

The Yu Family and the Politic of DongJin Dynasty

【作者】 顾凯

【导师】 马良怀;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 东晋时期,以维护门阀利益为代表的士族政治,和维护皇权为代表的集权政治是相互交融,相辅相成的。纯粹的以维护士族利益的政治抑或维护集权政治的作为都不符合东晋时期国家的政治战略要求。而东晋时期颍川庾氏家族的政治作为兼顾维护士族利益和集权政治的性格特点。庾氏家族在东汉时期以习膺儒学而知名。魏晋时期逐渐兼修玄学以适应大时代士族家学思潮的转变。在政治上审时度势,仕魏而扶晋,成为魏晋时期士族舞台上的一枝新秀。但庾氏家学家风的圭臬一直都是“忠君”、“孝亲”等儒家信条,这在意识形态上决定了庾氏不同于一般的玄学家族,其家族的内在价值观是强化中央集权的儒家政治作风,辅之以维护士族利益的玄学士族做派。由于兼顾士族和外戚双重政治身份,其政治作为也同时表现为维护士族利益与集权两种特征。庾氏维护士族利益和集权的政治作为在不同时期有所侧重。其维护士族利益与集权特征一直沿着能否控制皇权而此起彼伏。在东晋成帝称帝之前,其维护士族利益政治占主要地位。这时的庾氏,在抵制皇权扩张;抑制宗室势力等方面表现出明显的维护士族利益特性。成帝之后,庾氏以帝舅身份从政,其家族利益始得与皇权相联系,集权作为开始凸显。具体表现为:对流民势力的强力打击和收编;联合集权士族扶持孱弱的皇权;以荆州为践行集权的基地,躬行儒学教化,创办学校,祭孔子,收编江北桓宣流民集团;进行北伐活动;抗衡建康王导的维护士族利益政治;同时施行“土断”、“检索人口”、“隐实户口”等经济措施维持政府的荫户和土地;与延续王导维护士族利益政治的何充的对峙。庾氏在维护和巩固门阀政治方面的作为有:维护门阀士族与皇权之间的平衡,建构各个政治势力协调发展的新体系。如元帝之世庾亮曾反对刁协等人的申韩法术,抑制明帝引宗室强化皇权的行为。对于士权对皇权的侵蚀和扩张,庾氏也采取措施以反制之。如抵制王敦势力的扩张,反对王导藐视帝王(成帝)权威。维护大族间的平衡,抑制王氏一族独大,纠正了以王氏为代表的维护士族利益政治道路走向极端。其次,将流民势力基本纳入到政府体系内,使得江北广阔的地域内贯彻了士族的乡论主义体制,构筑和巩固了东晋百余年的门阀政治体制信念。再次,通过改善财政(检索人口和土断等)和培养文化力量(崇儒兴教)经营上游荆州,以之作为北伐运动的基地。数次北伐,减轻了江南的军事压力。同时缓和上下游之间的矛盾。同时,抑制东晋中后期严重的土地兼并和人口集中。施行土断和检索人口等政治和经济政策,为国家财政收入和政权的平稳运作提供了资本。最后,努力将南北士族拉入门阀政治体制内,使之为东晋政权所用。在利用和笼络南北士族方面,其善于笼络中小士族和会稽士族,扩大了门阀政治的统治基础。庾氏通过庾后(妃)控制皇权,将家族利益与帝室利益捆绑,把维护士族利益政治与中央集权政治较为有效的结合在一起。在从政中也表现出一定的矛盾性和急躁性。庾亮、庾冰兄弟相继卒后,庾氏家族后继乏人,最后淹没于南朝。庾氏子嗣之所以患得患失,最终败亡,关键在于没有能力巩固和维护士族与皇权的政治平衡。在海西公被废之后,庾氏已经与皇室不存在任何的联姻关系,自然也不可能再依附抑或控制皇权了。而庾氏一族激进严苛的政治作风,也招致了后来执政士族对于庾氏的仇恨和报复。到了南朝,庾氏由于社会基础和政治实力的依次削弱而逐渐衰败。庾氏家族始终沿着门阀政治这条线而或胜或衰,其与元帝和王导创始的“王与马”的皇权与士族共治政治相伴始末。

