

A Cross-Level Research on the Mechanism of Employee Diversity Effect

【作者】 邓渝

【导师】 范莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化必将带来企业员工多样性,深入认识员工多样性对企业、团队与个人产生的作用及其作用机理,并正确而有效地利用之,是企业在全球化浪潮中竞争取胜的关键因素之一。关于员工多样性效应的作用研究有三种观点,正效应,负效应以及混合效应,正效应突出了多样性对决策质量和群体绩效有利的一面,负效应强调了多样性的负面作用,混合效应则认为员工多样性正向和负向作用同时存在。关于员工的多样性效应的作用机制研究,着重于探讨员工多样性在何种情景因素的影响下,通过何种过程机制对群体过程和群体效能发挥作用,从而产生有利的还是有害的影响。这些情景因素包括群体的情感回应、认知结果、象征意义和沟通模式,过程机制则包括冲突、社会整合、行为整合、学习、讨论等等。人们对多样性效应几乎已经达成共识,即正向和负向作用同时存在,因此研究的焦点主要集中在多样性效应的作用机制。然而综合现有研究发现主要存在两个方面的不足:第一是研究层次单一,多集中于团队层次的多样性效应研究,而忽略了员工多样性本身具有多层次的特征,多样性效应还会表现在个体层面及企业层面。第二是对多样性效应的中介和调节机制有一定研究,但缺乏整体理论逻辑和系统性,因此在解决多样性矛盾结论方面帮助不大。因此本研究针对以上研究的不足部分展开探讨,即考虑多样性的层次特征,将其划分为团队异质性和个体差异性两个层次,并以不同层次的信息有效利用作为多样性发挥作用的主要中介变量,以不同层次的内在影响因素(如团队氛围、个人态度等)作为调节变量,构建“员工多样性——信息有效利用——绩效”的跨层次作用机制理论模型,并提出相应假设;在此基础上,通过实证研究与行为实验研究相结合的方法,对假设进行验证和检验,得到了以下研究结论:首先,本研究在文献综述的基础上提出员工多样性是一个多层次的构念,在团队层次和个人层次可以分别被操作化定义为团队异质性和个体差异性、信息有效利用在团队层次和个人层次可以分别被操作化定义为团队信息分享和个体沟通行为、绩效则可以分为团队任务绩效和个人信息相关绩效。员工多样性效应是一个团队异质性和个体差异性分别对团队和个体绩效的影响过程,但一方面团队的信息有效利用水平由个体沟通行为决定,团队任务绩效受到员工学习绩效和创新行为的显著影响;另一方面个人的沟通行为、员工学习绩效和创新行为又会受到来自于团队层次变量跨层次的影响,由此形成多层次的员工多样性通过影响信息有效利用进而影响团队和个体绩效的变量关系和“员工多样性——信息有效利用——绩效”的员工多样性整合效应概念模型;同时,在多层次理论的指导下,上述整合效应模型被分为两个层次的既独立又相互关联的模型分别进行研究,即个体层次的个体差异性与个人信息相关绩效的关系模型以及团队层次的团队异质性与团队任务绩效的关系模型。其次,本研究采用实证研究和行为实验研究相结合的研究方法,分别从个体层次和团队层次员工多样性效应的研究视角开展了两个子研究来对整合效应模型进行验证,其中:研究一主要采用实证研究的方法探明了个体层次员工多样性影响个人信息相关绩效的作用机制。研究发现员工学习绩效和个体创新行为的水平受个体感知差异程度的负向影响,并且在信息和价值观等方面感知到的差异对员工学习绩效和个体创新行为都会产生相同的效应;感知差异的负效应主要是通过沟通有效性这一中介过程传递的,因此呈现出感知差异通过影响沟通有效性进而影响员工学习绩效和个体创新行为的路径机制。本文进一步探究了团队层次的情景因素对个体层次感知差异与信息相关绩效关系的影响,识别出团队异质性和团队成员多样性心理特征等团队特征变量跨层次的调节作用,其中团队异质性特征对个体感知差异与个人信息相关绩效之间的关系具有跨层次的负向调节作用,团队异质性水平越高,则个体感知差异对个人信息相关绩效的负向影响越不明显;团队成员对待多样性的态度也会影响个体层次感知差异与信息相关绩效之间的关系:团队成员对待多样性的态度越积极正向,则个体感知差异对个人信息相关绩效的负向影响越不明显。研究二主要采用实验研究的方法揭示了团队层次员工多样性影响团队任务绩效的作用机制。研究发现团队异质性程度和团队异质性结构都会影响团队任务绩效,方面团队异质性水平越高则团队任务绩效越好,另一方面异质性属性交叉的团队相对于异质性属性重合的团队任务绩效更好。在团队异质性对团队任务绩效的作用机制方面,研究表明团队成员对待多样性的态度和团队多元化氛围都会影响团队异质性与团队任务绩效之间的关系,团队成员对待多样性的态度越积极正向,团队多元化氛围水平越高,则团队异质性对团队任务绩效的正向影响就越显著;团队信息分享是团队异质性影响团队任务绩效的中介变量,团队异质性和团队成员心理特征组合的交互作用通过影响团队信息分享进而影响团队任务绩效。最后还探讨了个体层次的沟通行为和个人绩效通过在团队层次的构形性突现影响团队信息分享和团队任务绩效绩效的跨层次作用机制,结果表明,个人沟通行为在团队层次的不同结构对团队信息分享有不同影响,参与行为和贡献水平在团队内的均值对团队信息分享都有正向作用,参与行为和贡献水平在团队内的极小值对团队信息分享都有正向作用;员工学习绩效和个体创新行为在团队层次不同的结构对团队任务绩效有不同影响:员工学习绩效和个体创新行为在团队内的均值对团队任务绩效都有正向作用;员工学习绩效和个体创新行为在团队内的极大值对团队信息分享都有正向作用;个体创新行为在团队内的方差对团队任务绩效有负向作用。最后,论文的研究成果,既能够说明员工多样性是团队和个体绩效的重要影响因素(是否有作用),又阐明了发挥作用的条件(何时起作用)和产生作用的原因(怎样起作用),因此在理论上拓展和丰富了员工多样性研究,在实践上也能为企业充分发挥多样性效应的积极作用提供一定指导。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization will bring employees diversity, In-depth understanding and effective using diversity effects on the employees, teams and enterprises is the key factors for enterprise to compete in the globalization. There are three viewpoints of diversity effects, which are positive effects, negative effects and mixed-effects. The view of positive effects highlights the positive effects of diversity on decision quality and group performance. The view of negative effects highlights the negative effects of diversity on group process and outcome. The view of mixed-effects believes that both positive and negative effects exist. The mechanisms of diversity effect research focus on exploring that diversity have a beneficial or harmful effect on the process and group performance under which situational factors and by which group process. The situational factors include population emotional responses, cognitive outcomes, symbolism and communication patterns. The process mechanisms include conflict, social integration, integration of behavior, learning, discussion and more. People have almost reached a consensus that the positive and negative effects exist, therefore the emphasis of diversity research focused on the mechanism of diversity effect.There are two major deficiencies in existing research. The first one is about the study level. Most diversity research focused on team-level effects of diversity, while ignoring that diversity itself has a multi-level characteristics, diversity effects will be reflected in the level of the individual and the enterprise outcome. The second one is about the moderation and mediation mechanisms. There are some related studies of diversity moderation and mediation process, but as the lack of overall theoretical and systematic logic, which have little help to explain the contradictory conclusions. This study therefore started to explore more based on insufficient research:on the one hand consider the study level of diversity and divide it into two levels of individual dissimilarity and teams heterogeneous; on the other hand use