

A Study on the Textbooks of Chinese Languagein the Meiji Period

【作者】 徐丽

【导师】 李雪涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 日本的汉语学习历史悠久,留下了较为丰富的语学资料。明治时期是日本近代社会发展的重要时期,出于外交、军事的需要,日本国内兴起了一股学习汉语(主要是北京官话)的热潮,同时编撰出版了一大批汉语官话教科书。这些教科书编排十分全面,包括日常会话、声韵发音、语言对比教学、日汉互译等诸多方面。在教材的具体内容上则涉及商业、政治、军事、调查、文化、物产、风俗习惯等,既是日本人学习中国语言的基础教材,也是日本人对中国进行基本了解、进而加深对中国全面认识的重要读本。这在一定程度上为日本人学习汉语和了解中国,提供了较大的便利和帮助。除此之外,教材中对话的设计涉及诸多晚清以来中国社会的实际情况,如中外商业贸易,西方人在中国享受的特权待遇,清代晚近以来的鸦片贸易与吸食状况,北京风土人情等。近代中国在西方武力的威胁下社会、经济、文化所发生的变化和这些变化在语言上的表现等,在教科书中也都有所反映。对从他者的视角考察晚清的历史研究而言,有独特的参考价值。本论文以明治时期的汉语教科书作为研究对象,共分为六章。第一章为序言部分。这一部分主要介绍明治时期汉语教科书研究的意义,以及国内外的明治时期汉语教科书出版、收集整理情况,并梳理日本和国内学者的相关研究成果,指出目前对明治时期的汉语教科书研究没有从历史学和文献学的角度考虑,把历史学和语言学结合起来综合研究是本论文的一大创新之处。第二章论述明清时期官话的大致情况和东西方所编撰的汉语教科书,分为两节。第一节简要论述历代关于官话、正音的概述并介绍近代东西方人士对北京官话的认识。第二节主要介绍朝鲜时代、琉球王国以及日本江户时代的有关汉语官话教科书的种类及反映的官话特点,指出呈现不同官话类型的原因,提出明清时代官话不存在一个固定统一的标准音。第三章叙述明治时期汉语教科书概况,主要分析明治时期汉语教科书的大致分期,种类以及编辑群体。明治时期的汉语教科书的编写基本分为四个时期:初期的沿袭唐话教材期,模仿改编《语言自迩集》期,独立编撰期以及战争催生期。以中日甲午战争为界,日本国内外出现了编辑出版汉语教科书的热潮,这一时期的教材不仅有北京官话教科书,还出现了上海话教科书、台语(其实是闽南话)教科书以及一部分称作满语的东北官话教科书,这是适应日本侵略政策的结果。并且编撰了专门供在中国的日本女性学习的《燕京妇语》、《燕语新编》等书。教材编撰群体范围广,其中大都有中国人参与编撰或审定,保证了教材的质量。第四章主要论述明治时期北京官话教科书所反映的晚清社会状况。本章主要选取《官话指南》、《谈论新篇》、《官话急就篇》等教科书,从他者的角度反观教科书素材在日常起居、民俗文化、政治外交、经济贸易等方面反映的晚清时代北京社会图像,从史学的角度发掘教科书的文献价值。第五章主要论述明治时期汉语教科书所反映的晚清北京官话的语言现象,分别从语音、词汇、语法的角度来揭示教材中反映的晚清北京官话的特点。本章分四节,第一节主要从语音的角度阐述日本学者关于北京官话的语音意识和教材反映的声韵调系统以及有关的变调、音变等现象。第二节从词汇的角度论述明治时期汉语教科书中的常用词汇、称谓语、口语词、外来词、词缀等的特点。第三节主要探讨教材中代词、副词“所”等词的用法特点。第四节从句法角度探讨教材中的疑问句式、处置句和被动句式。通过明治时期的教科书反映的语法特征,我们发现晚清北京官话是由近代汉语向现代汉语转变的一个重要时期。这为近代汉语的研究开拓了一个新的领域。第六章结论,主要评价明治时期的汉语教科书对近代汉语研究以及对外汉语教材编写的意义,并指出其不足,最后就研究中的不足提出尚待解决的问题。明治时期的汉语教育是近代世界汉语教育的重要组成部分。所编选的汉语教科书不仅反映了由南京官话向北京官话转变的过程,并且和日本对外扩张的军事行动密切相关,具有极强的目的性,表明了近代日本的对外扩张的事实。而且这些教材也从他者的角度反映了中国晚清的社会状况,有助于我们从周边看中国,真切体会到近代中国艰难的社会转变历程。

