

The Microclimate Comfort Study for Scenic Spots in Humid and Hot Area

【作者】 陈睿智

【导师】 董靓;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 景观工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 旅游气候舒适度是影响旅游活动的重要方面。不同的季节,游客选择的旅游景区不同,在景区的活动行为也不同。同一景区同一季节,微气候舒适度不同,游客游憩行为也会不同。部分景区部分景点采用机械设备调节室内微气候舒适度以招徕游客,这种做法一方面增加了景区的能耗和运营成本,另一方面更是恶化了室外热环境,也没能满足游客实现到景区接触自然的户外宜人气候环境的愿望。因此,适应或调节改善景区微气候环境,规划设计自然、健康、宜人的旅游景观是旅游景区可持续发展的必由之路。国内外均已认识到旅游舒适气候对旅游开发经营的重要意义,特别是旅游景区微气候改善的重要性,但具体的相关研究甚少。在调研国内外研究现状的基础上,确定了本文的工作内容和工作重点,并取得研究成果:第一,旅游景区户外微气候舒适度评价方法。通过对比研究国内外现有的微气候评价方法,根据游客在景区的活动多在户外环境进行的现状,力求评价指标通用实际,避免过于复杂,本文提出了景区户外微气候舒适度的综合评价指标和微气候舒适度分级:利用WBGT指标评价景区夏季微气候舒适度,利用TS指标景区春秋和冬季微气候舒适度。景区微气候舒适度分为7很冷、较冷、冷、舒适、热、较热、很热等7级,每一级都与具体的舒适度值范围相对应。第二,在上述研究基础上,进行旅游景区微气候舒适度区划研究,并以四川省旅游景区为例进行微气候区划:WBGT值和TS值为一级区划指标,将四川省旅游景区分成3个气候分区,将湿度和温度作为辅助二级区划指标,在此基础上进一步将四川省划分为5个气候分区:干冷区、湿冷区、夏热冬冷型湿热区、夏热冬暖型湿热区和温和区,并界定各气候区划地理范围。四川省旅游景区5个微气候区中,冬冷夏热型湿热景区气候条件最复杂,适应气候的景观规划设计最困难。同时,该气候区中的旅游景区数量最多,等级最高,游客流量最大。因此,选择冬冷夏热型湿热景区作为研究对象具有代表型。第三,分析微气候舒适度与景区游客行为的相关性,提出湿热景区游客在景区活动的微气候舒适度阈值,为景区从游客角度营造舒适的景观微环境提供技术参照体系。本文以勒温的环境行为理论为出发点,研究在冬冷夏热型热湿景区——成都市杜甫草堂景区中,游客在微气候环境中的游憩行为与微气候舒适度的关系,从游客的角度探讨适宜旅游活动的微气候舒适度阈值。通过微气候参数实测,游客游憩行为“注记”和调查问卷等资料综合研究景区微气候舒适度与游客行为的相关性得出:影响游客行为的微气候舒适度的阈值是:夏季,微气候舒适度阈值是(WBGT值)<30℃:春秋季和冬季,微气候舒适度的阈值是(TS值)>2℃。第四,集中研究湿热景区地面铺装、植物、水体和构筑物等不同景观要素类型在不同季节对微气候舒适度的影响,研究结果为景区规划中适应微气候舒适度的景观要素规划设计提供理论依据和技术支持。第五,以彭州市董坪村为例,研究冬冷夏热型湿热乡村旅游景区中,面向微气候舒适度改善的乡村生态旅游景观规划建设。规划前和建成后的实地调研观测分析表明:从使用客体的角度出发,利用植物、水、道路和建筑等景观要素来规划乡村生态旅游景观,改善场地微气候舒适度是相对简单和低成本的有效方法和策略,体现人本主义。

【Abstract】 The tourism climate comfort is the important aspect to influence the tourism activities. The tourists choose different scenic spots and different activities according to difference season. Although in same scenic spot with same season, the tourists have different recreational behaviors because of different microclimate. Some scenic spots attract tourists by regulation microclimate with mechanical equipments. This way increases the energy consumption and operation cost, and deteriorates the outdoor environment, which cannot satisfy the expectation of pleasant climate and more outdoor activities. So, it is the sustainable development way for scenic spots to plan and design natural, healthy and pleasant landscape to adapt or regulate the microclimate.Although people at home and abroad also recognize that the important significance of climate comfort for tourism development and operation, especially the microclimate of scenic spots, little research on correlation microclimate of scenic spots. This paper determinates the main study contents and obtains a little result.Firstly, it sets up the evaluation method of microclimate. According to comparative study the ways of microclimate evaluation methods at home and abroad, and according to the most tourists’activities outdoor, this paper puts forward the comprehensive evaluation indexes and grades for microclimate of scenic spots. It uses WBGT index to evaluate summer microclimate comfort and TS index for spring, autumn and winter microclimate comfort in scenic spots and it clarifies the microclimate comfort in to7grades:very cold, quite cold, cold, comfort, hot, quite hot, very hot, and each comfort value corresponds to each different grade.Secondly, basing the microclimate comfort, it studies the climatic divisions of scenic spots, and defines different climatic region, especially the hot and humid climatic region, which provides the technical basis for climatic divisions of domestic scenic spots. The way is to classifies the scenic spots in Sichuan province into3climatic regions by using WBGT index and TS index, and classifies3climatic regions into5climatic regions according to the humid and temperature furthermore. Those are dry cold region, humid cold region, and humid hot region with hot in summer and cold in winter, humid hot region with hot in summer and warmer in winter, and the warm region.Through analysis characters of5climatic regions, it finds that the humid hot region with hot in summer and cold in winter is the most complex climate, and has the most difficult way to adapt the climate. However, the quantity of the tourists is the most and the grade for the scenic spots is the highest. So, it chooses the hot humid scenic spots as research object. Thirdly, it studies the microclimate comfort threshold of tourists’activities in scenic spots, and analyzes the correlation between microclimate comfort threshold and tourists behavior, which provides the technical reference system for building comfortable micro-environment of landscape in scenic spots.According to the the environment--acts theory of Kurt Levin, it studies the relation between tourist action and microclimate comfort in hot humid scenic spot—the Tu Fu’s former residence in Chengdu. It studies the microclimate comfort threshold to suite the tourism activities basing on the need of tourists. Through measurement of microclimate parameters and notes on the recreational behaviors of tourists and the questionnaire, and it studies the relationship among them and obtains as following:in summer, the microclimate comfort threshold(WBGT value) is<30℃; in spring, autumn and winter, the microclimate comfort threshold(TS value) is>2℃.Fourthly, it studies different landscape elements, such as pavement, plant, water and architecture, to influence the microclimate comfort in seasons, which provides the theoretical basis and technical support for the microclimate suitability of landscape elements designing in scenic spots planning.Fifthly, taking Dongping village in Penzhou city as example, it studies the rural eco-tourism landscape planning and constructing oriented to improving microclimate in scenic spot of hot and cold region. The results of investigation, measurement and analysis between pre-and post of planning and construction show:it is relative one of the simple, practical and low-cost way to improve the microclimate comfort of site by using plant, water, road and architecture to planning rural ecotourism landscape. It is also the embodiment of humanism.

  • 【分类号】TU984.18;P463
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】412
  • 攻读期成果

