

A Study on Inheritance Network of Cheinese Mono-transitive Construction

【作者】 刘琦

【导师】 张建理;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 如其他语言一样,汉语单宾语句是最基本的、使用频率最高的语言表达式,在语言系统中起着重要作用。语言学界非常重视此句式的研究并取得了巨大的成就。但过去的研究也存在不少问题。例如,学界对宾语的关注较多但忽视了主语;侧重组分间的关系却忽略整体对组分的作用和影响;分类标准不统一等。也正因此,此课题存在改进空间,值得进一步探究。本研究主要基于Goldberg的认知构式语法理论,全面、系统地讨论汉语单宾语构式(简称为单宾构式),旨在解开单宾构式谜团同时补充和完善认知构式语法。本研究认为单宾构式是个有层次的承继网络系统。其最上位是抽象单宾构式,其最下位是单宾动词本原构式。本研究的路向是以语言实体作为证据从单宾动词本原构式层层向上推导和归纳出最上位的抽象单宾构式;另一方面,在概念上从最上位的抽象单宾构式回溯到最下位的单宾动词本原构式。为此,本研究自下而上地亲历各构式,廓清层次并绘制构式网络地图。最后参考构式网络地图从上往下看此全景,并揭示其理据。本研究重点设定在动词本原构式(简称为动本构式)和超动词构式(简称为超动构式)及其区别和互动。前构式是动词自身基本题元配置和形义组配而后构式是前构式作为组分参与的复杂构式。本研究分别切入微观和宏观层面并梳理单宾构式内纷繁复杂的语义-句法关系,具体采取以下步骤。首先,构拟动本构式内的在线互动模式以及超动构式内的在线整合模式,既关注构式对组分的作用也不忽视组分对构式的影响。其次,把主宾语为名词或名词词组,谓语为动词的单宾语句纳入统一的构式体系,并设立单宾构式的承继网络系统。在微观层面,本研究首先构拟动本构式内的在线互动模式,涉及动本构式与具体词项。在线互动过程包括初始、互动以及合成三个阶段。在初始阶段,名词组分准入构式,施事实现为主语,受事实现为宾语。在互动阶段,构式与名词互相压制和协调。在合成阶段,构式与组分语义达到和谐和融通。此三阶段以互动阶段为核心,互动具体涉及构式对名词的局域激活以及名词对构式的隐喻或转喻压制。本研究以上肢动作“打”和视觉感知动作“看”为个案详细分析典型承继句以及非典型承继句内三阶段在线互动过程。研究发现典型承继句内互动简单,而非典型承继句则较复杂,构式与宾语名词的相互作用明显,动本构式义因此引申或扩展。动本构式义引申是消解组分与构式语义不和谐的方式或手段。非典型宾语名词参与动本构式引起语义冲突,名词通过隐喻或转喻压制迫使构式与其在语义上相互认同形成一个和谐的整体。因此,本研究认为动词语义的变异是有动因的,有些学派脱离构式形成的语境奢谈动词义的变异是十分荒谬的。其次,构拟超动构式内的在线整合模式,涉及超动构式和动本构式两类题元框架,而具体词项在此两构式的共同规约下嵌入。在线整合过程包括准入、选择、压制以及结果四个阶段。准入即超动构式对动本构式的准入,选择涉及两构式兼容信息的选择和匹配,压制是整合过程的核心,主要体现为两构式压制和规约的具体方式和内容,结果即是最后呈现的超动构式承继句的状态和特性。非常规句(如“他写毛笔”)的产生实质上是动本构式参与超动构式的整合结果。在参与过程中,由于动本构式与超动构式题元不匹配,后者对前者进行压制性整合。具体表现为迫使前者增加、剪切或者位移题元从而使两者和谐兼容。而某些动本构式在参与某超动构式受到较大压制有较大的形义变化,这样的承继句就是不可预测的有标记句。本研究运用整合模式深度剖析工具宾语超动构式和益损超动构式,并对两超动构式内的在线整合进行对比研究。研究发现,两类超动构式共享双向互动特点,但在具体整合阶段是有差异的。体现在准入阶段的条件不同,选择阶段题元匹配的依据不同,压制阶段整合力度和方式不同,以及结果阶段动本构式形义变异程度不同。在宏观层面,本研究首先梳理单宾构式的各类各层。单宾构式涉及单宾动本构式和单宾超动构式。各单宾动本构式依据事件发生域纳入特定的认知域群,涉及空间域、社会域、体验域、关系域以及经历域。单宾超动构式分为典型题元构式、背景题元构式以及特殊题元构式三类。典型题元构式是单宾动本构式的上位抽象构式。背景题元构式突显动本构式的某背景题元,涉及动本构式宾语题元变异的是非受事宾语构式,有处所宾语等宾语类构式;涉及主语题元变异的是非施事主语构式,有工具主语等主语类构式;还有主宾语题元均变异的是非施事主语受事宾语构式,涉及互动式构式。特殊题元构式强调特殊功能义,涉及容纳构式、益损构式和存在构式。其次,构建单宾构式的承继网络体系。从构式层级看,自上而下有七层,最上位是抽象单宾构式,最下位是单宾动本构式。这七个不同层次的构式相互联接,上位统制下位,下位承继上位,共同形成单宾构式承继网络。第一至第三层构式是上层构式,构式义泛化,题元配置各异;第四层构式是基本层构式,有较为明确的构式义和题元配置,具有较大构式区分度,在心智中的固化程度高;第五层是下层构式,表达的是更细致、具体的构式义;第六层和第七层涉及基底的动本构式。在此网络体系里可梳理出三种构式承继关系:图式-例示关系、部分-整体关系以及原型-引申关系。其中前两种是跨层构式间的纵向关系,而后一种则是同层构式间的横向关系。本研究最后对汉语单宾语构式和汉语双宾语构式(简称为双宾构式)进行对比研究,旨在进一步认识单宾构式的特性和地位。研究发现,单宾构式与双宾构式在网络体系以及内部互动两方面存在差异。从网络层次地位看,抽象单宾构式是上层构式,语义泛化;而双宾构式是较为具体的基本层构式,具有特定的形义组配和构式义,在心智中的固化程度高。从单宾和双宾构式各自的内部互动看,前者比后者复杂。单宾动本构式可能涉及压制性互动,而双宾动本构式一般无压制;单宾超动构式对其动本构式组分的具体压制方式和组配多于双宾超动构式。总体而言,本研究统一分析常规和非常规句式,整体考虑主宾语,认定和分析一动多构,确立构式分层标准,细化和深化构式承继联接研究,完善和发展认知构式语法。这些正是本研究的创新之处。

【Abstract】 The Chinese mono-transitive sentence, just like other languages, is the most fundamental and frequently-used expression, taking the primary position in the language system. This structure has been paid much attention to in the linguistic circle and great achievements related have been made. However, previous studies still have some problems, such as too much emphasis on objects but neglecting subjects; too much emphasis on relationships between parts but neglecting influence of the construction on parts; being lack of a unified standard for classification etc. So there is room for improvement and the topic is worth further studying. This study will discuss Chinese mono-transitive construction in a comprehensive and systematic way, mainly based on Goldberg’s Cognitive Construction Grammar, aiming to solve Chinese mono-transitive construction puzzle, and to supplement and perfect Cognitive Construction Grammar.The study argues that the mono-transitive construction is a stratified inheritance network. The top level is the abstract mono-transitive construction and the bottom level is mono-transitive verb’s basic construction. The approach of the study is from the bottom up to the top, summarizing the abstract mono-transitive construction at the top, with linguistic expressions as proofs; and conceptually from the abstract mono-transitive construction at the top down to the mono-transitive verb’s basic construction at the bottom. As such, every