

The Research on Formation of Contemporary Chinese Social Consensus

【作者】 张振华

【导师】 熊建生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国社会共识的形成问题是伴随当代中国社会的转型而产生的。在利益格局深刻变动、社会结构深刻调整、思想意识深刻变化的情况下,研究当代中国社会共识的形成问题具有非常重要的意义。本文以形成当代中国社会共识的紧迫性为导入,以“是什么”——“为什么”——“怎么办”为主线,对当代中国社会共识的基本内涵、指导思想、面临的机遇与挑战、形成条件、形成机理、形成路径,以及与中国梦的相互关系进行了分析,力求在这几方面论证清楚自己的一些见解和观点,以推动社会在该领域的研究。本文主要分为七个章节,内容和结构安排如下:第一章是导论,介绍本选题的原因、国内外研究现状、研究的主要思路和方法,以及主要创新点。第二章为当代中国社会共识的概述,包括基本内涵阐释、理论指导、理论借鉴、历史考察四个部分,理论指导是指马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、中国特色社会主义的相关理论,理论借鉴包括中国和西方的相关理论,历史考察主要是对改革开放以来当代中国形成的一系列基本共识进行经验分析。这一章主要回答当代中国社会共识“是什么”的问题,为分析研究当代中国社会共识的形成问题提供理论框架。第三章从全球化、中国社会的现代转型、互联网的兴起以及社会成员思想意识的嬗变四个层面对社会共识形成所面临的机遇与挑战进行分析,阐述形成当代中国社会共识的时代背景,提出“为什么”要形成当代中国社会共识的问题,为分析“怎么形成”的问题打下基础。第四章着重论述当代中国社会共识的形成条件,包括实践基础、思想前提、目标指引三个方面。实践基础包括经济、政治、文化、社会生活四个领域;思想前提包括理想信念、价值取向、道德规范三个层面;目标指引包括经济、政治、文化三个内容。这一部分旨在说明当代中国社会共识形成所必须具备的基本前提,借以阐明社会应从哪些方面着手为推动当代中国社会共识的形成准备条件。第五章主要探讨当代中国社会共识的形成机理,包括基本维度、基本过程、基本规律三个方面。其中,基本维度是求真、求善、求美及其辩证统一;基本过程包括了激发、凝聚、升华三个基本环节,每一个环节在作用对象和作用方式上又各有侧重;基本规律包括竞争与协同的互动、激进与渐进的交替、无序与有序的转化、循环与超越的统一。当代中国社会共识的形成是诸多不同要素相互作用的结果,其形成机理往往掩藏在纷繁复杂的意识形态问题现象背后。研究形成机理就是为了从现象背后探究本质,为后文分析形成的具体原则、途径和策略做理论准备。第六章分别从当代中国社会共识形成的基本原则、基本途径、基本策略的角度,阐述当代中国社会共识的形成路径。主要原则包括在指导思想上要凸出实践性、主要内容上提高针对性、话语方式上注重亲和性三方面;基本途径包括宏观、中观、微观不同层面,涵盖国家、社会、学校、家庭、个人等不同主体;策略主要有正面灌输、疏通引导、主动认同、实践强化。这一部分主要是论述不同的思想意识要素在当代中国社会共识形成过程中的相互关系,从实践的角度解答当代中国社会共识到底如何形成的问题。第七章着眼于中国梦对当代中国社会形成的促进作用,阐述了中国梦的时代蕴含、实现中国梦的根本条件,以及当代中国社会共识与中国梦之间的相互关系,提出了中国梦是当代中国社会共识新境界的观点。这一部分主要是结合实际,探讨当下中国社会共识形成的具体着力点,为研究未来中国社会共识的形成问题略作前瞻性分析。

【Abstract】 Social consensus of contemporary China forms against the background of China’s social transformation. It is of great significance to do research on the formation of contemporary China’s social consensus at a time when interests-allocation patterns, social structure and ideologies change profoundly. Beginning with the urgency to form social consensus and following the main line of What-Why-How", this essay explores the content, guiding theory,challenges and opportunities of contemporary China’s social consensus, as well as its formation conditions, mechanisms,shaping path and its relation with Chinese Dream. This essay strives to clearly present my insights and opinions, hoping to promote related research in this field.Chapter1:Introduction. This part states the reasons why I choose this essay topic. Besides, the current situation of related research home and abroad, research methods and major originalities are introduced.Chapter2:Sketches of Contemporary China’s social consensus. Four parts are included. Part one is the explanation of the content. Part two introduces guiding theories, which are related theories from Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Theory reference is in Part three, including related theory from home and abroad. Part four is an inspection of related history, which mainly focuses on the analysis of the social consensus formed after China’s reform and open-up policy. This chapter answers "What is contemporary China’s social consensus" and offers theory frame for analysis and research of the topic.Chapter3:This chapter analyzes challenges and opportunities the formation of social consensus is faced with in the following four aspects:globalization, contemporary social transformation, the upsurge of the Internet as well as the variability of social members’ideology. The background of contemporary social consensus is introduced. This chapter answers "Why there should be contemporary social consensus" and lays a foundation for the research of "How it forms".Chapter4:This chapter focuses on the formation condition of contemporary social consensus, including the three aspects of practice basis, ideological premise and target guidelines. Practice basis involves economics, politics, culture and social life.Ideological premise includes ideals and beliefs, value-orientation and morals. Target guidelines involve economics, politics and culture. This chapter aims to illustrate basic conditions necessary for the formation of contemporary social consensus, thus figure out what preparations should be made to help promote the formation of contemporary social consensus.Chapter5:This chapter explores the formation mechanism of contemporary social consensus, including main dimensions, general process and basic rules. Main dimensions are the seeking of truth, kindness and beauty and their dialectical unity. The general process includes excitation, condensation and sublimation of three basic links, every link have emphasize particularly in the object and work way; the basic rule including the competitive and cooperative interaction, radical and gradual alternate, disorderly and orderly transformation, the unification of the circulation and beyond. The formation of the contemporary Chinese social consensus is the result of the interaction between many different elements; its formation mechanism is hidden behind the complicated phenomenon of ideological problems. This part mainly discusses the relationship of different ideological elements in the forming process, to lay the foundation for the forming path in later analysis.Chapter6:This chapter discourses the forming basic path of contemporary Chinese society consensus, from the main principle, the main way, the main strategy. The main principles include main content on the guiding ideology to enhance realism, discourse enhance pertinence, enhance the affinity; the main way include macro, meso and micro levels, as well as society, school, family and individual subjects; the strategies mainly include positive infusion, dredging and guiding, practice to strengthen. This part mainly discusses the relationship of different ideological elements from the angle of practice, exploring what how the formation of the contemporary Chinese society consensus problem.Chapter7:This chapter focuses on the Chinese dream on promotion the formation of contemporary Chinese society consensus, and expounds the era situation of the Chinese dream, the fundamental conditions of the dream, as well as the relationship between the Chinese dream and the contemporary Chinese society consensus. Based on these discourses, it put forward that the Chinese dream is the new symbol of the formation of contemporary Chinese society consensus. This part mainly discusses key points of formation of contemporary Chinese society consensus, to provide some prospective analysis on the research.

【关键词】 当代中国社会共识形成
【Key words】 Contemporary ChinaSocial consensusFormation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

