

The Development of Critical Thinking Skills through Public Speaking:A Case Study of Chinese College EFL Learners

【作者】 孙旻

【导师】 文秋芳;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “思辨”被认为是公民素质的重要内核,同时也是现代教育最为重要的培养目标之一。目前,研究者在理论建构方面已取得基本共识,但是学习者思辨能力发展实证研究尚处于探索阶段,并在以下方面存在空白:1)缺乏对学习者个体特征及主观能动性的关注;2)涉及外语学习者思辨能力发展的研究较少,对思辨能力在EFL语言技能课程中的具体体现缺乏全面详实的归纳;3)思辨能力测评方式多样化发展,但我国外语教育研究者仍多依赖学习者自述报告,在研究方法上亟待拓宽。本研究以在我国高校广泛开展的英语演讲课为切入点,为填补上述研究空白做出了尝试。基于先导研究所创立的“EFL演讲活动中的思辨分项技能”分析框架,笔者在某大学英语专业二年级演讲课程合作教学期间,对6名个案学习者进行了一个学期的跟踪观察。通过多维度的测评方法(自选题有备演讲、定题即兴演讲、思辨能力客观测试),对个案学习者的思辨能力变化发展进行了分析与评价;在此基础上,基于课堂观察、反思日志、访谈等数据,在社会认知理论“三维交互决定观”和“自我调节学习观”指导下,对影响这些学习者思辨能力发展的多种因素进行了探究。本研究的发现总结如下。首先,在自然情境下、可借助外部资源的系列有备演讲反映出学习者在多个方面思辨技能的进步,主要体现在听众分析、信息检索、演讲结构策略、理据选择等;变量控制较为严格的思辨能力客观测试和定题即兴演讲测评结果则表明,学习者整体进步较小,并主要集中于基础性分析能力的提升,如识别假设、匹配推理、匹配概念,或者话题阐释等。数据分析同时还表明,思辨能力起点相近的个案学习者发展轨迹并不相同——通过整合分析结果,笔者将其分为三类:持续发展型(3人)、有限进步型(2人)和平稳保持型(1人)。对这三类学习者展开进一步分析发现,推动或阻碍其思辨能力发展的主要有认知能力起点、目标取向、自我效能感、社会情境意识、学习策略、反思能力、教学指导方式等多种因素;相较而言,在任务完成过程中,能够发挥主观能动性,促使“个人-环境-行为”三方因素良性交互的学习者取得了更为显著的思辨能力发展。本文在结论部分就本研究的意义、启示、局限性以及未来研究的趋势展开了讨论,重点探讨了思辨能力的复杂性及多维度测评的意义、演讲课堂进行思辨融入教学的方法,以及关注学习者个体特征的重要性。

【Abstract】 Critical thinking (CT) is considered one of the most important goals of modern education as well as being essential to citizenship. To date, researchers engaged in CT theory construction have reached some general concensus, yet there are major niches in the impirical studies concerning CT development through education:1) among the various factors impacting CT development, individual characteristics and human agency have received little attention;2) studies concerning foreign language learners are insufficient, and there is no comprehensive analytical framework for evaluating CT skills involved in specific EFL language learning tasks, such as public speaking;3) in face of the rigous exploration of CT evaluation methods in the global arena, most Chinese EFL teacher researchers have settled for"self-reported growth" as the the evidence for CT learning outcomes, leaving considerable room for improvement in terms of methodology.Taking Chinese college EFL public speaking (PS) class as an entry point, the current study stives to fill the niches above. Following her pilot study, during which the analytical framework,"The Critical Thinking Sub-skills in EFL Public Speaking", was constructed, the researcher conducted a participatory study by co-teaching a sophomore PS class at a Chinese university. During the semester, data on6cases of indivicual learners was collected. Multiple-perspective CT evaluation (serial prepared speeches on optional topics, parallel impromptu speeches on given topics, and standardized CT pre-and post-tests) resulted in the depiction of CT developmental trajectories of these learners. On further inquiry, the researcher explored the various factors that have contributed to or hindered their CT development by analyzing classroom observations, reflection journals, and interviews from the perspective of Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura1986).The findings are as follows. First, within the naturalistic learning environment of prepared speech tasks, the learners achieved progress in multiple CT sub-skills in public speaking, such as audience analysis, research skills, evidence choice, and structural strategies, while the results of standardized CT tests and impromptu speech evaluation showed a rather small overall progress, the most significant being the preliminary analytical skills. Second, learners with similar starting CT levels demonstrated different trajectories of changes. They are therefore divided into three types of development-"sustained growth","limited growth", and "stagnated growth". Probing further into the data, the researcher identified goal orientation, self-efficacy, perception of social environment, learning strategies, adequacy of reflection, effectiveness of intrstructions, and starting cognitive skills etc. as the major factors impacting the learners" CT development. The learners who have achieved a virtuous cycle of "social-self" interation proved to be more successful in improving their CT skills throught public speaking practice. This paper ends with discussions on the significance, limitations and implications of the current study, with particular emphases on the complexity of CT development, the complementation of multiple CT tests, the CT-infusion instructions in the PS classroom, and the importance of considering individual characteristics in both teaching and research.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】48
  • 【下载频次】4883