construction from bottom to up is examined, hierarchies are outlined and constructional network diagram is drawn. Finally, the whole scene is overlooked from top to bottom, with the diagram taken for reference, and the motivation behind is explained. The chief concern of the study is to define and differentiate verb’s basic construction (VBC) and super-verbal construction (SVC) and their interactions within themselves. The former is verb’s own basic thematic collocation and form-meaning pairing and the latter is the complex construction in which the former can participate as a component. The study will probe into complex semantics and syntax relationships in the mono-transitive construction at both micro and macro levels, taking specific steps as follows. Firstly, on-line model of interaction within the VBC and that of integration within the SVC are to be constructed, attention not only paid to influence of the construction on parts but also to influence of parts on the construction. Secondly, all the mono-transitive sentences with nouns or noun phrases as subjects and objects, and verbs as predicates, are included in a unified construction system and an inheritance network of the mono-transitive constructions is to be established.At the micro level, firstly, model of on-line interaction within the VBC is constructed, in which the VBC and specific words are involved. The interaction process includes three stages, i.e. Beginning, Interaction and Composition. At Beginning Stage, nouns are allowed to the construction, with agents realized as subjects and patients realized as objects. At Interaction Stage, coercion works between nouns and the construction. At Composition Stage, the two are integrated into a whole. Interaction Stage is the centre of three, at which the construction’s influence on nouns through zone activation and nouns’influence on the construction through metaphor or metonymy coercion are involved."Da" and "kan" VBCs are investigated to analyze three-stage interaction processes within their typical and atypical inheritance sentences. The study indicates interaction within the former is simple while that within the latter is complicated in which coercion is strong and hence the meaning of the VBC is extended. The extension of VBC’s meaning is the way to avoid disharmony between the construction and its noun component. There is semantic conflict between the atypical object noun and the construction. The latter is forced by the former to adjust its meaning under metaphor or metonymy coercion so as to achieve a coordinated whole. Therefore, the study argues that variation of verb’s meaning is motivated and it is absurd to discuss verb’s meaning variations without contexts.Secondly, model of on-line integration within the SVC is constructed, in which schematic VBC and SVC are involved with specific words constrained by both constructions. The on-line integration process includes four stages, i.e. Admission, Choosing, Coercion and Result. Admission refers to VBC’s admission to the construction from the SVC; Choosing refers to match and selection of compatible features of two constructions; Coercion is the center of the whole process, denoting the way and contents of two constructions’coercion and constraint; Result refers to final state and qualities of SVC’s inheritance sentences. The marked sentence (such as ’ta xie maobi’) is essentially the result of participation of the VBC in the SVC. During the participating process, due to mismatches between thematic roles of the VBC and that of the SVC, the latter integrates with the former in a coercive way of adding, cutting or transferring thematic roles of the former. Powerful coercion produces changes in the form and meaning of some VBCs, and such inheritance sentences are unpredictable and marked. This study examines Instrument-object SVC and Profit-loss SVC based on the above model and also makes a contrastive study of the two. The two share the quality of bidirectional interactions, but differ in some detailed aspects, i.e. constraints at