

The Transition of China’s Law Popularization Since the Reform and Opening Up

【作者】 刘莹

【导师】 林伯海;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自1986年我国实行普法的第一个“五年计划”以来,普法教育已经走过了二十六年。我国普法教育是在特定的历史时期、特定的时代背景下发展起来的,在经历了以宪法普及为先导的启动时期、市场经济法律普及为主要内容的发展时期、依法治国为核心内容的高潮时期之后,进入了权利至上的全面提升时期。通过五个普法“五年计划”的开展,我国普法教育实现了从常识性普及、知识性传授、法律意识的培养到法律素质提升的转变;实现了由行政手段管理向由法律手段管理的转变。我国普法教育的发展历史是与中国改革开放三十年社会实践紧密联系在一起的,普法教育中每一次对象、内容、目标的改变都对应着党的方针、政策和工作重心的转移。普法这场初衷为“将法律交给十亿人民”的法制工程是史无前例的,也是声势浩大的,这个极具“中国特色”的政治现象和法律现象,从一开始就选择了“政府主导,全民参与”的模式,利用这种模式普法的优势在于能快速的集中的进行法律常识的普及以及法律知识的讲授,不可否认的是,这种模式确实为我国公民学习法律、知晓法律提供了平台,也为公民法律意识的增强、国家民主法制建设的发展奠定了基础。但是,随着普法教育的发展和深入,“政府主导型普法”的弊病逐渐暴露出来,普法主体工作热情不高、群众参与度不高、普法实效性不强等种种问题的出现严重束缚了我国普法教育的发展,甚至还一度使其进入了“滞缓期”,其中,实效性问题更是成为困扰普法教育的“顽疾”所在。诚然,产生这些问题的原因是多样的:普法教育的主体对自身定位的错误,导向型主体与主体性主体发生了功能性的错位;普法客体呈现多层次发展的趋势,其中,青少年和领导干部一直都是普法的重点对象,随着经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,农村地区和城市流动人口的普法教育正逐渐成为难点问题,这些群体的存在,使普法教育的任务更加繁重,对普法的针对性要求更强;普法教育的传统载体正在遭受冲击,现代载体的强势介入使得传统载体在实效性方面显得后劲不足;普法教育的环境也发生了巨大的改变,复杂化的媒介环境对普法内容的辨识提出了新的要求,虚拟化的生活环境要求对普法内容进行新的拓展。解决以上问题以及实效性问题的关键仅仅依靠对普法的方式或者方法的改变是远远不够的,因为那只是治标之法而不是治本之方,普法教育仍然是做“人”的工作,因此,应该遵循教育的一般规律,换言之,正是因为在普法教育中忽视了对“人”的因素的研究,才会导致普法教育实效性难以提高的问题。人是有各种需要的综合体,人的需要是人一切行为的基础。人的需要具有多样性和差异性的特征,人的需要决定了普法教育的接受度和参与度。以马克思主义关于人的需要理论为指导,普法教育应在尊重人的需要基础上充分调动人的主观能动性;在满足人的需要的基础上注重对新普法方式的开发和运用;在遵循人的需要发展规律的基础上积极推动社会“公正”价值的实现,增强公民对法律的认同感并最终实现普法教育的实效性的提高。本论文从思想政治教育的研究方法入手,创造性的将思想政治教育的结构理论与普法教育的实际相结合,提出了只有实现普法教育主体的功能性互补、客体的多层次结合、载体的历史性统一、环体的突破性变迁才能形成合力,推动普法教育的持续、快速发展。研究采取历史与现实、理论与实践相统一的方法,从历史演变的视角对改革开放以来的中国普法教育进行了系统的研究,根据各个阶段普法教育的不同重点,首次将普法教育的历程进行了划分。在结合成都市普法教育实践和全国普法工作的情况的基础上对各时段普法教育的内容和显著特点进行了概括和分析。通过对各时期普法教育主体、客体、载体和环体所呈现的新特点的分析,提出在今后的普法教育发展过程中应该更加注重法律素质的提升、法律认同感的强化以及对人的需要的尊重。

