

Research on Matching Relationship between Axle Load&Running Speed of Heavy Haul Freight Wagon

【作者】 杨春雷

【导师】 李芾;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 铁路重载运输以其运量大、能耗低、污染轻、占地少以及安全性高等综合优势,在世界许多国家得到了迅速发展。实现重载运输有两个途径。一是扩大列车编组,增加列车长度,丌行长大列车;二是提高车辆轴重,加大车辆的每延米重量,发展大轴重货车。我国铁路货运模式是提速与重载并举,提高列车载重还必须兼顾一定的行车速度,以充分提高线路运输能力。但无论是轴重还是速度增加,车辆与线路的相互作用都会增强,造成轨道结构破坏及线路变形,车辆和线路建设及养修费用增加,从而影响铁路重载运输的整体效益。因此,开展铁路重载货车与轨道动态相互作用研究,明确货车轴重与速度合理匹配关系,已成为我国铁路实现重载运输需开展的基础性研究课题之一。本文以车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论体系为基础,回顾了国内外重载铁路技术以及车辆-轨道耦合动力学和轮轨关系研究的历史与现状,针对重载铁路货车和重载线路结构特点,将重载货车与轨道作为一个耦合大系统,以车辆动力学、轨道动力学为基础,以轮轨关系为纽带,应用数值仿真的方法研究重载货车轮轨作用特性,对轴重与速度合理匹配关系进行系统分析。仿真分析的可靠性依赖于模型的正确性,而模型的正确性则取决于其物理逼真性。为此,本文首先根据三大件转向架、交叉支撑转向架和副构架径向转向架及其重载铁路轨道的结构特点,分别建立了重载货车-轨道空间耦合动力学分析模型。模型中将重载货车视为多刚体系统,充分考虑了车体、摇枕、侧架、轮对的横向、垂向、纵向、侧滚、摇头、点头自由度以及车辆悬挂系统的各种非线性因素,对交叉支撑连接装置和副构架径向连接装置进行了横向、垂向和纵向的三向刚度模拟,对各运动部件进行了详细的受力分析,并建立了相应的振动运动方程。轨道模型采用三层连续离散点支承的无限长Euler梁模型。考虑钢轨的垂向、横向和扭转自由度;轨枕视为刚性体,考虑轨枕的垂向、横向以及刚体转动;道床离散为刚性质量块,道床块之间由剪切刚度元件和剪切阻尼元件相连,只考虑道床的垂向振动。轮轨关系是车辆和轨道之间相互作用的联系纽带。本文详细论述了应用轮轨空间接触几何关系、轮轨法向Hertz非线性弹性接触理论、轮轨切向蠕滑理论进行车辆-轨道耦合动力学分析的原理,编写和调试完成了重载货车-轨道耦合动力学仿真计算分析程序,对其主要功能进行了介绍。本文对国内外有关车辆和轨道的轮轨低动力作用性能评价指标,如轮轨垂向力、轮轨横向力、轮轴横向力、轮轨接触应力、轮轨磨耗功、钢轨、轨枕和道床垂向振动加速度等进行了详细的归纳整理。本文应用编写的动力学仿真分析程序对不同类型货车在各种线路条件下的不同轴重与速度匹配关系下的轮轨作用特性进行计算分析与评估,根据仿真结果提出了减轻轮轨动力作用的主要措施,提出了重载货车轴重与速度合理匹配关系,并对我国既有线能否开行重载列车提出了建议。最后,本文对我国正在研制的重载货车的主要结构和动力学参数进行了介绍,对车辆的部分参数进行了优化设计。针对重载样车试制和相关试验,将仿真分析结果与部分试验结果进行了对比分析。

【Abstract】 With its comprehensive advantages such as the large transport capacity, low energy consumption, light pollution, less occupation of the land and high safety, the heavy haul railway has been developed rapidly all over the world. To achieve heavy haul transportation mainly has two ways, one is to enlarge the number of the train, and extend the length of the train; the other is to increase the axle load, and develop heavy haul freight car. The model of Chinese railway freight transport is equally development of the running speed and heavy load, to fully improve the transport capacity of the railway lines. However, with the running speed or the axle load increasing, the wheel/rail interaction forces accordingly increase to damage the track structure and the railway line, and increase the costs of freight car manufacture and track maintenance, finally reduce the whole benefits of heavy haul transportation. Therefore, research on the wheel/rail dynamic interaction of the heavy haul freight cars to carry out the matching relationship between axle load and running speed is one of the basic research subjects to meet the need of achieving railway heavy haul transportation in China.On the basis of the theory of vehicle-track coupling dynamics, the thesis briefly reviews the domestic and abroad technical development of the heavy haul railway, the history and the current situation of the vehicle-track dynamics and the wheel/rail relationship. According to the structure specialties of the heavy haul freight car and track, and the wheel/rail dynamic interactions, regarding the heavy haul freight car and track as a whole coupling system, on the basis of the vehicle dynamics and track dynamics, considering wheel/rail contact geometry relationship, the numerical simulation method was applied to study the characteristic of wheel/rail dynamic interaction, and to work out the properly matching relationship between the running speed and the axle load of the heavy haul freight cars.The reliability of the simulation results relies on the validity of the model, and the validity of the model depends on the reality of the physical model. At first, considering the structure characteristics of the three-piece bogie, the cross-bracing bogie and the sub-frame radial bogie, the heavy haul freight vehicle-track coupling dynamic model was respectively set up in this thesis. The heavy haul freight car and the track was regarded as a multi-rigid body, the freedom degrees of the car body, the bolster, the side-frame and the wheel-set and various sorts of non-linear factors in vehicle suspension system were fully considered. The cross-bracing linkage bar and the sub-frame radial joint device were simulated separately by the three-dimensional rigidity values, and all the movement parts were analyzed in detail to set up the vibration equations. In the model, rails are modeled as infinite Euler beams laid on three-layer continuous and discrete elasticity supports, the vertical, lateral and torsional freedoms of rails were considered, sleepers, blocks and discrete ballast blocks were modeled as rigid bodies, the vertical, lateral and torsional freedoms of sleepers were also considered, but only vertical freedom was considered for discrete ballast blocks in the thesis.The wheel/rail contact geometry relationship is the linkage joint between vehicle and track. The principle of vehicle-track dynamic analysis on the wheel/rail spatial contact geometry relationship, the Hertz nonlinear elastic contact theory and the wheel/rail tangential creep theory was discussed in detail, the simulation programs were also compiled and debugged in this paper. The low dynamic interaction evaluation index domestic or aboard of the rolling stocks and track were summed up in this thesis such as the wheel/rail vertical force, wheel/rail horizontal force, wheel/rail contact stress, wheel/rail wear power, and acceleration of track structure etc.The dynamical wheel/rail interaction of the different axle load heavy haul freight cars under different running speed and different rail line conditions were simulated and evaluated with the simulation program, and based on the simulation results, the main methods to decrease wheel/rail dynamical interaction and the proper matching relationship between axle load and running speed were proposed, and the advice of running heavy haul freight cars on the extending railway line was also put forward in the thesis.Finally, the structure and dynamical parameters of the heavy haul freight cars were analyzed and optimized in this thesis, and the reasonable range of the values of the parameters was put forward, different types of heavy haul freight prototypes were manufactured and put into testing.

  • 【分类号】U211.5;U270.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】414
  • 攻读期成果

