

Study on Rail Potential Mechanism and Suppressing Method for High-Speed and Heavy-Load Railways

【作者】 董安平

【导师】 钱清泉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的发展,铁路货运、客运量持续增长,高速和重载成为我国电气化铁路的主要发展方向。电气化铁路高速区段由于牵引功率大、牵引负荷重、牵引回流大,容易出现过高的钢轨电位,造成与轨道相连的信号设备异常,直接威胁着沿线通信设备和人员的安全。论文以高速、重载电气化铁路的牵引回流系统为对象,分析了钢轨电位的产生机理、牵引回流的分布特性,并探究了其变化规律,提出相应的抑制方法,主要开展的工作包括:(1)以牵引供电系统为研究对象,在对电气化铁路牵引供电系统供电设备分析的基础上,建立适合多种供电方式的钢轨电位分析模型;结合大秦铁路沿线钢轨电位的测试数据对模型进行了验证。(2)根据牵引供电系统和接地回流系统的结构,分析了钢轨回流系统的电路分布参数,建立了钢轨电位、电流分布模型,揭示了钢轨电位、电流的传播与衰减规律,阐释了衰减系数、供电方式及综合地线对钢轨电位的影响机理,探寻了连接综合接地系统后,牵引供电系统正常运行与短路故障情况时,钢轨与保护线电位分布特性,阐释了综合接地系统对不同供电方式下牵引供电系统钢轨电位的影响规律。(3)通过对衰减系数、钢轨电位、电流、钢轨横向、纵向电压等测量方法的研究,建立了钢轨电位的监测系统;针对高速、重载电气化铁路钢轨电位过高的现象,选取京津、遂渝、大秦等典型高速、重载线路,对其钢轨电位、钢轨电流、分流系数等进行了测量分析,根据钢轨电位的产生机理及影响因素,分析了综合地线对降低钢轨电位、接地极电位、回流线电位的作用机制,分别从钢轨铺设方式、回流系统结构、接触网支柱结构和铺设综合地线等方面,提出了抑制钢轨电位的相关措施。

【Abstract】 With the development of the national economy, freightage and passenger traffic increase rapidly. High-speed and heavy-load become the developing direction of electrified railway in our country. Since the traction power is large, traction load is heavy and traction current is large in electrified railway high-speed sections, the rail voltage is easy to become overtop, leading to the abnormal of signal equipments, which directly threatening the safety of communication equipments and people. So in this paper the generating mechanism of rail voltage was analyzed based on the survey of traction power supply system of high-speed and heavy-load railway. Then the characteristics of traction power current and its change law were explored. And an effective suppression method was proposed for that. This is of great significance to improve the operation reliability and safety of the railway electrification equipments.A rail voltage analysis model that suitable to a variety of power supply modes was proposed. The data that calculated by the model is similar to that measured from the heavy-road line between Datong to Qinhuangdao.According to the traction power supply system’s structure and the basic principle of grounding, based on the analysis of the distribution parameters of rail’s circuit, model of rail potential and current distribution was established, revealing the attenuation law of rail potential and flow of the rail current law; which illustrate the mechanism of attenuation coefficient, power supply mode and comprehensive grounding line on rail potential. According to the multimode coexistence, the power supply mode of traction power supply systems, model of traction power supply system under different power supply mode and the mode of rail with grounding line were set up. The potential distribution characteristics of rail, protection line under traction power supply system’s normal running and short circuit fault running were analyzed, making out the effect rule of comprehensive grounding system on traction power supply’s safety operation under different power supply modes.Through the researches, such as the attenuation coefficient, the rail potential, electric current, the rail lateral, longitudinal voltage measurement methods, the rail potential monitoring system was established. For the phenomenon of high-potential of high-speed and heavy-load electrified railway, overloading on the high-speed lines between Datong to Qin huangdao, Beijing to Tianjin, Suining-Chongqing, etc, the measurement and analysis were done, such as the rail potential, the rail current, the shunt coefficient. According to the mechanism of rail potential and its influencing factors, the effect that the comprehensive ground reducing rail potential, grounding potential and flowing lines was explained. Respectively from the rail laying way, traction network structure, catenary pillar structure and comprehensive laid ground wire, etc, the relevant measures of the inhibition of rail potential were put forward.