【Abstract】 Law popularization has gone through26years in China since the first "Five-year Plan"was adopted from1986. Having witnessed the starting period which took popularization of the Constitution as its forerunner, the developing period with the popularity of market economic laws as its main content, and the climax period with rule of law as its core,it has now entered into a comprehensive period of promotion with characteristic of right supremacy. Through the five "Five-year plan", legal popularization in China has gone through a four-stage shift:the popularity of common-sense education,the education of imparting legal knowledge,the training of legal awareness and the enhancing of the legal quality.The development of law popularization has tied closely to the social practice of China’s reform and opening up in the past three decades. Every change of the object,content and goal during the law popularization has been in accordance with the transfer of Party’s principles,polices and focus. Law popularization was not only an unprecedented but also an extraordinary legal campaign for the original intention of which is to "hand over the law to billions of people". Such political and legal phenomenon with strong Chinese characteristics has chosen a "state-leading,people-participating" pattern from the very beginning,and the advantage of such pattern was able to carry out the popularization and instruction of legal knowledge rapidly and concentratedly. It is undeniable that through this pattern, it has provided people with a platform for learning and understanding legal knowledge, and laid a foundation to strengthen citizens’legal consciousness as well as the construction of the national democracy and legal system.However, disadvantages of this "state-leading" pattern have been gradually exposed with further development of law popularization. Many problems occurred such as the subject were not enthusiastic enough, the masses were not widely involved, and effectiveness was not so high,which have severely hampered the development of China’s law popularization, even entered into a "stagnant period" at one time. Among which, the inefficiency has been a seriously stubborn illness to perplex law popularization.Admittedly, there were diverse causes for this problem,such as the subject of law popularization has wrong positioning itself, the function of oriented subject and initiative one has dislocated; the object of law popularization presents a multi-level trends, among them, young people and leading cadres has always been the focus of law popularization, with the acceleration process of economic development and urbanization, rural areas and urban floating population’s law popularization is becoming difficult issues,the existence of these groups make the task more arduous and the requirement of direction of law popularization more stronger; traditional carriers of law popularization is suffering from the impact of the strong intervention of modern carrier which makes the traditional ones lacking of effectiveness; the environment of law popularization has undergone tremendous change, complex media environment put forward new requirements for the recognition of law popularization’s content, virtualization living environment require a new expansion of law popularization’s content.Rely solely on changing the way or method of law popularization to solve the problem is not enough, because it is only a temporary solution rather than the root of the problem. Law popularization is the work on "human beings", the same as other types of education, law popularization should follow the general rules of education. In other words,the ignorance of research on "human beings" during the law popularization was the primary one by tracing the source. Human beings was a synthesis of various needs,and human needs were the basis of all acts. Human needs have the characteristics of diversity and difference which decided the acceptance and participation of law popularization.Under the guidance of Marxism on human needs,law popularization should fully mobilize people’s subjective initiative based on the respect of human needs,pay attention to the creation and application of new method inlaw popularization on the basis of satisfying human needs, actively prompt the realization of social justice value on condition that following the law of development on human needs,enhance the citizens of legal identity,and ultimately achieve the improvement of effectiveness in law popularization.This thesis is starting from the research methods of ideological and political education and achieved the creative combination of the structure of the ideological and political education theory and the practice of law popularization. The paper presents only to search a functionality complement of two types of the subject in law popularization,the multi-level combination of the object, the historic reunification of the carriers and the breakthrough changes of environment,can join forces to promote the sustained and rapid development of law popularization. In order to do some systematic study of law popularization in China since the reform and opening up from the perspective of the historical evolution, the paper has taken the methods of unity in history and reality, theory and practice. According to the different priorities of the various stages in law popularization, the course of law popularization has been divided. Summarized and analyzed on the basis of the combination of Chengdu practice and national legal work, the paper has summarized the content and salient features of various stages of law popularization. Through the analysis of the new features presented by each stages in subject,object,carriers and environment in law popularization,the paper presents that law popularization in the future should pay more attention to enhance the quality of the law, the reinforcement of legal identity and respection for the needs of human.