【Abstract】 There is a long history in the study of Chinese language in Japan, leaving an abundance of linguistic data behind. The Meiji period was pivotal to the development of modern Japan. Out of diplomatic and military reasons, there was a craze of learning Chinese (mainly Peking mandarin), generating a number of new Chinese mandarin textbooks. These textbooks covered such comprehensive aspects as daily conversation, rhythm and pronunciation, comparative language teaching, Chinese and Japanese translation, etc. The contents encompassed commercial, political, military affairs, survey, culture, produce, conventions and customs, serving both as elementary textbooks and as readings for Japanese to know China from the general to the in-depth level. They were tremendous conveniences and help for Japanese to know the language and its country. Besides, the conversations were concerned with Chinese life in the late Qing, such as foreign trade, Westerners’privileges, opium trade and consumption, Peking local culture and the like. The social, economic and cultural changes, and their consequent linguistic ones as prompted by the Western forces were also reflected in these textbooks. It is therefore a unique source material of studying late Qing from lenses of the Other.This dissertation intends to discuss the textbooks in six chapters.Chapter one introduces the significance of studying the textbooks, their compilation and publication. It also surveys related studies among Japanese and Chinese scholars, highlighting the fact that the study has never been conducted throughhistoriographicaland philological disciplines, their combination thus making the innovation of this dissertation.Chapter two is an overview of the mandarin in the Ming and Qing China and the textbooks of Chinese language in the East and West. It has two parts:part one reviews mandarin, its standardized pronunciation and the perceptions of Peking mandarin among modern Eastern and Western scholars; part two introduces the categories and characteristics of mandarin in the Korean times, the Ryukyu Kingdom and the Edo period, in an attempt to argue that the mandarin variations were resulted from a domestic absence of unified pronunciation.Chapter three starts from the overview of textbooks in the Meiji period, focusing on the analysis of stages, category and editing faculty. There are four stages:earlier inheriting of Tang Hua; imitation and adaptation of Yu-yen Tsu-Erh Chi; independent compiling stage and war effort stage. The onset of the First Sino-Japanese War brought a surge of editing and publication in Japan, during which emerged not only textbooks of the Peking mandarin, but also Shanghai dialect, Taiwan dialect(essentially Minnan dialect) and Northeastern mandarin or Manchu dialect, paving way for its subsequent invasion schemes. Other compilations included YanJing Fnyu, Yanyu Xinbian customized for Japanese women in China. The textbook compilers were varied specialists, among them nativeChinesemostly hired in the compilation and review for the sake of quality.Chapter four elaborates on the social landscape in the late Qing China as reflected in the Meiji period. By samplingThe Guide to KuanHua, Chats in Chinese, Guanhua Jijivpian, Peking was portrayed in its daily life, customs, politics and foreign affairs, economy and trade. It alsofeatures a historiographical exploration of their philological value.Chapter five turns to the linguistic concerns, including phonetics, vocabulary, grammar in an effort to reveal the characteristics of Peking mandarin. It has four parts. Part one is a phonetic look at Japanese scholars’view on the phonetic perception of Peking mandarin, as well as the tones system, modified tones, and inflection reflected in these textbooks. Part two is on the new or frequent words, affixes as applied in choices of daily words, appellation, spoken words, and loanwords. Part three deals with the utility of pronouns, and adverb "suo". Part four is a syntax analysis on interrogative, disposal and passive sentences. The grammar streak indicates that Peking mandarin in the late Qing was a transformative period from modern Chinese to contemporary Chinese. The textbooks thus opened a new field for the study of modern Chinese.Chapter six concludes with the significance of studying textbooks in the Meiji period in relation to modern Chinese study and compilation of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It also points out the weaknesses of the dissertation and its concerns for further research.Teaching Chinese language in the Meiji period was a substantial component in its worldwide picture. The textbooks not only reflected the transition from Nanking to Peking mandarin, but closely attached to the ambition-driven Japanese military expansion which turned into history in later decades. Besides, the textbooks were a mirror of late Qing Chinese society, offering an authentic picture of the changes in modern China as witnessed from the outsiders.


