

【作者】 上官红伟

【导师】 陈峰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 北宋中下级统兵官以其行施本职的对象即军兵来界定,大致可分为兵官、军校、使臣三大类,其中下级统兵官与中级统兵官的区分由官资、差遣级别、俸禄职钱职田等级、是否具有特殊事权权项来界定。在北宋的统兵体制内,中下级统兵官因其事权所限,通常不具有筹议制令权,其主要职守在于执行上级的具体指令。在各级军事职司内,中下级统兵官多不任本司在编的正贰官,且主要充作本司内的随时听令的备征将领。中下级统兵官在职司内对联接主官将帅与军兵之间起不可替代的作用。中下级统兵官的武技来源系出多头,其水准比普通军兵和民众要高,成为其作为统兵官的基本准入门槛。其控驭军兵和军事指挥能力参差不齐,尽管宋廷采取多种措施,仍未有较大改观。宋代中下级统兵官在各项制度措施的约束下,与五代将领相比,其不遵法纪的行为行为已大为收敛,基本能谨守其本职。然在私德方面,仍不免有贪蚀财货的行为,私役、苛待军兵成为军中弊病之一。北宋对中下级统兵官的诸多约束措施在执行中大多成为具文。宋廷在授予中下级统兵官的差遣职事时,综合考虑其官资、年劳、战功、效能等因素,使差遣级别与其相符。在授予其差遣职名的同时,也划定了其事权权项和管辖范围,这些事权会随着平居之时和战时的转化所需而作相应的调整。中下级统兵官在执行本职的过程中经常遇到超出制度规定范围的问题,此时,做出何种判断,取决于其对时局和战局的把握,处置不当,则有丢职丧身之虞。中下级统兵官自身面临的问题较为繁剧、棘手,使得中下级统兵官的升迁存在障碍较多。中下级统兵官在社会生活中,其经济收入较同级文官稍优,然在消费趋向上偏低。因宋代“崇文抑武”之故,中下级统兵官在社会生活中难以得到社会其他群体的尊重。个别统兵官因不能约束自身,而因私罪致狱讼。中下级统兵官在北宋整个军事体系中起着相当重要的作用。北宋时围绕中下级统兵官形成的一套相关制度对后世军事制度产生较大影响。

【Abstract】 The dissertation concerns the middle and low ranking officers in the Northern Song dynasty and discusses their status and function through examining their battling skill, their leadership, ethics and responsibility. It also touches upon their economic and social life with a view to give a panoramic picture of their life.The dissertation has the following sections:the definition and classification of middle and low ranking officer and the division between them and high ranking officials; their respective responsibility under the military system in the dynasty discussed; their position in the ranking system; their combating ability, commanding ability and their obedience of laws, regulations and moral standards when taking actions; the further division of middle and low ranking officers and discussion on their respective responsibilities and their relationship with their juniors and seniors; the difficulties their encountered; the overall economic and social life the legal cases concerned them; individual analyses of them. The conclusion reiterates the main arguments of each section.There has been little attention on middle and low ranking officers of the Northern Song dynasty among academics, still less systematic research. The dissertation builds on previous study and applies the relatively sophisticated method of studying high ranking official to middle and low ranking officer. The dissertation focuses on how the decision-making group interacts with high ranking officials and tries to illustrate the function of middle and low ranking officer as a medium between them. The dissertation continues to probe into the parallel connection within middle and low ranking officers with a view to giving a panoramic picture of the military system of that time. From this perspective, we can have a reasonable evaluation of their status and function.The crux of the question of middle and low ranking officers is that related historic records are scattered unsystematic and puzzling and are difficult to be pieced together, therefore the similar items concerned, especially identical posts with totally different natures, must be paid close attention to. The overall military disposition in the Northern Song dynasty can be classified as peace and war times and so there are difference between camping and wartime, between the officers in charge of military administration and generals during wars and between daily and wartime responsibility of military officers. All these give some clues to the problem.This dissertation is based on the sum-up of historic records in accordance with those categories with how the imperial court of the Northern Song dynasty viewed the position of middle and low ranking officers as the starting point. The paper continues to consider the basic requirements for middle and low ranking officers such as combating skill, managing ability, leadership and moral standards. Next, the paper deals with the issue of appointing post in accordance with an officer’s ranking and ability, including relevant regulations and limitations. The dissertation concludes by what the officer encountered and their evaluation.The paper is mainly concerned with the research of concrete questions by combining the above-mentioned mentality with historic records. In its body, middle and low ranking officers are divided and sub-divided according their different responsibilities highlighting both their common nature and differences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

