

Research on Women’s Emancipation Thought of Marx and Engels

【作者】 康丹

【导师】 袁银传;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 女性争取与男性平等的政治、经济、文化等方面的权利,不仅是妇女运动关注的问题,也是整个人类社会面临的重大问题,关系到全人类的自由解放和每一个人的自由全面发展。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分,也是马克思主义妇女解放思想的理论源头。随着马克思主义妇女解放思想在社会主义国家的成功实践以及西方女性主义思潮自身发展的自身要求,马克思恩格斯经典著作中所论述的妇女解放的思想越来越被人们所关注、挖掘和研究,其科学性和革命性越来越显示真理的光芒。本论文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,以马克思恩格斯的经典著作文本为依据,在吸收借鉴现有理论成果的基础上,深入研究马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想形成的社会历史条件、理论来源和理论基础、基本内容和历史地位,并在此基础上探讨马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想的当代价值。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想的产生和发展与马克思主义的产生和发展是不可分割的同步过程。从历史维度分析,马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想形成的时代正是欧洲资本主义制度的上升时期。资本主义制度的确立和先进生产力的发展等政治和经济条件以及由此兴起的妇女解放社会意识等社会心理条件均为马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想产生准备了历史背景。古希腊神话中女性地位变迁的申诉、启蒙思想家的人文主义思想、德国古典哲学中的人的思想、资产阶级民主主义妇女解放思想和空想社会主义的妇女解放的主张等这些马克思主义产生以前的以及同时代的思想家关于妇女及妇女解放思想的相关论述也为马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想的产生积累了丰富的思想资源。唯物史观和剩余价值学说为马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想提供了坚实的理论基础。从唯物史观出发,马克思恩格斯提出物质资料的生产与人自身的生产这两种生产之间的不平衡性导致了妇女遭遇奴役和压迫的境遇。从剩余价值学说的角度,“异化劳动”理论和“拜物教”理论解释了妇女是如何沦为“他者”的命运和地位。妇女不能依靠自己解放,妇女必须成为无产阶级的一员,通过消灭私有制及以此为基础的阶级压迫的方式实现性别解放,换而言之,妇女必须通过无产阶级的解放实现自身的解放。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想具有丰富而深刻的内容。马克思恩格斯从现实的妇女出发,把妇女还原成现实的人,通过对妇女不同的角色定位的分析,指出妇女必须参与社会公共劳动成为工人阶级的一份子,妇女的解放也必须依托无产阶级的力量实现。通过对妇女解放阶段目标和长远目标的论述,马克思恩格斯提出了包括经济、政治、文化和社会路径等四个方面在内的妇女解放的道路。这些论述也就是回答了“什么是妇女解放?”“为什么要进行妇女解放?”和“怎样实现妇女解放?”等基本问题,涵盖了身体、政治、经济、文化和社会等内在统一的五个方面。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想以其实践性、科学性和革命性等特征影响着当代中国和当代西方女性主义思潮,为中国共产党妇女解放事业的理论、实践和制度创新提供了理论支持,成为马克思主义妇女理论中国化的理论源泉,有力指导了中国妇女解放运动的发展,奠定了中国特色社会主义妇女理论与实践的基石。同时,在与西方女性主义思潮的交融和交锋中,马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想被各种女性主义流派不同程度地吸取、继承和发展。改革开放30多年来,我国妇女事业取得了举世瞩目的成就,但也存在着一些问题,究其原因,封建落后思想的残存和消费主义的误导仍为妇女解放的主要阻滞因素。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想对于唤醒妇女解放的主体意识和自我解放意识,推动妇女基本权益的法律保障和完善,加快妇女的政治参与,促进妇女的经济解放和独立等方面的现实指导作用是积极有效的。在世界范围,全球妇女解放运动正在蓬勃发展,联合国等国际组织的积极推进促进了妇女解放进程的前进。尽管妇女解放运动是在社会历史条件完全不同的国家中实践,但归根结底仍然可以看到马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想的熠熠光辉。马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想开创了马克思主义的妇女理论,为马克思恩格斯同时代的妇女提供了斗争的思想武器,推动了资本主义妇女解放事业的发展。同时,马克思恩格斯妇女解放思想与人的自由全面发展思想紧密相连,是其重要的视角和组成部分,也是马克思人学理论的深化和具体化,为人类社会的和谐健康发展提供了有利指导,是指导中国妇女解放的理论指南。

