

Research and Engineering Application of Key Technology in Vehicle Exhaust Test under Driving Mode Condition

【作者】 刘平

【导师】 李人宪;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 城市轨道交通技术与设备, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 汽车工况法排放测试对准确评价汽车的排放水平和保证汽车排放I/M制度的实施非常有必要。这种汽车排放测试方法中,工况模拟及其控制是一项关键技术。作为净化环境、控制汽车排放的有效措施,有必要根据不同工况法排放测试的特点,对其关键技术所涉及的理论与实现应用进行深入研究。本文以四川省车辆热能动力机械重点实验室为依托,以数值模拟仿真与实验相结合为主要研究手段对工况法排放测试中有关工况模拟控制所涉及的共性技术进行理论与实验研究,同时针对目前主要的工况法排放测试方法的特点,对其工况模拟关键技术展开深入研究并以实验进行验证。主要工作如下:1阐明了汽车在底盘测功机上的测试原理,分析了其动力学模型、功率测量模型。将汽车阻力分为速度项阻力与惯性阻力,建立了汽车阻力在底盘测功机上的电模拟模型。对惯量的电模拟进行了深入分析,阐明了电惯量的模拟原理,提出了在汽车测试中惯量模拟的控制策略、模拟惯量的计算和评价方法,并以试验进行了验证。2对工况法采用的电涡流测功加载装置进行了分析,根据其非线性、时变特点,提出采用子空间法对电涡流加载器进行初始辨识,再由最小二乘预报误差法进行参数优化的复合辨识,由国标中相应的试验验证了所建模型的正确性。为简易稳态测试方法的设计提供了模型基础。3针对ASM的测试特点,提出了一种过渡段自适应+稳态段PID控制的复合控制策略,过渡段采用一种基于改进RLS建模的自适应控制,以过渡段辨识获取的模型为基础进行PID控制的参数整定,进而进行稳态段的控制。采用C++builder6.0为开发平台,以Matlab建立的仿真算法为基础,设计稳态工况法测控程序,完成测控软件的设计。提出了基于计权思想的稳态工况法全工况模拟的评价指标和方法。以试验验证了所设计的控制策略和评价方法。4建立了简易瞬态工况测试中车速参数的系统状态空间模型,采用Kalman滤波和带遗忘因子的强跟踪自适应Kalman滤波算法对车速和加速度信号进行了处理,在加速、等速、减速工况下进行了验证。结果表明,加速度的计算精度大大提高。5针对VMAS控制系统特点,建立其电涡流加载装置的LS-SVM模型,将LS-SVM模型线性化以适用于GPC控制。设计了VMAS扭矩控制器的智能广义预测控制系统,以实验室的设备为基础,编制了测试软件,进行了测试试验,试验结果表明,所建立的系统模拟精度高,满足VMAS的测试要求。6瞬态工况法排放测试的研究中,以变频驱动异步电机系统为研究对象,在分析了直接转矩控制原理的基础上,建立了电机DTC的仿真模型,由仿真试验研究了DTC控制的各响应性能。建立了“车-电力测功机”虚拟仿真系统,以此为平台,研究了测功机的四象限工作性能和惯量模拟性能,为测功机性能的改善奠下基础。

【Abstract】 Vehicle emission test under driving mode is very important for an accurate assessment of vehicle emission levels and ensurement of the vehicle emissions I/M system,under this testing mode,the simulation and control of working conditions is a key technology.For cleaning up the environment and vehicle emissions control, it is necessary to study deeply the theory and application of the key technologies according to different working conditions.Relying on the Vehicle Thermal Energy and Power Machinery key laboratory,combining with numerical simulation and experimental as the main means, the theoretical and experimental studies of common technologies involved in the control and simulation of working condition in the test under driving mode was carried out,and according to the main working conditions type,study and verification with experiment on the key technologies in the work condition was deeply researched.The main works are:1The principle of the car running on the chassis dynamometer was explained, the dynamics model and power measurement model were analyzed. Vehicle resistance is divided into the speed type resistance and inertial type resistance,and the electrical simulation model of the vehicle resistance on the chassis dynamometer was founded.The principle of inertia simulation with electronic mode is analyzed.and the control strategy of the inertia simulation in the automotive test,calculation and evaluation way of the simulated inertia were proposed,and then the verification experiment was designed and realizeed.2Characteristic of the eddy dynamometer used in the test under driving mode is analyzed,based on the nonlinear,time-varying characteristics,a complex identification,which adopt the subspace method for initial identification and use the least squares prediction error method for parameter optimization, is proposed.the correctness of the model was verified by the corresponding test in the Chinese stabdard.And then a basis for the design of the simple steady-state test methods was provided.3According to ASM test characteristics,a composite control strategy with transition section adaptive and steady-state PID control is put forward,in the transition,adaptive control with the improved RLS model was adopted,and then the steady-state use the PID control,in which the PID control parameters was tuned with the model obtained by the identification in the the transition,based on the simulation algorithms with Matlab.the ASM control program was designed with C++builder6.0as the development platform.Based on the idea of weighting conditions,a evaluation indicators and methods for the simulation of the ASM test was proposeed.and then experiment was carried out to verify the control strategies and evaluation methods.4State space model with speed parameters under the VMAS test was established,and the speed and acceleration signals was processed by Kalman filtering and strong tracking adaptive Kalman filter algorithm with forgetting factor.And the process effect was verified in the accelerated,constant speed,deceleration conditions.The results show that the calculation accuracy of the acceleration was greatly improved.5According to the feature of VMAS,the LS-SVM model for the eddy dynamometer was founed,and then the LS-SVM model is linearized to suit for GPC control. The VMAS torque controller with smart generalized predictive control was designed,based on laboratory equipment,the test software was programmed,and then the experiment was carryied out,test results show that the control accuracy of the system meet the VMAS the test requirements.6In transient mode emission test,the induction motor system with variable frequency drive was studied.Based on the analysis of principle of the direct torque control,the simulation model of the DTC control was founed,and then the response performance was analyzed by the simulation test.The virtual simulation system with car-electric dynamometer was founed,based on this platform,the four-quadrant performance and inertia simulation performance was studied,thus a basis for performance improvement of the dynamometer is established.


