

A Study on the Crime of Pornographic Electronic Information

【作者】 周新

【导师】 林亚刚;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 刑法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从互联网诞生起,以淫秽电子信息为代表的网络色情就瞄准了这一如今拥有最广大受众的信息平台,其形式与内容不断升级与翻新;尤其近年来,以利用手机、电脑以及各种互联网站传播淫秽电子信息相关犯罪行为,已成为互联网虚拟空间的恶性毒瘤,一度十分猖獗。在罪刑法定原则之下,如何根据刑法和相关司法解释,惩治淫秽电子信息犯罪。从当前我国的司法实践和理论研究来看,研究淫秽电子信息犯罪具有重要的理论意义,能够为实践提供一个惩治淫秽电子信息犯罪的合理犯罪圈。当前,淫秽电子信息属于刑法中的淫秽物品,不仅已经被我国理论界和实践部门广泛承认,而且在国外刑法学中也是普遍被认可。司法解释将淫秽电子信息规定为刑法中的淫秽物品,具有合理性。但由于信息技术的复杂性,如何准确界定淫秽电子信息的本质,并非易事。显然,正确界定淫秽电子信息的本质,无疑有助于对最高人民法院相关司法解释的理解和相关案件的定罪处罚。但是随着社会的发展,人们对包含性信息的社会现象,越来越宽容;尤其是我国社会正飞速发展,人们的诸多观念也随之改变。那些昨日被划入淫秽信息范畴的某些物品,今天很可能就被清理出去。所以,对淫秽电子信息的判断应该坚持动态发展的观点。淫秽电子信息犯罪是当前网络犯罪的重要组成部分,对其展开系统深入的研究,有利于完善反计算机犯罪论体系,进一步丰富我国刑法理论。从一些焦点案例,如方某“裸聊”案、发招嫖短信案等引发的学界争议来看,何谓上述司法解释中的淫秽电子信息,尚不明朗。但淫秽低俗电子信息具有迎合某种人性需要的特征。所以,实践中扩大甚至泛刑罚惩治传播淫秽低俗电子信息,难免会侵犯合法权益,在一定程度上窒息互联网的发展。因此在罪刑法定原则之下,合理界定淫秽电子信息的属性、本质、种类和对其判断的一般标准,是惩治其相关犯罪的第一道罪与非罪的界线。淫秽电子信息犯罪最大的特点就是行为方式(包括行为结果等其他情形)上尤其需要深入研究的是行为方式是具有多样性的“传播”。相比较现实生活中,行为人采取出借、出租、贩卖等方式,面对面地将淫秽物品转移到他人手中,网络传播淫秽电子信息的方式更为丰富和复杂。特别是网络实施淫秽电子信息犯罪的行为大多由计算机系统来完成的,其认定性更需要得到进一步地确认。通常情况下,利用网络传播淫秽物品的行为表现为上载淫秽物品行为、下载淫秽物品行为、建立展示淫秽物品的超链接点的行为以及一些网络帮助行为。此外,淫秽电子信息犯罪的认定过程中,淫秽物品数量、淫秽信息的被点击数、淫秽网站的注册会员数量、淫秽电子信息犯罪中传播者的获利程度等均在不同层面上影响着淫秽电子信息犯罪的定罪量刑。在我国不得非法发布淫秽电子信息是每一个网络利用者自身理应尊重的义务;每个网站建立者、直接负责的管理者因此都有理由相信他人不会在自己网站上发布淫秽电子信息。在司法层面,司法机关应该严守罪刑法定原则,不应采取法律拟制方式规定或者认定具体案情。根据实行行为分析,淫秽电子信息犯罪(牟利或非牟利)的实行行为必须体现为利用互联网、移动通讯终端、声讯台,制作、复制、出版、贩卖、传播淫秽电子信息的行为,即要体现为直接对国家对与性道德风尚有关的文化市场的管理秩序的侵犯。由此可见,在淫秽电子信息犯罪中,仅直接实施了制作、复制、出版、贩卖、传播淫秽电子信息的行为,才是正犯行为,其他行为均是共犯行为(帮助行为或者教唆行为)。通过采用现代刑法学理论(尤其是虚拟空间的刑法理论)、性社会学、犯罪学、计算机信息技术等相结合的知识体系,作为主导理论分析方法,并结合以实践调研、焦点案例分析等实证分析法,能形成对淫秽电子信息犯罪研究的理论联系实际的分析方法体系。对实施淫秽电子信息犯罪的行为人,进行具体刑事处罚时,需要确定其罪名然后展开量刑。就罪名而言,淫秽电子信息犯罪仅涉及制作、复制、出版、贩卖、传播淫秽物品牟利罪和传播淫秽物品罪。在对淫秽电子信息犯罪定罪量刑过程中,我们应当根据犯罪的具体情况分别界定一罪或者数罪的情形,然后予以量刑。此外,在对淫秽电子信息定罪量刑时,我们既要坚持从重从快的价值取向,也要对从重从快的价值取向持审慎的态度。在对量刑情形的界定方面,我们应当结合具体司法实践,合理考量各类量刑情形,从而避免量刑失衡造成的不公。

