

A Study on the Vocational Training of New Generation Migrant Workers

【作者】 徐卫

【导师】 厉以宁; 张秀生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 促进农民工职业培训,对于提高农民工就业率、劳动生产率,进而提升其收入具有积极的意义;同时,也对提升一个国家的人力资本水平,满足经济发展、产业升级对劳动力素质提升的需求具有积极的作用。本研究从中国旧人口红利时代终结和新城镇化开启这样一个新的时代背景出发,探讨了加强新生代农民工职业培训的必要性。但从现实来看,新生代农民工职业培训面临参与率低、培训实际效果和利益诉求不一致、培训导向与需求导向存在脱节、组织形式的结构不合理以及经费来源结构失衡等困境。针对这些问题,本研究以各行为主体间的信息不对称为出发点,同时结合我国体制转型、经济结构调整的特征,分别从三个层面对新生代农民工职业教育培训困境的成因进行了深入的探讨。第一是技术层面,即在信息不对称下政府、学校等培训机构、企业以及农民工的供求选择;第二是组织层面,即职业培训方式与结构的选择;第三是宏观环境层面,即国家关于职业培训组织政策、职业培训政策及配套制度等的制定与完善。基于以上分析,本研究认为新生代农民工职业培训的困境所表现出的本质可以归结为两类经济非均衡,即中国经济的两类非均衡作用在供求选择、组织及宏观环境三个环节上所导致的。第一类非均衡纯粹是由于市场的不完善所致,它主要体现在技术层面上,如信息的不对称、供求选择以及组织能力低下等;第二类非均衡是在市场的不完善之外,由于体制性因素所造成的非均衡,其主要表现在宏观环境下的职业培训组织政策及配套制度等方面,各行为主体并没有作为真正的市场主体参与到职业教育培训中,而更多的是将职业教育培训视为一种政治或政策上的任务。由此可见,是两类经济非均衡的相互作用使得我国新生代农民工职业教育培训陷入如今的困境,同时也成为“非均衡的中国经济”的具体表现之一。新生代农民工职业教育培训困境的破解如果仅局限于一个环节的有限改善,将难以有效解决三个环节之间相互强化所形成的路径依赖,这就需要在三个环节上同时发力,通过三个环节之间的相互强化作用,促进新生代农民工职业教育培训发展向一个好的方向演进。此外,在积极应对第一类非均衡的同时,还要保持对第二类非均衡的密切关注,使体制性因素所带来的影响能够得以最大程度的缓解,从而趋近于一个有效率的新的均衡。在对新生代农民工的职业技能培训供给中,农民工对职业技能培训内容有了新的需求,虽然与老一代农民工相比,新生代农民工培训内容呈现出多元化的趋势,技术层次也有明显的提高,但是仍未能立足于新生代农民工的实际需求进行培训服务,从而难以满足新生代农民工由生存性择业观向发展性择业观转变的根本需求。随着新生代农民工由生存型需求向发展型需求的转变,技能性培训的需求日益增强,但由于投入机制的缺失所带来的经费来源失衡,严重阻碍了新生代农民工职业培训的发展。而在体制性因素方面,如缺位的政府职能、无序的劳动力市场、滞后的社会培训体系等,同时也阻碍了人力资本投资机制的市场化。从我国新生代农民工职业教育培训的发展现状来看,政府角色力度和调控要从封闭走向开放、从单一走向多样化。特别是随着市场机制对新生代农民工职业教育的影晌力度不断增大,政府角色如何适应职业教育区域化与职业化的特点已经成为影响中国新生代农民工职业教育培训存在态势和发展方向的关键因素。

【Abstract】 It is of great significance to promote the career training, improve the employment rate and labor productivity, and increase the income for migrant workers; meanwhile beneficiary to enhance the country’s level of human capital, meet the needs of economic development, upgrade the level of the labor quality and industrial structure.In the background that Chinese population bonus fades away and the urbanization steps into the new era, this study aims to discuss the necessity of strengthening the career training for the new generation of migrant workers. But from a practical point of view, career training for the new generation of migrant workers is trapped in the swamp of the low participation rate, the disparity between the actual effect of training and career interest, the inconsistency between training orientation and demand orientation, the unreasonable management structure and funding deficiency, etc. For these problems, this aims to study of the origin of the training dilemma from the three dimensions, including the fundamental contradiction of supply and demand, investment mechanism and the deficiency of management and the structure which handicaps the career training. Meanwhile, combined with China’s structure transition and adjustment, due to the underperformance of government, the inefficiency of training is low, the monotonicity and the lack of mechanism design will also be discussed. In China which is still a developing country, in addition to the imperfect investment mechanism and the information asymmetry problem, the inefficiency, monotonicity, and the defected design and supply system have exacerbated the slow development of the occupation education for the new generation of migrant workers. We believe that this is originated from the problem that Chinese economic disequilibrium effects on supply and demand, organization and the macro environment.The new generation of migrant have new demand for occupation skill training compared with the past. Although the training contents diversified somewhat, the gap still exists as the new generation of migrant workers change from the survival concept of career to development concept. Due to this change, the needs for skill training get more urgent, but the lack of funds investment caused by the investment mechanism, it seriously hindered the development of the new generation of migrant workers. In addition, disorderly development and institutional factors behind the absence of government functions, social training system and the labor market, have also hampered the human capital investment mechanism.The new generation of migrant workers occupation education training plight cannot be solved by one factor’s improvement. On the contrary, it must be coped with the three factors’strength at the same time, with the strengthening interaction, so as to promote the new generation of migrant workers occupation education training development. Meanwhile, it cannot only be limited to the asymmetric information caused by the first non-equilibrium, but also need the handling the factors of system caused by the second non-equilibrium, in order to converge to a new efficient equilibrium.In the development process of migrant workers’occupation education and training, the role and the regulation of government should shift to open-minded and diversified model. Especially with the growing influence of the market mechanism on the occupation education of the new generation of migrant workers, the role of the government should adapt to the regional and professional characteristics of occupation education, which has become a key factor for new generation of migrant workers’occupation training.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F323.6;G729.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2611
  • 攻读期成果