information-elaboration as mediation process and intrinsic factors (such as team atmosphere, personal attitudes, etc.) as moderation process to construct the theoretical mode of "diversity-information-elaboration-performance" and propose appropriate hypotheses. On this basis, the author combines empirical and experimental research method to test the hypotheses and obtain the following conclusions:First, diversity is a multi-level constructs and it can be operationally defined as team of heterogeneity and individual dissimilarities at team level and individual level; information-elaboration can be operationally defined as information sharing and individual communication behavior at team level and individual level; performance can be operationally defined as team performance and personal information related performance at team level and individual level. Diversity effect is a process that team heterogeneity and individual dissimilarity have impact on team and individual performance respectively. However, on the one hand team information sharing is decided by individual communication behavior and team task performance is decided by individual learning performance and innovative behavior; on the other hand, personal communication behavior, individual learning performance and innovative behavior will be cross-level influenced by team-level variables. Therefore under the guidance of the multi-level theory, the integrated effects model is divided into two independent and interrelated models.Secondly, this study carries out two sub-studies to verify the integration model by combining empirical and behavioral experiments research method from the individual level and team-level respectively. Study one proves the mechanism of individual-level diversity influencing employees’ personal information associated performance by empirical study. The study find that perceived dissimilarity has negative effect on individual learning performance and the level of individual innovative behavior. The negative effect of perceived dissimilarity is mainly through the mediation process of communication effectiveness. This study further explores the effect of team-level situational factors on the relationship between perceived dissimilarity and information-related performance, and identifies the cross-level negative moderation process of team heterogeneity and diversity psychological characteristics. Study two proves the mechanism of team-level diversity influencing team task related performance by behavior experiment study. The study finds that the degree of heterogeneity and heterogeneity structure both have significant effects on team task related performance. On the one hand the higher degree of team heterogeneity the better team task-related performance, on the other hand teams with crosscut diversity attributes will better perform than teams with convergent diversity attributes in team task-related performance. Attitude towards diversity and team openness atmosphere moderate the effect of the degree of team heterogeneity and heterogeneity structure on team task-related performance and team information sharing mediates the impact of the moderation effects. Finally study two also explores the cross-level influence mechanism about how individual-level communication behavior and personal performance has impact on team information sharing and team performance through team-level configuration. The results show that individual communication behaviors’ different structures have different effects on information sharing, the mean of participation and contribution has a positive effect on information sharing and the minimum of participation and contribution also has a positive effect on information sharing. Employee learning performance and individual innovation behaviors’ different structures have different effects on team task-related performance, the mean of employee learning performance and individual innovation behavior has a positive effect on team task-related performance; the maximum of employee learning performance and individual innovation behavior also has a positive effect on team task-related performance; the variance of individual innovation behavior has a negative effect on team task-related performance. Finally, the research can not only illustrate diversity has significant impact on team and individual performance which prove diversity is an important factor; it also clarifies the condition and reason of diversity effect which not only expands and enriches the diversity theory but also provide some guidance for enterprises to fully play diversity effects’ potential advantages.


