

Behavioral Experiment on Cross-Cultural Decision-Making Conflict Management by Communication between Chinese and Germans

【作者】 谢冬梅

【导师】 范莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化的客观存在使得各国之间的空间距离大大缩小,但是空间距离的缩小并不意味着不同文化背景下的人们之间的文化距离或心理距离瞬间缩短,与之相反的是文化差异滋生众多的交际失误、矛盾和冲突。文化差异是导致跨国经营产生冲突乃至失败的主要原因之一。沟通是一个涉及思想、信息、情感、态度或印象的互动过程,是组织的生命线、是协调组织各个系统、缓解组织中的矛盾、解决跨文化冲突的必要手段。为了提高跨国经营绩效,论文构建了“文化差异——决策冲突——沟通化解”的理论框架来解决由文化差异引起的跨文化决策冲突问题。首先,论文基于"Hofstede文化分析框架”设计文化差异检测量表,该量表通过了信度和效度检验。将中德被试填写的文化差异检测量表进行独立样本检验,找出了他们在不确定性规避、长期取向、个人主义3个文化维度上具有显著性差异的文化特征;同时也对中德文化在上述三个维度上的共性进行了分析。依据文化差异检测结果,选取代表中国文化的中国人和代表德国文化的德国人作为沟通行为实验主体参与实验,从而构建了跨文化的沟通环境(见第三章)。然后,论文将中德被试之间具有显著性差异的文化变量作为跨文化管理决策冲突的影响因素,运用逻辑回归方法和Spearman等级相关分析方法验证了文化差异与跨文化管理决策冲突的因果关系。运用独立样本检验方法对文化差异导致的跨文化管理决策冲突的冲突强度进行测量,将中德被试之间具有冲突的管理决策情景案例作为沟通行为实验的沟通客体,从而在沟通实验主体之间构建了跨文化的冲突场景(见第四章)。在具备实验主体和实验客体的条件下,论文进行了沟通行为实验设计。根据实验设计进行了预实验,并在预实验结果分析的基础上对实验设计予以改进,最终将管理决策冲突强度、沟通频率、沟通技巧作为影响跨文化管理决策冲突化解的重要变量(见第五章)。最后,论文运用相关分析方法、描述性统计分析方法、配对样本T检验、矩阵分析方法等对实验数据进行分析,验证了管理决策冲突强度与冲突化解度负相关的关系;验证了沟通技巧与冲突化解度正相关的关系;验证了沟通频率与沟通技巧正相关的关系。论文提出了累计冲突化解度和边际冲突化解度的概念;验证了沟通频率与边际冲突化解度负相关的关系;发现了累计冲突化解度随沟通频率的增加呈倒U型曲线的规律,即当边际冲突化解度>0时,累计冲突化解度与沟通频率正相关,当边际冲突化解度<0时,累计冲突化解度与沟通频率负相关,当边际冲突化解度=0时,累计冲突化解度达到最大值。此外,论文把意义建构理论引入管理学,构建了跨文化沟通技巧衡量指标体系(见第六章)。

【Abstract】 The spatial distance between countries greatly reduced under economic globalization, but the narrowing of the spatial distance does not mean the shrinking of the cultural distance or psychological distance between people from different cultural backgrounds. In contrast, cultural differences breed a large number of communication errors, contradictions, conflicts and even lead to transnational business failure. Communication is the lifeblood of the organization. Communication is the necessary means to coordinate the organization of each system and to alleviate the contradictions in the organization and to resolve cross-cultural conflict. So builds a theoretical framework to resolve cross-cultural decision-making conflict due to cultural differences by communication in this thesis.Design questionnaire to scale the cultural differences based on Hofstede’cultural analysis framework first and the questionnaire is inspected through the test of reliability and validity. Conduct an independent sample test to the questionnaires which fill by Chinese participants and German participants in order to find significant differences and commonness between German culture and Chinese culture in the three dimensions of uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation and individualism. Select Chinese and Germans to participate in communication behavioral experiments according to the survey results (see Chapter3).Make significant cultural differences between Germans and Chinese as influencing factors which causing decision-making conflict. Validate the causal relationship between the cultural differences and cross-cultural management decision-making conflict by logistic regression and spearman rank correlation analysis method. Use independent samples test method to scale conflict intensity of cross-cultural management decision-making conflict which caused by cultural differences. Make management decision-making scenarios cases as a carrier of conflict between Chinese participants and German participants as the communication objects of the communication behavioral experiments. So we build cross-cultural conflict scenarios between the communication experiment subjects (see Chapter4).Design behavioral experiments on resolving cross-cultural decision-making conflict by communication between Chinese and Germans under the condition of Experimental subjects and experimental objects. Implement pre-experiment according to the experimental design and improve the experimental design on the basis of the analysis of the results of pre-experiment. Make decision-making conflict intensity, frequency of communication, communication skills as important variables that inducing cross-cultural conflict (see Chapter4). Prove to the negative correlation between conflict intensity and communication effects, prove to the positive correlation between communication skills and conflict resolution and prove to the positive correlation between frequency of communication and communication skills by correlation analysis, descriptive statistical analysis methods, the paired samples T-test and the matrix analysis method. Furthermore, Presents the concept of cumulative conflict resolution degree and marginal conflict resolution degree; proves to the negative correlation between the communication frequency and marginal conflict resolution degree and reveal the cumulative communication resolution degree to show an inverted U-shaped curve with the increase of communication frequency. Found a positive correlation between the frequency of communication and the cumulative conflict resolution when marginal conflict resolution degree>0and a negative correlation between the frequency of communication and the cumulative conflict resolution when marginal conflict resolution degree<0and prove that the cumulative communication resolution degree reached its maximum when marginal communication resolution degree is zero. At last, build index system to scale communication techniques based on sense-making theory.


