

Research on the Competitiveness of Chinese Animation Industry Based Upon the Diamond Theory

【作者】 杨健

【导师】 陈燕;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 动漫产业作为信息技术与艺术结合的产物,被誉为21世纪最有希望的朝阳产业。目前,动漫产业已经在全球形成了庞大的产业集群和消费市场。而且,动漫产业与国家软实力建设息息相关,是国家文化安全建设中必不可少的组成部分,也是未成年人思想健康成长过程中的有力切入点。当前我国的动漫产业虽然发展迅速,但与美国、日本、韩国的动漫强国相比,在产业规模、产业链构成、盈利能力、影响力等众多方面存在巨大差距,笔者在动漫产业中从业近10年的经历中,体味颇深,试图通过系统化的研究,为我国动漫产业的发展贡献绵薄之力。本文主要从管理学的“竞争战略理论”角度,立足于现实,着眼于未来,客观定量地分析、比较和评价当前中国的动漫产业发展状况,并借鉴国外动漫发达国家发展动漫产业发展的成功经验,指出中国动漫产业竞争力的长处和短板,并对此提出相应的改革措施,以引导中国的动漫产业的发挥自己的优势、取长补短,抓住机遇,提升中国动漫产业的竞争力。文章对波特的钻石模型理论进行了完善,基于动漫产业的特点,系统化的依托其六大要素:生产要素、需求条件、相关及支持性产业、企业战略、政府和机遇,对中国动漫产业竞争力优化进行了深入分析,将上述六个一级要素细化为若干个二级要素,在此基础上建立了中国动漫产业竞争力评价指标体系。并且,基于此评价体系,采用因子分析法和多元线性回归法,做出了中国动漫产业竞争力预测模型。然后,成功应用此模型,对“中国动漫产业产值”进行了预测。在文章建立的中国动漫产业竞争力评价指标体系的基础上,创新性的进行案例分析。基于钻石模型六大要素及其二级要素,从“优势要素”和“劣势要素”两个角度,对中国动漫产业发展历程中的五个标志性案例进行了横向对比分析,为中国动漫产业竞争力发展对策提供决策依据。然后,针对中国动漫产业竞争力面临的主要问题,基于钻石模型要素,提出了中国动漫产业竞争力提升对策:

【Abstract】 Regarded as the combination of art and information technology, the animation industry is praised as the sunrise industry. At present, the animation industry has formed huge industrial clusters and consumer market. Moreover, the animation industry is closely linked with the national soft power construction, which is an indispensable part in the national safety building and a starting point in the process of teenagers’healthy growth. Currently, even though Chinese animation industry has developed rapidly, there will exist huge gaps in industrial scale, industrial chain, profitability, influence and other aspects comparing with foreign animation powers as America, Japan and South Korea. The author, who has been working in the animation industry for several years and accumulated large amount of experiences, tries to make a contribution to the development of strategic planning of Chinese animation industry through systematical research.From the view of "Competitive Theory", the essay is based on the reality, focusing on the future, objectively and quantitatively analyses, compares and evaluates the development of Chinese animation industry. Learning from the successful experiences of development of animation industry in foreign animation-developed countries, the author points out the strengths and weaknesses and corresponding reforms in order to guide the Chinese animation industry to give scope to own advantages, seize the opportunities, enhance the competitiveness of Chinese animation industry.The essay improves "Diamond Model" basing on the characteristics of animation industry. Combining with the six elements-factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, firm strategy, structure and rivalry, government and chance, the essay chance analyses the optimization of competitiveness in animation industry, refines the six primary elements into several secondary elements, and establishes Chinese animation industry evaluation index system. What’s more, based on this evaluation system, the author adopts factor analysis and multiple linear regression method, makes the prediction model of Chinese animation industry competitiveness and validates it. Based on the Chinese animation industry competitiveness evaluation index system established by the paper, the author creatively make case analysis. On the basis of six elements of Diamond Model and secondary elements, from two perspectives of advantage and disadvantage, make horizontal comparison analysis of five typical cases of the competitiveness of Chinese animation industry and make decisionsAt last, according to main problems faced by Chinese animation industry, the essay provides related strategies in the aspects including factor conditions, firm strategy, structure and rivalry, and related and supporting industries according to the six elements illustrated above by animation industry optimization "Diamond Model" among the six elements.


