

An Empirical Research for Comparative the Sales Order Modles:Self-Marketingsales and Consignmentsales

【作者】 刘新华

【导师】 范莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 渠道掌控力弱小的企业,把产品交给有较强覆盖和渗透力的企业去销售,这样的渠道协同例子,近年来屡见不鲜,也由此产生自销和代销两种销售形式。如何科学地测量快消品销售员订单工作行为,并对比分析自销品与代销品销售员订单工作行为之间的差异,是现阶段诸多进行渠道协同的快消品企业亟待解决的问题。国内外有关销售员订单工作行为的相关研究,大多是定性分析,缺乏针对快消品销售员订单工作行为的定量研究。木文以快消品销售员订单工作行为作为研究对象,借鉴国内外快消品相关理论研究和部分快消品企业有关实践,研究快消品销售员订单工作行为的工作特点,并结合对快消品企业多位销售员和销售管理人员的访谈,初步建立销售员订单工作行为框架,形成9个维度和77个题项的销售员订单工作行为测量量表。为了剔除不合格题项,在正式调研前进行了预调研工作,并使用SPSS.20软件对预调研数据进行纯化处理,确认本研究建立的销售员订单工作行为框架及量表具有很好的信度及效度,从而正式确定快消品销售员订单工作行为框架和量表由9个工作行为维度和46个题项构成。销售员订单工作行为量表确定以后,分别对自销品销售员和代销品销售员进行调研,共选取统一企业的成都、合肥、西安、广州、绵阳、乌鲁木齐、长沙、杭州、昆明和哈尔滨等10个地区的销售员,总共发放问卷554份,回收问卷499份。然后分别对自销品和代销品调研的数据进行信度和效度分析,结果表明开发的工作行为量表对自销品销售员和代销品销售员都有良好的信度和效度,用于测量两类销售员都能有效地反映快消品销售员的订单工作行为。由于销售员订单工作行为内在结构非常复杂,通过量表分析还不能知道自销品与代销品销售员订单工作行为之间的具体差异。为此,笔者采用在非线性数据拟合方面具有良好表现的BP神经网络法,成功分析出了自销品销售员与代销品销售员在具体维度和具体题项上的行为差异,并进一步分析了差异原因。总之,结合快消品销售员订单工作行为测量量表,使用BP神经网络法去评价分析销售员工作行为差异,突破了传统研究注重于定性而忽略定量的研究方法,为快消品销售员订单工作行为研究提供了新的方向。

【Abstract】 There’s a trend that the companies especially weak in channel distribution, search for the enterprises which are strong in channel distribution to help them to sell their own products. There have been so many examples of channel-collaboration in recent years, and they can be divided in two models:self-goods sales and consignment-goods sales. Therefore how to measure Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) salesman’s work behavior scientifically and how to compare self-goods sales and consignment-goods sales becomes a problem that needs to be solved urgently. However, most of the researches in sales orders behavior are based on qualitative analysis at home and abroad.This Study takes sales orders behavior as the research object, based on the FMCG-related theory and practice of some FMCG enterprises and also take the specific factor of salesman from FMCG into consideration, combined with interviews of hundreds salesman, finally builds up the framework of sales orders work behavior, and measure scale of sales orders work behavior in9dimensions and77items. We did pre-research working and used SPSS.20to purification the data before the formal investigation. After eliminating unqualified items, we can make sure the framework got high reliability and validity. Finally we confirm the framework of FMCG sales order behavior consists of9dimensions and46items.As the work behavior scale was determined, we did a survey for both self-goods salesman and consignment-goods salesman separately. We took10branch companies of Uni-President as following:Chengdu, Hefei, Xian, Guangzhou, Mianyang, Urumqi, Changsha, Hangzhou, Kunming and Harbin. We sent554questionnaires and499returned. After reliability test and validity test, the result shows the developing work behavior scale has good reliability and validity for both self-goods salesman and consignment part. As a result, it can well reflect the behavior when used to measure two kinds of salesman’s behavior.As salesman’s orders working is a complex system, we cannot got the specific difference through scale analysis. We chose BP neural network which has a good performance in nonlinear data-fitting to analyze the data. The result shows the method can figure out the behavior differences between self-goods salesman and consignment-goods salesman in specific dimensions and specific items, and further more analysis the reasons of the difference.In general, combined with the sales orders working behavior scale in the field of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), and according to the BP neural network, the model appraise the differences of sales order behavior between self-goods sales and consignment-goods sales. Moreover, this Studyfocuses on the quantitative research methods which are ignored in the past. In the end we summarized the main findings and research prospects which author hopes will help the following researchers.