【Abstract】 From the birth of the Internet, the electronic information with pornography has targeted network, the largest audience information platform, by upgraded forms and contents; especially in recent years, such criminal offence as using mobile phone or mobile phone website to spread electronic information with pornography has become a malignancy in cyberspace, once very rampant.How to punish a crime related with pornography under the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime in accordance with the criminal law and relevant judicial interpretations? From the current judicial practice and theoretical research of our country, the research of crimes related with pornography is of great theorecical importance, which can provide a reasonable punishment for a crime related with pornography in practice.At present, electronic information with pornography belongs to obscene articles that are prescribed in the criminal law, which is not only widely acknowledged by people in theory and in practice in China, but also generally recognized in the foreign criminal law.It is reasonable for electronic information with pornography to be prescribed as obscene articles in Judicial Interpretation. But due to the complexity of information technology, it is not easy to define accurately the essence of electronic information with pornography. Obviously, the correct definition of the essence of electronic information with pornography will undoubtedly help the understanding of Judicial Interpretation made by the Supreme People’s Court of Law as well as the conviction and punishment of relevant cases.But with the development of society, people are becoming more and more tolerant towards the social phenomena containing information with pornography; especially when our society is in rapid development, people’s ideas are changed accordingly.Those articles that are included in pornographic information yesterday may be cleared out today. Consequently, a dynamic opinion is quite necessary for the judgement of electronic information with pornography.Crime related with electronic pornography is an important part of the current network crime. The study on them will improve the anti-computer crime theory system, and further enrich the theory of criminal law in China. From some focus cases, such as a "nude chat" case,"prostitution with message" case, which caused many disputes, the pornographical electronic information as mentioned in the judicial interpretation is still unclear. However, some electronic information with pornography does cater a kind of human need. Therefore, the infringement upon lawful rights and interests as well as asphyxia of the Internet will become unavoidable if in practice extending even panning criminal punishment to the acts of disseminating electronic information with pornography.Therefore, under the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, it is the boundary of punishing the related crime and non crime to attribute the reasonable definition, the nature, types and the general standard of judgment of electronic information with pornography. The biggest characteristic of crimes related with electronic pornography is the behavior, including behavior results and other circumstances. What especially needs further study is the variety of behaviors.Compared to real life, in which the actor lends, rents or sells the obscene goods to others face to face, the way of Network dissemination of electronic information with pornography is more rich and complex. Especially when the implementation of crimes related with electronic pornography is mostly by computer system, the identification of these crimes needs further confirmation.Under normal circumstances, the behaviors of using the internet to spread pornographic materials include uploading and downloading pornographic materials, establishing hyperlinks point to display obscene articles, and some network help.Moreover,in the process of determination of crimes related with electronic pornography, the number of obscene articles, the click number of pornographic information, the registered number of pornographic sites, as well as the profit level of communicators in a crime related with electronic pornography all influence conviction and sentencing in different aspects.In China, every network user shall not illegally publish pornographic electronic information; each website builder and each controller directly responsible for website has the reason to believe that nobody else will publish electronic pornography on his site.In the judicial level, judicial authorities shall strictly abide by the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime and shall not prescribe or identify a specific case by the means of fiction. Based on the analysis, the act of perpetrating concerning crimes related with electronic pornography (profit-making or non-profit-making) shall be embodied in such actions as using internet, the mobile communication terminal, and information service center to produce, copy, publish, sell and communicate pornographic electronic information, that is, directly violating the management order in the Chinese cultural market relating to sexual morality.Thus, in the crimes related with electronic pornography,only the direct actions of producing,copying,publishing,selling,and communicating pornographic electronic information are regarded as criminal behaviors(formally taking the concept of criminal), while other actions are considered common behaviors.(helping behavior or instigation behavior)Taking such knowledge systems as modern criminal law (especially the criminal law theory of cyberspace), Social Science, Criminology, the computer information technology as the leading theory analysis methods, with the combination of practical investigation, an empirical analysis of the focus cases, etc., it is possible to form an analysis system to study crimes related with electronic pornography not only in theory but in practice.As for the criminal punishment of the offender of pornographic electronic information crime, we should determine the charge and give the sentencing. In the course of conviction and weighing of punishment of pornographic electronic information crime, we should make a distinction between one crime or several offences. Furthermore, we should firmly implement the policy of quick and severe punishment according to law, in the course of inflicting punishment on the offenders. We should also maintain a Cautious attitude to the policy quick and severe punishment according to law. When determining the Sentencing circumstances, we should consider the specific legal practice, and rationally determine all kinds of sentencing circumstances, so as to avoid the unfairness in the course of sentencing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