【Abstract】 By inference, the Dong Jin Dynasty, in order to maintain the separation of powers Gentry Clans represented political, and maintenance of the central imperial power, represented by the authoritarian politics is intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Purely to safeguard the interests of the gentry or the maintenance of political centralization and political decentralization as the Dong Jin Dynasty do not meet requirements of the country’s political strategy. While the Dong Jin Dynasty YingChuan Yu’s family politics as both decentralization and centralization of political political character.Yu’s family in order to practice in the Dong Han Dynasty known for re-Confucianism. Wei and Jin Dynasties gradually to adapt to the era metaphysics minor gentry family learning trend changes. In the political situation, work for Wei and help Jin, Wei and Jin Dynasties Nobles become a rookie on the stage. But Yu’s family has always been sociologists wind as a model,"loyalty","filial piety" and other Confucian doctrine, which determines ideologically different from the general metaphysics Yu’s family, but with enhanced centralized Confucian political style. Dong Jin Dynasty, due to Yu’s relationship with Sima’s marriage, Yu’s at the political level to implement the political centralization has also been the actual needs.Since both Nobles and Dukes dual political identity, as also its political manifestations of decentralization and centralization features of both. Yu’s decentralization and centralization of politics as different emphases at different times. Decentralization and centralization of its features have been able to control the imperial power and come and go along. Jincheng Di emperor in the East prior to its dominant political decentralization. This time, Yu’s, in resisting imperial expansion; suppress clan forces; maintenance Nobles interests showed significant decentralization properties. Emperor after Yu’s uncle in Dili identity politics, whose family interests may only associated with the imperial power, centralization as a beginning to show. Specific performance:powerful forces for combat and refugee incorporation; joint imperial centralization Nobles support the weak; Jingzhou centralized base for the practice, practice Confucianism in, the founder of the school, offering Confucius, incorporated Jiangbei Huan Xuan Refugee Group; activities for the Northern Expedition; contend Jiankang Wang Dao political decentralization; simultaneous implementation of "earth fault","retrieve population","real hidden accounts" and other economic measures to maintain the government’s shady households and land; political decentralization and continuation Director Wang Ho charge standoff.Yu’s powerful family in maintaining and consolidating political aspects as having:Maintenance patriarch Nobles with the imperial power balance between the various political forces in the coordinated development of building a new system. Emperor of the world as opposed Diao Yu Liang Zeng Shen Han et al Association spells, inhibiting primer Emperor Ming imperial clan strengthen behavior. For persons the right to erosion and imperial expansion, Yu ’s has also taken measures to counter it. Dun resist forces such as the expansion of contempt against the Director Wang emperors (Emperor Cheng) authority. Han maintain the balance between inhibition Wang clan dominance, corrected to Wang as the representative of decentralized political path toward extremes. Second, the basic integrated into government forces displaced within the system, making the Jiangbei vast geographical area of the rural gentry implement a system of doctrine, to build and consolidate a hundred years patriarch Eastern political system belief. Again, by improving the financial (retrieved population and earth fault, etc.) and foster cultural forces (Sung Confucianism Xingjiao) Jingzhou upstream operations, in order to exercise it as a base for the Northern Expedition. Expedition times, reducing the southern military pressure. At the same time ease the contradiction between the upstream and downstream. Meanwhile, the inhibition of the Dong Jin Dynasty in the late severe annexation of land and population concentration. Implementation of soil off and retrieve demographic and political and economic policies for the state revenue and provide a smooth operation of the regime of capital. Finally, efforts to pull the entry valve south Nobles political system to make use of the Eastern Jin regime. Win over the South in the use and Nobles is concerned, the good win over the small and Kuaiji Nobles, expanding the patriarch basis of political domination.By Yu’s post (Princess) control of imperial power, the family interests and the interests of the imperial family tied to politics and political centralization, decentralization Nobles more effective together. In politics also showed some of the contradictions and impatience. Yu Liang, Yu Bing brothers have died after Yu’s family finally Decay in the Southern. Yu’s heirs why worry about the outcome, the final destruction, the key is no ability to consolidate and maintain the Nobles with imperial political balance. After being abandoned in the Hercynian public, Yu’s royal family has been with the absence of any marriage relationship, naturally, no longer dependent on the imperial power or the control. And Yu’s family demanding radical political style, but also lead to the later ruling gentry for Yu’s hatred and revenge. To the Southern Dynasties, Yu’s social base and political power since the turn weaken gradually decline. Yu’s family has always been the party politics of this line along which or wins or bad, with the Emperor and Director Wang founding of the "Wang and the Ma," Nobles imperial rule by political accompanied with the whole time.

【关键词】 庾氏家族东晋政治门阀士族
【Key words】 Yu’s familyDongjin politicpatriarch Nobles
  • 【分类号】K237.2
  • 【下载频次】345

