论”(solipsism)是默多克思想的出发点,而他者介入则是帮助她打破“唯我论”的关键,默多克如何让他者介入“我”的世界继而“让他者说话”是论文发展的主线。论文首先从默多克的哲学入手,试图勾勒出她在哲学上所批判的两类唯我论哲学。默多克对唯我论哲学的看法影响了她的小说创作,但她对唯我论的认知却并没有局限于哲学,比如,她对弗洛伊德关于人自私本质的阐释就充实了小说中唯我论者的形象。接下来,笔者把介入的他者置于两个层面:大写的他者(Other)是“我”之外的来自社会的力量,这个他者通过将“我”置身于现实中、场景下从而帮助“我”摆脱唯我境况,这一部分的讨论依据的是默多克理想中心灵与世界的二元关系(dualism)以及她对现实主义小说中人与社会鱼水关系的模仿。小写的他者(other)则是他人,默多克重新演绎的“崇高”概念把焦点集中于“环绕在我们周围的其他独立的人”,意识到他人的存在是默多克让人物走出唯我世界最常用的方法。论文的第一章讨论“唯我论”在默多克书写中的多层表现,包括哲学中以“日常语言人”和“极权主义者”为代表的两种唯我论、以唯我论哲学为基础的小说中的唯我论者、以及小说中其他形式的唯我论者;笔者还借鉴了伊格尔顿对同感的论述,对小说中感伤自私的“我”作了剖析。第二章讨论默多克是怎样让他者介入的,分为三小节。第一节探讨社会这个大写的他者是如何攻破“我”的唯我世界的,论文拟从金钱在人生活中所起的双重作用以及空间对人产生的影响两个方面入手,展示默多克如何将“我”与外部世界联系起来。第二、三节探讨默多克怎样运用一些特殊的写作手法,让他人闯入我的世界的,指向两个层面:其中第二节关注在文本层面,默多克如何通过为小说加入种种的意外事件,逼迫主人公去认识伴随意外而来的其他人,从而建立起与他人的联系;第三节将重点放在了作者与人物的关系辨析上,默多克作为作者如何通过对全知叙述者不全知的处理、叙事焦点的移动与扩散、不可靠的叙述者、以及异质语的运用等叙事策略践行自己向人物放权、塑造独立于自己之外的具有真正生命力的人物诺言。第三章主要揭示我他相处的具体形态。他者是促进“我”的自我认知、同时也是认识世界的不可缺少的重要一环,但这并不等同于说我他关系就是和谐的。默多克在小说中描绘的带有社会主义性质的团体作为大写他者而言暗藏着抑制自我个性发展的危险,在“我”的自我完善方面作用也有限。默多克通过不同角度下对我与他人关系的展示暗示着,我与他人的相处总是充满了误解、矛盾、甚至是对立,他人终不可知,尊重与爱是面对异己的他人需要把握的原则。

【Abstract】 Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) is a famous British female writer, enioving a world reputation. This thesis focuses on the relationship between "self" and "the other" she presented through her novels and her philosophy. Self and the other is not only an important theme in Murdoch’s novels, but also a hidden idea behind her writing technique."Solipsism" is the problem Murdoch faced with, the other’s intrusion is the solution figured out by Murdoch. The means by which Murdoch lets the other "step into" self s solipsistic world and further "speak" is the developing line of this thesis. The thesis starts from Murdoch’s philosophic thinking on two kinds of solipsism. This thinking influences her fiction writing, but her understanding on solipsism is far beyond that. For example, she absorbs Freud’s thinking of the "selfish psyche" to enrich her knowledge of solipsism.The other should be measured on two levels. The "Other" is the social power out of self, this power pushes the self into the realistic world. During this process, self liberates from solipsism, this part’s discussion is based on Murdoch’s thinking on dualism between mind and object; the "other" is other people, Murdoch’s "sublime" emphasizes on "a vast and varied reality outside ourselves", to be more specific,"our surrounding as consisting of other individual men". The recognition of other individual men’s existence is the most effective way to deal with solipsism.The first chapter elaborates on various forms of solipsism in Murdoch’s writing, including her philosophy revolved around "the Ordinary Man" and "the Totalitarian Man", her novel characters influenced by her philosophy, other kinds of solipsistic persons-Terry Eagleton’s explanation of "sentimentalism" also explains her self-centered characters. The second chapter discusses the ways by which the other enters self s world, this chapter consists of three parts. The first part probes into society-the "Other", money and space are two crucial factors to connect self with society. The second part focuses on contingency, as one of contingency forms, accident is used by Murdoch in novels to force self to accept other people. The third part analyses author and character relationship:Murdoch attempts to portray characters independent of herself by using certain writing techniques, such as unreliable narrator, limited omniscient narrator, shift and expansion of narrative focalizations, heteroglossia and so on.The third chapter discusses the detailed relationship between self and the other. The other’s existence is crucial for self s recognition of himself as well as his world view. However, it does not mean that self and the other could always live in harmony. In Murdoch’ s novels, the community (the Other) featured by socialism is hidden with the danger to oppress individual’s personal development, besides, it exercises limited influence-even negative effect on self. Murdoch’s novels are full of people, and the relationships among them are always featured by conflicts, misunderstandings and oppositions. In Murdoch’s opinion, the other is ultimately unknown to the self, respect and love therefore serve as two important principles while facing other individuals different from self.

【关键词】 默多克唯我论破除自我他者
【Key words】 Murdochsolipsismunselfingthe other
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】376