【Abstract】 Women’s struggle for gender equality in politics, the economy and culture is a quest not limited to feminism but tantamount to a calling for freedom and full development of individuals and human kind common to society at-large. Women’s emancipation thoughts are inspired by Marxist thinking on female emancipation. Following the successful realization of women’s rights in socialist countries and demands of their promotion in Western countries, the discourse on women’s emancipation in works of Marx and Engels has attracted both public and scholarly attention. And its scientific and revolutionary nature directs the way to truth as well.With the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, based on the works of Marx and Engels, absorbing and learning from present theoretical achievements, this dissertation explores in depth the social and historical conditions, sources and bases of theories of women’s emancipation thought of Marx and Engels, evaluating their impact in both history and contemporary society.The birth and development of women’s emancipation thought of Marx and Engels is synchronous and inseparable with that of Marxism. Concurrently with the advance of superior productive forces underlying capitalism in Europe, women’s awareness of their political, economic and social psychological context provided a fertile ground for emancipatory thinking. The perspective on female emancipation put forward by Marx and Engels was inspired by ancient Greek mythology, humanism, the Enlightenment, German philosophical anthropology, as well as discourses advanced among bourgeois-democratic and utopian-socialist communities.Historical materialism and its theory of surplus value offer a solid ground for the theory on female emancipation proposed by Marx and Engels. In the view of historical materialism, the imbalance between material production and human production is attributable to the enslavement and oppression of women. Taking the perspective of surplus value, theories of alienation and fetishism illustrate the reasons for the stigma of women as an inferior gender with a disadvantaged destiny. In this view, rather than having a capability of self-liberation, women’s emancipation can only be achieved if women re-define themselves as members of the proletariat, demolish private ownership as well as privacy-based class oppression. In other words, women’s emancipation follows the same historical path as that of the proletariat.The thinking on female emancipation proposed by Marx and Engels is profound. Marx and Engels restore women to realistic human beings and indicate the necessities of women’s involvement in social works. Practically, female emancipation is a function of the power of the proletariat. Three guiding questions are posed to detail the stages (economic, political, cultural and social) and overall objectives of the female emancipation movement:"What is the emancipation of women?","Why is women’s emancipation needed?" and "How can women’s emancipation be implemented?". These questions touch upon five integrated aspects of physiology, politics, economy, cultural as well as the social system.Influencing current Chinese and Western thoughts by its practical, scientific and innovative nature, women’s emancipation thought of Marx and Engels contributes much to the theoretical, practical and systematic build-up of the Chinese Communist Party. It serves as a key source of orientation of Chinese policy on women’s emancipation, guides the direction in China, and lays the cornerstone of women’s movement theory as well as the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Meanwhile, both in communication and opposition to Western feminism, theories on female emancipation proposed by Marx and Engels have been gradually adapted, modified and further developed by various feminist schools.Throughout thirty years of reform and opening up, women’s emancipation has made appealing achievements but a number of problems persist. Feudal ideology and misguidance of consumerism may be seen as the major obstacles faced by the female emancipation process. Marx and Engels’ ideas on female liberation have powerfully awoken women’s self-awareness while advancing legislation security and a struggle for essential rights. It has accelerated more political involvement and promoted financial freedom and independence of, for and by women. Women’s emancipation movements have grown strongly across the world. International organizations including the United Nations advance the cause of women’s emancipation with great efforts. The roots of movements for female emancipation in various nations working under distinct social and historical conditions can be traced to the glamorous heritage of the theory on female liberation proposed by Marx and Engels.The latter initiated Marxist women theories, which served as ideological tools for women’s struggles at the time, while also inspiring and fertilizing capitalist women’s emancipation movements. Finally, Marx and Engels’ liberation theory is closely linked to the notion of a free and holistic development of human beings, being as one of primary perspectives and ingredients, which represent variations of studies and thought patterns introduced by Marxist anthropology. Marx and Engels’ thinking on female emancipation guides the harmonious and healthy development of human society by theoretically underpinning policies on female emancipation in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】A811;D440
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1084
  • 攻读期成果