Admission Stage, matching principles of thematic roles at Choosing Stage, degree and way of integration at Coercion Stage and degree of variations in form and meaning of the VBC at Result Stage.At the macro level, firstly, all the types and levels of constructions are arranged and analyzed. The mono-transitive constructions include the mono-transitive VBC and the mono-transitive SVC. Each mono-transitive VBC can be grouped into certain cognitive domain such as space, society, experience, relation or suffering, on the basis of its event-occurring domain. The mono-transitive SVC is further divided into three subtypes, SVC with typical thematic roles(SVCT), SVC with background thematic roles(SVCB) and SVC with special thematic roles(SVCS). SVCT is the schematic construction of mono-transitive VBCs. SVCB profiles certain thematic role that is in the background of the VBC, involving Non-patient Object SVC characterized with variation of the object thematic role in the VBC, such as Location-object SVC, Non-agent Subject SVC characterized with variation of the subject thematic role in the VBC, such as Instrument-subject SVC, and Non-agent Subject Non-patient Object SVC characterized with variation of both subject and object thematic roles in the VBC, such as Interaction SVC. SVCS emphasizes its special functions, involving Containment SVC, Profit-loss SVC and Existence SVC. Secondly, an inheritance network of the mono-transitive constructions is established. As regards to constructional hierarchies, there are altogether seven levels from the top to the bottom. The top one is the abstract mono-transitive construction and the bottom one is the mono-transitive VBC. All these seven levels are connected, with the level above dominating the level below and the level below inheriting the level above, thus the inheritance network formed. The first to the third levels are Superordinate-level Constructions with unspecified constructional meanings and different thematic collocations; the fourth level is Basic-level Construction with definite constructional meanings and unified thematic collocations and with constructional distinction, hence entrenched deeply in the mind; the fifth level is Subordinate-level Construction with more detailed and specific constructional meanings. The sixth and seventh levels are related with VBCs. Three types of inheritance relationships can be identified from the system:schema-instantiation, part-whole and proto-extension relationships. The former two denote inter-level and vertical constructional relationships while the latter denotes intra-level and horizontal ones.Finally, a contrastive study between Chinese mono-transitive construction and Chinese ditransitive construction is made in order to reveal unique quality and position of the mono-transitive construction. The findings are that two constructions differ in the network system and interaction processes. From the viewpoint of hierarchical status, the mono-transitive construction is Superordinate-level Construction without the definite constructional meaning while the ditransitive construction is Basic-level Construction with the specific form-meaning pairing and constructional meaning, entrenched deeply in the mind From the viewpoint of interaction, the mono-transitive construction is more complicated than the ditransitive construction. There is coercive interaction in the mono-transitive VBC but generally no such interaction in the ditransitive VBC; there are more ways of coercion and coercion pairs in the mono-transitive SVC than in the ditransitive SVC.In sum, unmarked and marked sentence patterns are analyzed in a unified way; subjects and objects are considered as a whole; one-verb-many-constructions situation is identified and analyzed; standard for classification of constructional levels is set up; the constructional inheritance is further studied; and Cognitive Construction Grammar is improved and developed. The above are the innovative points which this study offers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】151

