

The Idelogy Interpretation of "Mind" in Chinese Traditional Culture

【作者】 朱春鹰

【导师】 程伟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国传统文化以“心”作为思想渊源,“心文化”有着极其丰富而深刻的内涵。儒家、道家、佛教乃至传统医学等思想都深深影响着中国的文化建构历程。运用中国传统文化中的人生哲学和中国传统医学中的身心互动理论和养生观念,以道儒佛医思想为背景,结合西方心理辅导形式,从身、心、灵三个层面全面介入,注重全人整体的健康,促进人全面健康发展的身心灵全人健康模式正是深入开掘传统文化思想资源,探讨传统文化创造性转型的现实途径、以实现心理学研究本土化的可贵尝试。该模式的初步成功对心理学研究、应用的本土化路径探求有重要启示作用。本论文借助于古今文献对传统文化中儒家、道家、佛家和传统医学中有关身、心、灵及健康观念的诸多思想资源进行了较为系统的发掘、整理和分析,对儒家的心性说、道家的虚静说、佛教的戒定慧以及传统医学心身关系论等种种学说的理论意义、实践价值做了深入解读。通过对身心灵全人健康辅导模式的文化根源回溯,阐发了探寻符合中国文化特征的有效的本土化心理辅导方式,促进个人和社会的和谐发展的重要意义。同时,本文进行了身心灵全人健康辅导模式对改善大学新生心理适应能力的实践研究,为身心灵全人健康模式的进一步应用引出了一个新的方向。本文认为身心灵全人健康观念和身心灵全人健康辅导模式是符合中国文化特点、适应中国当今社会需求、有中国文化特色的本土化心理辅导模式。论文也探讨了身心灵全人健康观念和辅导模式在全人生命教育体系中、在中学基础素质教育体系中、在大学生群体中、在疾病治疗和康复体系中、在师资培养体系中及在社会工作体系中可能的应用前景和实施方法,为身心灵全人健康观念和身心灵全人健康辅导模式进一步推广应用进一步开启了思路。

【Abstract】 "Mind" as the ideological origins of Chinese traditional culture,"mind culture" has an extremely rich and profound connotation. The thoughts of Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist and even traditional medicine, etc. have a great influence on the process of Chinese culture construction. It is a valuable attempt to explore idelogical resources of traditional culture and to discuss the practical way of creative transformation of traditional culture so as to realize the localization of psychology research through applying life philosophy of traditional Chinese culture and the interactive theory of body and mind as well as the concept of health preservation of traditional Chinese medecine, taking Confucianism, Buddhism and medicine thoughts as background, combining the forms of western psychological guidance, focusing on holistic health, promoting the development of holistic health approach of body-mind-spirit. The initial success of the approach has important enlightenment on the localization path of psychological research and application.By means of ancient and modern literature, the thesis conducts a systematic exploration, collation and analysis of many ideological resources about Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism in traditional culture and traditional medicine related to body, mind, spirit and health concept. In addition, the thesis makes a in-depth interpretation about the theoretical significance and the pratical value of various theories such as the Confucian theory of mind and human nature, the Taoist theory of emptiness, the Buddhist theory of discipline, meditation and wisdom as well as the relationship theory of body and mind in traditional medicine, etc. Through backtracking the culture root about holistic health guidance approach of body-mind-spirit, the thesis elucidates an effective way to explore the localization of psychological guidance approach with Chinese cultural characteristics. It is of great significance to promote the harmonious development of the individual and the society. In the meantime, the thesis carries out a practical research on the improvement of psychological adaptability of freshmen through holistic health guidance approach of body-mind-spirit. It draws forth a new direction for the further application of holistic health approach of body-mind-spirit.The thesis believes that the concept of holistic health of body-mind-spirit and the holistic health guidance approach of body-mind-spirit are localization approaches of psychological guidance which are consistent with Chinese cultural characteristics and adapt to today’s society needs as well as having Chinese cultural characteristics. The thesis also discusses the possible application prospect and implementation of holistic health concept of body-mind-spirit and the guidance approach in holistic life education system, in basic quality education system in middle school, in undergraduate groups, in disease treatment and rehabitation system,. in teacher training system and in social work system. It provides open ideas for further promotion and application of body-mind-spirit holistic health concept and the approach of body-mind-spirit holistic health guidance.


