

Study of Vietnam Tiantai Tradition(Lotes School)

【作者】 何文勇(Ha Van Dung)

【导师】 吴琦;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 天台宗是中国佛教大乘八宗之一,由智者大师在隋、陈之际的浙江天台山创立。其主要教义依据《法华经》,故也称为法华宗。当时,由于智者看到南方佛教偏重于义理辨析,北方佛教则偏重于禅定修习,因此,他吸收中外各派佛学思想之精华,提倡理论与实践并重,主张禅教结合、教观双美、定慧双修,以此纠正两方的偏失,创造了这一既有崇高的宗教信仰精神又具备深刻的哲学内涵的中国佛教宗派。该宗不离佛陀“欲示众生佛之知见故”的出世本怀,经天台宗四众弟子特别是历代祖师的继承和发扬,延续至今,该宗在中华大地开花结果,后来也传到越南、日本、韩国、朝鲜等国,可以说天台宗对中国乃至世界佛教影响意义深远。越南与中国接壤,各方面很早就受到中国的影响,包括佛教。中国佛教大乘各宗派如禅宗、净土宗、密宗等早就传入越南。由于两国文化有诸多相似之处,所以各宗派很快适应并顺利发展。天台宗传入越南的时间比较晚,因此,该宗不管在教义理论还是修行方式上都受到其他宗派的影响。1928年传入时,越南正发生战乱,全国人民包括宗教组织都全力抵抗外邦,该宗因此没有很好地发展。直到1975年全国解放后,天台宗在不到一百年的时间从最初的生根发芽到今天枝繁叶茂是得以越南政府和佛教教会的领导和支持已自由发展起来。现在的天台宗已受到广泛的关注,人们对其各方面深入了解的需求与日俱增。本研究以越南天台宗的传承、发展与贡献为主线,逐步进行分析和阐述。主要论述了越南佛教的发展历程,强调了佛教对国家的重要性。然后,重点介绍天台宗最初传入越南的情况,特别是几位把天台宗传入越南的高僧的生平事迹以及他们在努力建立僧团、确立修行理念和方式、建立健全早课晚课制度和规定日常作息时间等方面的情况。最近十几年来,南北方的天台宗僧尼对该宗都做出了很大的贡献,天台宗更加发展,为了让大家了解越南天台宗的现状,本论文对他们研究的生平事迹、修习方式和社会活动等方面的情况也进行了介绍,特别论述他们的入世精神。论文也介绍了几座越南南方和北方有代表性的天台宗寺院,包括其建筑历史、建筑风格和宗教活动等,并比较了二者的异同。最后论述该宗对越南佛教、社会的影响以及与其他宗教互相往来、交流等方面的情况。

【Abstract】 The Tian-tai school is one of the eight Mahayana Buddhism schools in China. Which founded by master Chih-i in the Tian-tai Mountain of Chekiang during Sui and Tang dynasties. Its main doctrines is according to the Lotus Sutra, and the school is also called Fa-hua(means Dharmas Lotus) school. In Master Chih-i’s period, Buddhism in south China emphasized on theoretics and north on the practice of dhyana. He combined this two methods and essences from other schools in China and India, advocated both theoretic and practice, both dhyana and dharmas, both cessation and contemplation, both higher mind and higher wisdom. By this way, he corrected the overweight of two sides and then created a Sinitic Buddhism school which consists of spiritual religion and profound philosophic connotations. Its original thought manifested the mercy of Buddha to show all the living beings the Enlightenment of Buddha, and inherited by patriarchs in history until today. Nowadays, it’s not just in China, but also in Vietnam, Japan, and Korea, Tian-tai school is transmitted and developed.Vietnam adjoins with China, and was effected by China in many sides, particularly in Buddhism. Sinitic Mahayana Buddhism schools, such as Zen, Pure Land, Vajrayana were spread to Vietnam in very early period and then adapted and developed soon. This thanks to the similarity in culture between Vietnam and China. But Tian-tai shool spread in Vietnam very late, so it have to be effected by other shools in both theoretics and practices. In1928, when the first time Tiantai school introduced to Vietnam, it was in the war and all the people include the religion organizations were fighting against the foreign invader, this limited the development of Tiantai school. After1975, in the leadership and support from Vietnam government and Buddhism society, Tian-tai school finally had a free development. Not more than100years, Tian-tai shool got a certain accomplishment and sites of extensive interest. The requirement of researching the Tian-tai school became more and more.The main line of the thesis is the inheriting, development and contribution of Tian-tai school in Vietnam. And then, by the progressive analysis and statement, more about Vietnam Buddhism and Tian-tai school will be shown in this thesis. The abstract is as belowThe existence of Buddhism in Vietnam has couple thousands years. So we should know the Buddhism history in Vietnam and the importance to the nation at first. Hence it shows the early circumstances when Tian-tai school were introduced to Vietnam initially, especially the lifetimes of several masters who went to Hongkong and then spread Tian-tai school in Vietnam and the conditions about their struggle to build Sangha and their religion practices. After Liberation of Vietnam, Buddhism had a better development, and the honorable monks and nuns also made remarkable contributions. We also have a survey of their lifetimes, practice methods and social activity to indicate their spirits for serving the world. Then, it introduces several typical monasteries in north and south Vietnam. At the end, it’s a comment for the influence of Tian-tai school to other schools and social cultures in Vietnam and conditions about the communications with other religions.

【关键词】 越南天台宗显奇了禅
【Key words】 VietnamTian-tai ShoolXianqiLiaochan
  • 【分类号】B946
  • 【下载频次】229

